Workshop: How to get a PhD position
How to get a PhD position is clouded in mystery. In one afternoon, Peter van der Putten and Maarten Lamers talk about how (they think) the game is played.
Friday May 6, 15:30 -17:00h.
Room 413 of the Snellius Building, Niels Bohrweg 1, Leiden
Intended audience: MSc students at LIACS, but others are welcome too.
No registration required; just show up to participate.
Many Media Technology graduates are interested in pursuing a PhD position. Many alumni have been successful in doing so.
That said, how to get a research position is clouded in mystery. Is it all about searching for jobs online, filling in application forms and obtaining recommendations letters? Or does the research tribe actually hunt for their candidates and make their decisions in much more informal ways, behind the scenes?
In the workshop, Peter van der Putten and Maarten Lamers ignore all the formalities and talk about how the game is really played, or how they think it is played. They are assisted by Media Technology alumni that landed cool research positions.
Media Technology: What's Next?
This edition of How to Get a PhD? is organized as part of a What's Next? event. In such events, two alumni speak about their career and how this relates to their Media Technology studies. Naturally, in this edition two alumni will tell their experiences of doing a PhD.
For this workshop, we have compiled a booklet describing experiences from Media Technology alumni that landed a PhD position. We asked them for advice to those who aspire to do the same. It will be made available during the event.
Look up PhD students
Are you interested in doing a PhD? Then you may want to check our Media Technology LinkedIn group to see who went before you, or what their PhD was about.
Hopefully this inspires you to dream, look forward, take action, and make that first important step in a scientific career: becoming a PhD candidate.