Clinical Neurodevelopmental Sciences
The programme group Clinical Neurodevelopmental Sciences is one of the six groups within the Institute of Child and Education Studies at Leiden University. The group participates in all stages of the education programme: the bachelor's, master's and research master's programme. The group is particularly involved in educational training that prepares students for a clinical career or career in (clinical) sciences.
Researchers in the group are principal investigators in several large and prestigious research projects, in which students are actively involved to be trained as a researcher as part of the (research) master thesis, bachelor thesis and research internship. In addition, the group participates in the outpatient clinical of Leiden University (LUBEC: Leids Universitair Behandel en Expertise Centrum) and TRIXY Center of Expertise, which offers students the unique opportunity to be trained within the clinical field. Here, students are trained in clinical assessment and treatment, they can practice their clinical skills, learn from real-life clinical cases, all under supervision of clinically trained professionals.