Tanja Masson-Zwaan
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. T.L. Masson-Zwaan
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- t.l.masson@law.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0001-9504-3414

Tanja Masson-Zwaan is universitair docent en Plv. Hoofd van het Internationaal Instituut voor Lucht- en Ruimterecht.
Meer informatie over Tanja Masson-Zwaan
Voor meer informatie zie de Engelstalige profielpagina van Dr. T.L. Masson-Zwaan.
Universitair docent
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Publiekrecht
- Lucht- en Ruimterecht
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Hofmann M. (2025), Introduction to space law. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International.
- Blount P.J., Masson-Zwaan T.L., Moro-Aguilar R. & Schrogl K.-U. (red.) (2025), Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2023. The Hague: Eleven Publishing.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2025), Liability. In: Hofmann M. & Blount P.J. (red.), Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of Space Law. Elgar Concise Encyclopedias in Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 191-194.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2024), Hoe staat het met de regulering van ruimtemijnbouw?: Een update, Ars Aequi 73(2): 125-132 (AA20240125).
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Johnson C.D. (2024), Echostar-7: the US imposes first-ever fine for failure to comply with deorbiting plan, Air and Space Law 49(2): 243-248.
- Blount P.J., Masson-Zwaan T.L., Moro-Aguilar R. & Schrogl K.-U. (red.) (2024), Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2022. The Hague: Eleven.
- Masson T.L., Martinez P., Letizia F., Melograna C., Reynders M., Rovetto R., Skinner M.A., Stanciu-Manolescu M., Strah M., Volynskaya O. & Wang G. (2024), The need to improve registration practices in the context of space traffic management, Acta Astronautica 223: 242-248.
- Masson T.L. (2024), Some thoughts on the future of space law. In: Cheng C.-J. (red.), New trends in international law: Festschrift in Honour of Judge Hisashi Owada. Leiden: Brill | Nijhoff. 377-394.
- Hubbard K., Elkins-Tanton L. & Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2024), A mining code for regulating lunar water ice mining activities, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121(52): e2321079121.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2024), A general introduction to Space Law in Netherlands. In: Wheeler J. (red.), In-Depth: Space Law (formerly The Space Law Review). London: Lexology.
- Masson T.L. (2023), Starlink or stargazing: will commerce outshine science?. In: Schwartz J.S.J., Billings L. & Nesvold E. (red.), Reclaiming space: progressive and multicultural visions of space exploration. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 264-274.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Sundahl M.J. (2023), National and international norms towards the governance of commercial space resource activity. In: Smith L.J., Baumann I. & Wintermuth S.-G. (red.), Routledge handbook of commercial space law. Routledge Handbooks in Law. London: Routledge. 385-402.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Johnson C.D. (2023), Special Iisue on space sustainability, safety, and security, Air and Space Law 48(special issue): 1-4.
- Masson T.L. & Zhao Y. (2023), Towards an international regime for space traffic management, Air and Space Law 48(special issue): 75-92.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L., Stam D., Klein Wolt M. & Kraan L. [maker] 31 juli 2023, Van wie is de ruimte?. Grote Vragen 7. Rijksmuseum Boerhaave [podcast].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L., Pace S., Whale K. & Fong K. [host] 6 juli 2023, The future of space: congested and contested. Next Giant Leap. GZERO Media in partnership with MDA [podcast].
- Wentholt J., Badhai I. & Masson-Zwaan T.L. 5 april 2023, Ontwikkelingen in het ruimterecht [Developments in Space Law]. Leiden Lawcast S02E02 [podcast].
- Masson T.L. (2023), The space law review: Netherlands. In: Wheeler J. (red.), The space law review: [fourth edition]. The Law Reviews. London: The Law Reviews.
- Blount P.J., Masson-Zwaan T.L., Moro-Aguilar R. & Schrogl K.-U. (red.) (2023), Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2021. The Hague: Eleven.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (9 februari 2023), Widening the horizons of outer space law (Dissertatie. Institute of Public Law, Faculty of Law, Leiden University) Meijers-reeks nr. MI-396. Promotor(en): Mendes de Leon P.M.J.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Stefoudi D. (2022), Study on the US & French National Space Legislation: A comparative analysis. Brussels: European Commission Directorate-General for Defence Industry & Space (DG DEFIS).
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2022), Eigendom in de ruimte: wat zegt het recht?, Liberaal journaal 2022(Eigendom): 14.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2022), Panelist (online) at workshop "Advancing Space Security through Norms, Rules and Principles of Responsible Behaviours?" (Republic of Korea/UNIDIR & Secure World Foundation). [overig].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (10 mei 2022), International Space Law and the Environment [online] (Lezing): United Nations/Chile Conference on Space Law and Policy: "Governance and Legal Perspectives on Space Activities in Earth Orbit and Beyond".
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2 februari 2022), Feit of fictie?. Geïnterviewd door Noorzai H. for EenVandaag (1V)(NPO Radio 1) [interview].
- Masson T.L. (2022), Private law aspects of suborbital flights: second- and third-Party liability and insurance, Journal of Air Law and Commerce 87(3): 413-443.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2022), Space traffic management: the need of the hour. In: , Liber amicorum Sergio Marchisio: Il diritto della comunità internazionale tra caratteristiche strutturali e tendenze innovative. Volume II. Le Grandi Opere. Napoli: Editoriale scientifica. 1139-1154.
- Pavesi G., Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Taiatu C.M. (22 september 2022), An EU Approach for Space Traffic Management: Updated Instruments to Tackle Rising Challenges (Lezing). Paris: 73rd International Astronautical Congress 2022-20th IAA symposium on space debris, session "Political, Legal, Institutional and Economic Aspects of Space Debris Mitigation and Removal - STM Security".
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (19 november 2022), ESA-baas: Europa moet veel onafhankelijker zijn in de ruimte. Geïnterviewd door Muns M. voor Trouw(Wetenschap) [interview].
- Geers M.A., Timmermans L.J., Masson-Zwaan T.L., Snijders M., Lie S.S. & Stefoudi D. (2022), Wet ruimtevaartactiviteiten: marktverkenning 2022-2029 (December 2022). Groningen: Agentschap Telecom.
- Geers M.A., Timmermans L.J., Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Lie S.S. (2022), Audit 2022 for space activities of ISISPACE (July 2022). Groningen: Agentschap Telecom.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (14 december 2022), Moonwalk. Geïnterviewd door Roggeveen G. for Radio Weetlust(Sleutelstad) [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (9 december 2022), Liability for damage caused by small satellites and large constellations (Lezing). Manfred Lachs Center for Space Law, Warsaw University: ‘50 years - the Convention on International Liability for damage caused by Space Objects: Balance and Prospects’.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (20 oktober 2022), Panel II. Space traffic management: legal challenges (moderator) (Lezing).
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (14 oktober 2022), Legal aspects of lunar SAR operations (panelist) & an international organization for lunar SAR? (panelist) (Lezing): International Conference on Lunar Search and Rescue, IAASS.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (14 juli 2022), Fly me to the moons (panelist) (Lezing). Leiden: EuroScience Open Forum.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (23 juni 2022), Living in LEO: it’s not just the ISS anymore (panelist) (Lezing). London: Secure World Foundation (SWF), 4th Summit for space sustainability.
- Masson T.L. & Sundahl M.J. (2021), The Lunar Legal Landscape: Challenges and Opportunities, Air & Space Law 46(1): 29-56.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (19 januari 2021), Sustainability in space. Leiden Law Blog. [blog].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2021), Bespreking van: Von Der Dunk F.G. (2020), Advanced Introduction to Space Law. Elgar Advanced Introductions. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. Air & Space Law 46(2): 323-328.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Blount P.J. 25 maart 2021, “Law Breakfast with Steven Freeland”. Space Café. SpaceWatch Global [podcast].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2021), L’exploitation des ressources spatiales et le droit international. In: L’espace extra-atmosphérique et le droit international, Colloque de Toulouse. Société française pour le Droit International - Colloque Paris: Editions A. Pedone. 315-332.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Stefoudi D. (2021), Space law and policy in postgraduate education: The example of the International Space University. In: Proceedings of the 72nd International Astronautical Congress, 25-29 October 2021, Dubai, United Arab Emirates..
- Geers M.A., Timmermans L.J., Masson-Zwaan T.L., Snijders M., Lie S.S. & Stefoudi D. (2021), Supervision Audit 2020 for space activities of NSS: Audit report (January 2021). Groningen: Agentschap Telecom.
- Hauchecorne A., Blanc M., Courtois M., Masson-Zwaan T.L., Klein K.-L., Vauclair S., Hainaut O., Lagadec E. & Roquet H. (2021), Statement on the impact of megaconstellations on astronomical observations of the sky and geophysical observations from space = Déclaration sur l’Influence des grandes constellations de satellites sur les observations depuis et vers l’espace (Air and Space Academy (AAE) = Académie de l’Air et de l’espace (AAE)). [overig].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (16 september 2021), Compliance with Authorization: Supervision of Space Activities (Lezing). Luxembourg: SES Workshop "National Space Legislation: Why, when and for whom?".
- Hunter L. & Masson-Zwaan T.L. 29 september 2021, « L’espace doit appartenir à tout le monde! ». Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS) [podcast].
- Hollings K., Welch C., Masson-Zwaan T.L., Marwaha Madill V. & Emm D. 10 juli 2021, Fast Forward, Episode 6: The New Space Race. Tomorrow Unlocked by Kaspersky series [podcast].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2021), ISU Space Studies Program (19 July-6 August 2021): Co-Chair, Policy, Economics and Law Department. [overig].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L., Stefoudi D., Mihai Taiatu C., Pavesi G., Andrieux M. & Loyant B. (2021), Current legal framework of Space Traffic Management: Report (November 2021). Paris: Spaceways, EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation program.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2021), The Space Law Review: Netherlands. In: Wheeler J. (red.), The Space Law Review [Third Edition]. The Law Reviews. London: The Law Reviews. 128-137.
- Blount P.J., Masson-Zwaan T.L., Moro-Aguilar R. & Schrogl K.-U. (red.) (2021), Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2020. The Hague: Eleven.
- Schneider S., Barug A., Inagaki W., Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Stefoudi D. (2021), Leiden LL.M. Students and the Legal and Policy Aspects of Space Resource Utilization. In: Blount P.J., Masson-Zwaan T.L., Moro-Aguilar R. & Schrogl K.-U. (red.), Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2020. The Hague: Eleven. 599-610.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (29 december 2021), Beinahe-Kollisionen passieren inzwischen regelmäßig Geïnterviewd door Menn A. for Wirtschaftswoche [interview].
- De Oliveira Bittencourt Neto O., Hofmann M., Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Stefoudi D. (red.) (2020), Building Blocks for the Development of an International Framework for the Governance of Space Resource Activities: A Commentary. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2020), Combating COVID-19: The Role of Space Law and Technology, Air & Space Law 45(special issue): 39-59.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L., Schrogl K.-U. & Galhego Rosa A.C. 23 mei 2020, Space Law, Policies & Debris Regulations - Are We Safe? (webinar). Space4Women (S4W) SHOW Series #4 [podcast].
- Forczyk L. & Masson-Zwaan T.L. 14 juni 2020, ISS and beyond (webinar). Space Pals [podcast].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Boley A. 24 juni 2020, Forward to the Moon - Wrap-Up and Next Steps for Lunar Governance (webinar). Future of Space Exploration. SGAC [podcast].
- Bridenstine J., Gold M., Masson-Zwaan T.L., Elkins-Tanton L. & Stern A. 9 juli 2020, Planetary Protection and Lunar Activities. Moon Dialogs Research Salon #4 [podcast].
- Blount P.J., Masson-Zwaan T.L., Moro-Aguilar R. & Schrogl K.-U. (red.) (2020), Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2019. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing.
- Timmermans L.J., Geers M.A., Masson-Zwaan T.L., Snijders M. & Bernving N.O. (2020), Audit 2020 for space activities of Hiber B.V: Audit report (June 2020). Groningen: Agentschap Telecom.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. 6 februari 2019, Space, there oughta be a law. Space Cowboys. BNR [podcast].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2019), New States in Space [part of Symposium on the New Space Race], AJIL Unbound 113: 98-102.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Stefoudi D. (2019), Space mining [comment on Christensen et al. (2019) "New Policies Needed to Advance Space Mining"], Issues in Science and Technology 35(3): 16-17.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Cassar R. (2019), The Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. In: Chesterman S., Malone D.M. & Villalpando S. (red.), The Oxford Handbook of United Nations Treaties. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 181-200.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. 18 juli 2019, Wie is eigenaar van de maan?. Universiteit van Nederland-serie ‘Wat zegt de Wetenschap’. AD [podcast].
- Blount P.J., Masson-Zwaan T.L., Moro-Aguilar R. & Schrogl K.-U. (red.) (2019), Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2018. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L., Lefeber R., Reibaldi G. & Stefoudi D. (2019), The Hague International Space Resources Governance Working Group: Third Progress Report. In: Blount P.J., Masson-Zwaan T.L., Moro-Aguilar R. & Schrogl K.-U. (red.), Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2018. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing. 761-777.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L., Timmermans L.J. & Geers M.A. (2019), Audit Report for Supervision audit for space activities of TU Delft. Amsterdam: NLR, Netherlands Aerospace Centre.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2019), Space Law training for 20 Chinese officials, course commissioned by the China National Space Administration, CNSA (Various lectures) [26 August-5 September]. [overig].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Hofmann M. (2019), Introduction to Space Law, Fourth Edition. Deventer: Wolters Kluwer.
- Blount P.J., Moro-Aguilar R., Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Schrogl K.U. (red.) (2018), Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2017. Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law nr. 60. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L., Lefeber R., Reibaldi G. & Stefoudi D. (2018), The Hague Space Resources Governance Working Group: Second Progress Report and the Way Forward. In: Blount P.J., Moro-Aguilar R., Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Schrogl K.U. (red.), Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2017. Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law nr. 60. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing. 281-294.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L., Timmermans L., Zelle H., Dissel F. van & Singh A. (2018), Audit report for initial audit for space activities of Magnitude Space. Amsterdam: NLR, Netherlands Aerospace Centre.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2018) Review of 'Space Law: A Treatise (2nd ed.)'. Bespreking van: Lyall F. & Larsen P. (2018), Space Law: A Treatise (2d ed.). London & New York: Routledge. Air & Space Law 43(6): 649-654.
- Timmermans L., Dujardin P., Masson-Zwaan T.L., Dissel F. van & Straatman J. (2017), Evaluatie Audittrajecten Wet Ruimtevaartactiviteiten. Amsterdam: NLR, Netherlands Aerospace Centre.
- Masson-Zwaan T. & Palkovitz N. (2017), Regulation of space resource rights: Meeting the needs of States and private parties, Questions of International Law 35: 5-18.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L., Lefeber R., Reibaldi G. & Stewart M. (2017), The Hague Space Resources Governance Working Group: A Progress Report. In: Blount P.J., Masson-Zwaan T., Moro-Aguilar R. & Schrogl K.U. (red.), Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2016. Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law nr. 59. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing. 163-167.
- Blount P.J., Masson-Zwaan T.L., Moro-Aguilar R. & Schrogl K.U. (red.) (2017), Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2016. Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law nr. 59. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2017), Ruimtemijnbouw: mag dat wel?, Ars Aequi 66(9): 740-746.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2017), Legal aspects of space debris. In: Bonnal C. & McKnight D.S. (red.), IAA Situation Report on Space Debris - 2016. Paris: International Academy of Astronautics. 139-147.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2017), Preface [Highlights of the IISL in 2016]. In: Blount P.J., Masson-Zwaan T., Moro-Aguilar R. & Schrogl K.U. (red.), Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2016. Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law nr. 59. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing. xiii-xxii.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2017), Small Satellites Tech, Business & Regulatory Industry Workshop (ESTEC, in cooperation with ECSL and ISIS BV). [overig].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2017), Ruimterecht/space law [interview/clips] ("Life in the Universe" (Part of the Elementa exhibition floor)). [overig].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2017), In Memoriam Professor Dr. Isabella H. Ph. Diederiks-Verschoor (1915-2017), Ruimtevaart: orgaan van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Ruimtevaart (NVR) 2017(4): 16-18.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2016), Bespreking van: Galliott J. (2015), Commercial Space Exploration: Ethics, Policy and Governance: Ashgate. Air & Space Law 41(3): 305-307.
- Timmermans L.J., Dujardin P.G.J.P., Masson-Zwaan T.L., Wakkerman S.A.L. & Straatman J. (2016), Audit report for initial audit for space activities of AMSAT-NL. Amsterdam: NLR, Netherlands Aerospace Centre.
- Timmermans L.J., Dujardin P.G.J.P., Masson-Zwaan T.L., Wakkerman S.A.L. & Straatman J. (2016), Audit report for initial audit for space activities of TU Delft. Amsterdam: NLR, Netherlands Aerospace Centre.
- Masson-Zwaan T. (2016), Preface: Highlights of the IISL in 2015 and a Personal Message. In: Moro-Aguilar R., Blount P.J. & Masson-Zwaan T. (red.), Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2015. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing. xiii-xxii.
- Masson-Zwaan T. (2016), Preface. In: Li Shouping (red.), The New Development of Space Activities in the 21st Century and its Legal Regimes: Law Press China. 1-3.
- Masson-Zwaan T. & Marchisio S. (2016), Preface. In: Marboe I. (red.), Small Satellites: Regulatory Challenges and Chances. Studies in Space Law nr. 11. Leiden: Brill | Nijhoff.
- Timmermans L.J., Dujardin P.G.J.P., Masson-Zwaan T.L., Wakkerman S.A.L. & Straatman J. (2016), Audit report for initial audit for space activities of ISIS BV. Amsterdam: NLR, Netherlands Aerospace Centre.
- Moro-Aguilar R., Blount P.J. & Masson-Zwaan T. (red.) (2016), Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2015. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing.
- Palkovitz N. & Masson-Zwaan T. (2016), Small but on the Radar: The Regulatory Evolution of Small Satellites in the Netherlands. Moro-Aguilar R., Blount P.J. & Masson-Zwaan T. (red.), Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2015. . The Hague: Eleven International Publishing. 601-612.
- Masson-Zwaan T. (2016), Registration of Small Satellites and the Case of the Netherlands. In: Marboe I. (red.), Small Satellites: Regulatory Challenges and Chances. Studies in Space Law nr. 11. Leiden: Brill | Nijhoff. 174-194.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Mendes de Leon P.M.J. (2016), Application of the UN Space Law Treaties to the Spacecraft Owned by the EU: European Commission DG GROW.
- Timmermans L.J., Dujardin P.G.J.P., Masson-Zwaan T.L., Wakkerman S.A.L. & Straatman J. (2016), Audit report for supervisional audit of New Skies Satellites space activities. Amsterdam: NLR, Netherlands Aerospace Centre.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2016), A message from the IISL President. In: Smith M.L. (red.), Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition: The First 25 Years. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing. 19-20.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2016), Introduction by the Session Chair: Some Reflections on the Future of Space Law. In: Hobe S. (red.), Air Law, Space Law, Cyber Law - The Institute of Air and Space Law at Age 90. Schriften zum Luft- und Weltraumrecht nr. 37. Cologne: Carl Heymans Verlag. 57-63.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Richards B. (2015), International Perspectives on Space Resource Rights, SpaceNews : 17-18.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2015), UN’s aviation and space bodies meet in Montreal to discuss future activities at the intersection of commercial air and space travel, Air & Space Law 40(6): 455-460.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. & Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2015), Preface, Air & Space Law 40(1): 1-8.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2015), Preface. Highlights of the IISL in 2014. In: Blount P.J., Moro-Aguilar R. & Masson-Zwaan T.L. (red.), Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2014. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing. xiii-xxi.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2015), Orbits and frequencies: the legal context. In: Hofmann M. (red.), Dispute Settlement in the area of space communication: 2nd Luxembourg Workshop on Space and Satellite Communication Law. Luxemburger Juristische Studien = Luxembourg Legal Studies nr. 2. Baden-Baden: Nomos. 59-68.
- Masson-Zwaan T. & Mendes de Leon P. (red.) (2015), Air and Space Law - Special Issue. Air & Space Law: Kluwer.
- Masson-Zwaan T. & Richards B. (22 december 2015), Will the United States rule space resource mining?. Leiden Law Blog: Leiden Law School. [blog].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2015), Bespreking van: Hobe S., Schmidt-Tedd B. & Schrogl K.-U. (2015), Cologne Commentary On Space Law (CoCoSL) Vol. III. Cologne: Carl Heymanns Verlag. Zeitschrift für Luft- und Weltraumrecht 64(3): 568-571.
- Blount P.J., Moro-Aguilar R. & Masson-Zwaan T.L. (red.) (2015), Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2014. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2014), Orbits and Frequencies: The Legal Context. In: Penent G. (red.), Governing the Geostationary Orbit: Orbital Slots and Spectrum Use in an Era of Interference (Note de l'Ifri). Paris: Institut français des relations internationales (Ifri). 23-29.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (1 juni 2014), Psst… stukje maan kopen?. Geïnterviewd door Mark Traa voor Quest, 124: 98-99. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Crowther R. (2014), Legal and Regulatory Issues. In: Macdonald M. & Badescu V. (red.), The International Handbook of Space Technology. Springer-Praxis books in astronautical engineering. Heidelberg: Springer. 657-675.
- Jorgenson C., Masson-Zwaan T. & Moro-Aguilar R. (red.) (2014), Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2013. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing.
- Masson-Zwaan T. (2014), Preface: Highlights of the IISL in 2013. In: Jorgenson C., Masson-Zwaan T. & Moro-Aguilar R. (red.), Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2013. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing. xvii-xxii.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2014), Global Space Applications Conference (GLAC) chair of 2 sessions on small satellites and harmful interference (IAF/UNESCO). [overig].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L., Moro-Aguilar R. & Lentsch A. (2014), The future regulation of suborbital flight in Europe, Space Policy 30(2): 75-82.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2013), Foreword. In: Purdy R. & Leung D. (red.), Evidence from Earth Observation Satellites. Studies in Space Law nr. 7. Leiden: Nijhoff. xxix-xxxii.
- Masson-Zwaan T. (2013), Cubesat regulation in Europe. In: Reinhard R. & Asma C.O. (red.), Cubesat Technology and Applications. VKI Lecture Series nr. 2013-01. Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium: Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics. 1-21.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2013), Preface. Highlights of the IISL in 2012. In: Jorgenson C. (red.), Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2012. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing. xiii-xx.
- Palkovitz N. & Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2013), Orbiting under the radar: nano-satellites, international obligations and national space laws. In: Jorgenson C. (red.), Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2012. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing. 566-578.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Hobe S. (2013), Foreword. In: Hobe S. (red.), Pioneers of Space Law. Leiden: Nijhoff. 1-2.
- Fenema P. van & Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2013), Daniel Goedhuis (31.1.1905-5.10.1995). In: Hobe S. (red.), Pioneers of Space Law. Leiden: Nijhoff. 98-125.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L., Kleef A. van, Timmermans L.J. & Kleij D. van der (2013), Wet ruimtevaartactiviteiten: Marktverkenning voor kleine satellieten. Amsterdam: NLR.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Moro Aguilar R. (2013), Approach and Roadmap for Authorization; A Roadmap for the Regulation of Suborbital Fight in Europe nr. D4.2.3. Leiden: IIASL.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2013), Liability and Insurance of Suborbital Flights nr. D4.2.2. Leiden: IIASL.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2013), Women and Space Law & Policy. A Continuing Story of Engagement, Zeitschrift für Luft- und Weltraumrecht 62(4): 684-694.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (28 mei 2013), Space Junk and the Law. Leiden Law Blog. [blog].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2013), Recht leidt ruimtevaart in goede banen, Ruimtevaart: orgaan van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Ruimtevaart (NVR) 2013(3): 4-7.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Moro-Aguilar R. (2013), Regulating private human suborbital flight at the international and European level: Tendencies and suggestions, Acta Astronautica 92(2): 243-254.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (22 juni 2012), Pioneers in space, work for lawyers. Leiden Law Blog. [blog].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2012), Space law in the 21st century. In: Singh R., Kaul S. & Rao S.D. (red.), Current developments in air and space law. Delhi, India: National Law University Delhi Press. 203-212.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2012), Audit Report for supervisional audit for space activities of New Skies Satellites. Amsterdam: NLR.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2012), Preface. In: , Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2011. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing. xvx-xxii.
- Palkovitz N. & Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2012), Orbiting under the Radar: Nano-Satellites, International Obligations and National Space Laws. In: , International Astronautical Congress. Paris: IAF. 1-12.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2012), Liability and Insurance for Suborbital Flights. In: Ouwehand L. (red.), The 5th IAASS conference 'A safer space for a safer world': proceedings [cd-rom]. ESA-SP nr. 699. Noordwijk: ESA.
- Lentsch A., Moro Aguilar R. & Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2012), The Future Regulation of Suborbital Flight in Europe. In: , International Astronautical Congress. Paris: IAF. 1-7.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (1 mei 2012), Europe, BRICS and Space: a contribution to the debate on Euro-BRICS cooperation in space activities. MAP (Magazine d'Anticipation Politique). [blog].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (7 december 2012), Back to the Moon and on to Mars - how to engage the public, youth, and funding. Leiden Law Blog. [blog].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (10 april 2012), Human spaceflight: from Yuri, to André, to ‘Tom, Dick & Harry’?. Leiden Law Blog. [blog].
- Ehrenfreund P., McKay C., Rummel J.D., Foing B.H., Neal C.R., Masson-Zwaan T.L., Ansdell M., Peter N., Zarnecki J., Mackwell S., Perino M.A., Billings L., Mankins J. & Race M. (2012), Toward a global space exploration program: A stepping stone approach, Advances in Space Research 49(1): 2-48.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Moro Aguilar R. (2012), Regulating Private Human Suborbital Flight at the International and European Level: Tendencies and Suggestions, Acta Astronautica 92(2): 243-254.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L., Timmermans L.J. & Oei H.Y. (2011), Dutch Space Activities Act: benchmark with the United Kingdom and developments in the field of space tourism. Amsterdam: NLR.
- Mendes de Leon P.M.J. & Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2011), Foreword. In: Singamsetty S.S.P. (red.), Contemporary issues and future challenges in air and space law - Celebrating 25 years of IIASL (Liber Amicorum). Bunnik: Air and space books. i-iii.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Moro Aguilar R. (2011), Practical solutions for the regulation of private human sub-orbital flight: a critical analysis. In: , 2nd IAA Symposium on Private Human Spaceflight [Proceedings on USB]. Paris: IAA. 1-16.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2011), Preface. In: , Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2010. USA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. xi-xv.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Hobe S. (red.) (2010), The Law of Outer Space: an experience in contemporary law-making, by Manfred Lachs [Reissued on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the International Institute of Space Law]. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Moro Aguilar R. (2010), FAST20XX; Applicability of Existing Aviation & Space Law/Treaties (D4.2.1). Wenen: Orbspace.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Korkmaz Y. (2010), The use of Earth Observation Information Products as Evidence in Legal and Administrative Proceedings in The Netherlands. Leiden: IIASL.
- Ehrenfreund P., McKay C., Rummel J.D., Foing B.H., Neal C., Masson-Zwaan T.L., Ansdell M., Peter N., Zarnecki J., Mackwell S., Perino M.A., Billings L., Mankins J. & Race M. (2010), Toward a Global Space Exploration Program: A Stepping Stone Approach. Paris: Committee On Space Research (COSPAR).
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2010), Recent developments in EU space policy and law, The Korean Journal of Air and Space Law 25(2): 231-247.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Freeland S. (2010), Between heaven and earth: The legal challenges of human space travel, Acta Astronautica 66(11-12): 1597-1607.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2010), Regulation of Sub-orbital Space Tourism in Europe: A Role for EU/EASA?, Air & Space Law 35(3): 263-272.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2010), Current issues and prospects of international space law, The Korean Journal of Air and Space Law 25(1): 237-259.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2009), Article VI of the Outer Space Treaty and Private Human Access to Space. In: Jorgenson C.M. (red.), Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2008: 51st Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space. USA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. 536-546.
- Spaa J., Timmermans L.J., Masson-Zwaan T.L., Wakkerman B. & Da Costa J. (2009), Initial audit for space activities of SES New Skies. Amsterdam: NLR.
- Knapen M. & Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2009), De juridische kanten van rocket science (interview), Mr. Hét magazine voor juristen (12): 80-84.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2009), Preface. In: Jorgenson C.M. (red.), Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2008: 51st Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space. USA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. ix-xi.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2009), Space law and the satellite collision of 10 February 2009, COSPAR's Information Bulletin: Space Research Today 174: 4-11.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2008), Lunar exploration and exploitation as a special case of planetary exploration: legal issues. In: Zhukov G. & Kapustin A. (red.), The Contemporary Problems of International Space Law. Moscow: Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. 159-169.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2008), Introduction by the President, Proceedings of the Fiftieth Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space: 24 - 28 September 2007, Hyderabad, India. Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space. Proceedings IISL. USA: AIAA. xi-xiv.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2008), Report of the Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, Proceedings of the Fiftieth Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space: 24 - 28 September 2007, Hyderabad, India. Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space. USA: AIAA. 601-611.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Freeland S. (2008), Private Human Access to Space: legal challenges and possibilities. 1st IAA Symposium on Private Manned Access to Space. Arcachon, France: IAA.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2008), The Humanitarian Charter and minimum standards in disaster response (Sphere), Proceedings of the Fiftieth Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space: 24 - 28 September 2007, Hyderabad, India. Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space. USA: AIAA. 756-763.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Tronchetti F. (2008), The contribution of the global earth observation system of systems to disaster management, Proceedings of the Fiftieth Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space: 24 - 28 September 2007, Hyderabad, India. Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space. USA: AIAA. 697-704.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2008), Social Sciences Award of the IAA. [overig].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (17 april 2008), Space Law for scientists: Exploring the Unknown. Youth World Space Congress, WFPS. Athens, Greece. [lezing].
- Hof G. van 't & Masson-Zwaan T.L. (9 oktober 2008), Op reis naar de gewichtloosheid. Algemeen Dagblad: 10-11.
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2008), Legal principles governing the exploration and use of outer space in times of peace and war, Elsa Magazine 8(2): 33-37.
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