Public graduation presentation, February 25
On Friday February 25, student Mitchell Bosch will present his Media Technology MSc graduation thesis work. In 20-25 minutes Mitchell will present his project, followed by 10-15 minutes public discussion. Everyone is invited to attend. The presentation is in English.
Due to Covid-19 restrictions, the presentation takes on a hybrid form. Audience can attend in room 413 of the Snellius building, or online via the link shared below.
Mitchell Bosch
"Exposing Scientists: Exploring the Potential Benefits of Communicating Research Practice Through Photography"
In this research, the benefits of using a step-by-step photographic method are explored . This method is developed to supplement an academic publication with photos of its research process. This is based on the idea that photographs of the research process might contain valuable visual information of research activities that would otherwise be documented only briefly- for instance in a methods and materials section. Three participants of varying academic backgrounds used the method to document their most recent research process, hoping to gain insight into the potential benefits of using photography in these fields. Going from the resulting photos, their descriptions and interviews with the participants, there is reason to assume that documenting a research process using this method may have promising effects. Finally, three hypotheses are proposed based on these effects to further develop the method.
Thesis advisors: Bas Haring and Maartje van den Heuvel
When and where?
Friday February 25 2022, 09:30 – 10:15h
Room 413 of the Snellius building, Niels Bohrweg 1, Leiden.
Online: Zoom link; meeting ID: 623 2805 3521; passcode: 8c{C4b]S
Conference format
Media Technology MSc graduation presentations follow a classic conference format. Each student presents their work in 20 minutes. With the primary advisor acting as a conference session chair, the presentation is followed by a moderated public discussion.
Invited critics
Although everyone can ask questions in the discussion, the right to ask the first questions is for the two invited critics. These were personally invited by the graduate to read their thesis before the presentation, and to formulate one or two questions for the discussion. Ambitious students have been known to invite high-profile academic critics.