Richard Gill
Emeritus hoogleraar Mathematische statistiek
- Naam
- Prof.dr. R.D. Gill
- 0000-0001-5821-9986
Persoonlijke webpagina
Emeritus hoogleraar Mathematische statistiek
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Mathematisch Instituut
- Mathematisch Instituut
- Gill R.D. (2022), Gull's theorem revisited, Entropy 24(5): 679.
- Gill & R.D. (2022), Schrödinger’s cat meets Occam’s razor, Entropy 24(11): 1586.
- Gill R.D., Fenton N. & Lagnado D. (2022), Statistical issues in serial killer nurse cases, Laws 11(5): 65.
- Dotto F., Gill R.D. & Mortera J. (2021), Statistical analyses in the case of an Italian nurse accused of murdering patients, Law, Probability & Risk 20(3): 169-193.
- Gill R.D. (2016), Macroscopic unobservability of spinorial sign changes, International Journal of Theoretical Physics 55(1): 255-257.
- Gill R.D. (2015), No probability loophole in the CHSH, Results in Physics 5: 156–157.
- Robins J.M., VanderWeele T.J. & Gill R.D. (2015), A Proof of Bell's Inequality in Quantum Mechanics Using Causal interactions, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 42(2): 329–335.
- Gill R.D. (2014), Statistics, Causality and Bell's Theorem, Statistical Science 29(4): 512-528.
- Gill R.D. & Guta M.I. (2013), On Asymptotic Quantum Statistical Inference. In: Banerjee M., Bunea F., Huang J., Koltchinskii V. & Maathuis M.H. (red.), From Probability to Statistics and Back: High-Dimensional Models and Processes -- A Festschrift in Honor of Jon A. Wellner. Institute of Mathematical Statistics collections nr. 9. Beachwood, Ohio, USA: Institute of Mathematical Statistics. 105-127.
- Yamagata K., Fujiwara A. & Gill R.D. (2013), Quantum local asymptotic normality based on a new quantum likelihood ratio, Annals of Statistics 41(4): 2197-2217.
- Renema J.J., Frucci G., Dood M.J.A. de, Gill R., Fiore A. & Exter M.P. van (2012), Tomography and state reconstruction with superconducting single-photon detectors, Physical Review A 86: 062113.
- Depuydt L. & Gill R.D. (2012), Higher variations of the Monty Hall problem (3.0 and 4.0) and emperical definition of the phenomenon of mathematics, in Boole's footsteps, as something the brain does, Advances in Pure Mathematics 2(4): 243-273.
- Gill R.D. (2011), The Monty Hall problem is not a probability puzzle (It's a challenge in mathematical modelling), Statistica Neerlandica 65(1): 58-71.
- Gill R.D. (2011), Monty Hall problem: solution. In: Lovric M. (red.), International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science. New York: Springer. 858-863.
- Gill R.D. (2011), Monty Hall Problem: solution. In: Lovric M. (red.), International Encylopedia of Statistical Science. New York: Springer. 858-863.
- Zohren S., Reska P., Gill R.D. & Westra W. (2010), A tight Tsirelson inequality for infinitely many outcomes, Europhysics Letters 90(10002): .
- Gill R.D. (2010), Lies, damned lies, and legal truths. Mommers L., Franken H., Herik J. van den, Klaauw F. van der & Zwenne G.-J. (red.), Het Binnenste Buiten (Liber Amicorum t.g.v. het Emeritaat van Aernout Schmidt). . Leiden: Law Faculty. 39-50.
- Gill R.D. & Keiding N. (2010), Product-limit estimators of the gap time distribution of a renewal process under different sampling patterns, Lifetime Data Analysis 16(4): 571-579.
- Aalen O.O., Andersen P.K., Borgan O., Gill R.D. & Keiding N. (2009), History of applications of martingales in survival analysis, Electronic Journal for History of Probability and Statistics 5(1): .
- Gill R.D. (2009), Statistics, ethics and probiotica, Statistica Neerlandica 63: 1-12.
- Gill R.D. & Grünwald P.D. (2008), An algorithmic and a geometric characterization of coarsening at random, Annals of Statistic 36: 2409-2422.
- Zohren S. & Gill R.D. (2008), Maximal violation of the Collins-Gisin-Linden-Massar-Popescu inequality for infinite dimensional states, Physical Review Letters 100(12): 120406.
- Gill R.D. (2008), Concilliation of Bayes and pointwise quantum state estimation. In: Belavkin V.P. & Guta M. (red.), Quantum Stochastics and Information: statistics, filtering and control: World Scientific. 239-261.
- Schmidt A.H.J. & Gill R.D. (2008), Over statistisch bewijs, Expertise en Recht (5): 160-169.
- Meester R.J.M., Collins M., Gill R.D. & Lambalgen M. van (2007), On the (ab)use of statistics in the legal case against the nurse Lucia de B, Law, Probability and Risk 5: 233-250.
- Gill R.D. (2007), Better Bell inequalities. In: Żukowski M., Kilin S. & Kowalik J. (red.), Quantum Communication and Security. Amsterdam: IOS Press. 99-109.
- Gill R.D. (2007), Better Bell inequalities (passion at a distance). In: Cator E.A., Jongbloed G., Kraaikamp C., Lopuhaä H.P. & Wellner J.A. (red.), Asymptotics: Particles, Processes and Inverse Problems: Festschrift for Piet Groeneboom. Beachwood, Ohio, USA: Institute of Mathematical Statistics. 135-148.
- Statistisch advies bij strafzaak tegen Daniela Poggiali
- Statistical advice concerning mobile phone co-location data
- KLinische proef 'Nicotine Replacement Therapy in the Intensive Care Unit
- Lid van het expert panel van de Landelijke Deskundigheidsmakelaar (LDM)
- Voorzitter van de IMAPP/2 x 2 daagse bijeenkomst per 2 jaar + voorbereidingen
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