Liberal Arts and Sciences: Global Challenges (BA/BSc)
Why Leiden University College?
Global Challenges lie at the centre of the Liberal Arts and Sciences Bachelor programme at Leiden University College (LUC). Here, you will develop a many-sided, multi-layered, problem-solving, can-do attitude towards the problems the world faces today.
Why choose LUC The Hague?
The programme at Leiden University College offers you:
- A focus on Global Challenges: Peace & Justice, Sustainability, Diversity, Prosperity
- A choice of 6 majors in fields ranging from politics, economics and law to environmental sciences, health sciences or culture studies to tailor your studies
- Study abroad opportunities in your third year
- A challenging study programme as an excellent preparation for your further studies and career
- An international programme in content and community
- A strong network of inspiring peers and teachers
- A unique living-learning experience in the centre of The Hague, international city of peace and justice
Study in The Hague
LUC is located in the heart of The Hague, the home to more than 150 international organisations and multinational companies, and over 100 foreign embassies. In addition, the Dutch legal capital hosts no less than five international courts of law: the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, the International Criminal Court, the Permanent Court of Arbitration and the Special Tribunal for Lebanon. Known as the International City of Peace and Justice, The Hague represents a globally significant site for the pursuit of a stable, just world order.
The city of The Hague is fundamentally a source and an inspiration for our Global Challenges programme. The growing campus of Leiden University in The Hague, with its English-language academic environment, offers an active, stimulating environment for living and learning. The numerous NGO’s, international organisations, governmental ministries and research institutes provide expertise, host field trips, and offer internship possibilities. Societal Engagement projects focusing on the city, ranging from urban waste and recycling to the effects of evolving cultural diversity, are interwoven into LUC’s relations with the surrounding city. Service-based learning – contributing to the local community through services provided, as a central element of Global Citizenship – is a key aspect of this. And lastly: nature. The varied landscapes across The Hague’s large urban parks and nearby coastal dunes provide multiple opportunities for student scientific research and relaxation.
You’ll feel right at home.
Study at the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
The Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA) is Leiden University’s newest faculty, launched to develop the skills needed to respond to today’s urgent policy-related issues. The FGGA is an internationally acclaimed academic knowledge hub that gathers together expertise on governance, politics, law, sociology and economics. The Faculty consists of three institutes: Public Administration, Security & Global Affairs, and Leiden University College.
Study at a world-class university
Leiden University is the oldest university in the Netherlands and enjoys an excellent worldwide reputation built up over more than four centuries. Since 1575 we’ve provided sound personal education for hundreds of thousands of students from all over the world. We’ll do our utmost to give you the best possible support. And if you can and want to do more, we’ll challenge you every step of the way. For many years, we’ve been among the leaders in Dutch university rankings and we are currently to be found in a variety of top international rankings too.
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