Joost Batenburg new professor for SAILS
SAILS started the new year with a new professor. Joost Batenburg will join the SAILS team with his expertise in Imaging and Visualisation. This makes him the second professor appointed for the SAILS programme.
Vibrant collaboration
Batenburg and his SAILS colleagues will focus on creating and strengthening an active and vibrant research collaboration across the faculties of the university. 'My aim is to use the advancements in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) as a powerful platform for interdisciplinary research collaboration, linking the extensive domain expertise that is available with machine intelligence.'
In addition to his new appointment at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science, Batenburg is also group leader Computational Imaging at the Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science. In this group, which he founded in 2016, he designs new algorithms and computational techniques for large-scale 3D imaging. These high-performance algorithms are directly linked to a powerful CT scanner. From 2012 to 2019, Batenburg was also a part-time professor at the Mathematical Institute.
SAILS or Society (Social Sciences, Humanities, Law, Archaeology, Governance & Global Affaires) Artificial Intelligence and Life Sciences is a new university-wide initiative that looks to build on and expand the current expertise on AI within Leiden University. By building on and expanding the already existing expertise of AI the project intends to advance science and improve the quality of daily life. All the different disciplines of the University of Leiden: Archeology, Humanities, Social Sciences, Law, Public Administration, Sciences, and also the Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC) will collaborate and appoint new staff with joint interests.