Willem Heiser
Emeritus hoogleraar
- Naam
- Prof.dr. W.J. Heiser
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- heiser@fsw.leidenuniv.nl

Kort CV
Prof. dr. Willem Heiser is Emeritus Hoogleraar Psychologie, Methodologie en Statistiek aan de Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen. Daarnaast is hij ook Emeritus Hoogleraar Datatheorie aan de Faculteit Wiskunde en Natuurkunde.
Heiser is geïnteresseerd in wat de methodologie tot een eenheid maakt en richt zich met name op de geschiedenis van de statistiek en de waarschijnlijkheidsrekening. Zijn onderzoek bestrijkt de multivariate analyse, meerdimensionale schaaltechnieken, en methoden voor classificatie.
Emeritus hoogleraar
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Faculteitsbureau
- Emeriti FSW
Emeritus hoogleraar Datatheorie
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Mathematisch Instituut
- Mathematisch Instituut
- Heiser W.J. & Meulman J.J. (2014), Borrowing strength from multi-way thinking by attacking two-way problems with multi-way methods. Invited paper at the symposium in honor of P.M. Kroonenberg, Leiden University, 14 November 2014. [lezing].
- Heiser W.J. (31 januari 2014), Psychologie van het statistisch denken / Psychology of statistical thinking. Afscheidsrede / Address. Psychology, Leiden. [lezing].
- Heiser W.J. (11 oktober 2012), De evolutie van de statistiek. 10th Anniversary of the Centre for Policy related statistics of CBS (Statistics Netherlands). Leiden. [lezing].
- Heiser W.J. & d'Ambrosio A. (9 juli 2012), Classification of rankings within a Kemeny distance framework. IMPS 2012 77th annual meeting of the Psychometric Society. Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. [lezing].
- Heiser W.J. & d'Ambrosio A. (14 juni 2012), Clustering of rankings using Kemenyu distances. CSNA 2012. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. [lezing].
- Heiser W.J. & d'Ambrosio A. (31 augustus 2011), Custering and prediction of rankings within a kemeny distance framework. invited speaker at the Joint Conference of the German Classification Society (GfKl). Frankfurt am Main. [lezing].
- Heiser W.J. (18 juli 2011), Explanatory unfolding models for prediction of judgment and choice. 76th annual and 17th international meeting of the Psychometric Society (IMPS2011). HongKong. [lezing].
- Heiser W.J. (20 augustus 2009), Statistics meets psychology: the inspiration of John van de Geer. Invited lecture on the occasion of the start of the master's program Statistical Science for the life and behavioral sciences.. Leiden. [lezing].
- Heiser W.J. & Warrens M.J. (24 juli 2009), Detecting complete positive regression: using the dominant axis of correspondence analysis. IMPS 2009, the 74th annual meering of the Psychometric Society.. Cambridge, England. [lezing].
- Heiser W.J. & Warrens M.J. (6 juni 2008), Horseshoe effects in multiple correspondence analysis: distance transformations that let them disappear. CSNA 2008 Annual meeting of the Classification society of North America. St Louis. [lezing].
- Polak M.G., Heiser W.J. & Rooij M.J. de (1 juni 2006), Testing single-peakedness of item responses. IMPS'2006, the 71th Annual meeting of the psychometric society. Montreal, Canada. [lezing].
- Heiser W.J. (12 oktober 2006), Spatial analysis of preferences and attitude data allowing for differences between actors and effects of occasions. Invited address for the Polish SPSS user conference. Krakow, Poland. [lezing].
- Deun K. van, Mechelen I. van & Heiser W.J. (1 augustus 2006), Joint mapping of genes and conditions via non-metric multidimensional unfolding analysis. COMPSTAT'2006, the 17th conference of IASC-ERS. Rome, Italy. [lezing].
- Heiser W.J. & Frank L.E. (1 juni 2006), Network representations of city-block models. IMPS'2006, the 71th Annual meeting of the Psychometric Society. Montreal, Canada. [lezing].
- Heiser W.J. & Frank L.E. (1 juli 2006), Network representations of city-block models. International Federation of Classification Societies, IFCS'2006. Ljubljana, Slovenia.. [lezing].
- Frank L.E. & Heiser W.J. (1 mei 2006), Standard errors, prediction error and model tests in additive trees. Annual meeting of the Classification Society of North America (CSNA). Piscataway, U.S.A.. [lezing].
- Frank L.E. & Heiser W.J. (16 juni 2004), Statistical inference in feature network models and additive trees. IMPS 2004, The 69th Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society. Pacific Grove, CA. [lezing].
- Heiser W.J. (11 juni 2003), Interpretation of between-set distances in correspondence analysis. DIMACS workshop on algorithms for multidimensional scaling,II. Tallahassee Florida USA. [lezing].
- Heiser W.J. (14 augustus 2003), Interpretation of between-set distances in correspondence analysis. seminar CTB. Monterey CA USA. [lezing].
- Heiser W.J. (10 december 2003), Barycentric representation of profiles in correspondence analysis: Some new results. Rencontres de la Société Francophone de Calssification. Neuchatel Suisse. [lezing].
- Heiser W.J. (29 juni 2003), Interset distances in the barycentric representation of profiles. CARME 2003 Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods. Barcelona Spain. [lezing].
- Heiser W.J. & Busing F.M.T.A. (12 juni 2003), Ordinal three-way MDS with PROXSCAL: An application of tehe reduced rank model to the Klingberg data. Annual meeting of the Classification Society of North America. Tallahassee Florida USA. [lezing].
- Deun K. van, Groenen P.J.F., Heiser W.J., Busing F.M.T.A. & Delbeke L. (16 juli 2002), A Combined Vector-ideal Point Appoach in Metric Unfolding by Optimizing the Correlation. IFCS'02: 8th Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies. Cracow ( Poland). [lezing].
- Roman Y., Heiser W.J. & Gonzalez A. (24 augustus 2002), MDS and Cluster Analysis for Big Sets of Dissimilarity Data (Poster). CompStat' 2002: XVth Conference on Computional Statistics. Berlijn. [lezing].
- Heiser W.J. (2002), Van bespiegeling naar empire: Statistiek in het hart van het methodologie onderwijs. Statistische Dag van de VVS. Utrecht (Annual Meeting of the Dutch Statistical. [lezing].
- Kooij A.J. van der, Meulman J.J. & Heiser W.J. (16 juli 2002), Local Minima in Categorical Multiple Regression (CATREG). IFCS Conference, 16 - 19 July 2002. Cracow, Poland. [lezing].
- Frank L.E. & Heiser W.J. (17 juli 2002), Stability of feature network models for proximity data. 8th Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies. Krakau (Polen). [lezing].
- Kooij A.J. van der, Meulman J.J. & Heiser W.J. (18 juli 2002), Local minima in categorical multiple. IFCS'02: 8th Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies. Cracow (Poland). [lezing].
- Deun K. van, Groenen P.J.F., Heiser W.J., Busing F.M.T.A. & Delbeke L. (18 juli 2002), A combined vector-ideal point approach in metric unfolding by optimizing the correlation. 8th Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS). Cracow, Poland. [lezing].
- De Gucht V.M.J., Fischler B. & Heiser W.J. (2 oktober 2002), Neuroticism, alexithymia, negative affect, and positive affect as determinants of medically unexplained symptoms. 16th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society. Lisbon (Portugal). [lezing].
- Busing F.M.T.A., Groenen P.J.F. & Heiser W.J. (15 juli 2001), Nonmetric Unfolding with Penalized Stress. Invited paper presented at International Meeting of the Psychometric Society.. Osaka, Japan, 15-19 July, 2001. [lezing].
- Frank L.E., Rooij M.J. de & Heiser W.J. (15 juli 2001), Monte Carlo Simulation in Three-way Unfolding: Assessing the Combined Effect of Sparseness and Variation in the Cell Frequencies. Paper presented at the International Meeting of the Psychometric Society.. Osaka, Japan, 15-19 July, 2001. [lezing].
- Rooij M.J. de & Heiser W.J. (2001), Distance Association Models for the Analysis of Change. Invited paper presented at the International Meeting of the Psychometric Society.. Osaka, Japan, 15-19 July, 2001. [lezing].
- Kloot W.A. van der, Bouwmeester S. & Heiser W.J. (15 juli 2001), Cluster Instability As A Result of Order Permutations of Input Data. Paper presented at International Meeting of the Psychometric Society.. Osaka, Japan, 15-19 July, 2001. [lezing].
- Heiser W.J. & Busing F.M.T.A. (6 augustus 2001), PROXSCAL: A General MDS Program For Two-way and Three-way Euclidean MDS With Restrictions on the Coordinates. Invited Paper presented at DIMACS Workshop on Algorithms for Multidimensional Scaling.. Piscataway, NJ, USA, 6-10 August, 2001. [lezing].
- Rooij M.J. de & Heiser W.J. (2 augustus 2001), Distance Association Models for the Analysis of Association in Contingency Tables. Invited paper presented at the International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics.. Voorburg, The Netherlands, 2-3 August, 2001. [lezing].
- Heiser W.J. (15 juli 2001), Early Statistical Modeling of Latent Quantities: The History of Distance Measurement by Triangulation. Keynote Address, International Meeting of the Psychometric Society.. Osaka, Japan, 15-19 July, 2001. [lezing].
- Heiser W.J. (14 juni 2001), Early Statistical Modeling of Latent Qualities: The History of Distance Measurement by Triangulation. Keynote Address, Meeting of the Classification Society of North America.. St. Louis, USA, 14-17 June, 2001. [lezing].
- Rooij M.J. de & Heiser W.J. (15 juli 2001), A Distance Representation of the Quasi-symmetry Model and Special Cases. Invited paper presented at the International Meeting of the Psychometric Society.. Osaka, Japan, 15-19 July, 2001. [lezing].
- Heiser W.J., Busing F.M.T.A. & Groenen P.J.F. (6 augustus 2001), Nonmetric Unfolding by Penalizing for Lack of Variation in the Transformed Proximities. Invited paper presented at DIMACS Workshop on Algorithms for Multidimensional Scaling.. Piscataway, NJ, USA, 6-10 August, 2001. [lezing].
- Heiser W.J., Busing F.M.T.A. & Groenen P.J.F. (26 september 2001), A Solution for the Degeneracy Problem in Unfolding. Keynote address. 32nd European Mathematical Psychology Group Meeting.. Lisbon, Portugal, 26-29 September, 2001. [lezing].
- Rooij M.J. de & Heiser W.J. (6 augustus 2001), Triadic Distance Models: Properties and Estimation. Invited paper presented at DIMACS Workshop on Algorithms for Multidimensional Scaling.. Piscataway, NJ, USA, 6-10 August, 2001. [lezing].
- Bensmail H., Meulman J.J. & Heiser W.J. (15 maart 2000), MCMC Latent class distance models for analyzing single stimulus preference ratings. The 24th Annual Conference of the German Classification Society (GfKl). Passau, Germany. [lezing].
- Heiser W.J. (3 oktober 2000), Early Roots of Statistical Modelling. Social Science Methodologyin the New Millenium, Fifth International Conference on Logic and Methodology (International Sociological Association). Cologne, Germany. [lezing].
- Busing F.M.T.A., Groenen P.J.F. & Heiser W.J. (11 juli 2000), Avoiding degeneracy in unfolding through the use of a penalty function. IFCS-2000: The 7th Conference of the International Classification Society. Namur, Belgium. [lezing].
- Rooij M.J. de & Heiser W.J. (3 oktober 2000), Probabilistic Unfolding Models for the Analysis of Change. Social Science Methodology in the New Millenium, Fifth International Conference on Logic and Methodology (International Sociological Association). Cologne, Germany. [lezing].
- Steverink M.H.M., Heiser W.J. & Kloot W.A. van der (11 juli 2000), Avoiding Degenerate Solutions Using Kemeny's Distance. IFCS'2000: Data Analysis, Classification and Related Methods, 7th Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies.. Namur, Belgium. [lezing].
- Busing F.M.T.A., Groenen P.J.F. & Heiser W.J. (3 oktober 2000), Avoiding degeneracy in unfolding through the use of penalty function. Social Science Methodology in the New Millenium, Fifth International Conference on Logic and Methodology (International Sociological Association). Cologne, Germany. [lezing].
- Busing F.M.T.A., Meulman J.J., Groenen P.J.F. & Heiser W.J. (11 juli 2000), Unfolding without degeneracies through penalized stress. IFCS-2000: The 7th Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies.. Namur, Belgium. [lezing].
- Kooij A.J. van der, Meulman J.J. & Heiser W.J. (12 juli 2000), Local minima in categorical multiple regression. IFCS-2000, The 7th Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies. Namur, Belgium. [lezing].
- Heiser W.J. (11 juli 2000), Measurement in the Low Countries. Millenium Talk, IFCS'2000: Data Analysis, Classification and Related Methods, 7th Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies. Namur, Belgium. [lezing].
- Kooij A.J. van der, Meulman J.J. & Heiser W.J. (20 juli 1999), Clustering of Row Profiles in Categorical Data Analysis. 11th European Meeting of the Psychometric Society. Lueneburg, Germany. [lezing].
- Groenen P.J.F., Heiser W.J. & Meulman J.J. (22 september 1999), Distance smoothing for global optimization in least squares multidimensional scaling. SWS/VVS, PIONEER Lectures. Utrecht (The Netherlands). [lezing].
- Rooij M.J. de & Heiser W.J. (20 juli 1999), Triadic Distance Models for the Analysis of Asymmetric Three-way Proximity Data. 11th European Meeting of the Psychometric Society. Lueneburg, Germany. [lezing].
- Meulman J.J., Heiser W.J. & Hubert L.J. (25 juni 1999), Three-way correspondence analysis through individual differences models. Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society. Lawrence, Kansas (USA). [lezing].
- Meulman J.J., Heiser W.J. & Hubert L.J. (20 juli 1999), Three-way Correspondence Analysis Through Individual Differences Models. 11th European Meeting of the Psychometric Society. Lueneburg, Germany. [lezing].
- Meulman J.J., Heiser W.J. & Hubert L.J. (20 juli 1999), Three-Way Correspondence Analysis Through Individual Differences Models. The 11th European Meeting of the Psychometric Society. Lueneburg (Germany). [lezing].
- Meulman J.J., Heiser W.J. & Kroonenberg P.M. (19 januari 1999), Applied multivariate data analysis. ISED graduate course, Faculty of Social Sciences, Leiden University. Leiden (The Netherlands). [lezing].
- Meulman J.J., Heiser W.J. & Hubert L.J. (25 juni 1999), Three-way Correspondence Analysis Through Individual Differences Models. Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society. Lawrence, Kansas. [lezing].
- Groenen P.J.F., Heiser W.J. & Meulman J.J. (23 juli 1998), Global optimization in least squares multidimensional scaling by distance smoothing. Paper presented at the 6th Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies, contributed to Data Science, Classification and Related Methods (short papers pp. 138-141). Rome, Italy. [lezing].
- Groenen P.J.F., Heiser W.J. & Meulman J.J. (24 juli 1998), Global optimization in least squares multidimensional scaling by distance smoothing. 6th Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies. Rome, Italy. [lezing].
- Rooij M.J. de & Heiser W.J. (20 juli 1998), The slide-vector model for asymmetry in three-way multidimensional scaling of longitudinal categorical data. Paper presented at the 6th Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies, contributed to Data Science, Classification and Related Methods (short papers pp. 104-107). Rome, Italy. [lezing].
- Heiser W.J. (13 november 1998), Van onzekerheid naar coïncidentie: De naturalisatie van het toeval in de 19e eeuw (From uncertainty to coincidence: The naturalization of chance in the 19th century). NOSMO-Methodologendag. Tilburg. [lezing].
- Heiser W.J. (3 februari 1998), Van toeval naar kans: De geschiedenis van het meten van onzekerheid (From chance to probability: The history of the Measurement of Uncertainty). Studium Generale. Groningen. [lezing].
- Meulman J.J., Hubert L.J. & Heiser W.J. (22 juli 1998), The Data Theory Scaling System. Paper presented at the 6th Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies. Rome, Italy. [lezing].
- Heiser W.J. & Meulman J.J. (22 juni 1998), A clustering method for a distribution of points on a Lattice. Paper presented at the 6th Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies, contributed to Data Science, Classification and Related Methods (short papers pp. 154-157). Rome, Italy. [lezing].
- Heiser W.J. (8 september 1998), Fitting feature graphs to proximity data. Keynote Address International Conference on Statistical Data Analysis and Data Collection. Preddvor, Slovenia. [lezing].
- Groenen P.J.F., Heiser W.J. & Meulman J.J. (16 augustus 1997), Iterative majorization in distance smoothing for multidimensional scaling to avoid local minima. 6th International workshop on matrix methods for statistics. Istanbul, Turkey. [lezing].
- Kroonenberg P.M. & Heiser W.J. (4 mei 1997), Parallel factor analysis with constraints: Recent developments. TRICAP meeting on Three-way methods in chemistry and psychology. Lake Chelan, WA, USA. [lezing].
- Kooij A.J. van der & Heiser W.J. (16 juli 1997), Hierarchical GROUPALS: A simultaneous optimization method for hierarchical clustering using a minimum variance criterion, under optimal scaling of the variables. 10th European Meeting of the Psychometric Society. Santiago de Compostela, Spain. [lezing].
- Groenen P.J.F., Heiser W.J. & Meulman J.J. (12 maart 1997), City-block scaling: Smoothing strategies for avoiding local minima. 21st Annual Meeting of the Gesellschaft für Klassifikation. Potsdam, Germany. [lezing].
- Kroonenberg P.M. & Heiser W.J. (4 mei 1997), Parallel factor analysis with constraints: Recent developments. Three-way methods in chemistry and Psychology. TRICAP97. Lake Chelan, WA. [lezing].
- Heiser W.J. (16 februari 1997), Lezing 5. International Sunbelt Social Network Conference. San Diego, CA, USA. [lezing].
- Heiser W.J. (21 november 1997), Lezing 4. Vereniging voor Ordinatie en Classificatie. [lezing].
- Groenen P.J.F., Heiser W.J. & Meulman J.J. (16 juli 1997), Solving the local minimum problem in multidimensional scaling by distance smoothing. 10th European Meeting of the Psychometric Society. Santiago de Compostela, Spain. [lezing].
- Heiser W.J. (4 september 1997), Lezing 3. European Mathematical Psychology Group. Nijmegen. [lezing].
- Heiser W.J. & Meulman J.J. (21 februari 1997), Lezing 1. 2nd World Conference of the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC). Pasadena, California, USA. [lezing].
- Heiser W.J. (16 juli 1997), Lezing 7. 10th European Meeting of the Psychometric Society. Santiago de Compostela, Spanje. [lezing].
- Heiser W.J. (14 augustus 1997), Lezing 2. 3rd International Conference on Statistical Data Analysis based on the L1-norm and Related Methods. Neuchatel, Zwitserland. [lezing].