Op donderdagmiddag 15 mei 2025 organiseert Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden het symposium ‘De Middeleeuwen als inspiratiebron’. Aanleiding voor dit symposium is de publicatie van het rijk geïllustreerde publieksboek 'Schatten op schrift, 50 manuscripten uit middeleeuws Europa'.
The University of Groningen is looking for an assistant professor in Medieval history for 1,0 FTE. Deadline for applications, 23 March 2025.
New PhD opportunities in Medieval and Neo-Latin Studies, a collaboration between the Institute of Greek and Latin Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, and the Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences. Deadline for application: 31 March 2025.
From 3 to 5 September 2025, the project Governing and Building the City will organize the conference 'Good Governance and the Built Environment of Late Medieval Cities (ca. 1200–1600)' at KBR in Brussels. The deadline for the call for papers is 7 April.
Join us in Canterbury and online for the eleventh annual MEMS Festival at the University of Kent. We welcome papers on a range of topics within medieval and early modern studies for this interdisciplinary conference
The International Medieval Meeting Lleida invites you to participate in this new edition
Jan Dumolyn, Professor of History at Ghent Universty gives the Inaugural lecture at the University of Namur. 12 March 2025
Call for Papers: Yearbook for Dutch Book History 33 (2026). Deadline 1 April 2025.
Call for Papers: Connecting Constantinople: Objects, Empire, and Inter-Civic Relationality. Deadline 16 March 2025
The Fryske Akademy, the Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning, the Professorship Multilingualism and Literacy of NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, the department of Frisian Studies of the University of Groningen, and the department Language, Technology and Culture of UG/Campus Fryslân invite papers for the Third Conference on Frisian Humanities.