Colonialism and slavery
A new perspective on the past
For a long time, the painful history of colonial slavery received too little attention. People whose ancestors lived in slavery are now asking critical questions about how we should address that past. Leiden University researchers study the history of colonialism and slavery and their long-term impact on colonial and postcolonial Africa, America, the Caribbean region, and South and Southeast Asia.
Latest news
The enduring impact of oppression
Leiden University conducts research on the enduring impact of colonial oppression and the trans-Atlantic slave trade. This research shows how the Dutch East India Company (VOC) and the slave trade in the Dutch East Indies left their marks on the politics, economics and ecology of present-day Indonesia.
Slavery and forced labour also occurred in other areas under Dutch rule in the 17th to 20th centuries, such as South Africa and Sri Lanka. Leiden research provides valuable insights into the abolition of colonial slavery in 1834 and 1844, after the Dutch were driven out by the British, and develops methods to analyse these processes from the perspective of enslaved people and their descendants.
At Leiden we take a broad approach to studying the impact of colonialism and slavery on identity formation, ecology, economics and the state, drawing upon colonial and local sources and working together with institutions in colonial and postcolonial Africa, America, the Caribbean region, and South and Southeast Asia. This includes research on the forced circulation of people, goods, values and ideas over the centuries, often emphasising the political and cultural resilience of people who withstood this oppression and making their resistance more visible. Our research also focuses on the repercussions of colonial politics, economics and culture in important societal issues, such as racism and today’s global inequality.
Leiden University provides a platform for conversations between scholars, policymakers and descendants of enslaved people, and contributes to addressing the legacy of colonialism and slavery.
The Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV) in Leiden is an important centre for research on colonial history, focusing particularly on Indonesia, Suriname and the Caribbean.
Research Projects
COMET. Human Subject Research and Medical Ethics in Colonial Southeast Asia
Colonialism Inside Out: Everyday Experience and Plural Practice in Dutch Institutions in Sri Lanka (c. 1700-1800)
Covering the Ocean. Newspapers and Information Management in the Atlantic World, 1580-1820
Cultural diplomacy and the Javanese Courts (19th and early 20th century)
Digital warfare in the Sahel: popular networks of war and Cultural Violence
Dutch Shipping and the Environment, 1621-1939
Forgotten Lineages. Afterlives of Dutch Slavery in the Indian Ocean World
Households and Enslavement in the Seventeenth-Century Dutch Empire
Paths through slavery: urban slave agency and empowerment in Suriname, 1700-1863
Voicing the colony
WIC-opvarenden (Seafarers of the Dutch West India Company)
Who did all the work? The hidden labour of colonial science
Timo McGregor Topics: africa, colonialism and slavery, europe, latin america and the caribbean, north america -
Felicia Rosu Topics: colonialism and slavery, early modern europe, east central europe, elective monarchy, frontiers, liberty, mediterranean -
Coen van 't Veer Topics: colonial literature, colonialism and slavery, indonesia, south and south-east asia -
Alicia Schrikker Topics: asian history, colonialism and slavery, constructing heritage, disasters, dutch east india company, global history, imperialism, migration -
Fenneke Sysling Topics: colonial history, colonialism and slavery, constructing heritage, ethics, history of medicine, human research subjects, informed consent, medical ethics -
Karwan Fatah-Black Topics: colonialism and slavery, early modern history, empire, globalisation, maritime history, migration, people, migration and mobility, smuggling -
Maartje Janse Topics: colonialism and slavery, cultural history, dutch history, global abolitionisms, modern history, political culture, political legitimacy, slavery studies, social movement history -
Michiel van Groesen Topics: cartography, colonialism and slavery, constructing heritage, early modern dutch history, maritime history -
Nira Wickramasinghe Topics: colonialism and slavery, colonialism, imperialism and heritage, migration, modern south asian studies -
Jos Gommans Topics: colonial history, colonialism and slavery, cosmos malabaricus, global history, history of empires, south asian history -
Johan Visser Topics: colonialism and slavery, maritime history -
Rick Honings Topics: colonialism, colonialism and slavery, constructing heritage, dutch language and culture, europe, indonesia -
Damian Pargas Topics: american slavery, colonialism and slavery, comparative history, migration, migration history, slavery and emancipation, slavery studies, social history -
Anne van der Wal-Remy Topics: africa, azia, colonialism and slavery, cultural heritage, history -
Walter Nkwi Gam Topics: africa, colonialism and slavery, cultural history, people, migration and mobility, polotical economy -
Ethan Mark Topics: colonialism and slavery, colonialism, imperialism and heritage, history of japan, history of modern japan, japanese studies, migration -
Mirjam de Bruijn Topics: africa, african history, anthropology of africa, colonialism and slavery, migration -
Carolien Stolte Topics: cold war, colonialism and slavery, decolonization, global history, intellectual history, internationalism, pacifism, peace histories, peace movements, south and south-east asia -
Gert Oostindie Topics: area studies, caribbean, caribbean history, colonialism and slavery, cultural heritage, decolonization, ethnicity, history of indonesia, indonesia, migration, migration history, netherlands -
Bart Verheijen Topics: asia, colonialism and slavery, europe, national identities, political culture, south and south-east asia