Wim van Saarloos
Emeritus hoogleraar theoretische natuurkunde
- Naam
- Prof.dr.ir. W. van Saarloos
- saarloos@lorentz.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-8856-8105

In de media
Emeritus hoogleraar theoretische natuurkunde
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Leiden Instituut Onderzoek Natuurkunde
- LION - Theoretical Physics
- Abbaszadeh H., Fruchart M.S., Saarloos W. van & Vitelli V. (2021), Liquid-crystal-based topological photonics, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118(4): e2020525118 .
- Berghout P., Dingemans R.J., Zhu X., Verzicco R., Stevens R.J.A.M., Saarloos W. van & Lohse D. (2020), Direct numerical simulations of spiral Taylor-Couette turbulence, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 887: A18.
- Morozov A. & Saarloos W. van (2019), Subcritical Instabilities in Plane Poiseuille Flow of an Oldroyd-B Fluid, Journal of Statistical Physics 175(3-4): 554-577.
- Möbius M.E., Xia T., Saarloos W. van, Orrit M.A.G.J. & Hecke M.L. van (2010), Aging and solidification of supercooled glycerol, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114: 7439-7444.
- Henkes S., Hecke M.L. van & Saarloos W. van (2010), Critical jamming of frictional grains in the generalized isostaticity picture, Europhysics Letters 90(1): 14003.
- Tighe B.P., Woldhuis E., Remmers J.J.C., Saarloos W. van & Hecke M.L. van (2010), Model for the scaling of stresses and fluctuations in flows near jamming, Physical Review Letters 105(8): 088303.
- Henkes S., Shundyak K., Saarloos W. van & Hecke M.L. van (2010), Local contact numbers in two dimensional packings of frictional disks, Soft Matter 6(13): 2935-2938.
- Chen K., Ellenbroek W.G., Zhang Z., Chen D.T., Yunker P.J., Henkes S., Brito C., Dauchot O., Saarloos W. van, Liu A.J. & Yodh A.G. (2010), Low-frequency vibrations of soft colloidal glasses, Physical Review Letters 105(2): 025501.
- Woldhuis E., Tighe B.P. & Saarloos W. van (2009), Wide shear zones and the spot model: Implications from the split-bottom geometry, European Physical Journal E 28(1): 73-78.
- Ellenbroek W.G., Hecke M.L. van & Saarloos W. van (2009), Jammed frictionless discs: connecting local and global response, Physical Review E 80(6): 061307.
- Ellenbroek W.G., Zeravcic Z., Saarloos W. van & Hecke M.L. van (2009), Non-affine response: Jammed packings vs. spring networks, Europhysics Letters 87(3): 34004.
- Villeneuve V.W.A. de, Leeuwen J.M.J. van, Folter J.W.J. de, Aarts D.G.A.L., Saarloos W. van & Lekkerkerker H.N.W. (2008), Residence and waiting times of Brownian interface fluctuations, Europhysics Letters 81(6): 60004.
- Villeneuve V.W.A. de, Leeuwen J.M.J. van & Saarloos W. van (2008), Statistics of fluctuating colloidal fluid-fluid interfaces, The Journal of Chemical Physics 129(16): 164710.
- Zondervan R., Xia T., Meer H. van der, Storm C., Kulzer F.M., Saarloos W. van & Orrit M.A.G.J. (2008), Soft glassy rheology of Supercooled molecular liquids, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105(13): 4993-4998.
- Xia T., Orrit M.A.G.J., Storm K. & Saarloos W. van (2008), Verrassend gedrag van onderkoeld glycerol boven de glasovergang, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde 74(10): 340.
- Meent J.W. van de, Morozov A., Somfai E., Sultan E. & Saarloos W. van (2008), Coherent structures in dissipative particle dynamics simulations of the transition to turbulence in compressible shear flows, Physical Review E 78(1): 015701.
- Somfai E., Hecke M.L. van, Ellenbroek W.G., Shundyak K. & Saarloos W. van (2007), Critical and noncritical jamming of frictional grains, Physical Review E 75(2): 020301.
- Depken M., Lechman J.B., Hecke M.L. van, Saarloos W. van & Grest G.S. (2007), Stresses in smooth flows of dense granular media, Europhysics Letters 78(5): 58001.
- Shundyak K., Hecke M.L. van & Saarloos W. van (2007), Force mobilization and generalized isostaticity in jammed packings of fractional grains, Physical Review E 75(1): 010301.
- Depken M., Saarloos W. van & Hecke M.L. van (2006), Continuum approach to wide shear zones in quasistatic granular matter, Physical Review E 73(3): 031302.
- Ellenbroek W.G., Somfai E., Hecke M.L. van & Saarloos W. van (2006), Critical scaling in linear response of frictionless granular packings near jamming, Physical Review Letters 97(25): 258001.
- Roy A., Morozov A., Saarloos W. van & Larson R.G. (2006), Mechanism of polymer drag reduction using a low-dimensional model, Physical Review Letters 97(23): 234501.
- Lima D., Saarloos W. van & Wit A. de (2006), Rayleigh-Taylor instability of pulled versus pushed fronts, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 218(2): 158-166.
- Somfai E., Roux J.N., Snoeijer J.H., Hecke M.L. van & Saarloos W. van (2005), Elastic wave propagation in confined granular systems, Physical Review E 72(2): 021301.
- Morozov A. & Saarloos W. van (2005), Subcritical finite-amplitude solutions for plane Couette flow of viscoelastic fluids, Physical Review Letters 95(2): 024501.
- Saarloos W. van, Ellenbroek W.G., Somfai E. & Hecke M.L. van (2005), Force Response as a Probe of the Jamming Transition. Garcia-Rojo R., Herrmann H.J. & McNamara S. (red.), Powders and Grains 2005. International Conference on Powders and Grains 2005 18 juli 2005 - 22 juli 2005 nr. 2: CRC Press. 377-380.
- Saarloos W. van, Baggio C., Goldstein R.E. & Pesci A.I. (2005), Boundary layer model for vortex fingers in type II superconductors, Physical Review B 72(6): 060503.
- Snoeijer J.H., Vlugt T.J.H., Hecke M.L. van & Saarloos W. van (2004), Force network ensemble: A new approach to static granular matter, Physical Review Letters 92(5): 054302.
- Baggio C., Howard M. & Saarloos W. van (2004), Dynamics and stability of vortex-antivortex fronts in type-II superconductors, Physical Review E 70(2): 026209.
- Snoeijer J.H., Hecke M.L. van, Somfai E. & Saarloos W. van (2004), Packing geometry and statistics of force networks in granular media, Physical Review E 70(1): 011301.
- Bonn D., Kobylko M., Bohn S., Meunier J., Morozov A. & Saarloos W. van (2004), Rod-Climbing Effect in Newtonian Fluids, Physical Review Letters 93(21): 214503.
- Saarloos W. van, Meulenbrok B., Storm C. & Morozov A.N. (2004), Weakly nonlinear subcritical instability of visco-elastic Poiseuille flow, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 116(2-3): 235-268.
- Saarloos W. van, Thouvenel-Romans S. & Steinbock O. (2004), Silica tubes in chemical gardens: Radius selection and its hydrodynamic origin, Europhysics Letters 67(1): 42-48.
- Ebert U., Spruijt W. & Saarloos W. van (2004), Pattern forming pulled fronts: bounds and universal convergence, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 199: 13-32.
- Pastur L., Westra M.T., Water W. van de, Hecke M.L. van, Storm C. & Saarloos W. van (2003), Sources and holes in a one-dimensional traveling-wave convection experiment, Physical Review E 67(3): 036305.
- Gastel R. van, Frenken J.W.M., Swartzentruber B.S., Somfai E. & Saarloos W. van (2003), Diffusion of vacancies in metal surfaces: theory and experiment. In: Woodruff D.P. (red.), Surface Dynamics. The Chemical Physics of Solid Surfaces nr. 11. Amsterdam: Elsevier. 351-370.
- Snoeijer J.H., Hecke M.L. van, Somfai E. & Saarloos W. van (2003), Force and weight distributions in granular media: Effects of contact geometry, Physical Review E 67(3): 030302.
- Meulenbroek B., Storm C., Bertola V., Wagner C., Bonn D. & Saarloos W. van (2003), Intrinsic route to melt fracture in polymer extrusion: a weakly nonlinear subcritical instability of viscoelastic Poiseuille flow, Physical Review Letters 90(2): 024502.
- Bertola V., Meulenbroek B., Wagner C., Storm C., Morozov A., Saarloos W. van & Bonn D. (2003), Experimental evidence for an intrinsic route to polymer melt fracture phenomena: a nonlinear instability of viscoelastic Poiseuille flow, Physical Review Letters 90(11): 114502.
- Panja D., Tripathy G. & Saarloos W. van (2003), Front propagation and diffusion in the A⇆A+A hard-core reaction on a chain, Physical Review E 67(4): 046206.
- Saarloos W. van (2003), Front propagation into unstable states, Physics Reports 386(2-6): 29-222.
- Rocco A., Casademunt J., Ebert U.M. & Saarloos W. van (2002), The diffusion coefficient of propagating fronts with multiplicative noise, Physical Review E 65(1): 012102.
- Gastel R. van, Somfai E., Albada S.B. van, Saarloos W. van & Frenken J.W.M. (2002), Vacancy diffusion in the Cu(001) surface I: An STM study, Surface Science 521: 10-25.
- Ebert U.M., Saarloos W. van & Peletier L.A. (2002), Universal algebraic convergence in time of pulled fronts: the common mechanism for difference-differential and partial differential equations, European Journal of Applied Mathematics 13(1): 53-66.
- Somfai E., Gastel R. van, Albada S.B. van, Saarloos W. van & Frenken J.W.M. (2002), Vacancy diffusion in the Cu(001) surface II: Random walk theory, Surface Science 521(1-2): 26-33.
- Panja D. & Saarloos W. van (2002), Fluctuating pulled fronts: The origin and the effects of a finite particle cutoff, Physical Review E 66(3): 036206.
- Panja D. & Van Saarloos W. (2002), Fronts with a growth cutoff but with speed higher than the linear spreading speed, Physical Review E 66(1): 015206.
- Prigent A., Grégoire G., Chaté H., Dauchot O. & Saarloos W. van (2002), Large-scale finite-wavelength modulation within turbulent shear flows, Physical Review Letters 89(1): 014501.
- Müller J. & Saarloos W. van (2002), Morphological instability and dynamics of fronts in bacterial growth models with nonlinear diffusion, Physical Review E 65(6): 061111.
- Panja D. & Saarloos W. van (2002), The Weakly Pushed Nature of "Pulled" Fronts with a Cutoff, Physical Review E 65(5): 057202.
- Kockelkoren J., Storm C. & Saarloos W. van (2002), Evidence for slow velocity relaxation in front propagation in Rayleigh-Benard Convection, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 174(1-4): 168-175.
- Panja D. & Saarloos W. van (2002), Weakly pushed nature of "pulled" fronts with a cutoff, Physical Review E 65(5): 057202.
- Frenken J.W.M., Gastel R. van, Somfai E., Albada S.B. van & Saarloos W. van (2002), Diffusion in a surface: the atomic slide puzzle, Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing 75(1): 11-15.
- Gastel R. van, Somfai E., Albada S.B. van, Saarloos W. van & Frenken J.W.M. (2001), Nothing moves a surface: Vacancy mediated surface diffusion, Physical Review Letters 86(8): 1562-1565.
- Tripathy G., Rocco A., Casademunt J. & Saarloos W. van (2001), Universality class of fluctuating pulled fronts, Physical Review Letters 86(23): 5215.
- Bosch M., Saarloos W. van & Zaanen J. (2001), Shifting Bragg peaks of cuprate stripes as possible indications for fractionally charged kinks, Physical Review B 63(9): 092501.
- Somfai E., Saarloos W. van & Roux J.-N. (2001), Wave propagation in force chains. In: Kishino Y. (red.), Powder and Grains 2001: CRC Press. 117-120.
- Mukhin S.I., Saarloos W. van & Zaanen J. (2001), Gas of elastic quantum strings in 2+1 dimensions: Finite temperatures, Physical Review B 64(11): 115105.
- Berry M., Storm C. & Saarloos W. van (2001), Theory of unstable laser modes: edge waves and fractality, Optics Communications 197(4-6): 393-402.
- Plomp E.R., Rooijen R. van, Akomoto H., Frossati G., Jochemsen R. & Saarloos W. van (2001), Analysis of the melting process of magnetized solid 3He, Journal of Low Temperature Physics 124(1-2): 169-188.
- Akimoto H., Rooijen R. van, Jochemsen R., Frossati G. & Saarloos W. van (2000), Melting process and interface instability of highly magnetized solid 3He: Role of the magnetization gradient, Physical Review Letters 85(9): 1894.
- Frenken J.W.M., Gastel R. van, Albada S.B. van, Somfai E. & Saarloos W. van (2000), Diffusion on and in surfaces: The atomic slide puzzle. Tringides M.C. & Chvoj Z. (red.), Collective Diffusion on Surfaces: Correlation effects and Adatom Interactions. NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Collective Diffusion on Surfaces: Correlation Effects and Adatom Interactions 2 oktober 2000 - 6 oktober 2000 nr. 29. Dordrecht: Spinger. 191-199.
- Gastel R. van, Somfai E., Saarloos W. van & Frenken J.W.M. (2000), A giant atomic slide-puzzle, Nature 408: 665-665.
- Tripathy G. & Saarloos W. van (2000), Fluctuation and relaxation properties of pulled fronts: A scenario for nonstandard kardar-parisi-zhang scaling, Physical Review Letters 85(17): 3556.
- Rocco A., Ebert U. & Saarloos W. van (2000), Subdiffusive fluctuations of "pulled" fronts with multiplicative noise, Physical Review E 62(1): R13.
- Storm C., Spruijt W., Ebert U. & Saarloos W. van (2000), Universal algebraic relaxation of velocity and phase in pulled fronts generating periodic or chaotic states, Physical Review E 61(6): R6063.
- Aalberts D.P., Croo De Jongh M.S.L. du, Gerke B.F. & Saarloos W. van (2000), Quantum coherent dynamics of molecules: A simple scenario for ultrafast photoisomerization, Physical Review A 61(4): 040701.
- Croo De Jongh M.S.L. du, Leeuwen J.M.J. van & Saarloos W. van (2000), Incorporation of density-matrix wave functions in Monte Carlo simulations: Application to the frustrated Heisenberg model, Physical Review B 62(22): 14844.
- Ebert U. & Saarloos W. van (2000), Breakdown of the standard perturbation theory and moving boundary approximation for "pulled" fronts, Physics Reports 337(1-2): 139-156.
- Osman O.Y., Saarloos W. van & Zaanen J. (1999), Spontaneous orientation of a quantum lattice string. In: Bianconi A. & Saini N.L. (red.), Stripes and Related Phenomena. Selected Topics in Superconductivity nr. 8. Boston, MA: Springer. 143-150.
- Toth A., Horvath D. & Saarloos W. van (1999), Lateral instabilities of cubic autocatalytic reaction fronts in a constant electric field, The Journal of Chemical Physics 111(24): 10964.
- Hecke M.L. van, Storm C. & Saarloos W. van (1999), Sources, sinks and wavenumber selection in coupled CGL equations and experimental implications for counter-propagating wave systems, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 134(1): 1-47.
- Zaanen J., Osman O.Y. & Saarloos W. van (1998), Metallic stripes: separation of spin-, charge- and string fluctuation, Physical Review B 58(18): 868-871.
- Eskes H., Osman O.Y., Grimberg R., Saarloos W. van & Zaanen J. (1998), Charged domain walls as quantum strings living on a lattice, Physical Review B 58(11): 6963-6981.
- Ebert U. & Saarloos W. van (1998), Universal algebraic relaxation of fronts propagating into an unstable state and implications for moving boundary approximations, Physical Review Letters 80(8): 1650-1653.
- Bemmel H.J.M. van, Saarloos W. van & Haaf D.F.B. ten (1998), Fixed-node Monte Carlo calculations for the 1d Kondo lattice model, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 251(1-2): 143-161.
- Saarloos W. van (1998), Three basic issues concerning interface dynamics in nonequilibrium pattern formation, Physics Reports 301(1-3): 9-43.
- Zaanen J. & Saarloos W. van (1997), Dynamical stripe correlations and the spin fluctuations in cuprate superconductors, Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications 282-287(1): 178-181.
- Ebert U., Saarloos W. van & Caroli C. (1997), Propagation and structure of planar streamer fronts, Physical Review E 55(2): 1530-1549.
- Hecke M.L. van & Saarloos W. van (1997), Convection in rotating annuli: Ginzburg-Landau equations with tunable coefficients, Physical Review E 55(2): R1259.
- Aalberts D.P., Vos F.L.J. & Saarloos W. van (1997), Towards understanding the ultra-fast dynamics of Rhodopsin, Pure and Applied Chemistry 69(10): 2099-2104.
- Alvarez R., Hecke M.L. van & Saarloos W. van (1997), Sources and sinks separating domains of left- and right-traveling waves: experiment versus amplitude equations, Physical Review E 56(2): R1306-R1309.
- Zaanen J., Horbach M.L. & Saarloos W. van (1996), Charged domain-wall dynamics in doped antiferromagnets and spin fluctuations in cuprate superconductors, Physical Review B 53(13): 8671-8680.
- Eskes H., Grimberg R., Saarloos W. van & Zaanen J. (1996), Quantizing charged magnetic domain walls: Strings on a lattice, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 54(2): R724-R727.
- Vos F.L., Aalberts D.P. & Saarloos W. van (1996), Simple method for calculating the speed of sound in tight-binding models: Application to the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 53(10): R5986-R5989.
- Ebert U., Saarloos W. van & Caroli C. (1996), Streamer Propagation as a Pattern Formation Problem: Planar Fronts, Physical Review Letters 77(20): 4178-4181.
- Vos F.L., Aalberts D.P. & Saarloos W. van (1996), Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model applied to chains of finite length, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 53(22): 14922-14928.
- Zaanen J., Osman O.Y., Eskes H. & Saarloos W. van (1996), Dynamical stripe correlations in cuprate superconductors, Journal of Low Temperature Physics 105(3/4): 569-579.
- Hecke M.L. van, Wit E. de & Saarloos W. van (1995), Coherent and incoherent drifting pulse dynamics in a complex Ginzburg-Landau equation, Physical Review Letters 75(21): 3830-3833.
- Saarloos W. van & Weeks J.D. (1995), Faraday instability of crystallization waves at the 4He solid-liquid interface, Physical Review Letters 74(2): 290-293.
- Saarloos W. van, Hecke M.L. van & Holyst R. (1995), Front propagation into unstable and metastable states in smectic-C* liquid crystals: Linear and nonlinear marginal-stability analysis, Physical Review E 52(2): 1773-1777.
- Haaf D.F. ten, Bemmel H.J. van, Leeuwen J.M. van, Saarloos W. van & Ceperley D.M. (1995), Proof for an upper bound in fixed-node Monte Carlo for lattice fermions, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 51(19): 13039-13045.
- Bemmel H.J. van, Haaf D.F. ten, Saarloos W. van, Leeuwen J.M. van & An G. (1994), Fixed-node quantum Monte Carlo method for lattice fermions, Physical Review Letters 72(15): 2442-2445.
- Horbach M.L., Vos F.L. & Saarloos W. van (1994), Fluctuation conductivity and Ginzburg-Landau parameters in high-temperature superconductors above Tc: Effect of strong inelastic scattering, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 49(5): 3539-3543.
- Hecke M.L. van, Hohenberg P.C. & Saarloos W. van (1994), Amplitude equations for pattern forming systems. Ernst M.H. & Beijeren H. (red.), Fundamental Problems in Statistical Mechanics. Eighth International Summer School on Fundamental Problems in Statistical Mechanics 28 juni 1993 - 10 juli 1993 nr. VIII: Elsevier B.V.. 245-278.
- Saarloos W. van (1994), The complex Ginzburg-Landau equation for beginners. Cladis P.E. & Palffy-Muhoray P. (red.), Spatio-temporal patterns in nonequilibrium complex systems. nr. XXI: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. 19-31.
- Hecke M.L. van, Saarloos W. van & Hohenberg P.C. (1993), Comment on "Absolute and convective instabilities in nonlinear systems", Physical Review Letters 71(13): 2162.
- Moonen J.T., Adriaanse L.J., Brom H.B., Chen N.Y., Marel D. van der, Horbach M.L. & Saarloos W. van (1993), Enhanced ac conductivity below Tc in films of YBa2Cu3O7- delta, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 47(21): 14525-14531.
- Horbach M.L., Vos F.L. & Saarloos W. van (1993), Phenomenology of the superconducting state of a marginal Fermi liquid with BCS model interaction, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 48(6): 4061-4066.
- Bemmel H.J.M. van & Saarloos W. van (1993), Temperature dependence of the x-ray photoemission line shape and of the hopping rate in a marginal Fermi liquid, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 5(9): 1377-1388.
- Saarloos W. van, Caroli B. & Caroli C. (1993), On the stability of low anisotropy dendrites, Journal de Physique I 3(3): 741-751.
- Zinke-Allmang M., Feldman L.C. & Saarloos W. van (1992), Experimental study of self-similarity in the coalescence growth regime, Physical Review Letters 68(15): 2358-2361.
- Horbach M.L. & Saarloos W. van (1992), Thermal fluctuations in the microwave conductivity of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 46(1): 432-436.
- Saarloos W. van & Hohenberg P.C. (1992), Fronts, pulses, sources and sinks in generalized complex Ginzburg-Landau equations, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 56(4): 303-367.
- Shraiman B.I., Pumir A., Saarloos W. van, Hogenberg P.C., Chaté H. & Holen M. (1992), Spatiotemporal chaos in the one-dimensional complex Ginzburg-Landau equation, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 57(3-4): 241-248.
- Horbach M.L., Saarloos W. van & Huse D.A. (1991), Comment on "Observation of the conductivity coherence peak in superconducting Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 single crystals", Physical Review Letters 67(24): 3464.
- Gleeson J.T., Palffy-Muhoray P. & Saarloos W. van (1991), Propagation of excitations induced by shear flow in nematic liquid crystals, Physical Review A 44(4): 2588-2595.
- Weeks J.D., Saarloos W. van & Grant M. (1991), Stability and shapes of cellular profiles in directional solidification: expansion and matching methods, Journal of Crystal Growth 112(1): 244-282.
- Wiltzius P. & Saarloos W. van (1991), Absence of increase in length scale upon approaching the glass transition in liquid glycerol, The Journal of Chemical Physics 94(7): 5061-5063.
- Saarloos W. van & Weeks J.D. (1991), Cellular profiles in directional solidification: is the Saffman-Taylor branch of solutions the physically relevant one?. In: Amar M.B., Pelcé P. & Tabeling P. (red.), Growth and Form. NATO ASI Series (Series B: Physics) nr. 276. Boston, MA, U.S.A.: Springer. 157-167.
- Anisimov M.A., Cladis P.E., Gorodetskii E.E., Huse D.A., Podneks V.E., Taratuta V.G., Saarloos W. van & Voronov V.P. (1990), Experimental test of a fluctuation-induced first-order phase transition: The nematic-smectic-A transition, Physical Review A 41(12): 6749-6762.
- Saarloos W. van & Hohenberg P.C. (1990), Pulses and fronts in the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation near a subcritical bifurcation, Physical Review Letters 64(7): 749-752.
- Weeks J.D. & Saarloos W. van (1990), Stability of cellular patterns in directional solidification, Physical Review A 42(8): 5056-5059.
- Palffy-Muhoray P., Yuan H.J., Frisken B.J. & Saarloos W. van (1990), The formation and propagation of fronts at the electric field induced bend Freedericksz transition. In: Busse F.H. & Kramer L. (red.), Nonlinear Evolution of Spatio-Temporal Structures in Dissipative Continuous Systems. NATO ASI Series (Series B: Physics) nr. 225. New York: Plenum Press. 313-318.
- Saarloos W. van (1990), Front propagation into unstable states: Some recent developments and surprises. In: Busse F.H. & Kramer L. (red.), Nonlinear Evolution of Spatio-Temporal structures in Dissipative Continuous Systems. NATO ASI Series (Series B: Physics) nr. 225. Boston, MA, U.S.A.: Springer. 499-508.
- Weeks J.D., Saarloos W. van, Bedeaux D. & Blokhuis E.M. (1989), Consistency of capillary wave theory in 3 dimensions - divergence of the interface width and agreement with density functional theory, The Journal of Chemical Physics 91(10): 6494-6504.
- Weeks J.D. & Saarloos W. van (1989), Directional solidification cells with grooves for a small partition coefficient, Physical Review A 39(5): 2772-2775.
- Cladis P.E., Saarloos W. van, Huse D.A., Patel J.S., Goodby J.W. & Finn P.L. (1989), Dynamical test of phase transition order, Physical Review Letters 62(15): 1764-1767.
- Saarloos W. van (1989), Front propagation into unstable states. II. Linear versus nonlinear marginal stability and rate of convergence, Physical Review A 39(12): 6367-6390.
- Weeks J.D. & Saarloos W. van (1989), Implications of the Triezenberg-Zwanzig surface tension formula for models of interface structure, Journal of Physical Chemistry 93(19): 6969-6975.
- Dee G.T. & Saarloos W. van (1988), Bistable systems with propagating fronts leading to pattern formation, Physical Review Letters 60(25): 2641-2644.
- Saarloos W. van & Grant M. (1988), Domain-growth kinetics of systems with soft walls, Physical Review B 37(4): 2274-2277.
- Saarloos W. van (1988), Front propagation into unstable states: Marginal stability as a dynamical mechanism for velocity selection, Physical Review A 37(1): 211-229.
- Saarloos W. van, Weeks J.D. & Grant M. (1988), Indications of microscopic solvability from counting arguments, Physical Review A 37(1): 230-234.
- Saarloos W., Weeks J.D. & Kotliar G. (1987), Asymptotic expansion of the full nonlocal solidification problem, Physical Review A 35(5): 2288-2292.
- Weeks J.D. & Saarloos W. van (1987), Boundary-layer approaches to dendritic growth, Physical Review A 35(7): 3001-3023.
- Saarloos W. van (1987), Dynamical velocity selection: Marginal stability, Physical Review Letters 58(24): 2571-2574.
- Cladis P.E., Saarloos W. van, Finn P.L. & Kortan A.R. (1987), Dynamics of line defects in nematic liquid crystals, Physical Review Letters 58(3): 222-225.
- Saarloos W. van & Weeks J.D. (1987), Physics of heat flow in the tails of needle crystals, Physical Review A 35(5): 2357-2360.
- Wiltzius P. & Saarloos W. van (1987), Wiltzius and van Saarloos reply, Physical Review Letters 59(18): 2123.
- Saarloos W. van & Wiltzius P. (1987), Reply to the comments by Chen et al. and by Pusey et al. on "Hydrodynamic behavior of fractal aggregates, Physical Review Letters 59(18): 2123.
- Saarloos W. van (1987), On the hydrodynamic radius of fractal aggregates, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 147(1-2): 280-296.
- Saarloos W. van & Gilmer G.H. (1986), Dynamical properties of long-wavelength interface fluctuations during nucleation-dominated crystal growth, Physical Review B 33(7): 4927-4935.
- Saarloos W. van & Weeks J.D. (1985), Boundary-layer formulation of dendritic growth: Existence of a family of steady-state needle solutions, Physical Review Letters 55(16): 1685-1688.
- Huse D.A., Saarloos W. van & Weeks J.D. (1985), Interface Hamiltonians and bulk critical behavior, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 32(1): 233-246.
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- Beenakker C.W.J., Saarloos W. van & Mazur P. (1984), Many-sphere hydrodynamic interactiions III. The influence of a plane wall, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 127(3): 451-472.
- Saarloos W. van, Douglas A. & Kurtze A. (1984), Location of zeros in the complex temperature plane: Absence of Lee-Yang theorem, Journal of Physics A : Mathematical and General 17(6): 1301.
- Kurtze D.A., Saarloos W. van & Weeks J.D. (1984), Front propagation in self-sustained and laser-driven explosive crystal growth: Stability analysis and morphological aspects, Physical Review B 30(3): 1398-1410.
- Saarloos W. van & Weeks J.D. (1984), Surface undulations in explosive crystallization: A nonlinear analysis of a thermal instability, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 12(1-3): 279-294.
- Saarloos W. van (1983), Use of the star-triangle transformation for the application of differential real-space renormalization-group theory, Physical Review B 27(9): 5678-5685.
- Saarloos W. van & Weeks J.D. (1983), Surface undulations in explosive crystallization: A thermal instability, Physical Review Letters 51(12): 1046-1049.
- Saarloos W. van, Llebot J.E. & Rubi J.M. (1983), Comment on "A generalized Langevin equation for 1/f noise", Physica B: Condensed Matter 122(2): 246-248.
- Saarloos W. van & Mazur P. (1983), Many-sphere hydrodynamic interactions II: Mobilities at finite frequencies, 120(1-2): 77-103.
- Saarloos W. van (1982), Exact differential renormalization group equations for Ising models on square lattices, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 112(1-2): 65-100.
- Mazur P. & Saarloos W. van (1982), Many-sphere hydrodynamic interactions and mobilities in a suspension, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 115(1-2): 21-57.
- Saarloos W. van, Bedeaux D. & Mazur P. (1982), Non-linear hydrodynamic fluctuations around equilibrium, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 110(1-2): 147-170.
- Bedeaux D., Mazur P. & Saarloos W. van (1982), Non-linear hydrodynamic fluctuations around equilibrium: Remarks in connection with an article by R.F. Fox, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 112(3): 514-516.
- Rubi J.M. & Saarloos W. van (1982), Non-linear hydrodynamic fluctuation theory for a charged two component fluid in equilibrium, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 113(1-2): 217-234.
- Saarloos W. van (1981), A canonical transformation relating the Lagrangian and Eulerian description of ideal hydrodynamics, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 108(203): 557-566.
- Saarloos W. van, Bedeaux D. & Mazur P. (1981), Hydrodynamics for an ideal fluid: Hamiltonian formalism and Liouville-equation, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 107(1): 109-125.
- Holten J.W. van & Saarloos W. van (1980), A generalisation of the Ehrenfests' wind-tree model, European Journal of Physics 1(3): 149-152.
- Saarloos W. van, Leeuwen J.M.J. van & Stella A.L. (1979), Differential real space renormalization: The linear Ising chain, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 97(2): 319-348.
- Saarloos W. van, Leeuwen J.M.J. van & Pruisken A.M.M. (1978), Variational principles in renormalization theory, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 92(3-4): 323-342.
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