Maartje Janse
Associate professor
- Name
- Dr. M.J. Janse
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 4167
- 0000-0002-9404-5917

Maartje Janse is a university lecturer at the Institute for History.
More information about Maartje Janse
PhD candidates
Curriculum vitae
Maartje Janse is lecturer in Dutch history in transnational context. She is currently working on a transnational study of the 'invention' of the pressure group in the decades between 1820 and 1840, and coordinates the Global Abolitionisms Network that is linked to the Leiden Slavery Studies Association. She studied cultural history at Utrecht University and obtained her PhD at the University of Groningen in February 2007 with a thesis on single-issue movements for the abolishment of (among others) slavery, alcohol abuse, the culture system, published as De afschaffers. Publieke opinie, organisatie en politiek in Nederland, 1840-1880 (Amsterdam 2007). This research was part of the NWO-Pionierproject ‘Parlementair en partijdig. Politieke cultuur en opvatting van politiek in Nederland en (West-)Europa, 19e en 20e eeuw’. For the project 'Associational Mania. The Struggle for Recognition and the Transformation of Politics, 1820-1890', in which she was investigating the remarkable enthusiasm for founding new organizations in the nineteenth-century she has been awarded a fellowship from Harvard University’s Charles Warren Center for Studies in American History in 2007-2008. In 2009 she was awarded a Veni Grant from the Dutch Council for Scientific Research (NWO) with her project Organizing the Masses: The Contested Nature of Early Irish, British and American Pressure Groups, 1825-1845. Together with Henk te Velde she is currently coordinating the NWO 'Klein Programma’ 'The Promise of Organization: Political Associations, 1820-1890, Debate and Practice'.
Fields of interest
Political culture, history of the Netherlands, United States and Great-Britain, history of social movements and associational life, history of protest forms, transnational reform, abolitionism, temperance, transnational history, ‘transfer’ and histoire croisée, the history of civil society and democratization, cultural history, colonial history, gender history, historiography.
Key publications
“Anti societies are now all the rage.” Jokes, Criticism and Violence in Response to the Transformation of American Reform, 1825-1835', Journal of the Early Republic, forthcoming (2016).
"Holland as a little England"? British Anti-slavery Missionaries and Continental Abolitionist Movements in the Mid Nineteenth Century' Past and Present 229 (2015)1, 123-160
with Joost Augusteijn and Patrick Dassen (eds), Political Religion beyond Totalitarianism: The Sacralizalisation of Politics in the Age of Democracy (2013 Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2013).
'A dangerous type of politics? Politics and religion in early mass organisations: The Anglo-American world, c. 1830', in: Janse M.J., Augusteijn J., Dassen P. (Eds.) Political Religion beyond Totalitarianism (2013).
'Representing distant victims. The emergence of an ethical movement in Dutch colonial politics, 1840-1880', Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden/Low Countries Historical Review 128 (2013) 1, 53-80.
'Op de grens tussen staat en civil society. Samenwerking tussen hervormers en politici, 1840-1880', De Negentiende Eeuw 35 (2011) 4, 169-187.
"Dutch social reformers’ perception of American reform, 1830-1930" in: Krabbedam, Van Minnen, Scott-Smith (Eds.) Four Centuries of Dutch-American Relations, 1609 – 2009, (Amsterdam: Boom/New York:State University of New York Press 2009)
'Towards a history of civil society', De Negentiende Eeuw 32 (2008) 2, 104-121.
De afschaffers. Publieke opinie, organisatie en politiek in Nederland 1840-1880(Amsterdam, Wereldbibliotheek).
with Annemarie Houkes, ‘Foreign examples as eye openers and justification. The transfer of the Anti-Corn Law League and the anti-prostitution movement to the Netherlands’, European Review of History 12 (2005) 2, 321-344.
De geest van Jan Salie. Nederland in verval? (Hilversum 2002)
Associate professor
- Faculty of Humanities
- Institute for History
- Nederlandse geschiedenis