Willem Heiser
Emeritus hoogleraar
- Naam
- Prof.dr. W.J. Heiser
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- heiser@fsw.leidenuniv.nl

Kort CV
Prof. dr. Willem Heiser is Emeritus Hoogleraar Psychologie, Methodologie en Statistiek aan de Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen. Daarnaast is hij ook Emeritus Hoogleraar Datatheorie aan de Faculteit Wiskunde en Natuurkunde.
Heiser is geïnteresseerd in wat de methodologie tot een eenheid maakt en richt zich met name op de geschiedenis van de statistiek en de waarschijnlijkheidsrekening. Zijn onderzoek bestrijkt de multivariate analyse, meerdimensionale schaaltechnieken, en methoden voor classificatie.
Emeritus hoogleraar
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Faculteitsbureau
- Emeriti FSW
Emeritus hoogleraar Datatheorie
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Mathematisch Instituut
- Mathematisch Instituut
- Schie C.C. van, Chui-De Chiu, Rombouts S.A.R.B., Heiser W.J. & Elzinga B.M. (2022), Finding a positive me: affective and neural insights into the challenges of positive autobiographical memory reliving in borderline personality disorder, Behaviour Research and Therapy 158: 104182.
- Yuan B., Heiser W. & Rooij M. de (2021), A comparison of two dissimilarity functions for mixed-type predictor variables in the δ-machine, Advances in Data Analysis and Classification : .
- Schie C.C. van, Chui-De C., Rombouts S.A.R.B., Heiser W.J. & Elzinga B.M. (2020), Stuck in a negative me: fMRI study on the role of disturbed self-views in social feedback processing in borderline personality disorder, Psychological Medicine 50(4): 625-635.
- Van Schie C.C., Chui-De C., Rombouts S.A.R.B., Heiser W.J. & Elzinga B.M. (2019), When I relive a positive me: Vivid autobiographical memories facilitate autonoetic brain activation and enhance mood, Human Brain Mapping 40(16): 4859-4871.
- Meijer E., Cleiren P.H.D., Dusseldorp E., Buurman V.J.C., Hogervorst R.M. & Heiser W.J. (2019), Cross-Validated Prediction of Academic Performance of First-Year University Students: Identifying Risk Factors in a Nonselective Environment, Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice 38(1): 36-47.
- Yuan B., Heiser W. & Rooij M. de (2019), The δ-Machine: Classification Based on Distances Towards Prototypes, Journal of Classification 36(3): 442-470.
- Wijsen L.D., Borsboom D., Cabacao T. & Heiser W.J. (2019), An Academic Genealogy of Psychometric Society Presidents, Psychometrika 84(2): 562-588.
- D'Ambrosio A. & Heiser W.J. (2019), A distribution-free soft-clustering method for preference rankings, Behaviormetrika 46(2): 333-351.
- Feijt A.A., Mol S.E., Espin C.A., d'Ambrosio A. & Heiser W.J. (2019), Instructional factors that influence learning from university lectures: Opinions of students with and without disabilities. 1st SRLD Conference, Padua. 1st SRLD Conference 7 juni 2019 - 8 juni 2019.
- Van Schie C.C., Chiu C., Rombouts S.A.R.B., Heiser W.J. & Elzinga B.M. (2018), When compliments do not hit but critiques do: an fMRI study into self-esteem and self-knowledge in processing social feedback, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 13(4): 404-417.
- Moormann P.P., De Gucht V., Heiser W. & Bermond B. (2018), The impact of alexithymia types on somatisation when controlling for gender and psychological distress. In: Teixeira R.J., Bermond B. & Moormann P.P. (red.), Current Developments in Alexithymia, a Ccognitive and Affective Deficit.. New York: Nova Science Publishers. 219-237.
- Heiser W.J. & Hubert L. (2016), A creation narrative for the Psychometric Society and Psychometrika: In the beginning there was Paul Horst, Psychometrika 81(4): 1172-1176.
- Stevenson C.E., Heiser W.J. & Resing W.C.M. (2016), Dynamic testing of analogical reasoning in 5-to 6-year-olds: Multiple-choice versus constructed-response training items, Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 34(6): 550-565.
- D'Ambrosio A. & Heiser W.J. (2016), A recursive partitioning method for the prediction of preference rankings based upon Kemeny distances, Psychometrika 81(3): 774-794.
- Fagginger Auer M.F., Hickendorff M., Putten C.M. van, Béguin A.A. & Heiser W.J. (2016), Multilevel latent class analysis for large-scale educational assessment data: Exploring the relation between the curriculum and students' mathematical strategies, Applied Measurement in Education 29(2): 144-159.
- Stevenson C.E., Heiser W.J. & Resing W.C. (2016), Dynamic testing: Assessing cognitive potential of children with culturally diverse backgrounds, Learning and Individual Differences 47: 27-36.
- Heiser W.J. & Hubert L. (2016), Commemorating the 80th anniversary of the founding of Psychometrika: Introduction by the guest editors, Psychometrika 81(4): 1170-1171.
- Vera F.J., De Rooij M.J. & Heiser W.J. (2014), A latent class distance association model for cross-classified data with a categorical response variable, British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 67(3): 514-540.
- Stevenson C.W., Bergwerff C., Heiser W.J. & Resing W.C.M. (2014), Working memory and dynamic measures of analogical reasoning as predictors of children's math and reading achievement, Infant and Child Development 23(1): 51-66.
- Heiser W.J. (2014), From preference mapping to preference learning, with an example of a prediction tree for rankings. Conference paper 25th Anniversary jubilee meeting of the VOC (Dutch Classification Society), Kerkrade . 25th Anniversary jubilee meeting of the VOC (Dutch Classification Society) 6 november 2014 - 7 november 2014.
- Heiser W.J. (2014), Editorial, Journal of Classification 31(2): 135.
- Heiser W.J. & Busing F.M.T.A. (2014), Regularization with coefficient of variation in loss functions for nonmetric unfolding. Conference paper Annual meeting of the Psychometric Society, Madison . Annual meeting of the Psychometric Society 22 juli 2014 - 27 juli 2014.
- Heiser W.J., Amodio S. & D’Ambrosio A. (2014), Multidimensional unfolding and clustering of preferences: A new simulation design. Conference paper Dagstuhl Seminar "Preference Learning", Leibnitz. Dagstuhl Seminar "Preference Learning". 3 maart 2014 - 7 maart 2014.
- Heiser W.J. (2014), Editorial, Journal of Classification 31(3): 273.
- Heiser W.J. (2013), In memoriam J. Douglas Carroll, Psychometrika 78(1): 5-13.
- Stevenson C.E., Hickendorff M., Resing W.C.M., Heiser W.J. & De Boeck P.A.L. (2013), Explanatory item response modeling of children's change on a dynamic test of analogical reasoning, Intelligence 41(3): 157-168.
- Stevenson C.E., Heiser W.J. & Resing W.C.M. (2013), Working memory as a moderator of training and transfer of analogical reasoning in children, Contemporary Educational Psychology 38(3): 159-169.
- Heiser W.J. (2013), A chorus line how Psychology in Leiden turned west. In: Holsteyn J. van, Mom R., Smit I., Tromp H. & Wolters G. (red.), Perspectives on the past: 50 year of FSW. Utrecht: Biblioscope. 22-41.
- Heiser W.J. (2013), A chorus line: Hoe de psychologie in Leiden westwaarts keerde. In: Holsteyn J. van, Mom R., Smit I., Tromp H. & Wolters G. (red.), Vensters op het verleden: 50 jaar FSW.. Utrecht: Biblioscope. 22-41.
- Heiser W.J. & D'Ambrosio A. (2013), Clustering and prediction of rankings within a Kemeny distance framework. In: Lausen B., Poel D. van den & Ultsch A. (red.), Algorithms from and for nature and life. Studies in classification, data analysis and knowledge organization: Springer International Publishing Switzerland. 19-31.
- Heiser W.J. (red.) (2013), . JOURNAL OF CLASSIFICATION.
- Heiser W.J. (red.) (2013), . JOURNAL OF CLASSIFICATION.
- Heiser W.J. & D'Ambrosio A. (2013), Clustering and prediction of rankings within a Kemeny distance framework. In: Lausen B., Poel D. van den & Ultsch A. (red.), Algorithms from and for nature and life. Studies in classification, data analysis and knowledge organisation: Springer International Publishing Switzerland.. 19-31.
- Vera J.F., Macias R. & Heiser W.J. (2013), Cluster differences unfolding for two-way two-mode preference rating data, Journal of Classification 30(3): 370-396.
- Meulman J.J. & Heiser W.J. (2012), SPSS Categories 20.0. Chicago, USA: SPSS Inc..
- Spinhoven P., Rooij M.J. de, Heiser W.J., Smit J.H. & Penninx B.W.J.H. (2012), Personality and changes in comorbidity among anxiety and depressive disorders, Journal of Abnormal Psychology 121(4): 874-884.
- Polak M.G., Rooij M.J. de & Heiser W.J. (2012), A model-free diagnostic for single-peakedness of item responses using ordered conditional means, Multivariate Behavioral Research 47(5): 743-770.
- Heiser W.J. (red.) (2012), Editor Journal of Classification. Journal of Classification.
- Heiser W.J. (2012), J. Douglas Carroll 1939-2011 In Memoriam, Journal of Classification 29(3): 263-276.
- De Jong K., Van Sluis P., Nugter M.A., Heiser W.J. & Spinhoven P. (2012), Understanding the differential impact of outcome monitoring: Therapist variables that moderate feedback effects in a randomized clinical trial, Psychotherapy Research 22(4): 464-474.
- Heiser W.J. (red.) (2011), . Applied Psychological Measurement.
- Heiser W.J. (red.) (2011), . Journal of Classification.
- Heiser W.J. (red.) (2011), . Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives.
- Polak M.G., Van H.L., Overeem-Seldenrijk J., Heiser W.J. & Abraham R.E. (2010), The developmental profile: Validation of a theory driven instrument for personality assessment, Psychotherapy Research 20: 259-272.
- Rooden S.M. van, Heiser W.J., Kok J., Verbaan D., Hilten Jacobus J. & Marinus Johan (2010), The identification of Parkinson's disease subtypes using cluster analysis: a systematic review, Movement Disorders 25(8): 969-978.
- Busing F.M.T.A. & Heiser W.J. (2010), Restricted unfolding: Preference analysis with optimal transformations fo preferences and attributes, Food Quality and Preference 21: 82-92.
- Heiser W.J. & Warrens M.J. (2010), Families of relational statistics for 2X2 tables. In: Kaul H. & Mulder H.M. (red.), Advances in Interdisciplinary Applied Discrete Mathematics. Singapore: World Scientific. 25-52.
- Hickendorff M., Van Putten C.M., Verhelst N.D. & Heiser W.J. (2010), Individual differences in strategy use on division problems: Mental versus written computation, Journal of Educational Psychology 102(2): 438-452.
- Polak M.G., Heiser W.J. & Rooij M.J. de (2009), Two types of single-peaked data: correspondence analysis as an alternative to principal component analysis, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 53: 3117-3128.
- Vera J.F., Macias R. & Heiser W.J. (2009), A dual latent class unfolding model for two-way two-mode preference rating data, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 53: 3231-3244.
- Spinhoven P., Rooij M.J. de, Heiser W.J., Smit J. & Penninx B.W. (2009), The role of personality in comorbidity among anxiety and depressive disorders in primary care and specialty care: A cross-sectional analysis, General Hospital Psychiatry 31: 470-477.
- Hickendorff M., Heiser W.J., Van Putten C.M. & Verhelst N.D. (2009), Solution strategies and achievement in Dutch complex arithmetic: Latent variabel modeling of change, Psychometrika 74: 331-350.
- Hickendorff M., Heiser W.J., Van Putten C.M. & Verhelst N.D. (2009), How to measure and explain achievement change in large-scale assessments: A rejoinder, Psychometrika 74: 367-374.
- Heiser W.J. (red.) (2009), . Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives.
- Heiser W.J. (red.) (2009), . Applied Psychological Measurement.
- Heiser W.J. (red.) (2009), . Journal of Classification.
- Vera J.F., Macias R. & Heiser W.J. (2009), A latent class multidimensional scaling model for two-way one-mode continuous rating dissimilarity data, Psychometrika 74: 297-315.
- Warrens M.J. & Heiser W.J. (2009), Diagnostics for regression dependence in tables re-ordered by the dominant correspondence analysis solution, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 53: 3139-3144.
- Frank L.E. & Heiser W.J. (2008), Feature selection in feature network models: Finding predictive subsets of features with the positive lasso, British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 61: 1-27.
- Heiser W.J. (2008), Psychometric roots of multidimensional data analysis in the Netherlands: From Gerard Heymans to John van de Geer, Journ@l Electronique d'Histoire des Probabilités et de la Statistique / Electronic Jour@l for History of Probability and Statistics 4(2): 1-25.
- De Jong K., Nugter A., Polak M., Wagenborg H., Spinhoven P. & Heiser W. (2008), The Dutch version of the Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45): a cross-cultural validation, Psychologie & Gezondheid 36(1): 35-45.
- Heiser W.J. & Warrens M.J. (2008), On the recovery of the consecutive ones property by generalized averaging algorithms. In: Shigemasu K., Okada A., Imaizumi T. & Hoshino T. (red.), New trends in psychometrics.. Tokio: University Academic Press. 107-110.
- Heiser W.J. (red.) (2008), . Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives.
- Heiser W.J. (red.) (2008), . Applied Psychological Measurement.
- Heiser W.J. (red.) (2008), . Journal of Classification.
- Hickendorff M., Heiser W.J., Van Putten C.M. & Verhelst N.D. (2008), Clustering nominal data with equivalent categories, Behaviormetrika 35(1): 35-54.
- De Gucht V.M.J., Maes S. & Heiser W.J. (2008), Is there a reciprocal relationship between health behaviour and psychological and somatic distress?, International Journal of Psychology 43: 594-594.
- De Jong K., Nugter M.A., Polak M.G., Wagenborg J.E.A., Spinhoven P. & Heiser W.J. (2008), De Nederlandse versie van de Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45): Een crossculturele validatie, Engaging Science, Technology, and Society 36: 35-45.
- Vera J.F., Murillo A. & Heiser W.J. (2007), Global optimization in any Minkowski metric: a permutation-translation simulated annealing algorithm for multidimensional scaling, Journal of Classification 24: 277-301.
- Warrens M.J., Gruijter D.N.M. de & Heiser W.J. (2007), A systematic comparison between classical optimal scaling and the twoparameter IRT model, Applied Psychological Measurement 31(2): 106-120.
- Rooden S.M. van, Verbaan D., Visser M., Marinus J., Verduin C.J., Heiser W.J. & Hilten J.J. van (2007), Profiling subgroups of cognitive performance in Parkinson's disease, Parkinsonism & Related Disorders 13: S187.
- Frank L.E. & Heiser W.J. (2007), Estimating standard errors in feature network models, British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 60: 1-28.
- Gravely-Witte S., De Gucht V.M.J., Heiser W.J., Grace S.L. & Elderen-Van Kemenade T.M.T. van (2007), The impact of angina and cardiac history on health-related quality of life and depression in coronary heart disease patients, Chronic Illness 3: 66-76.
- De Jong K., Nugter M.A., Polak M.G., Wagenborg J.E.A., Spinhoven P. & Heiser W.J. (2007), The Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45) in a Dutch population: A cross-cultural validation, Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy 14: 288-301.
- Heiser W.J. & Meulman J.J. (2007), Noise or signal? The dilemma of individual differences. In: Groen A. in 't, Jonge H.J. de, Klasen E., Papma H. & Slooten P. van (red.), Knowledge in Ferment. Dilemmas in science, scholarship and society. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 71-83.
- Warrens M.J. & Heiser W.J. (2007), Robinson Cubes. In: Brito P., Bertrand P., Cucumel G. & Caravalho F. de (red.), Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, Vol. 9: Selected contributions in data analysis and classification.. Berlin: Springer. 515-523.
- Deun K. van, Marchal K., Heiser W.J., Engelen K. & Mechelen I. van (2007), Joint mapping of genes and conditions via multidimensional unfolding analysis, BMC Bioinformatics 8(181): 1-8.
- Deun K. van, Heiser W.J. & Delbeke L. (2007), Multidimensional unfolding by nonmetric multidimensional scaling of Spearman distances in the extended permutation polytope, Multivariate Behavioral Research 42: 103-132.
- Heiser W.J. (2006), Editorial, JOURNAL OF CLASSIFICATION 23(1): 1-2.
- Warrens M.J. & Heiser W.J. (2006), Scaling Unidimensional Models with Multiple Correspondence Analysis. In: Greenacre M. & Blasius J. (red.), Multiple Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods. London: Chapman & Hall/CRC. 219-235.
- Heiser W.J. (red.) (2006), . Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives.
- Heiser W.J. (red.) (2006), . Journal of Classification.
- Heiser W.J. (red.) (2006), . Applied Psychological Measurement.
- Heiser W.J. (2006), Editorial, Journal of Classification 23(2): 173-173.
- Kooij A.J. van der, Meulman J.J. & Heiser W.J. (2006), Local minima in categorical multiple regression, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 50: 446-462.
- Heiser W.J. (2006), Measurement without copper instruments and experiment without complete control, Psychometrika 71: 457-461.
- Craen S. de, Commandeur J.J.F., Frank L.E. & Heiser W.J. (2006), Effects of group size and lack of sphericity on the recovery of clusters in K-means cluster analysis, Multivariate Behavioral Research 41(2): 127-145.
- Kloot W.A. van der, Spaans M. & Heiser W.J. (2005), Instability of hierarchical cluster analysis due to input order of the data: The PermuCLUSTER solution, Psychological Methods 10: 468-476.
- Kooij A.J. van der, Meulman J.J. & Heiser W.J. (2005), Local minima in categorical multiple regression, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis : 446-462.
- Murillo A., Vera J.F. & Heiser W.J. (2005), A permutation-translation simulated annealing algorithm for L1 and L2 Undidimensional scaling, Journal of Classification 22: 119-138.
- Rooij M.J. de & Heiser W.J. (2005), Graphical representations and odds ratios in a distance association model for the analysis of cross classified data, Psychometrika 70: 99-122.
- Meulman J.J. & Heiser W.J. (2005), SPSS Categories 14.0 - CD Rom. Chicago: SPSS Inc..
- Heiser W.J. (red.) (2005), . Journal of Classification.
- Heiser W.J. (red.) (2005), . Applied Psychological Measurement.
- Heiser W.J. (2005), Editorial, JOURNAL OF CLASSIFICATION 22(1): 1-2.
- Heiser W.J. (2005), Editorial, JOURNAL OF CLASSIFICATION 22(2): 147-148.
- Deun K. van, Groenen P.J.F., Heiser W.J., Busing F.M.T.A. & Delbeke L. (2005), Interpreting degenerate solutions in unfolding by use of the vector model and the compensatory distance model, Psychometrika 70: 45-69.
- Busing F.M.T.A., Groenen P.J.F. & Heiser W.J. (2005), Avoiding degeneracy in multidimensional unfolding by penalizing on the coefficient of variation, Psychometrika 70: 71-98.
- Warrens M.J., Heiser W.J. & Gruijter D.N.M. de (2005), Reparametrization of homogeneity analysis to accommodate parallel item response functions, Behaviormetrika 32(2): 127-139.
- Verduin C.J. & Heiser W.J. (2005), Spreiding zonder fouten; hoe de standaarddeviatie tot stand kwam als maat voor verscheidenheid, STAtOR 6(3): 14-20.
- Meulman J.J. & Heiser W.J. (2004), SPSS Categories 13.0. Chicago, Illinois: SPSS Inc..
- Heiser W.J. & Busing F.M.T.A. (2004), Multidimensional scaling and unfolding of symmetric and asymmetric proximity relations. In: Kaplan D. (red.), The SAGE Handbook of Quantitative Methodology for the Social Sciences. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 25-48.
- Meulman J.J., Kooij A.J. van der & Heiser W.J. (2004), Principal components analysis with nonlinear optimal scaling transformations for ordinal and nominal data. In: Kaplan D. (red.), The Sage Handbook of Quantitative Methodology for the Social Sciences. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. 49-70.
- Heiser W.J. (2004), Editorial, Journal of Classification 21(1): 1-1.
- Heiser W.J. (2004), Editorial, JOURNAL OF CLASSIFICATION 21(2): 163-164.
- Heiser W.J. (2004), Geometric representation of association between categories, Psychometrika 69: 513-546.
- De Gucht V.M.J., Fischler B. & Heiser W.J. (2004), Neuroticism, alexithymia, negative affect, and positive affect as determinants of medically unexplained symptoms, Personality and Individual Differences 36: 1655-1667.
- De Gucht V.M.J., Fischler B. & Heiser W.J. (2004), Personality and affect as determinants of medically unexplained symptoms in primary care. A follow up study, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 56(3): 279-285.
- Heiser W.J. (2003), Trust in relations, Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives 1: 264-269.
- Heiser W.J. (2003), Barycentric representation of profiles in correspondence analysis: Some new results. In: Dodge Y. & Melfi G. (red.), Méthodes et Perspectives en Classification - Comptes rendus des 10èmes Rencontres de la Société Francophone de Classification. Neuchâtel Suisse: PAN. 21-22.
- Heiser W.J. (red.) (2003), . Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives.
- Heiser W.J. (red.) (2003), . Journal of Classification.
- Kloot W.A. van der, Bouwmeester S. & Heiser W.J. (2003), Cluster instability as a result of data input order. In: Yanai H., Okada A., Shigemasu K., Kano Y. & Meulman J.J. (red.), New Developments in Psychometrics. Tokyo: Springer Verlag. 487-494.
- Rooij M.J. de & Heiser W.J. (2003), A distance representation of the quasi-symmetry model and related distance models. In: Yanai H., Okada O., Shigemasu K., Kano Y. & Meulman J.J. (red.), New Developments in Psychometrics. Tokyo: Springer Verlag. 487-494.
- Heiser W.J. (2003), Early Statistical Modelling of Latent Quantities: The History of Distance Measurement by Triangulation. In: Yanai H., Okada A., Shigemasu K., Kano Y. & Meulman J.J. (red.), New Developments in Psychmetrics. Tokyo: Springer Verlag. 33-44.
- Frank L.E., Rooij M.J. de & Heiser W.J. (2003), Monte Carlo simulation in three-way unfolding: Assessing the combined effects of sparseness and variation of the cell frequencies. In: Yanai H., Okada A., Shigemasu K., Kano Y. & Meulman J.J. (red.), New Developments in Psychometrics. Tokyo: Springer Verlag. 511-518.
- Heiser W.J. (red.) (2003), . Applied Psychological Measurement.
- Heiser W.J. (2003), Editorial, Journal of Classification 20(1): 1-1.
- Heiser W.J. (2003), Editorial, Journal of Classification 20(2): 139-140.
- De Gucht V.M.J., Fischler B. & Heiser W.J. (2003), Job stress, personality, and psychological distress as determinants of somatization and functional somatic syndromes in a population of nurses, Stress and Health 19: 195-204.
- De Gucht V.M.J. & Heiser W.J. (2003), Alexithymia and somatisation: A quantitative review of the literature, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 54: 425-434.
- Heiser W.J. (red.) (2002), . Journal of Classification.
- Frank L.E., Rooij M.J. de & Heiser W.J. (2002), Monte Carlo simulation in three-way unfolding: assesing the combined effect of sparseness and variation of the cell frequencies. In: Yanai H., Okada H., Shigemasu A., Kano K., Meulman Y. & Meulman J.J. (red.), New develpments in Psychometrics. Tokyo: Springer. 511-518.
- Rooij M.J. de & Heiser W.J. (2002), A distance representation of the quasi-symmetry model and related distance models. In: Okada H., Shigemasu A., Kano K., Meulman J.J., Yanai I. & Meulman Y. (red.), New developments in Psychometrics. Tokyo: Springer Verlag. 487-494.
- Heiser W.J., Roman Y. & Gonzalez A. (2002), Proceeding of the Conference CompStat 2002- Short Communications and Posters. In: Klinke S., Ahrend P. & Richter L. (red.), MDS and Cluster analysis for big sets of dissimilarity data. Heidelberg: Heidelberg: Physika Verslag. 54-55.
- Heiser W.J. (red.) (2002), . Applied Psychological Measurement.
- De Gucht V.M.J., Fischler B. & Heiser W.J. (2002), Neuroticism, alexithymia, negative affect, and positive affect as determinants of medically unexplained symptoms, Abstract book of the 16th Conference of European Health Psychology Society, Lisbon, Portugal. 184-185.
- Frank L.E. & Heiser W.J. (2002), Stability of feature network models for proximity data. [overig].
- Heiser W.J. (2002), Editorial, Journal of Classification 19: 193-194.
- Heiser W.J. (red.) (2001), . Journal of Classification.
- Heiser W.J. (red.) (2001), . Applied Psychological Measurement.
- Heiser W.J. (2001), Correspondence Analysis. Smelser N.J. & Baltes P.B. (red.), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences.. . Oxford: Pergamon. 2820-2824.
- Heiser W.J. & Busing F.M.T.A. (6 augustus 2001), The IM Algorithm for Sparse MDS Data: Some Initial Experiences. Invited paper presented at DIMACS Workshop on Algorithms for Multidimensional Scaling.. Piscataway, NJ, USA, 6-10 August, 2001. [lezing].
- Heiser W.J. (red.) (2000), . Journal of Classification.
- Kolck M. van, Rooij M.J. de & Heiser W.J. (2000), Multidimensional scaling of loglinear parameters: The best transformation. Garnefski N. & Prins F. (red.), Coping with Psychology, Vol. I. . Leiden, The Netherlands: Department of Psychology. 117-136.
- Heiser W.J. (red.) (2000), . Applied Psychological Measurement.
- Rooij M.J. de & Heiser W.J. (2000), Graphical Representations and Odds Ratios in a Distance Association Model for the Analysis of Cross Classified Data. Leiden: Department of Psychology.
- Rooij M.J. de & Heiser W.J. (2000), Three-way distance models and three-way association: a theoretical note. Leiden: Department of Psychology.
- Heiser W.J. (2000) What is Random?. Bespreking van: Beltrami E. (2000), What is random? Chance and Order in Mathematics and Life. New York: Copernicus. Kwantitatieve Methoden 21: 144-145.
- Hubert L.J., Meulman J.J. & Heiser W.J. (2000), Two purposes for matrix factorization: A historical appraisal, SIAM Review 42(1): 68-82.
- Groenen P.J.F. & Heiser W.J. (2000), Iterative Majorization Algorithms in Statistical Computing. Discussion of: K. Lange, D.R. Hunter & I. Yang, Optimization transfer using surrogate objective functions, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 9: 44-48.
- Rooij M.J. de & Heiser W.J. (2000), Triadic distance models for the analysis of asymmetric three-way proximity data, British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 53: 99-119.
- Meulman J.J. & Heiser W.J. (1999), Categories 10.0. Chicago (USA): SPSS Inc..
- Heiser W.J. (red.) (1999), . Psychometrika.
- Heiser W.J. (red.) (1999), . JOURNAL OF CLASSIFICATION.
- Heiser W.J. (red.) (1999), . Applied Psychological Measurement.
- Busing F.M.T.A., Heiser W.J., Neufeglise P. & Meulman J.J. (1999), PROXSCAL. Chicago (U.S.A.): SPSS Inc.. [overig].
- Groenen P.J.F., Heiser W.J. & Meulman J.J. (1999), Global Optimization in Least-squares Multidimensional Scaling by Distance Smoothing, Journal of Classification 16: 225-254.
- Kroonenberg P.M. & Heiser W.J. (1998), Parallel factor analysis with constraints on the configurations: An overview. In: Hayashi C., Ohsumi N., Yajima K., Tanaka Y., Bock H.-H. & Baba Y. (red.), Data science, classification, and related methods. Tokyo: Springer. 587-597.
- Meulman J.J., Hubert L.J. & Heiser W.J. (1998), The Data Theory Scaling System. In: Rizzi A., Vichi M. & Bock H.H. (red.), Advances in Data Science and Classification. Berlin: Springer Verlag. 489-496.
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- Heiser W.J. (1998), Fitting graphs and trees with multidimensional scaling methods. In: Hayashi C., Ohsumi N., Yajima K., Tanaka Y., Bock H.-H. & Baba Y. (red.), Data science, classification, and related methods. Tokyo: Springer Verlag. 52-62.
- Meulman J.J., Hubert L.J. & Heiser W.J. (1998), The Data Theory Scaling System. In: Rizzi A., Vichi M. & Bock H.-H. (red.), Advances in data science and classification. Berlin: Springer Verlag. 489-496.
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- Busing F.M.T.A., Commandeur J.J.F. & Heiser W.J. (1997), PROXSCAL: A multidimensional scaling program for individual differences scaling with constraints. In: Bandilla W. & Faulbaum F. (red.), Advances in Statistical Software 6. Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius. 67-73.
- Heiser W.J. & Meulman J.J. (1997), Representation of binary multivariate data by graph models using the Hamming metric. In: Wegman E. & Azen S. (red.), Computing Science and Statistics. Fairfax, VA, USA: Interface Foundation of North America. 517-525.
- Heiser W.J. & Meulman J.J. (1997), Nonlinear multivariate analysis: Overview and recent advances. In: Ato Garcia M. & Lopez Pina J.A. (red.), Actas del IV Congreso de Methodologia de las Ciencias del Comportamiento. Murcia, Spanje: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Murcia. 15-32.
- Heiser W.J. & Meulman J.J. (1997), Nonlinear Multivariate Analysis: Overview and recent advances. In: Ato Garcia M. & Lopez Pina J.A. (red.), IV Simposio de Metodologia de las Ciencias del Comportamiento. Murcia: Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad. 15-32.
- Kroonenberg P.M. & Heiser W.J. (1997), Parallel factor analysis with constraints: An overview. In: Hayashi C. & Ohsumi N. (red.), Data Science, Classification, and Related Methods. Tokyo: Springer. 587-597.
- Heiser W.J. (red.) (1997), . Psychometrika.
- Heiser W.J. (red.) (1997), . Journal of Classification.
- Heiser W.J. (red.) (1997), . Applied Psychological Measurement.
- Groenen P.J.F., Heiser W.J. & Meulman J.J. (1997), Global optimization in least-squares multidimensional scaling by distance smoothing. onbekend: SW Datatheorie.
- Groenen P.J.F., Heiser W.J. & Meulman J.J. (1997), City-block scaling: Smoothing strategies for avoiding local minima. onbekend: SW Datatheorie.
- Heiser W.J. & Bennani M. (1997), Triadic distance models for triadic dissimilarity data, Estudios Gerenciales 41(18): 189-206.
- Heiser W.J. & Groenen P.J.F. (1997), Cluster differences scaling with a within-cluster loss component and fuzzy successive approximation strategy to avoid local minima, Psychometrika 62: 63-83.
- Meulman J.J. & Heiser W.J. (1997), Graphical display of interaction in multiway contingency tables by use of homogeneity analysis. In: Greenacre M. & Blasius J. (red.), Visual Display of Categorical Data.. New York: Academic Press. 277-296.
- Tijssen R.J.W., Raan A.F.J. van, Heiser W.J. & Wachmann L. (1990), Integrating multiple sources of information in literature-based maps of science, Journal of Information Science 16(4): 217-227.