League of European Research Universities
The League of European Research Universities (LERU) is a group of 24 leading European research universities.
The League of European Research Universities (LERU) is a group of 24 leading European research universities.
LERU’s primary aim is to demonstrate to national and European public authorities the importance of basic scientific research and the role that research universities can play in it. The alliance does this by setting out its vision of research and science policy in policy papers and statements, and by organising various events and meetings.
In addition, LERU focuses on the exchange of expertise between its members and fostering cooperation and interaction between its students and scientists. LERU is strongly committed to the development of Open Science, both at the level of research institutions and at the level of EU policymaking.
For Leiden University, LERU is one of the most important partnerships within Europe. However, the scope of this alliance extends beyond Europe. For example, LERU is seeking to collaborate with like-minded university networks in the USA, China, Japan, Canada and other countries. Within the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, LERU has special consultative status.