Universiteit Leiden

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Mathematical Institute


The Mathematical Institute has a rather liberal management structure. Tasks and responsibilities are distributed among the staff. Important decisions are taken by consensus. Various organisational divisions are featured below.

The institute board of the Mathematical Institute is responsible for all matters regarding research, education and operational management of the institute. The board members are: 

The Consultation team consists of the institute board and two representatives from each of the research groups of the MI. This team forms a permanent discussion partner for the institute board and ensures broad support for plans and decisions within the institute. The Consultation team members are: 

The Institute Council represents all staff of the MI. The council advises the institute board on all matters affecting the institute and its staff. The Institute Council members are:

Representatives of Scientific staff

Representatives of Operations

Representatives of PhD candidates

Representatives Student assistents

  • Henry de Vries
  • Kevin van Yperen

Contact the Institute Council at instituutsraad@math.leidenuniv.nl

The programme directors of the Mathematical Institute are as follows:  

The Education Office supports the education directors in organising the bachelor, both masters and ALGANT.

Study advisors

Bachelor Mathematics, year 1

Bachelor Mathematics, year 2 and 3

Master Mathematics: Applied Mathematics specialisation

Master Mathematics: Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory specialisation

Master Statistics and Data Science

Study coach

Bachelor Mathematics

General contacts

Programme director Dr. C.C.C.J. (Charlene) Kalle (email)
Education coordinator L.C. (Laura) van Kempen-Helmsing (email)
Study advisors Dr.ir. O.W. (Onno) van Gaans (year 1)
  Dr. M. (Mark) Roelands (year 2 and 3)
Student administration T. (Tatjana) Stojcheska

Board of Examiners

Mail with general questions to examencommissie@math.leidenuniv.nl.

For information about requests to the Board of Examiners, please read Exemptions and Petitions.

Education Committee

For questions mail to ocw@math.leidenuniv.nl.

Board of Admissions

General contact

Programme director Dr. M.J. (Martin) Bright (email)
Education coordinator L.C. (Laura) van Kempen-Helmsing (email)
Study advisor Algebra Dr. M. (Marton) Hablicsek Ph.D. (email)
Study advisor Applied Mathematics Dr. D.E. (Dalia) Terhesiu (email)
Student administration T. (Tatjana) Stojcheska (email)

Board of Examiners

For questions mail to examencommissie@math.leidenuniv.nl.

Education Committee 

For questions mail to ocw@math.leidenuniv.nl.

Board of Admissions

For questions mail to boa_msc_math@math.leidenuniv.nl

General contacts

Programme director Prof.dr. S. (Saskia) le Cessie
Education coordinator M.H.G. (Michelle) Krens
Study advisor Dr. G.J. (Garnet) Akeyr (email)

Board of Examiners

For questions mail to boardofexaminors@stat.leidenuniv.nl

Education Committee

For questions, mail to pc@stat.leidenuniv.nl.

Board of Admissions

The aim of the Communications and student recruitment committee is to provide information to and organise activities for prospective students of the bachelor and both masters. 

  • Dr. F. (Francesca) Arici
  • Drs. C.M. (Chantal) van den Berge
  • Jesse Bodaar (student ambassador)
  • Matthijs Buijsen (student ambassador)
  • Dr. D. (Dirk) van der Hoeven
  • Lisa Olsthoorn (student ambassador)

For questions about information activities for the Bachelor and Master Mathematics, please email voorlichting@math.leidenuniv.nl

For questions about information activities for the Master Statistics and Data Science, please email pr@stat.leidenuniv.nl

The Library Committee of the Mathematical Institute is responsible for the quality of the library facilities of the institute.

The Women* at the MI provides a safe place for discussion, networking and support for the women* of the MI. The group welcomes women, gender expansive people as well as everyone who feels underrepresented in math due to gender and expresses this with the asterisk.

Women* at the MI organises biweekly coffee breaks, sometimes with special guests, and activities such as talks, board games, panel discussions and dinners.


Read more about Women* at the MI

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