Research project
Topic: Spatial thinking
Our everyday life consists of all sorts of spatial processes: we find our way to work, remember where we left our keys, and are able to pick up our cup of coffee. We study how the human brain processes such spatial processes. From a clinical perspective, we are interested in how acquired brain damage can hinder spatial thinking. We work on diagnostic and rehabilitation tools aimed to measure and improve spatial thinking in patients who have experienced brain damage. In an increasingly digital world, spatial thinking is especially important. Many solutions are created to study complex visual material and train certain skills by using immersive technology, such as virtual reality and augmented reality. However, this technology is closely connected to our spatial abilities, which can vary a lot between different people. We study how understanding individual spatial abilities can be used to improve learning in immersive environments
- Contact
- Ineke van der Ham

Also see
Project: Neuropsychology of navigation
Pillar: Fundamental research
Pillar: Diagnostics and treatment
Pillar: Evaluation and implementation
Topic: Aging and neuropsychological rehabilitation
Topic: E-health
Topic: Healthy lifestyle: Nudging and self-regulation
Topic: Itch and pain
Topic: Movement and mental functions
Topic: Music and health
Topic: Novelty and enrichment
Topic: Patient communication
Topic: Persistent physical symptoms
Topic: Placebo
Topic: Population health
Topic: Psychopharmacology
Topic: Psychosocial consequences of ICU treatment
Topic: Self-management in chronic diseases
Topic: Spatial thinking
Topic: Stigmatization
Topic: Stress and stress-related disorders
Topic: Work and health