CAA 2019 - Digital Landscapes in Archaeology: From field recording to the reconstruction of human use of space
Eduardo Herrera Malatesta (Nexus1492, Leiden University), Israel Hinojosa-Balina (CIESAS, Durham University), and Moises Hernandez-Cordero (IKAnt, Institute for the Study of the Ancient Culture) are organizing a session at the upcoming CAA conference (23-27 April 2019) entitled "Digital Landscapes in Archaeology: From field recording to the reconstruction of human use of space"
Digital Landscapes in Archaeology
Since the early processualist approaches to the postprocessual trend and the contemporary integration of disciplines, the study of landscapes in archaeology has been a long and fruitful sub-discipline. Within this development, it is undeniable the impact that Geographical Information Systems and spatial statistics have had on the contemporary advance of landscape research. Particularly, in the creation of bridges between a wide range of disciplines such as cartography, environmental sciences, history, archaeology, geology, anthropology, computer sciences, among others. Computational methods have brought to the reconstructinos of past landscapes a new light and various avenues for research, not only for the reconstruction of the ancient past but from contemporary landscapes and their (re)presentations in the context of community archaeology and heritage studies.
With this session, we aim to bring together a group of researchers interested in reflecting and debating the role of GIS-led research for the future of landscape archaeology, using cutting-edge methods for analysis of distributional patterns, understanding movement, digitial reconstructions, ranging from the collection of data in the field (small finds and landscape survey) and editing, processing, storing, sharing, or visualizing it; to theoretically reflect the possibilities and scope for landscape reconstruction or analysis within GIS-led research.
Paper contributions have no restriction on teh temporal or spatial contexts of their case studies; however, we strongly encourage authors to reflect upon these issues from concrete case studies.
Keywords: Landscape, regional survey, Computational methods, spatial analysis
Call for Papers
Call for Papers and Posters closes on October 10th.
For more information, visit the 2019 CAA website!