Nadine Raaphorst
Universitair Docent
- Naam
- Dr. N.J. Raaphorst
- Telefoon
- +31 70 800 9066
- 0000-0001-6189-6451

Nadine Raaphorst onderzoekt street-level bureaucrats en hun besluitvorming vanuit een sociologische benadering. Ze gebruikt zowel kwalitatieve als kwantitatieve methoden.
Universitair Docent
- Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs
- Instituut Bestuurskunde
- Heteren F. van, Raaphorst N.J. & Bussemaker J.M. (2024), Health promotion roles shaped by professional identity: an ethnographic study in the Netherlands, Health Promotion International 39(1): daad195.
- Raaphorst N.J., Ashikali T.S. & Groeneveld S.M. (2024), Active representation and equal treatment: the influence of bureaucrats' social background on discrimination, Social Policy and Administration : .
- Raaphorst N. (2024), An empirical conceptualization of front line enablement by performance management, Public Management Review 26(6): 1658-1683.
- Lotta G.S., Piotrowska B. & Raaphorst N.J. (2024), Introduction “street‐level bureaucracy, populism, and democratic backsliding”, Governance 37(S1): 5-19.
- Heteren F. van, Raaphorst N.J., Groeneveld S.M. & Bussemaker J. (2023), Professionals’ health conceptions of clients with psychosocial problems: an analysis based on an empirical exploration of semi-structured interviews, International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances 5: 100120.
- Raaphorst N., Hupe P. & Breeldveld M. (2022), Nobody's agent: Discretion as individualistic accountability. In: Hupe P. (red.), The Politics of the Public Encounter : Edward Elgar Publishing . 107-125.
- Raaphorst N.J. (2021), Administrative justice in street-level decision making: equal treatment and responsiveness. In: Tomlinson J., Thomas R., Hertogh M. & Kirkham R. (red.), The Oxford Handbook of Administrative Justice: Oxford University Press. 1-30.
- Boer N. de & Raaphorst N.J. (2021), Automation and discretion: explaining the effect of automation on how street-level bureaucrats enforce, Public Management Review : .
- Raaphorst N. & Walle S. Van de (2020), Trust, Fairness, and Signaling: Studying the Interaction Between Officials and Citizens. In: Luoma-aho V. & Canel M.J. (red.), The Handbook of Public Sector Communication: John Wiley & Sons. 59-70.
- Gassner D., Gofen A. & Raaphorst N.J. (2020), Performance management from the bottom up, Public Management Review : .
- Raaphorst N. & Loyens K. (2020), From Poker Games to Kitchen Tables: How Social Dynamics Affect Frontline Decision Making, Administration & Society 52(1): 31-56.
- Walle S. van de & Raaphorst N. (2019), Inspectors and Enforcement at the Front Line of Government: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Raaphorst N. & Groeneveld S. (2019), Discrimination and representation in street-level bureaucracies. In: Hupe P. (red.), Research Handbook on Street-Level Bureaucracy: The Ground Floor of Government in Context: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Raaphorst N. (2019), Studying uncertainty in decision making by street-level inspectors. In: Walle S. van de & Raaphorst N. (red.), Inspectors and enforcement at the front line of government: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Walle S. van de & Raaphorst N. (2019), Introduction: The social dynamics of daily inspection work. In: Walle S. van de & Raaphorst N. (red.), Inspectors and enforcement at the front line of government: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Raaphorst N., Groeneveld S. & Walle S. van de (2018), Do tax officials use double standards in evaluating citizen-clients? A policy-capturing study among Dutch frontline tax officials, Public Administration 96(1): 134-153.
- Raaphorst N. (2018), How to prove, how to interpret and what to do? Uncertainty experiences of street-level tax officials, Public Management Review 20(4): 485-502.
- Raaphorst N. & Walle S. van de (2018), A signaling perspective on bureaucratic encounters: How public officials interpret signals and cues, Social Policy and Administration 52(7): 1367-1378.
- Raaphorst N. & Groeneveld S. (2018), Double standards in frontline decision making: A theoretical and empirical exploration, Administration & Society 50(8): 1175-1201.
- Moyson S., Raaphorst N., Groeneveld S. & Van de Walle S. (2018), Organizational Socialization in Public Administration Research: A Systematic Review and Directions for Future Research, American Review of Public Administration 48(6): 610-627.
- Giest S.N. & Raaphorst N.J. (2018), Unraveling the hindering factors of digital public service delivery at street-level: the case of electronic health records, Policy Design and Practice 1(2): 141-154.
- Raaphorst N. (2018) Review: When the State Meets the Street: Public Service and Moral Agency. Bespreking van: Zacka Bernardo (2017), When the state meets the street: Public service and moral agency. Cambridge: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. Acta Politica : 1-3.
- Raaphorst N. & Walle S. van de (2018), Trust in and by the public sector. In: Searle R.H., Nienaber A.I. & Sitkin S.B. (red.), The Routledge Companion to Trust: Routledge.
- Raaphorst N. (12 oktober 2017), Uncertainty in Bureaucracy: Toward a Sociological Understanding of Frontline Decision Making (Dissertatie, Faculty of Social Sciences, Erasmus University Rotterdam). Promotor(en): Van de Walle S. & Groeneveld S.
- Raaphorst N. & Steenbergen A.K.J.M. van (2016), De onzekerheden van de inspecteur, Informatief / Vereniging van Hogere ambtenaren bij het Ministerie van Financiën 82: 24-25.
- Raaphorst N. & Houtman D. (2016), ‘A necessary evil that does not “really” cure disease’: The domestication of biomedicine by Dutch holistic general practitioners, Health 20(3): 242-257.