In the Media
Here you can read about the latest news and events of NEXUS 1492. You can also find a list of NEXUS 1492 project and team appearances in local, national, or international media around the world.
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The Chronicle Herald reports on ongoing plans for the development of holiday homes, hotels, and a golf course, right ontop of and indigenous Amerindian archaeological site in St. Lucia (featuring an interview with Prof. dr. Hofman).
This new study reveals multiple waves of settlement and connections to the American mainland. According to this study by an international team of researchers from the Caribbean, Europe and North America, the Caribbean was settled by several successive population dispersals that originated on the American mainland. The study was published in Science on June 4th 2020.
Below find the media outlets that have covered the publication of this article.
Science Magazine
Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History
Leiden University
Barcelona Biomedical Research Park
Cosmos Magazine
Sci-News includes NEXUS1492 research in a feature about the spread of European diseases in the Caribbean from 1492 onwards.
Click the link to read the article (in Dutch).
Click the link to read the article (in Papiamento)
The seminar was hosted at MANA.

The newspaper reports on the team of scientific researchers, governmental agencies, non-government organisations (NGOs) and grassroots organisations from the Caribbean and the Netherlands who will join forces at University of St. Martin (USM) to speak on environmental challenges facing Caribbean islands and their inhabitants, from March 2 to 5.
Click the link to read the article.
The symposium Talk out Loud: Towards an Interdisciplinary Approach on Postcolonial and Decolonial Thoughts aimed to aims to discuss Caribbean responses to the global debates on decolonization of academic research. The symposium will explore the concepts of ‘postcoloniality’ and ‘decoloniality’ in the context of research in the social sciences and humanities.
Click the link to read the interview (in Dutch).
Aruban newspaper Amigoe features an article with NEXUS1492 affiliated researcher Harold Kelly, about recent archaoelogical investigations in Aruba.
Read the article (in Dutch) below!

Caribbean Ties opened at the Saba Heritage Center on December 4th. Read the article in the Daily Herald here.
Katarina is the first Guadelouppian archaeologist to win this award, which was presented to her at the Museums Association of the Caribbean conference in October.
To read the article, click this link.
The Caribbean Heritage Network interviewed John Angus Martin about his new position as Director of the Saba Archaeological Center.
To read the interview, click here.
NEXUS1492 was featured in Leidraad, the Leiden University alumni magazine.
Click to here to read the article (in Dutch).
To read the article, click this link.
News outlet Tan Listwa reports on the Caribbean Ties exhibition hosted at the university library of the Université des Antilles in Martinique.
To read the article (in French) click here.
Tibisay Sankatsing Nava features in the NWO Wetenschap video '25 Jaar Wetenschap met Impact', talking about Prof. dr. Corinne Hofman's (Spinoza prize winner 2014) years of research in the Caribbean and the impact of her research on the understanding of history locally and globally.
25 Jaar Wetenschap met Impact
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You can leave our website to view this video.As part of Leiden University's 444th anniversary, a photo exhibition about 20 years of Campus The Hague was opened on the 4th op September. This exhibition also features Caribbean Ties, connecting people then and now.
Archaeologist Eva Paulsen was invited to talk about her dissertation entitled "Everything has its Jaguar: A narratological approach to conceptualising Caribbean Saladoid animal imagery" on the Dutch NPO radio 1 podcast Focus Wetenschap.
En een Jaguar is hier dan niet de chique auto, dit gezegde verwijst naar de grote katachtige uit Zuid-Amerika.
Eva Paulsen probeerde te ontdekken waarom de inheemse bevolking van de kleine Antillen toch zoveel dieren afbeelden op hun potten en schalen. En hoe het kan dat bepaalde dieren VEEL vaker afgebeeld worden dan anderen? Wat zegt dat over de mensen die ze 2000 jaar geleden boetseerden?
Om daarachter te komen reisde ze onder andere naar Suriname om daar midden in de jungle op zoek te gaan naar een oude verhalenverteller. Eva zal ons proberen uit te leggen wat ze met dat indiaanse gezegde bedoelt, alles en iedereen heeft zijn Jaguar...
To listen to the podcast (in Dutch), click here. reports on the presentation of new findings of Saba's Amerindian history at the Saba Archaeological Center. This is the result of efforts by Prof. dr. Corinne Hofman, Dr. Menno Hoogland, and Dr. Ryan Espersen. Read more about the SABARC - Saba Archaeological Center.
The reconstructed Kalinago Village at Argyle on St. Vincent is in need of restoration. Local newspaper The Vincentian reports on the restoration aims. The article includes comments from Prof. Dr. Corinne Hofman.
Read the article below!

Prof. dr. Gareth Davies from the NEXUS1492 project visited the Universidad de Puerto Rico to study greenstone objects from precolonial assemblages.
Several Puerto Rican mediaoutlets have reported on Dr. Davies' visit to UPR. Click the links below to read them.
El Nuevo Dia article (in Spanish)
Metro article article (in Spanish)
El Vocero article (in Spanish)
Puerto Rico Posts article (in Spanish)
Tribunal del Pueblo article (in Spanish)
Several Cuban newsoutlets have reported on the opening of Lazos Caribeños athe the Museo Provincial La Periquera in Holguin, which took place on the 24th of May. Read articles from various sources below!
Granma article (in Spanish)
Ahora article (in English)
You can also find more information and images from the opening and opening symposium on the CISAT facebook page.
Le Nouvelliste reports on the opening of Liens Caribéens at the Bureau National d'Ethnologie in Port-au-Prince (article is in French).
Centro León reports on the opening of the first of 12 Caribbean Ties exhibitions. The opening was paired with a one-day symposium Nexus 1492: Encuentros del Nuevo Mundo en un Mundo Globalizado.
Click here to read the report (in Spanish).
Local Puerto Rican newspaper El Vocero reports on the opening of Lazos Caribeños at the Museo de Las Américas in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Click here to read the article (in Spanish).
Other newsoutlets reported on the opening event include:
Metro (in Spanish).
Statian newspaper The Daily Herald reports on the opening of Caribbean Ties at the Simon Doncker Museum on the 7th of May (see photo below).

On Saturday 11th of May, the Caribbean Ties exhibition opened on Dominica. The exhibition is hosted by Kalinago Barana Aute. A report on the opening and the exhibition was published in the online journal Dominica Geographic.
Click the link to read the article.
Since the opening, several visits with schoolchildren have taken place at the Kalinago Baran Aute. The Isaiah Thomas Secondary School came to see Caribbean Ties, as did the Morne Jaune Primary School!
Newspaper Guadeloupe France-Antilles reports on the opening of Liens Caribéens at the Edgar-Clerc Museum in Le Moule on the 18th of May (report in French).
The opening of Caribbean Ties at the Parliament Buildings on Grenada on teh 15th of May was filmed! You can watch the opening ceremony on the official Grenada Houses of Parliament Youtube Channel.
Lasonan Caribenõ opened at the National Archaeology Museum Aruba (NAMA) on the 22nd of May. Newspaper Amigoe reported on the upcoming opening (see picture below).
Since the opening, several media outlets have reported on this festive event. You can read the articles by clicking the links below. article (in Dutch).
Kiko Ta Pasando article (in Papiamentu).
Awe Mainta article (in Papiamentu).
Aruban radiostation hits100fm broadcast an interview with Prof. dr. Corinne Hofman, Prof. Menno Hoogland, and NAMA representative Suzy Boekhoudt. Click the link to listen to the interview.
For more information and photographs of the opening event, vistit the NAMA Facebook page.

Caribbean Ties opening in the Museon in The Hague on the 15th of May. Reports on the opening have appeared on several media outlets and social media channels. Click the links below to read!
Stichting Ocan announced the opening on their website (in Dutch)
AWN-Archeologie article (in Dutch)
Leiden University article (in Dutch)
Haitiaanse Vereniging in Nederland article (in Dutch)
De Schoolreis Gids promotes the exhibition as a great school outing (in Dutch)
Magazine van de Vereniging van Vrienden van Museon en Omniversum article (in Dutch)
NEXUS1492 researcher Katarina Jacobson is interviewed by local Guadeloupian newsstation CaraibCreoleNews about the upcoming opening of Caribbean Ties/Liens Caribéens at the Musée Edgar Clerc!
Click this link to read the article (in French).
NEXUS1492 researcher Katarina Jacobson promotes the opening event of Liens Caribéens at the ZCL news radiostation on Guadeloupe.

KoninkrijksRelaties.NU reports on the opening of Caribbean Ties in 12 countries across the Caribbean and in The Netherlands. Specifically, this article focusses on the openings in St. Eustatius, Aruba, and The Hague.
The read the article here (in Dutch).
Roberto Valcárcel Rojas, archaeologist and professor at INTEC and NEXUS1492 researcher and colleague, visited the Department of Archaeology of the University of Cambrigde in March, with the aim of studying metal objects obtained in archaeological contexts of the Dominican Republic, currently cared for in the collections of the Centro Cultural Eduardo León Jimenes.
To read more about Dr. Valcárcel Rojas's research in Cambridge (in Spanish), click the link.
The Antilliaans Dagblad published an article on the 5th of April about Prof. dr. Corinne Hofman, NEXUS1492, and the research that is being done in the Caribbean in the context of the project.
To read the article (in Dutch), click here.
On the occassion of his defense Caribbean archaeologist Ruud Stelten was interviewed by Leiden-based newspaper de Mare about his research on the "maritime cultural landscape" of St. Eustatius.
To read the the article (in Dutch), click the link.
Dr. Roberto Valcárcel Rojas and Dr. Ulloa Hung, together with their colleague Daryelin Torres Rodríguez, are featured in a four-page article spread in the magazine INTEC Hacia el Futuro (vol. 42 no. 1). The article focusses on their research into the persistance of indigenous legacies in Cuba and the Dominican Republic today.
On March 13th, NEXUS1492 colleague Dr. Lewis Borck was invited onto the CRM Archaeology podcast to talk about his recently published article "Constructing the Future History: Prefiguration as Historical Epistemology and the Chronopolitics of Archaeology," published in the Journal of Contemporary Archaeology.
The CRM Archaeology podcast is one of many interesting podcasts about archaeology that you can find on the Archaeology Podcast Network.
To listen to the CRM Archaoelogy podcast episode featuring Lewis Borck, click here.
To read the article, click here.
Quest Historie wijdt 4 pagina's aan het booronderzoek van NEXUS1492 collega Prof. dr. Henry Hooghiemstra op de Dominicaanse Republiek.
Roeland Paardekooper (NL) published an article in Experimental Archaeology about the extent and practice of experimental archaeology in Europe and beyond. In this article the reconstruction of indigenous houses on St. Vincent by a team from Leiden University under the direction of Prof. Corinne L. Hofman and Prof. Menno L.P. Hoogland is extensively described as a holistic approach to archaeology and an important contribution to modern society.
To read the article, click here.
Corinne Hofman werd geïnterviewd over het project NEXUS1492. Zowel het verloop van het project sinds 2012 als de plannen voor de toekomst kwamen aan bod. De Universiteit Leiden plaatste er een artikel over op de website.
om het artikel te lezen, klik hier.
Listin Diario, one of the Dominican Republic's national newspapers, recognizes the importance of the new publication "De la desaparición a la permanencia", edited by Dr. Roberto Valcárcel Rojas and Dr. Jorge Ulloa Hung.
The St. Maarten Daily Herald posted about Jay Haviser's participation in the Lorentz Center workshop Intersecting Worlds: The Interplay of Cultures and Technology.
To read the article, click here.
Het NRC publiceerde online een artikel over Nexus 1492, het werk van het project op het gebied van DNA onderzoek en het steeds toenemende bewijs dat de prekoloniaanse inheemse cultuur van het Caribisch gebied nog altijd voortleeft. In een interview legt Prof. Dr. Corinne Hofman uit wat de nieuwe resultaten uit onderzoek op oud DNA betekenen voor het wereldbeeld dat zij wil veranderen.
Lees het volledige artikel op
An article published in NOW Grenada covering the efforts of a small team of Leiden University archaeologists led by Prof. Dr. Corinne Hofman to salvage what they can of the skeletal remains at the site of Sauteurs Bay. Due to heavy sea surge and coastal erosion, the burial ground at this site is eroding away into the sea rapidly.
Read the article here.
Unprecedented insights into the genetic makeup of the 'Taíno' were presented in a PNAS publication entitled "Origins and genetic legacies of the Caribbean Taino". This article has received worldwide mediacoverage as this is the first study to ever provide concrete proof that indigenous ancestry in the region has survived to the present day.
Press coverage
The Times UK
Science Magazine
National Geographic
Archaeological Institute of America
Smithsonian Magazine
ARD Mediathek
Caribbean Press
The Nassau Guardian
Jamaica Observer
El Heraldo
El Nuevo Dia
Diario Libre
Other news outlets and blogs
Express UK
Daily Mail UK
De Erfgoedstem
popular Archaeology
UPI Science News
Newsweek US
International Business Times
ARS Technica
Tribune 242
The News Recorder
Heritage Daily
Big Think
Yahoo News UK
Inverse Science
Science Alert
Tech Times
Actualité Houssenia Writing
Science Codex
Science Daily
The Tecake
Genomics Research - Technology Networks
Laboratory Equipment
Ancient pages
In de geschiedenis van de kolonisatie van de Amerika’s wordt de betekenis van de inheemse, indiaanse kennis gemarginaliseerd. Onterecht, blijkt uit onderzoek van Leidse archeologen. Inheemse kennis en infrastructuur waren essentieel voor het ‘succes’ van de Spaanse kolonisten.
Nieuws item op de website van de Universiteit Leiden.
Prof. Dr. Corinne Hofman (Universiteit Leiden) leent haar expertise in de discussie omtrent kinderfeest met als thema 'Wilde Westen'.
Lees het artikel in de Volkskrant hier.
Archaeologist Corinne Hofman wins the Distinguished Lorentz Fellowship 2018/19 for research into the changing world of indigenous peoples as a result of colonialism. “The perspective of indigenous communities is still lacking in most history books."
To read the news item posted the website of the Leiden University, click the link.
The Daily Herald (St. Maarten and the Northeast Caribbean) cover the "Heritage after Irma" debate held in The Hague (Netherlands) on the 12th of February 2018.
To read the online published article, click the link.
The 4th Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) meeting was held at the Faculty of Archaeology on 20 November. Ambassadors and representatives from countries in Latin America and the Caribbean region met with the Leiden LAC region group to strengthen academic cooperation and discuss the internationalisation strategy of Leiden University.
Read about it here.
La doctora Corinne Hofman, decana de la Facultad de Arqueología de la Universidad de Leiden en Holanda, presenta nuevos enfoques y miradas de los estudios arqueológicos en República Dominicana, resultado de las investigaciones del proyecto NEXUS1492.
Dr. Corinne Hofman talks about new approaches and results of the Nexus 1492 project in the Dominican Republic.
Watch the presentation (in Spanish) here.
Alexander den Oudenaarden (winnaar 2017) en Corinne Hofman (winnaar 2014) vertellen wat voor impact het winnen van de Spinozaprijs op hun onderzoek en carrière heeft gehad.
Bekijk het interview hier.
Forensisch archeologe Hayley Mickleburgh (Universiteit Leiden) is de eerste winnaar van de Nationale Postdocprijs. Dat hebben De Jonge Akademie en de Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen bekendgemaakt. Mickleburgh, die bestudeert hoe lijken vergaan en skeletten uit elkaar vallen, ontvangt 10.000 euro om vrij te besteden aan onderzoek.
Lees het hele artikel hier.
De Universiteit Leiden publiceerde hierover ook een artikel. Lees het artikel hier.
Corinne Hofman (hoogleraar van het Caribisch gebied, decaan van de faculteit der Archeologie aan de Universiteit Leiden, en lid van de Nederlandse Unesco Commissie) en Peter-Paul Verhoeven (hoogleraar filosofie van mens en technologie aan de Universiteit Twente en lid van Comest, een adviesraad van Unesco) praten met elkaar over hun onderzoek, de wetenschap, en hoe deze kan bijdragen aan duurzame ontwikkeling en het behoud van erfgoed wereldwijd. Lees het volledige artikel hier.
El Nuevo Día writes about research by Dr. Jaime Pagán-Jiménez into the importance of marunguey (zamia) for the precolonial Indigenous peoples of the Caribbean islands. Read the article (in Spanish) here.
The Asociación Española de Comunicación Científicia writes about the fifth edition of the Conference of Scientific Communication Professionals of the Netherlands (Vakconferentie Wetenschapscommunicatie, WTC) held in the Hague on April 10th. Read the article (in Spanish) here.
De Europese Onderzoeksraad, beter bekend als ERC (European Research Council), bestaat vandaag tien jaar. De ERC is een belangrijke verstrekker van onderzoekssubsidies, ook aan de Universiteit Leiden.
Lees het artikel verder hier.
Kirsten Ziesemer praat over het belang van tandsteen in de archeologie bij de Universiteit van Nederland. Klik de link om het online college te bekijken.
03.03.2017 publiceerd de lezing van Dr. Hayley Mickleburgh bij de Universiteit van Nederland. Klik op de link om de video te bekijken op
Leiden researchers have developed a new method of determining the geographic origin of humans. Archaeologist Jason Laffoon and his team used the technique to discover where precolonial pioneers in the Caribbean region came from.
Read the article published by Leiden University here.
Om dit artikel in het Nederlands te lezen, klik hier.
NOW Grenada published an article about the archaeological research conducted at the site of La Poterie, Grenada. Read the article here.
Dr. Becki Scott writes about an impromptu open day at the archaeological site of La Poterie, Grenada, where local school children learnt to make their own 'pinch/thumb' pots from Loe Jacobs. Read the opend day here.
Het Leidsch Dagblad schrijft over de wetenschappelijke begraafplaats van het Amsterdam Medisch Centrum, inclusief kort interview met Dr. Hayley Micklebrugh over haar onderzoek bij het openlucht ontbindinslaboratorium in Texas. Lees het volledige artikel hier.
The Grenada Informer writes about archaeological research conducted by Dr. Corinne Hofman and a team of students from Leiden University at La Poterie, Grenada. See the online published article here.
Interview met Dr. Hayley Mickleburgh op npo radio 1. Beluister het interview hier.
Dr. Hayley Micklebrugh invited to speak on RTL Late Night about the Human Decomposition Facility in Texas. Watch part of the show here.
Amerindian Archaeology at La Poterie. See the online published article here.
Published in the Volkskrant on 17.12.2016. Find the article on
Interview met Dr. Hayley Micklebrugh. Published in the Leids Universitair Weekblad Mare.
Museo Arqueologico Nacional Aruba: Excavacion na Sta. Cruz ta revela rastro di 1730 – 1810. Find the article on
Museo Arqueologico Nacional y ‘Nexus 1492’ lo ehecuta trabounan di investigacion cientifico na Santa Cruz. This article was published on 24ora and MasNoticia. Click here to read the article.
Publicatie in 'de kennis van nu'. Lees het artikel hier.
Artikel over de conferentie op Bonaire die zich bezig hield met de gevolgen van kustafslag en klimaatverandering voor de Nederlandse eilanden in de Cariben. Lees hier meer.
Read about the innovative ways in which drones have been embraced in Caribbean archaeology here.
An article published on 19.10.2016 on ScienceDaily. Click the link to read more.
A new article entitled 'Mapping Indigenous Settlement Topography in the Caribbean Using Drones' was recently published in Remote Sensing. Click here to read more, and follow the links to find the full article.
Between 9-12 October 2016 The National Gallery of the Cayman Island's hosted the 27th Annual Conference and Annual General Meeting of the Museums Association of the Caribbean.
Read about some of the successes of the conference here.
On 26 and 27 September 2016, the Faculty of Archaeology of Leiden University hosted the closing symposium of the HERA-CARIB project “Caribbean Connections: Cultural encounters in a New World setting”.
Read about the meeting here.
The Faculty of Archaeology proudly presents the research brochure Perspectives on the Past, featuring passionate, dedicated researchers introducing a dazzling scala of research topics: from present-day traditional knowledge in Africa to the power of glue in Palaeolithic Europe. In addition to these examples of the Faculty’s research projects, the importance of public outreach is also addressed. Read more here.
Volg deze link en lees meer over het werk van Dr. Hayley Mickleburgh bij de zogeheten bodyfarms in Texas.
Artikel gepubliceerd op Scientias over het werk van Leidse Archaeologe Dr. Hayley Micklebrugh bij de Texas bodyfarms. Lees hier meer.
Artikel gepubliceerd op de website van de NOS (31.08.2016) over het onderzoek van wetenschapper Kirsten Ziesemer naar pestbacteriën en de zwarte dood. Volg de link en lees verder.
Article published (25.08.2016) on MargaritaToday about archaeological work conducted by Dr. Andrzej Antczak and Dr. Maria Magdalena (Marlena) Antczak on Margarita Island. Read the article here.
Een artikel in de Volkskrant over het werk van Dr. Hayley Mickleburgh op de Texas 'bodyfarms'.
Article published by Dominican newspaper Diario Libre (16.08.2016) about the Nexus 1492 fieldwork at El Flaco. Read the article here.
Interview gepubliceerd in de negende editie van het tijdschrift Zin (06.08.2016).
Astronomical observations in Chile, research into native heritage or the treatment of eye diseases in Brazil - Leiden is researching a large number and a wide variety of different topics in Latin America and the Caribbean. Researchers and representatives from 20 countries met on 11 May in Leiden to strengthen the collaboration. Read more here.
DNA en supercomputers: de moleculaire archeologie trekt alles uit de kast om ons meer te vertellen over het dieet en de gezondheid van mensen in een grijs verleden. Lees het artikel hier.
Find the article on
Article about the research conducted by Nexus 1492 at the site of El Flaco on the Dominican Republic. The article was published in Universia and can be found here.
Article about the research conducted by Nexus 1492 at the site of El Flaco on the Dominican Republic. The article was published in elCaribe and can be found here.
Article about the research conducted by Nexus 1492 at the site of El Flaco on the Dominican Republic. The article was published in EFE:Futuro and can be found here.
Article about the research conducted by Nexus 1492 at the site of El Flaco on the Dominican Republic. The article was published on UNI and can be found here.
Article about the research conducted by Nexus 1492 at the site of El Flaco on the Dominican Republic. The article was published on Noticias Terra and can be found here.
Article about the research conducted by Nexus 1492 at the site of El Flaco on the Dominican Republic. The article was published on El Nuevo Diario and can be found here.
Article about the research conducted by Nexus 1492 at the site of El Flaco on the Dominican Republic. The article was published on Wradio and can be found here.
Radio fragment waarin Dr. Hayley Micklebrugh vertelt over haar werk bij de bodyfarms in Texas. Volg de link om het fragment te beluisteren.
Een artikel in het AD over het werk van Dr. Hayley Mickleburgh bij de Texas bodyfarms. Lees het artikel hier.
Article published on NOW Grenada about the archaeological excavations conducted at La Poterie by Prof. Dr. Corinne Hofman. Read the article here.
Radiofragment bij radio Dolfijn fm over de vondst van een bijzonder skelet op saba. Vindt het fragment hier.
Artikel over de vondst van een bijzonder skelet op saba, gepubliceerd in het Antiliaans Dagblad. Vindt het artikel hier.
Artikel over een bijzondere archeologische vondst op Saba, een skelet van een zwangere vrouw uit de 18e eeuw. Lees het artikel hier.
Publication in Scientific Reports reveals community compositions of ancient microbiomes biased by the age of sample. Find the full article here.
Why supermodels, soulful jazz and sublime beaches set St Kitts apart. Find the full article here.
Een artikel in gepubliceerd in het NRC over DNA onderzoek naar rijstmuizen in de Cariben. Lees het volledige artikel hier.
Prof. Dr. Corinne Hofman verschijnt in een interview met het Leidsch Dagblad. Lees het interview hier.
An article published on Listin Diario, about archaeological research conducted on the Dominican Republic by Prof. Dr. Corinne Hofman. Read the full article here.
Leiden - In het bijzijn van koning Willem Alexander ontving Prof. dr. C.L. (Corinne) Hofman vandaag de Spinozaprijs 2014. Volg deze link en bekijk waar haar onderzoek over gaat.
Article published in Cuba Arqueológica on the development of the Montecristi region in northwestern Dominican Republic as the countries Fifth Tourist Pole. Towards this end Prof. Dr. Corinne Hofman met with Miguel Bejarán, director of the General Directorate of Border Development. Read the article here.
From indigenous space to colonial setting. Archaeological investigations at El Chorro de Maita in Cuba wins prestigious prize. Read the full story here.
Article on the premiere of a film shown on March 13, at the launch of the National Trust’s week of activities on local heritage conservation and management. The events were aimed not only at addressing the urgent need for improved awareness of our archaeological heritage, but also at gaining insight from a group of international experts from the US and the Netherlands about how to ensure effective legislation and inter-agency partnership and co-operation for effective heritage management. Read the full article here.
The National Trust of Trinidad and Tobago has partnered with The University of Trinidad and Tobago to host a programme featuring some of the world’s leading international archaeology and heritage conservation experts from the USA and Europe. Read more on this event here.
Prof. Dr. Corinne Hofman gives a lecture at the 439th Dies Natalis of Leiden University. Read about the event here.
Corinne Hofman, hoogleraar Archeologie van het Caribisch gebied aan de Universiteit Leiden, ontving op 21 november de KNAW Merianprijs voor vrouwen in de wetenschap. Hofman wil met haar onderzoek het verhaal over de kolonisatie van de Amerika’s aanvullen vanuit het perspectief van de oorspronkelijke Indiaanse bevolking.
Lees hierover meer door op de link te clicken.
In its zeal to educate us on everything there is to know about the indigenous people of the Dominican Republic, the Regional Museum of Archaeology in Altos de Chavón, invites you to travel back in time and enjoy a new exhibit: Unity and Diversity in the Amerindian Caribbean. Find more information on the exhibit here.
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