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Elective project

A small number of EC points from your elective space can be obtained through project work instead of taking elective courses. This enables students to work on a project that they really want to do.

Maximally 5 elective EC points can be obtained through project work instead of taking elective courses. At Leiden University, one EC represents 28 hours of student work. For an elective project, work hours are those in which the student obtains new knowledge (learns something) or generates new knowledge (researches something).

Permission for elective projects is always granted on an individual basis and restrictions may apply.

Helping a fellow student

Of these 5 EC project points, students can obtain a maximum of 2 EC for helping another student in their graduation project. It must be technical assistance, such as programming and hardware construction. The added work must be of assistive nature to the project and cannot be an essential part. Both students (assisting and assisted) need prior approval of the Media Technology board for the assistance, and must write a short report about their cooperation. A student can be the assisting and assisted party only once. Permission is on an individual basis and restrictions may apply.

How to apply for an elective project

For elective projects students must send in a completed elective project proposal form (download from Master media Technology Brightspace)  and submit it via this form (as is the case for elective courses).

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