Peter Stevenhagen
Hoogleraar Zuivere wiskunde, in het bijzonder algebra en getaltheorie
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- Prof.dr. P. Stevenhagen
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 7125

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Hoogleraar Zuivere wiskunde, in het bijzonder algebra en getaltheorie
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Mathematisch Instituut
- Mathematisch Instituut
- Bröker R., Howe E.W., Lauter K.E. & Stevenhagen P. (2015), Genus-2 curves and Jacobians with a given number of points, LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics 18(1): 170--197.
- Lenstra H.W. & Stevenhagen P. (2015) Solving the Pell equation. Bespreking van: Jacobson M.J. & Williams H.C. (2009), Solving the Pell equation. New York: Springer. Bulletin (new series) of the American Mathematical Society 52(2): 345--351.
- Moree P. & Stevenhagen P. (2014), Computing higher rank primitive root densities, Acta Arithmetica 163(1): 15--32.
- Lenstra H.W., Stevenhagen P. & Moree P. (2014), Character sums for primitive root densities, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 157(3): 489--511.
- Angelakis A. & Stevenhagen P. (2013), Imaginary quadratic fields with isomorphic abelian Galois groups. In: Howe E.W. & Kedlaya K.S. (red.), ANTS X---Proceedings of the Tenth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium. The Open Book Series nr. 1. Berkeley, CA, U.S.A.: MSP - Mathematical Sciences Publishers. 21--39.
- Stevenhagen P. (2009), Spelen met groepentheorie, Tel uit je winst, wiskunde in geld en spelen. . CWI Syllabus 51-62.
- Stevenhagen P. (2008), The arithmetic of number rings. In: , Algorithmic Number Theory: Lattices, Number Fields, Curves and Cryptography: Cambridge University Press. 209-266.
- Stevenhagen P. (2008), The number field sieve. In: Buhler J.P. & Stevenhagen P. (red.), Algorithmic Number Theory: Lattices, Number Fields, Curves and Cryptography nr. 44. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 83-100.
- Buhler J.P. & Stevenhagen P. (2008), Algorithmic Number Theory: Lattices, Number Fields, Curves and Cryptography. In: Buhler J.P. & Stevenhagen P. (red.), Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publications: Cambridge University Press.
- Stevenhagen P. & Cohen H. (2008), Computational class field theory. In: , Algorithmic Number Theory: Lattices, Number Fields, Curves and Cryptography: Cambridge University Press. 497-534.
- Freeman D., Stevenhagen P. & Streng M. (2008), Abelian varieties with prescribed embedding degree, Algorithmic Number Theory. 60-73.
- Stevenhagen P. & Bröker R.M. (2008), Constructing elliptic curves of prime order, AMS Contemporary Math 463: 17-28.
- Bröker R. & Stevenhagen P. (2007), Efficient CM-constructions of elliptic curves over finite fields, Mathematics of Computation 76(260): 2161-2179.
- Bröker R.M. & Stevenhagen P. (2007), Efficient CM-constructions of elliptic curves over finite fields, (English summary), Math. Comp. 76(260): 2161-2179.
- Stevenhagen P. (2004), Triangles, squares, oranges and cuboids. In: Hayes D.F. & Shubin T. (red.), Mathematical Adventures for Students and Amateurs: Mathematical Association of America. 51-63.
- Bröker R.M. & Stevenhagen P. (2004), Elliptic curves with a given number of points. In: , Algorithmic Number Theory Symp. VI: Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 117-131.
- Stevenhagen P., Cox D.A. & McKay J. (2004), Principal moduli and class fields, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 36(1): 3-12.
- Stevenhagen P. (2003), The correction factor in Artin's primitive root conjecture, Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 15: 383-391.
- Stevenhagen P. (2001), Hilbert's 12th problem, complex multiplication and Shimura reciprocity. In: , Class field theory---its centenary and prospect (Tokyo, 1998) nr. 30: Math. Soc. Japan, Tokyo. 161--176.
- Moree P. & Stevenhagen P. (2001), Prime divisors of the Lagarias sequence, Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 13(1): 241-251.
- Lenstra H.W. & Stevenhagen P. (2000), Artin reciprocity and Mersenne primes, Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde 1(1): 44-54.
- Moree P. & Stevenhagen P. (2000), A two-variable Artin conjecture, Journal of Number Theory 85(2): 291-304.
- Stevenhagen P. (1999), Priemgetallen. In: , Onbewezen Vermoedens, Vakantiecursus 1999. CWI Syllabus nr. 45. Amsterdam: Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics (KdVI). 17--29.
- Gee A. & Stevenhagen P. (1998), Generating class fields using Shimura reciprocity. In: Buhler J.P. (red.), Algorithmic Number Theory. ANTS 1998. Lecture Notes in Computer Science nr. 1423. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer. 441-453.
- Lenstra H.W. & Stevenhagen P. (1997), Class field theory and the first case of Fermat's last theorem. In: Cornell G., Silverman J.H. & Stevens G. (red.), Modular Forms and Fermat's Last Theorem. New Yorik: Springer. 499-503.
- Moree P. & Stevenhagen P. (1997), Prime divisors of Lucas sequences, Acta Arithmetica 82(4): 403-410.
- Bosma W. & Stevenhagen P. (1996), Density computations for real quadratic units, Mathematics of Computation 65(215): 1327-1337.
- Bosma W. & Stevenhagen P. (1996), On the computation of quadratic 2-class groups, Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 8(2): 283--313.
- Stevenhagen P. (1996), On a problem of Eisenstein, Acta Arithmetica 74(3): 259--268.
- Stevenhagen P. & Lenstra H.W. (1996), Chebotarev and his density theorem, Mathematical Intelligencer 18(2): 26-37.
- Stevenhagen P. (1995), A density conjecture for the negative Pell equation. In: Bosma W. & Poorten A. van der (red.), Computational algebra and number theory (Sydney, 1992). Mathematics and Its Applications nr. 325. Dordrecht: Springer. 187-200.
- Stevenhagen P. (1995), Rédei-matrices and applications. In: David S. (red.), Number theory (Paris, 1992-3). London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series nr. 215. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 245-260.
- Stevenhagen P. (1995), Lattices and quadratic forms. In: , Summer course 1995: conic sections and quadratic forms (Dutch) nr. 40: Math. Centrum, Centrum Wisk. Inform., Amsterdam. 94-109.
- Stevenhagen P. (1995), Frobenius distributions for real quadratic orders, Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 7(1): 121-132.
- Bosma W. & Stevenhagen P. (1994), Density computations for real quadratic 2-class groups. In: Adleman L.M. & Huang M.D. (red.), Algorithmic Number Theory. Lecture Notes in Computer Science nr. 877. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer. 17-17.
- Stevenhagen P. (1994), Extensions of homomorphisms and the structure of ray class groups, Journal of Algebra 163(3): 832--860.
- Stevenhagen P. (1994), Class number parity for the pth cyclotomic field, Mathematics of Computation 63(208): 773-784.
- Stevenhagen P. (1993), Divisibility by {$2$}-powers of certain quadratic class numbers, Journal of Number Theory 43(1): 1--19.
- Stevenhagen P. (1993), The number of real quadratic fields having units of negative norm, Experimental Mathematics 2(2): 121-136.
- Lenstra H.W. & Stevenhagen P. (1991), Primes of degree one and algebraic cases of Cebotarev's theorem, L'Enseignement Mathématique 37(1-2): 17-30.
- Stevenhagen P. (1989), Ray class groups and governing fields. In: , Théorie des nombres. Besancon: Université de Franch-Comté Besancon. 1-93.
- Lenstra HW. & Stevenhagen P. (1989), Über das Fortsetzen von Bewertungen in vollständigen Körpern, Archiv der Mathematik 53(6): 547-552.
- Stevenhagen P. (1989), Unramified class field theory for orders, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 311(2): 483-500.
- Stevenhagen P. (1987), On Aurifeuillian factorizations, Indagationes Mathematicae 49(4): 451--468.
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