Universiteit Leiden

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Clinical Neurodevelopmental Sciences


The group is involved in training in areas of diagnostic skills, treatment/prevention/intervention, neuropsychological assessment, behavioral observations, clinical interviewing, psychoeducation for parents and teachers, knowledge of intellectual disability, autism, ADHD, psychosis, aggression, as well as new developments in the clinical field with regard to implementing serious gaming and virtual reality in intervention strategies.

The group Clinical Neurodevelopmental Sciences contributes to the educational program with expertise in:

  1. neurocognitive development, and how this may underlie behavioral problems
  2. biological factors: genetic background, neurobiological processes, biorhythm systems
  3. the role of the environmental context in which a child develops: caregivers, family, school, peers
  4. the etiology, developmental course and developmental mechanisms of severe neurodevelopmental problems, including intellectual disability, autism, ADHD, psychosis, and aggression
  5. clinical diagnosis and treatment of (severe) psychopathology
  6. efficacy of treatment, intervention and prevention
  7. the impact of neurodevelopmental disorders on the family, learning at school, and need for clinical care

The group also teaches in underlying mechanisms of psychopathology: brain development, cognitive functions, genetic background, and methods to capture brain functioning such as neuropsychological tests, eyetracking, psychophysiology, EEG and MRI.


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