On the 1st of November Hannes Schroeder gave the opening keynote at the 15th Congress of the Latin American Association of Biological Anthropology in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico.
Jaime Pagán-Jiménez is geinterviewed door NEMO Kennislink over het pas verschenen werk van zijn collega Sonia Zarrillo. Dit onderzoek gaat over de vroegste domesticatie van cacao in Ecuador.
A new book entitled 'De la desaparición a la permanencia. Indígenas e indios en la reinvención del Caribe', edited by Roberto Valcárcel Rojas and Jorge Ulloa Hung, was recently published! This book forms the second volume in the series Los Indígenas Más Allá de Colón, edited by the same authors.
Congratulations to Csilla Ariese-Vandemeulebroucke, for succesfully defending her PhD dissertation entitled "The Social Museum in the Caribbean: Grassroots Heritage Initiatives and Community Engagement" on the 27th of September!
Corinne Hofman was awarded the Distinguished Lorentz Fellowship on the 25th of September 2018. Here are some photos of the ceremony!
On the 25th of September 2018, Corinne Hofman will be awarded the Distinguished Lorentz Fellowship (DLF) by NIAS and the Lorentz Center. During this ceremony, Dr. Hofman will give a talk on the study of Indigenous histories.
Eduardo Herrera Malatesta (Nexus1492, Leiden University), Israel Hinojosa-Balina (CIESAS, Durham University), and Moises Hernandez-Cordero (IKAnt, Institute for the Study of the Ancient Culture) are organizing a session at the upcoming CAA conference (23-27 April 2019) entitled "Digital Landscapes in Archaeology: From field recording to the reconstruction of human use of space"
Roberto Valcárcel Rojas and María Elia Velázquez recently published an article entitled "Indios en Cuba. Una nueva lectura de un documento histórico del siglo XVI" in Arqueología! Read the abstract below.
The NEXUS documentary trailer “Bajo la Tierra del Encuentro” is featured in the latest Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian Exhibition in New York City.
On the 4th of October the Society for American Archaeology and Amerind Museum will host a public seminar presentation. This seminar focuses on Identity, Cultural Persistance, and Transformation Among Spanish Colonialisms.