Maxine David
Universitair Docent
- Naam
- Dr. M.E.L. David
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 4118
- 0000-0003-1672-9077

Maxine David is een universitair docent aan het Instituut voor Geschiedenis.
Universitair Docent
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Instituut voor Geschiedenis
- History and International Studies
- David M.E.L. & L.D. (2024), Russia’s war on Ukraine: unbottled emotions and the conditioning of the EU’s Russia policy, Journal of European Integration 46(5): 661-684.
- David M.E.L., Guerrina R. & Wright K.A.M. (2023), Nakedly normative: a feminist (re‐)imagination of planetary politics, Journal of Common Market Studies : .
- David M.E.L., Garcia M., Haastrup T & Mattheis F. (2023), Disrupting and re-imagining European studies: towards a more diverse and inclusive discipline, Journal of Contemporary European Research 19(2): 151-162.
- David M.E.L., Guerrina R. & Wright K.A.M. (22 augustus 2023), Nakedly normative politics : exposing EU studies. The JCMS Blog: Insight from the Journal of Common Market Studies. Hoboken / London: Ideas on Europe (Wiley / UACES). [blog].
- David M.E.L. & Maurer H. (2022), Reclaiming agency: skills, academics and students in the Social Sciences, European Political Science 21: 308–324.
- David M.E.L. (2021), Unsocial media in the EU and Russia. In: Romanova T. & David M.E.L. (red.), The Routledge Handbook of EU-Russia Relations: Structures, Actors, Issues. Routledge international handbooks. Londen: Routledge. 323-334.
- David M.E.L. & Deyermond R. (2021), Russia in the liberal world order. In: Romanova T. & David M.E.L. (red.), The Routledge Handbook of EU-Russia Relations: Structures, Actors, Issues. Routledge international handbooks. Londen: Routledge. 405-416.
- Romanova T. & David M.E.L. (2021), Introduction: through a handbook: the study of EU–Russia relations. In: Romanova T. & David M.E.L. (red.), The Routledge Handbook of EU-Russia Relations: Structures, Actors, Issues. Routledge international handbooks. Londen: Routledge. 1-12.
- Romanova T. & David M.E.L. (red.) (2021), The Routledge Handbook of EU-Russia Relations. Structures, Actors, Issues: Routledge.
- Bentley M. & David M.E.L. (2021), Unpredictability as doctrine: reconceptualising foreign policy strategy in the Trump era, Cambridge Review of International Affairs 34(3): 383-406.
- David M.E.L. & Kuhrt N. (2021), The Consequences of Foreign Policy: The Review and Russia (School of Security Studies, Centre for Defence Studies, King's College London). [overig].
- David M.E.L. & Romanova T. (2019), The EU in Russia's house of mirrors, Journal of Common Market Studies 57(S1): 128-140.
- David M.E.L. (29 november 2019), Whose Multilateralism? EU-Russia Relations in the Diminished World Order. Moscow, Russia (Carnegie Moscow Center). [webartikel].
- David M.E.L. (17 december 2019), Чей мультилатерализм лучше? Отношения ЕС и России в условиях шаткого миропорядка. Moskva, Rossiya: Moskovskii Tsentr Karnegi (Moskovskii Tsentr Karnegi). [webartikel].
- David M.E.L. (1 augustus 2019), Russia’s Foreign Policy – Coping with Overextension and Uncertainty. Russia 2030. Berlin, Germany: Atlantic Community. [blog].
- David M.E.L. (10 maart 2019), Brexit. The Great British Shame. Leiden International Relations Blog. Leiden, Netherlands: Leiden University. [blog].
- David M.E.L. (14 maart 2019), Shaping Skilled and Motivated Students but Whose Role Should This Be?. Leiden International Relations Blog. Leiden: Leiden University. [blog].
- David M.E.L. (2018), UK-Russia relations: poisoned chalice or silver linings?, Palgrave Communications 4(113): 1-5.
- David M.E.L. (2017), Eclipsed by Russia: Trump's First 100 Days, Critical Studies on Security 5(2): 173-176.
- David M.E.L. (16 september 2017), LSE Impact Blog. Amidst criticism of the peer review process, the valuable contributions of reviewers should be defended. London, UK: LSE. [blog].
- David M.E.L. (2017), Russia's challenge to US hegemony and the implications for Europe. In: Regilme Salvador Santino F. & Parisot James (red.), American Hegemony and the Rise of Emerging Powers. Cooperation or Conflict.. London and New York: Routledge. 198-215.
- David M.E.L. (2017), Learning In and From International Relations. In: Blagojevic J., Stosic M. & Fridman O. (red.), # political. Belgrade, Serbia: Faculty of Media and Communciations, Singidunum University. 21-36.
- David M.E.L. (2016), US-Russia relations in Obama’s second term: a damage limitation exercise. In: Bentley M. & Holland J. (red.), The Obama Doctrine: A Legacy of Continuity in US Foreign Policy?. London: Routledge.
- David M.E.L. & Romanova T. (2016), Modernisation in EU-Russian Relations: Past, Present and Future. London: Routledge.
- David M.E.L. & Drake H. (red.) (2016), Foreword: 'Life is Going to Be Different in the Future'. Journal of Contemporary European Research.
- David M.E.L. (29 november 2016), Trump’s Foreign Policy: The Catalyst the European Union Needed?. LSE EUROPP Blog. London: LSE. [blog].
- David M.E.L. (23 september 2016), War of words; how Europe is fighting back against Russian disinformation. The Conversation.
- David M.E.L. (2015), Learning from Crisis: The Challenge for the Euro-Atlantic States. Sprūds A. & Bukovskis K. (red.), Riga Conference Papers 2015 Towards Reassurance and Solidarity in the Euro-Atlantic Community.. The Riga Conference 6 november 2015 - 7 november 2015. Riga: Latvian Institute of International Affairs. 85-94.
- David M.E.L. (2015), Transitional Times. Russian Agency and International Intervention, Comillas Journal of International Relations 3: 100-115.
- David M.E.L. (2015), New Social Media: Modernisation and Democratisation in Russia, Perspectives on European Politics and Society 16(1): 95-110.
- David M.E.L. & Guerrina R. (2013), Gender and European External Relations: Dominant Discourses and Unintended Consequences of Gender Mainstreaming, Women's Studies International Forum 39: 53-62.
- David M.E.L., Gower J. & Haukkala H. (2013), National Perspectives on Russia: European Foreign Policy in the Making?. London: Routledge.
- David M.E.L. (2013), Ireland and the UK. In: David M.E.L., Gower J. & Haukkala H. (red.), National Perspectives on Russia: European Foreign Policy in the Making?. London: Routledge. 48-66.
- David M.E.L. (2011), A Less than Special Relationship - the UK’s Russia Experience, Journal of Contemporary European Studies 19(2): 201-212.