Onno van Gaans Assistant professor analytics dynamical systems mathematics Name Dr.ir. O.W. van Gaans Telephone +31 71 527 7122 E-mail vangaans@math.leidenuniv.nl More information about Onno van Gaans Personal webpage Link to personal website News 06 December 2021 These Science students excelled and won a KHMW Young Talent Prize 10 December 2020 ASML Graduation Prize for mathematics student Pim Spelier – Incentive Prize for first-year student Jorre The study advisor Assistant professor Science Mathematisch Instituut Mathematisch Instituut Work address Gorlaeus Building Einsteinweg 55 2333 CC Leiden Room number BW1.07 Contact +31 71 527 7122 vangaans@math.leidenuniv.nl Publications No relevant ancillary activities Share on Facebook Share by Bluesky Share on LinkedIn Share by WhatsApp Share by Mastodon