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What's Next? Alumni speak about their career at the LIVING exhibition

  • Esra Isguzar & Alice Bodanzky
Friday 14 June 2024
Kunstinstituut Melly
Witte de Withstraat 50

Curious about the career paths of Media Technology MSc alumni? As part of the LIVING exhibition of student works, Esra Isguzar and Alice Bodanzky will speak about their careers after Media Technology and how that relates to our program.

No registration required. Free of cost to all.

Followed by drinks at the exhbition location in V2_

Part of the program of the LIVING Exhibition

This edition of the What's Next? series is part of the program surrounding the exhibition LIVING. Before and after the talks, come see the exhibition at V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media.

Exhibition "LIVING" of student works
What's Next? poster

Program, speaker info, and details

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