Hall of Fame 2015
Many of our staff and students have won prizes over the past year. Others have been awarded a subsidy, or, because of their eminence in their field, they have been appointed member of an academic society or have taken on a position in the community. Reasons enough to be proud of them and to include them in our 2015 Hall of Fame.
Jump to
- International prizes, subsidies and funds
- National prizes, subsidies and grants
- Awarded PhD research (international and national)
- Education prizes and subsidies
- Student prizes
- Royal honours
- Leiden University awards
International prizes, subsidies and funds

European subsidies
EU Horizon2020
- 30 million euros for research into more efficient, animal-friendly test methods, led by toxicologist Bob van de Water – Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
- 12 million euros for research into artificial cornea, led by Martine Jager – LUMC, opthalmology (in Dutch)
- 15 million euros for ‘personalized medicine’ project, led by Henk-Jan Guchelaar - LUMC, Clinical pharmacy and toxicology (in Dutch)
- Grant for Thomas Hankemeier, projects CoSTREAM and SysKMedPD - Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
- Grant for Peter van Bodegom, project MULTIPLY - Institute of Environmental Sciences
- Grant for Ester van der Voet, project MICA - Institute of Environmental Sciences
- Grant for Ewa Snaar, project UM Cure - Leiden Institute of Biology
ERC Consolidator Grant
- European research subsidy for serious gaming and eHealth intervention, led by Andrea Evers - Institute of Psychology (in Dutch)
- ERC Grant: searching for languages with millet and beans, led by Martine Robbeets - Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (in Dutch)
ERC Advanced Grant
- 'Does that paternal feeling grow if fathers are more involved?', Marian Bakermans-Kranenburg - Institute of Education and Child Studies (in Dutch)
ERC Starting Grant
- Dialects as a key to Japanese prehistory, led by Elisabeth de Boer - Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (in Dutch)
- European research grant for astronomer Frans Snik - Leiden Observatory (in Dutch)
And also...
- Jeroen Codee participant in EU Marie Curie Training Network - Leiden Institute of Chemistry (no link)
- Hermen Overkleeft receives EU Proof of Concept grant for Sphingolead - Leiden Institute of Chemistry (no link)
- Coen vand Hasselt receives EU Marie Curie Individual Fellowship - Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (no link)
Honorary Doctorates for Leiden professors

- Carolien Rieffe appointed Honorary Professor at University College London – Institute of Psychology
- Sixth Honorary Doctorate for Grzegorz Rozenberg: University of Bucharest, Romania – Leiden Institute for Advanced Computer Science (in Dutch)
- Fifth Honorary Doctorate for Grzegorz Rozenberg: Warsaw University of Technology, Poland – Leiden Institute for Advanced Computer Science (in Dutch)
Membership of prestigious international academic organisations
- Erik Kwakkel elected to Comité International de Paléographie Latine – Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society
- Inge van der Weijden new vice chair of European Sociology of Science and Technology Network – Centre for Science and Technology Studies
- Holger Gzella elected as member of the Academia Europaea - Leiden University Centre for Linguistics
- Ewine van Dishoeck elected as president of the International Astronomical Union – Leiden Observatory (in Dutch)
- Geert Booij chosen as Honorary Member of the Linguistic Society of America - Leiden University Centre for Linguistics
- Roberta D’Alessandro member of the International Council for Science - Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (in Dutch)
- Sylvestre Bonnet member of the Young Academy of Europe – Leiden Institute of Chemistry (in Dutch)
- Marc Koper appointed Fellow of the International Society of Electrochemistry – Leiden Institute of Chemistry
Recognition of merit and fellowships

- Annemieke Aartsma-Rus most influential Duchenne researcher – LUMC, Humane genetics (in Dutch)
- Isabelle van de Calseyde and Sjef Houppermans presented with high French honour – Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society
- High Chilean honour for Patricio Silva – Institute for History (in Dutch)
- Wilt Idema receives Special Book Award from the Chinese government – Leiden Institute for Area Studies (in Dutch)
- Harm Beukers receives high Japanese honour - Leiden Institute for Area Studies (in Dutch)
And also...

- Bob Wessels named External Scientific Fellow of the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg - Faculty of Law
- Michel Orrit received the Grand Prix SFO Léon Brillouin - Leiden Institute of Physics
- Larissa van den Herik new General Director Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law - Institute of Public Law
- Caroline van Eck appointed as Slade Professor in Oxford – Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society
- Nicholas Vrousalis elected to Princeton fellowship - Institute of Political Science
- Jorrit Kelder invited as Guest Scholar at the Getty Research Institute – Faculty of Archaeology
- Sarah de Rijcke appointed as Anna Boyksen Fellow at Technical University Munich - Centre for Science and Technology Studies
- Sarah de Rijcke and Paul Wouters in a new European consortium - Centre for Science and Technology Studies
- Kartica van der Zon wins FJR Publication Prize – Institute of Private Law (in Dutch)
- Jojanneke van der Toorn wins the Roberta Sigel Junior Scholar Paper Award – Institute of Psychology (in Dutch)
- Marcia Brandenburg-Goddard in semi-finals FameLab – Institute of Education and Child Studies (in Dutch)
- PhD candidate Bernard van Heck meets Nobel Prize winners in Lindau – Leiden Institute of Physics (in Dutch)
- Honourable mention for Zohreh Zahedi - Centre for Science and Technology Studies
- Hermen Overkleeft wins the 2015 Jeremy Knowles Award – Leiden Institute of Chemistry
- Marjo de Graauw wins Turnitin Global Innovation Award - Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (in Dutch)
- Gerda Henkel grant to Alanna O'Malley - Institute for History
- Emma de Vries receives Fulbright Grant - Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society
- Humboldt Research Award voor Koen Kuijken – Leiden Observatory (in Dutch)
- CML researcher Merlijn van Weerd wins Parker/Gentry Award 2015 – Institute of Environmental Sciences
- Universe Awareness (UNAWE) Universe in a Box wins Best Science Education Resource Award – Leiden Observatory
- Nora Wildenauer wins prize at Denver Film Festival – Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology (in Dutch)
- Lodewijk Woltjer Lecture Award for Ewine van Dishoeck – Leiden Observatory (in Dutch)
- l’Oréal-UNESCO Women in Science Fellowship granted to Femke Nijboer – Institute of Psychology (in Dutch)
- Itandehui Jansen wins another film prize – Faculty of Archaeology (in Dutch)

- Film by Itandehui Jansen chosen for Cannes - Faculty of Archaeology
- Researcher Janneke Stalenhoef receives International Investigator Award – LUMC, Infectious diseases (in Dutch)
- Daniela Stockmann awarded Goldsmith Book Prize - Institute of Political Science
- Anne Stiggelbout receives prestigious Eugene Saenger Award – LUMC, Medical decision-making / healthcare quality (in Dutch)
- Kees de Brabander and Rob Martens win the Earli Outstanding Publication Award 2015 – Institute of Education and Child Studies
- CML researchers David Font Vivanco, Ester van der Voet and Reinout Heijungs won the Graedel Prize 2014 – Institute of Environmental Sciences
- Team led by Hans Slabbekoorn receives grant from the Joint Industry Programme - Leiden Institute of Biology
- Patrick Overeem wins an ISRF Early Career Fellowship – Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
- Einstein World Award of Science goes to Ewine van Dishoeck – Leiden Observatory
- Leiden biologists win German prize with article – Leiden Institute of Biology (in Dutch)
- Literary Award for Ali Al Tuma – Institute for History
National prizes, subsidies and grants
Spinoza Prize
- Aad van der Vaart – Mathematical Institute
Innovational Research Incentives NWO
VICI subsidies
- Eveline Crone - Institute of Psychology
- David Fontijn – Faculty of Archaeology
- Alexander Kros - Leiden Institute of Chemistry
- Joop Schaye – Leiden Observatory
VIDI subsidies

- Milan Allan - Leiden Institute of Physics
- Jörg Meyer - Leiden Institute of Chemistry
- Damian Pargas - Institute for History
- Richard Davis – LUMC, Anatomy and Embryology
- Joris Rotmans - LUMC, Kidney diseases
VENI subsidies for talented, starting researchers
- Lucien van Beek – Leiden University Centre for Linguistics
- Camiel Boon – LUMC, Opthalmology
- Aimee Boyle - Leiden Institute of Chemistry
- Alessandra Candian - Leiden Observatory
- Karwan Fatah-Black – Institute for History
- Francesco de Gasperin - Leiden Observatory
- Wouter Halfwerk - Leiden Institute of Biology
- Hanneke Hendriks – Institute of Psychology
- Johannes Jobst – Leiden Institute of Physics
- Sigrid de Jong - Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society
- Antoinette van Laarhoven – Institute of Psychology
- Masja van Meeteren – Institute of Criminal Law & Criminology
- Bettina Reitz-Joosse - Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society
- Gerard van Westen - Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
NWO Rubicon

- Vanessa Frodermann will spend two years at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Center for Systems Biology, US – Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (in Dutch)
- Sebastiaan Krijt will spend two years at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory of Cambridge University, US – Leiden Observatory (in Dutch)
- Angus Mol will spend fifteen months at Stanford University, Department of Anthropology, US – Faculty of Archaeology (in Dutch)
- Jasper van der Steen will spend two years at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Kulturwissenschaft, Germany – Institute for History (in Dutch)
- Margot Schel will stay at the Karolinska Institutet for eighteen months, Sweden – Institute of Psychology (in Dutch)
- Kalinka Timmer will spend two years at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain – Institute of Psychology (in Dutch)
And others from NWO…
- Socially Responsible Innovation subsidy for Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centres (in Dutch)
- Karène Sanchez awarded the Internationalisation in the Humanities grant - Leiden University Centre for Linguistics
- ICSSR-NWO Social Science Collaboration-subsidie voor Erik de Maaker - Instituut Culturele Antropologie en Ontwikkelingssociologie (in Dutch)
- Arjen Boin wins the ORA Prize - Institute of Political Science (in Dutch)
- Peter Bisschop receives NWO grant from the Free Competition - Leiden Institute for Area Studies
- Paul Smith writes a new history of fish with NWO grant - Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society
- Nadine Akkerman receives NWO Alfa Meerwaarde Grant - Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society
- Lisa Cheng and Anikó Liptak also receive NWO grants from the Free Competition - Leiden University Centre for Linguistics
- Marianne Maeckelbergh receives Aspasia grant for research on democracy and digital technology - Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology (in Dutch)
- Aspasia Fund Grant to help more female scientists progress to full professorships awarded to Jessica Kiefte-de Jong - Leiden University College The Hague (no link)
- Jay Huang has been awarded a grant by NWO and the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan to organize a seminar - Leiden University College The Hague (no link)
- Jaap van den Herik and colleagues received an NWO Creative Industry grant - Leiden Institute of Chemistry
- Francesco Buda received an NWO supercomputing grant of 1 million core hours on Cartesius - Leiden Institute of Chemistry (no link)
- Peter Punt and Erik Vijgeboom receive an NWO grant to develop FILAZYME - Leiden Institute of Biology
- The Lorentz Center receives 3 million euros from NWO (in Dutch)
- Michel Orrit received the 'FOM-Projectruimte' grant - Leiden Institute of Physics
- FOM-grant for Jan Zaanen and Koenraad Schalm - Leiden Institute of Physics (in Dutch)
- Christoph Keller and Frans Snik - Leiden Observatory
Membership in national academic organisations
- Sjaak Neefjes installed as KNAW member – LUMC, Immunohematology and blood transfusions (in Dutch)
- Corinne Hofman installed as KNAW member – Faculty of Archaeology (in Dutch)
- Jaqueline Meulman appointed member of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities - Mathematical Institute (in Dutch)
- Johan Memelink appointed member of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities - Leiden Institute of Biology (in Dutch)
- Wim van Anrooij appointed member of the KHMW - Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society
- Charlotte de Roon new chair of Promovendi Netwerk Nederland – Institute of Political Science (in Dutch)
- Nadine Akkerman member of the board of AHRC Netword Grant, a collaboration titled 'Gender, Politics and Materiality in Early odern Europe, 1500-1800 - Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society
- Ad IJzerman appointed as Secretary of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities - Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
Honorary (academic) membership
Tineke Cleiren was invited to the Advisory Council on International Affairs (AIV) by Minister of Foreign Affairs Bert Koenders
- Gerard Mulder appointed as honorary member of the Health Council of the Netherlands - Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (in Dutch)
- Bart Schermer appointed to the Human Rights Commission - Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of the Law (in Dutch)
- Willemien den Ouden appointed to the Referendum Commission - Institute for Public Law (in Dutch)
- Ruud Koole appointed to the Referendum Commission – Institute of Political Science (in Dutch)
- Bibi van den Berg member of the Cyber Security Council – Institute of the Interdisciplinary Study of the Law (in Dutch)
- Jaap van den Berge appointed as member of the Research Committee on 'Ontnemingsschikking met Cees H.' - Institute of Tax Law and Economics (in Dutch)
- Tineke Cleiren appointed as member of the Advisory Council on International Affairs - Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology (in Dutch)
- Aart Hendriks appointed member of the Board of Directors, Erasmus MC - Institute of Public Law (in Dutch)
- Paul van der Heijden appointed as Chairman of the board of Clingendael - Institute of Public Law (in Dutch)
University Science Prize
- Gratama Science Prize for Jojanneke van der Toorn – Institute of Psychology (in Dutch)
And also...

- The Hague awards medal to Jouke de Vries – Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (in Dutch)
- Wim Willems receives title ‘Ere Polonus’ – Institute for History (in Dutch)
- Emma de Vries receives Young Talent Award from the Prins Bernhard Fund - Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society
- Peace Research Grant voor Femke Avtalyon-Bakker - Institute Polititical Science (in Dutch)
- Adriana Bus, Carienke Kegel en Heleen van den Berg receive grant from municipality Leiden voor eerste 30 miljoen woordjes - Institute Educational Sciences (in Dutch)
- Jessica Kiefte-de Jong receives Den Dulk-Moermans Subsidy from the LUF - Leiden University College The Hague
- Nadine Akkerman from September 2015 to Juni 2016 fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS) - Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society
- Unilever Research Prize 2015 for biologist Flor Rhebergen - Leiden Institute of Biology
- Marcia Brandenburg-Goddard wins FameLab finals - Institute of Education and Child Studies (in Dutch)
- PhD kandidate Lotte Melenhorst receivesw ICA Award for paper - Institute Educational Sciences (in Dutch)
- Julia Sloth-Nielsen awarded Schim van der Loeff grant by the LUF - Institute of Private Law
- Judith Bovée receives prize on Rare Disease Day – LUMC, Pathology (in Dutch)
- Surf Innovation Challenge Awards for Shabaz Sultan and Simon Portegies Zwart – Leiden Observatory (in Dutch)
- Thijs Bosker receives Gratama Fund from the LUF - Leiden University College The Hague
- Bas Mulder Awards for LUMC researchers Noel de Miranda and Sven Mieog – LUMC, Immunology, surgical oncology (in Dutch)
- Martina Vijver and Paul van den Brink honoured for CML publication with the highest societal impact – Institute of Environmental Sciences
- Femmie Juffer wins Prize for Services to Society - Institute of Education and Child Studies (in Dutch)
- Erik de Maaker en Sanjukta Sundarason receive grant from research area 'Asian Modernities and Traditions' - Institute Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
- Best poster prize at Reedijk Symposium for Willem Noteborn – Leiden Institute of Chemistry
- Freek Janssen wins KNCV Pharmaceutical Chemistry Prize for best presentation - Leiden Institute of Chemistry (in Dutch)
- Hoogendijk Prize for book by Leendert de Vink - University Library (in Dutch)
- Madeleine Merkx winner of first Stevens Prize - Institute of Tax Law and Economics (in Dutch)
- Jaap Kautz and Johannes Jobst won the NeVac Prize - Leiden Institute of Physics
- Bart Lenselink wins prize for best presentation LACDR Spring Symposium - Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (no link)
- Afshin Ellian wins the first Pim Fortuyn Prize - Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of the Law (in Dutch)
- Dorothea Samtleben receives grant from the Netherlands eScience Center - Leiden Institute of Physics (no link)
- Leiden Psychology Blog award goes to Stephen Brown - Institute for Psychology
- Thorbecke Fund Grant (KNAW) for Herman Paul - Institute for History
- Daniël Rozen elected as Discoverer of the year 2015, Faculty of Science - Institute for Biology Leiden
Awarded PhD research (international and national)

- Daniëlla Dam-de Jong wins Praemium Erasmianum Prize – Institute of Public Law (in Dutch)
- Outstanding Dissertation Award to psychologist Hanneke Hendriks – Institute of Psychology
- Marieke Slootman wins NSV Dissertation Prize 2015 - Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology (in Dutch)
- Chris Jakobs writes best dissertation about insects - Institute of Biology Leiden
- Dong Guo wins the Dutch Medicinal Chemistry Prize 2013-2014 - Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
- PhD candidate Annelien Zweemer chosen as 'Discoverer of the Year 2014' of the Faculty of Science - Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
- Cathelijn Waaijer winner of the 2015 Eugene Garfield Doctoral Dissertation Award - Centre for Science and Technology Studies
- Julia Hillger wins first prize in FIGON PhD poster competition – Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
- Dick Stufkens Prijs 2015 awarded to chemist Tatu Kumpulainen – Leiden Institute of Chemistry
- International prize for thesis on study succes by Maartje van den Bogaard – ICLON (in Dutch)
- Tri Astraatmadja wins GNN Dissertation Prize – Leiden Institute of Physics
- Stieltjes Prize for Ziyang Gao – Mathematical Institute
- External PhD candidate Chiara Piccoli wins Nick Ryan Bursary 2015 – Faculty of Archaeology
- Elisa Goudriaan wins Ted Meijer Prize - Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society
- Klaas Jan Schouten receives Nederlandse Katalyseprijs 2015 – Leiden Institute of Chemistry (in Dutch)
- Lianne Willems wins Backer Prize 2015 – Leiden Institute of Chemistry (in Dutch)
- Femke Avtalyon-Bakker awarded Peace Research Grant - Institute of Political Science
- Thesis Prize for Nathalie Brusgaard - Faculty of Archaeology
- Joanne Mouthaan wins dissertation prize - Institute of Psychology (in Dutch)
- Djordjo Milovic winner of KWG Prize for PhD students - Mathematical Institute (no link)
- PhD Kandidate Prize Psychology, Leiden University, goes to Barbara Braams - Institute for Psychology (in Dutch)
Two winners C.J. Kok Award 'Dissertation of the year 2015': Koen van der Maaden and Nienke van der Marel - Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research resp. Leiden Observatory
Education prizes and subsidies
- OCW grants for two education projects: team Bas Haring (scientific integrity) and team Paul Gobée (anatomy) - Leiden Institute for Advanced Computer Sciences resp. LUMC, Anatomy (in Dutch)
University Teaching Prize 2015
- Harmen Jousma wins Teaching Prize - Leiden Institute for Advanced Computer Sciences / Program manager Science Based Business
Teachers’ Academy
The Teachers’ Academy installed seven new fellows:

- Anita van Dissel – Institute for History
- Jop Groeneweg - Institute of Psychology
- Mirjam Houtlosser - LUMC, Medical ethics and public health law
- Harmen Jousma - Leiden Institute for Advanced Computer Sciences
- Christien de Kruif - Institute for Public Law
- Rebekah Tromble - Institute of Political Science
- Dirk Visser – Institute of Private Law
Honours Academy Star
- Honours Academy Star awarded to Jan Sleutels – Institute for Philosophy
Faculty teaching awards
- Humanities: Mili Gabrovšek wins Education Award 2015 – Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society
- Law: Ton Liefaard and Jerfi Uzman best teachers of 2015-2016 – Institute of Private Law resp. Institute for Public Law (in Dutch)
- Medicine: Henk Thiadens best teacher of 2015 – LUMC, general practice (in Dutch)
- Science: Jeroen van Smeden Teacher of the Year 2015 - Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
- Social Sciences: Sabine Luning wins Casimir Prize for best teacher 2015 Institute Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
- Social Sciences: Lenneke Alink wins Casimir Prize for best teacher 2014 - Institute for Educational Sciences (in Dutch)
Institute teaching awards
- Jan Oster wins the Carla Musterd Award for Teaching – Institute for History
- Liesbeth Eurelings-Bontekoe wins Psychology Teaching Award - Institute of Psychology
Student prizes

- Computer Science & Economics student Patrick 't Jong wins Sponsor Prize Hackathon FuseHack – BSc Computer Science and Economics (in Dutch)
- Documentary Ildikó Plájás wins award at film festival Romania – MSc Anthropology of Media and Visual Culture
- KHMW Young Talent Awards for Leiden STEM students – Faculty of Science (in Dutch)
- Lisette van de Berg wins Anthropology Photo Contest - Anthropology of Media and Visual Culture (in Dutch)
- Mark van Haaren receives LISF Prize for best research report - Biomedical Sciences (in Dutch)
- Maaike Schilperoort receives Janneke Fruin-Helb Beurs from LUF for best research proposal to travel to the UK – Biomedical Sciences (in Dutch)
- Chemistry student Hans de Bruijn selected for PhD position at Holland Research School - Chemistry (in Dutch)
- Jente van Staalduinen wins third prize ‘Medical & Health’ at Student Research Conference 2015 - Biomedical Sciences (in Dutch)
- Films by Visual Ethnography students shown at festival - Anthropology of Media and Visual Culture (in Dutch)
- Leiden students accepted for prestigious Chinese master – International Studies, Political Science (in Dutch)
- Team One Directive wins the regional finals of the European Law Moot Court Competiton - LLM European Law (in Dutch)
- Team One Directive won prize for best-written memorials at the European Law Moot Court - LLM European Law
- Silver medal for Leiden mathematics student Onno Berrevoets – Mathematics (in Dutch)
- Topsector Chemistry Fund for bachelor students Tes Apeldoorn, Philippe Carter and David Klein - Molecular Science & Technology (in Dutch)
- Fun online learning platform (Ines Kaljee, Wieke van der Ploeg en Jody van der Ploeg) wins Deans' Challenge – Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
- Madelon Vos receives the Legatum Böckelmanianum with a 9+ average – Faculty of Law (in Dutch)
- Arenberg Prize for Benjamin van Soldt – Biology (in Dutch)
- Djoeke Doesburg and Marjan van der Merbel receive Student Research Award – Medicine, Biomedical Sciences (in Dutch)
Thesis awards
- Bareez Majid wins Volkskrant-IISG thesis prize with study on torture museum – Middle
Eastern Studies (research)Bareez Majid - Award MA Thesis Prize "Visions on Peace" 2015 has been awarded to Bareez Majid - Middle Eastern Studies (research)
- Sebastiaan Haffert wins De Zeeuw-Van Dishoeck Prize for Astronomy – Astronomy (in Dutch)
- Kaspar Pucek wins Fruin Prize 2015 – History (in Dutch)
- Sanne Wirken wins Master's Thesis Prize 2014 – History (in Dutch)
- Annika Schmeding wins the prize for the Best MA Thesis of Leiden University – Middle Eastern Studies
- From thesis to publication: Jacomijn Visser in 'Bestuurswetenschappen' – Political Science (in Dutch)
- Nora Wildenauer wins the IIAS National Master's Thesis Prize in Asian Studies 2015 – Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology (no link)
- Manon Schutter receives KHMW Thesis Prize – Psychology (in Dutch)
- Jelle Verhoef: from thesis to scientific debate – Public Administration (in Dutch)
- The Stans Prize has been awarded to Myrthe Fonck for her Master Thesis – Institute of Environmental Sciences
- Jacob Bakermans wins national prize for best bachelor project in physics – BSc Physics (in Dutch)
- The master's thesis by Suzanne van Keulen is discussed in the blog ' Top Thesis' of the Dutch Lawyers Journal - Criminal and procedural law (in Dutch)
- The master's thesis by Angela Walraven is discussed in the blog 'Top Thesis' of the Dutch Lawyers Journal - Constitutional and Administrative Law (in Dutch)
- The master's thesis by Paul Post is discussed in the blog ' Top Thesis' of the Dutch Lawyers Journal - European Law (in Dutch)
- Jan Brouwer Thesis Prize for Raffael Hanschmann – Public Administration (in Dutch)
- Phd candidate Koen Schakenraad wins Lorentz Prize for creating a new analytical model for DNA molecules – Physics (in Dutch)
- Boyd Leupen wins MSc Thesis Prize 2015 - Political Science
- Lotte Krouwel wins Van den Berg Thesis Prize 2015 - Political Science (in Dutch)
- Yvonne ten Kate wins third Jaap Doek Children's Rights Thesis Prize - Private Law (in Dutch)
- Psychology Master Thesis Prizes go to Marianina Choleva en Hilmar Zech - Psychology (in Dutch)
- MA Thesis Award Faculty of Social Scienes to Merel van Beem - Clinical Child and Adolescent Studies (in Dutch)
Welmoet Wels wins Faculty of Law Jongbloed Thesis Prize 2015 - International Public Law (in Dutch)
And also…
- Winning initiatives Van Bergen Award 2015 announced
- Leiden student Mary Kachavos chosen as youth representative UNESCO (in Dutch)
- Susanne Reitsma vice president of the Youth Parliament for Water (in Dutch)
- Psychology student Ceylan Soylemez wins gold and silver medals at European Karate Championships (in Dutch)
Honoured support and management staff
- OBP Award Social Sciences 2015 won by Doreen Arnoldus, Education Coordinator - Institute for Educational Sciences (in Dutch)
- OBP Award Social Sciences 2014 won by Els Versteegh-Blom, head of Servicedesk - Faculty of Social Sciences
Royal honours

- Royal honours for Carlo Beenakker - Leiden Institute of Physics (in Dutch)
- Royal honours for Ton Bakker – Faculty of Science (in Dutch)
- Royal honours for Baptist Trimbos – LUMC, Gynaecology (in Dutch)
- Royal honours for departing Professor Jan Vandenbroucke – LUMC, Epidemiology (in Dutch)
- Arthur Elias named Knight of the Order of Orange-Nassau – Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of the Law (in Dutch)
Leiden University awards
University medal
- Paul Keβler awarded the University Medal – Hortus botanicus Leiden (in Dutch)
- Ferry Breedveld awarded the University Medal - LUMC (in Dutch)
Honorary Doctorates
- William Christie, an American-born French composer and a passionate interpreter of French Baroque music – Faculty of Humanities
- Peter J. Katzenstein, Professor of Comparative Political Economy and International Relations at Cornell University (VS) – Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences (in Dutch)
- Lilian Gonçalves-Ho Kang You, human rights activist, lawyer and Leiden alumna (NL) – Faculty of Law (in Dutch)
Is your prize missing? Please send an email to nieuws@leidenuniv.nl