El 19 de noviembre de 2022, el Centro Ceremonial Indígena de Tibes en el municipio de Ponce, Puerto Rico inauguró oficialmente la exposición internacional y bilingüe "Lazos caribeños: conectando gente antes y ahora". | On November 19, 2022, the Tibes Indigenous Ceremonial Center in the municipality of Ponce, Puerto Rico officially opened the international and bilingual exhibition "Lazos Caribeños: Conectando Gente, Antes y Ahora" (Caribbean Ties: Connecting People, Then and Now).
As the European City of Science 2022, Leiden hosted the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) from 13 to 16 July 2022. Caribbean Ties was hosted at the Pieterskerk as part of the ESOF program.
Last week, Alice Knaf successfully defended her PhD dissertation 'Back to the Source. A combined trace elemental and multi-isotopic approach to provenance pre-colonial Caribbean jade artefacts'. Congratulations Dr. Knaf!
Last May, the National Archaeological Museum Aruba (NAMA) opened the Caribbean Ties: Connected people, then and now at the National Library Aruba in San Nicolas. The National Archaeological Museum Aruba (NAMA) invited schools in the neighborhood, afterschool programs and other community groups for guided tours of the exhibition. Different schools in San Nicolas, as well as YMCA visited Caribbean Ties exhibition before the end of the school year. Children and youth engaged with and enjoyed the interactive exhibition. This exhibition is presented in Papiamento and in English and received positive attention from tourists in San Nicolas as well.
This article, by Dr. Joseph Sony Jean, Dr. Till Sonnemann, and Prof. dr. Corinne Hofman, was published in Landscape Research.
In the 8th edition of the Luiz de Castro Faria Award, Meliam Gaspar won the prize in the doctoral dissertation category. Congratulations!
A new study by T. Douglas Price, Vera Tiesler, Pilar Zabala, Alfredo Coppa, Carolyn Freiwald, Hannes Schroeder, and Andrea Cucina on the origins of the inhabitants of La Isabela, Dominican Republic. This article is published in Current Anthropology.
By Anneleen Stienaers, Bert Neyt, Corinne Hofman, and Patrick Degryse, this work presents an exploratory investigation into the production of pre-colonial ceramics found on Trinidad through petrography and chemical analysis with XRF and ICP-OES. Four main petrofabric groups are identified and described: a shell-tempered group, a sponge spicules group, a grog group and a micaschist/quartzite group. All evidence suggest an origin local to the island. Most of the petrofabric groups are consistent with ceramic series which were previously described, but never analysed petrographically and/or chemically.
On Tuesday October 6th Catarina defended her dissertation at the Academy Building of Leiden University and was awarded her doctorate degree!
Last month, Esther successfully defended her PhD dissertation in Amsterdam.