Vasiliki Kosta
Universitair Hoofddocent
- Naam
- Dr. V. Kosta
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 8540
- 0000-0001-5123-4059

Vasiliki Kosta studeerde rechten aan King’s College Londen, waar ze in 2006 de bachelor behaalde en de master European Law ‘with distinction’ in 2007. Vervolgens begon zij aan een promotie-onderzoek aan het Europees Universitair Instituut in Florence, Italië, Haar thesis draagt de titel ‘Fundamental Rights in Internal Market Legislation’. Tevens werkte zij als onderzoeksmedewerker aan de Academy of European Law, EUI Florence.
Meer informatie over Vasiliki Kosta
In 2011 was Kosta werkzaam als stagiaire bij het Hof van Justitie van de EU en ook rondde zij in 2011/2012 een traineeship af bij het EU Fundamental Rights Agency: 'Bureau van de Europese Unie voor de grondrechten' (FRA).
Kosta verdedigde op 17 juni 2013 haar proefschrift getiteld: "Fundamental Rights in Internal Market Legislation" aan de Academy of European Law, EUI Florence.
In 2017 was Kosta Emile Noël Fellow bij het Jean Monnet Center van de New York University (NYU) School of Law.
Ze is met behulp van een NWO-VIDI-onderzoekssubsidie onderzoeksleider van het project: “The EU Fundamental Right to ‘Freedom of the Arts and Sciences’: Exploring the Limits on the Commercialisation of Academia”.
Universitair Hoofddocent
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Publiekrecht
- Europees Recht
- Maassen P., Kosta V. & Ceran O.M. (2025), EP Academic Freedom Monitor 2024: Key findings and policy options. Brussels: European Parliamentary Research Service, Scientific Foresight Unit (STOA) (European Parliament). [policy paper].
- Kosta V. & Ceran O.M. (29 januari 2024), A way forward?: protecting academic and scientific freedom in the EU. Verfassungsblog. [blog].
- Kosta V. (2023), Investigating lessons for the EU’s fundamental rights policies, European Constitutional Law Review 19(2): 371-389.
- Kosta V. (11 december 2023), The commercialisation challenge to academic freedom: a matter for EU law. European Law Blog. [blog].
- Kosta V. & Piqani D. (2022), Where trade and academic freedom meet: Commission v. Hungary (LEX CEU), Common Market Law Review 59(3): 813-852.
- Kosta V. (2022), Proportionality and discretion in EU Law: in search of clarity. In: European Central Bank (red.), Continuity and change - how the challenges of today prepare the ground for tomorrow, ECB Legal Conference 2021. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. 94-107.
- Kosta V. (2020), The EU fundamental right to' freedom of the arts and sciences': exploring the limits on the commercialisation of academia (AFITE). [overig].
- Kosta V. (2019), The Principle of Proportionality in EU Law: An Interest-based taxonomy. In: Mendes J. (red.), EU Executive Discretion and the Limits of Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 198-219.
- Kosta V. & De Witte B. (2019), Human Rights Norms in the Court of Justice of the European Union. In: Scheinin M. (red.), Human Rights Norms in 'Other' International Courts. Studies on International Courts and Tribunals. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 263-286.
- Kosta V. & Tobler C. (2019), Horizontale unmittelbare Wirkung im EU-Recht: Von Defrenne II bis Bauer und Broßon. In: Epiney A., Hehemann L. & Zlatescu P.E. (red.), Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Europarecht = Annuaire suisse de droit européen 2018/2019. Zürich-Basel: Schulthess Verlag-Stämpfli. 341-357.
- Kosta V. (2018), Μια πρόταση ταξινόμησης της αρχής της αναλογικότητας στο ενωσιακό δίκαιο βάσει του εξυπηρετούμενου συμφέροντος, Το Συνταγμα / To Syntagma (3/2018): .
- Kosta V. (2018), Fundamental rights mainstreaming in the EU. In: Ippolito F., Bartoloni M.E. & Condinanzi M. (red.), The EU and the Proliferation of Integration Principles under the Lisbon Treaty. Routledge research in European Union law. London-New York: Routledge. 14-44.
- Kosta V. (2015), Fundamental Rights in EU Internal Market Legislation. Modern Studies in European Law nr. 58. Oxford and Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing.
- Kosta V., Skoutaris N. & Tzevelekos V. (2014), 'The EU Accession to the ECHR'. Modern Studies in European Law nr. 48. Oxford and Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing.
- Kosta V., Skoutaris N. & Tzevelekos V. (red.) (2014), L’adhésion de l’Union européenne à la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme: questions émergentes / The accession of the European Union to the European Convention on Human Rights: emerging issues. Journal européen des droits de l'homme / European Journal of Human Rights.
- Kosta V. (2010), Internal Market Legislation and the Private Law of Member States – The Impact of Fundamental Rights, European Review of Contract Law 6(4): 409-436.
- Kosta V. (2009), European Court of Justice Case C-213/07, Michaniki AE v. Ethniko Simvoulio Radiotileorasis, Ipourgos Epikratias, European Constitutional Law Review 5(3): 501-516.