Facts and figures
The key facts and figures about Leiden University from its Annual Report for 2024.
- 2
- Cities: Leiden and The Hague
- 1575
- Foundation year
- 16
- Nobel Prizes
- 33,474
- Students
- 48
- Bachelor's programmes
- 83
- Master's programmes
- 110
- Courses for professionals
- 3.9 (bachelor) | 3.8 (master)
- Student satisfaction (NSE, scale 0-5)
- 6,313
- Incoming bachelor's students, 23% foreign nationals
- 5,915
- Incoming master's students, 36% foreign nationals
- 120
- Nationalities
Student success
- 4,841
- Bachelor's degrees
- 5,300
- Master's degrees
- 16%
- Drop-out rate after first year of bachelor's degree
- 148,535
- Registered alumni
- 2,989
- FTE researchers
- 7,075
- Academic publications
- 515
- PhDs awarded
- 7,860
- Staff members
- 5,243
- 2,012
- FTE academic staff members
- 919
- FTE PhD candidates
- 35%
- Women in higher academic roles
- 32%
- Female professors
- 16%
- Temporary academic staff with government funding
- € 520 m
- Government funding
- € 91 m
- Tuition fees
- € 55 m
- NWO, Zon MW and KNAW
- € 56 m
- EU, including ERC
- € 172 m
- Other sources of income: contract research, etc.
- € 894 m
- Total budget