Marian Klamer
Directeur PhD-programma's / hoogleraar Austronesische en Papua Taalkunde
- Naam
- Prof.dr. M.A.F. Klamer
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2783
- 0000-0002-2905-7161

Marian Klamer is gespecialiseerd in de lokale talen van Oost-Indonesië. In dat gebied worden honderden verschillende talen gesproken die zowel verwantschappen als grote verschillen vertonen. Klamer heeft verschillende talen als eerste in kaart gebracht en beschreven. Ze maakte met mede-onderzoekers onder andere een openbare database met informatie over ruim 141 kleine, met uitsterven bedreigde talen van 4 taalfamilies in Indonesië.
Meer informatie over Marian Klamer
Directeur PhD-programma's / hoogleraar Austronesische en Papua Taalkunde
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- LUCL Taalwetenschap
- Klamer M.A.F. (2024), Vowel Harmony in Papuan languages. In: Hulst H. van der & Ritter N. (red.), The Oxford Handbook of Vowel Harmony. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 935-946.
- Klamer M.A.F. (2023), Word classes in Timor–Alor–Pantar and The Papuan Region. In: Lier E. van (red.), The Oxford Handbook of word classes. Oxford Handbooks Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 788-808.
- Klamer M.A.F. & Moro F.R. (2023), Traces of contact in the lexicon: Austronesian and Papuan studies. Brill Studies in Language Contact and the Dynamics of Language nr. 4. Leiden: Brill.
- Klamer M.A.F. & Moro F.R. (2023), Lexical borrowing in Austronesian and Papuan languages: concepts, methodology and findings. In: Klamer M.A.F. & Moro F.R. (red.), Traces of contact in the lexicon: Austronesian and Papuan studies. Leiden: Brill. 1-21.
- Klamer M. (2023), Traces of pre-modern contacts between Timor-Alor-Pantar and Austronesian speakers. In: Klamer M.A.F. & Moro F.R. (red.), Traces of contact in the lexicon: Austronesian and Papuan studies. Leiden: Brill. 57-100.
- Kaiping G.A.K. & Klamer Marian (2022), The dialect chain of the Timor-Alor-Pantar language family : a new analysis using systematic Bayesian phylogenetics, Language Dynamics and Change 12(2): 274-326.
- Yannuar N., Hoogervorst T.G. & Klamer Marian (2022), Examining Javanese phonology through word reversal practices, Oceanic Linguistics 61(1): .
- Klamer Marian, Edwards O.D.E., Fricke H.L.A., Gialitaki Z., Moro F.R., Palmér A.I, Saad G., Sulistyono Y., Visser E. & Wu J. (2021), Practicalities of language data collection and management in and around Indonesia, Wacana: Jurnal Transformasi Sosial 22(2): 467-521.
- Klamer Marian. & Mous M.P.G.M. (2021), Pieter Cornelis Muysken 11 april 1950 - 6 april 2021. In: , Levensberichten en Herdenkingen. Amsterdam: KNAW. 121-125.
- Klamer Marian & Moro F.R. (2020), What is “natural” speech? Comparing free narratives and Frog stories in Indonesia, Language Documentation & Conservation 14: 238-313.
- Klamer Marian, Shi M., Swenne J. & Chen Y. (2020), Breathy vowels are not phonemic in Kedang (Eastern Indonesia), Oceanic Linguistics 59(1/2): 37-58.
- Klamer Marian (2020), From Lamaholot to Alorese: morphological loss in adult language contact. In: Gill D. & Schapper A. (red.), Austronesian Undressed: How and why languages become isolating. Typological Studies in Language nr. 129. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 339-367.
- Klamer Marian., Crevels E.I. & Muysken P. (2020), Patterns of dispersal and diversification in Island Southeast Asia and Oceania. In: Crevels E.I. & Muysken P. (red.), Language dispersal, diversification, and contact. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 103-115.
- Klamer Marian. & Saad G. (2020), Reduplication in Abui: a case of pattern extension, Morphology 30(4): 311-346.
- Klamer Marian (2019), The Austronesian dispersal: Current findings and debates, Language and Linguistics Compass 13(4): 1-26.
- Saad G., Klamer Marian & Moro F.R. (2019), Identifying agents of change: Simplification of possessive marking in Abui-Malay bilinguals, Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 4(1): 1-29.
- Klamer Marian (2019), Encoding Transfer Events in Surinamese Javanese [Reconstructing the past through languages of the present ] (vertaling Villerius S., Moro F.R. & Klamer Marian), Journal of Language Contact 12(3): 784-822.
- Kaiping G.A., Edwards O.D.E. & Klamer Marian (2019), LexiRumah 3.0. Leiden: Leiden U Centre for Linguistics (Leiden University Centre for Linguistics). [database].
- Klamer Marian (2019), Indonesia: tempat fieldwork terbaik yang ada di muka bumi. In: Wijayanto, Sudarmoko, Suryani A.J., Ismah N. & Yannuar N. (red.), Catatan dari lapangan: Esai-esai Refleksi Etnografis Bidang Sosial Budaya Mahasiswa Indonesia di Leiden. Serpong, Tangerang Selatan: Marjin Kiri Publisher. 115-128.
- Kaiping G.A., Edwards O.D.E. & Klamer Marian (2019), LexiRumah 3.0.0. Leiden (Leiden University Centre for Linguistics). [database].
- Klamer Marian, Fricke H.L.M., Moro F.R., Saad G. & Visser Eline (2019), Language Collection “Eastern Indonesia and Timor Leste” . [dataset].
- Kaiping G.A. & Klamer Marian (2018), LexiRumah: An online lexical database of the Lesser Sunda Islands, 13(10): e0205250.
- Arkadiev Peter & Klamer Marian (2018), Morphological theory, language description and typology. In: Audring J. & Masini F. (red.), The Oxford Handbook of Morphological Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 435-454.
- Klamer Marian. & Kaiping G.A. (2018), Evolution of language modules across two lineages in Indonesia [Workshop 'Trees and what to do with them', University of Tuebingen, 23-24 March 2018]. .
- Klamer Marian. & Holton G. (2018), The Papuan languages of East Nusantara and the Bird’s Head. In: Palmer B. (red.), The languages and linguistics of the New Guinea area. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter. 569-640.
- Klamer Marian & Kratochvíl F. (2018), The evolution of differential object marking in Alor-Pantar languages. In: Seržant I.A. & Witzlack-Makarevich A. (red.), Diachrony of differential argument marking. Berlin: Language Science Press. 69-95.
- Klamer Marian (2018), Typology and grammaticalization in the Papuan languages of Timor, Alor, and Pantar. In: Narrog H. & Heine B. (red.), Grammaticalization from a typological perspective. Oxford Studies in Diachronic and Historical Languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press.. 235-262.
- Fricke H.L.A. & Klamer Marian (2018), Reconstructing Linguistic and Social Histories of the Lamaholot region. [working paper].
- Klamer Marian (2017), The Alor Pantar languages: History and typology, 2nd edition. Berlin: Language Science Press.
- Klamer Marian & Kaiping G.A. (2017), LexiRumah: A lexical database for languages of the Lesser Sunda islands [9th International Austronesian and Papuan Languages and Linguistics Conference (APLL9), Paris, 21-23 June 2017]. .
- Klamer Marian & Kaiping G.A. (2017), Some Assembly Required: From sounds to histories in 8 steps using (mostly) off-the-shelf tools [Invited talk at the workshop ‘Phylogenetic Methods in Historical Linguistics’, Universität Tübingen, March 27-30, 2017]. .
- Perwitasari A., Klamer Marian, Witteman J. & Schiller N.O. (2017), Acoustic analysis of Javanese and Sundanese vowels, Journal of East-Asian Linguistics 10(2): 1-9.
- Klamer Marian, Trilsbeek P., Hoogervorst T. & Haskett C. (2017), Creating a Language Archive of Insular South East Asia and West New Guinea. In: Odijk J. & Hessen A. van (red.), CLARIN in the Low Countries. London: Ubiquity Press. 113–121.
- Perwitasari A., Klamer Marian & Schiller N.O. (2016), Formant Frequencies and Vowel Space Area in Javanese and Sundanese English Language Learners, 3L: The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies 22(3): 141-152.
- Moro F.R. & Klamer Marian (2015), Give-Constructions in Heritage Ambon Malay in the Netherlands, Journal of Language Contact 8(2): 263-298.
- Klamer Marian (2015), Met subsidies koop ik mijn vrijheid als onderzoeker [], : .
- Klamer Marian (2015), Interview: ‘Voor het behoud van diversiteit binnen de wetenschap’ [NWO newsletter], : .
- Klamer Marian & Sikkema R. (6 februari 2015), Talenpuzzel bestaande uit duizenden stukjes. Nederlands Dagblad.
- Klamer Marian (2015), Language Archive of Insular Southeast Asia and West New Guinea (LAISEANG). [dataset].
- Klamer Marian & Schapper A.C. (2014), Numeral systems in the Alor-Pantar languages. In: Klamer Marian (red.), The Alor-Pantar languages: History and Typology. Berlin: Language Science Press. 285-336.
- Klamer Marian, Schapper A.C. & Corbett G. (2014), Plural number words in the Alor-Pantar languages. In: Klamer Marian (red.), The Alor-Pantar languages: History and Typology. Berlin: Language Science Press. 375-412.
- Klamer Marian, Schapper A.C., Corbett G., Holton G., Kratochvíl F. & Robinson Laura C. (2014), Numeral words and arithmetic operations in the Alor-Pantar languages. In: Klamer Marian (red.), The Alor-Pantar languages: History and Typology. Berlin: Language Science Press. 337-374.
- Klamer Marian & Kratochvíl F. (2014), The Expression of Number in languages of East Nusantara: An Overview. In: Klamer Marian & Kratochvíl F. (red.), Number and Quantity in East Nusantara. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. 1-14.
- Klamer Marian (2014), Numeral classifiers in the Papuan languages of Alor and Pantar: A comparative perspective. In: Klamer Marian & Kratochvíl F. (red.), Number and Quantity in East Nusantara. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. 103-122.
- Klamer Marian (2014), Kaera. In: Schapper A. (red.), The Papuan languages of Timor, Alor and Pantar: Sketch grammars. Vol. 1. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. 97-146.
- Klamer Marian (2014), The Alor Pantar languages: Linguistic context, history and typology. In: Klamer Marian (red.), The Alor-Pantar languages: History and Typology. Berlin: Language Science Press. 5-54.
- Klamer Marian (2014), The history of numeral classifiers in Teiwa (Papuan). In: , Number: Constructions and Semantics. Case studies from Africa, India, Amazonia & Oceania. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 135-166.
- Klamer Marian & Kratochvíl F. (red.) (2014), Number and Quantity in East Nusantara. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.
- Klamer Marian (red.) (2014), The Alor-Pantar languages: History and Typology. Berlin: Language Science Press.
- Klamer Marian (2014) Book Review: An Introduction to Linguistic Typology. Bespreking van: Velupillai Viveka (2012), An Introduction to Linguistic Typology. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Lingua 150.
- Klamer Marian (2014), Reconstructing the past through languages of the present: The Lesser Sunda Islands, Leids Universitair Weekblad Mare : .
- Klamer Marian (2014), Bespreking van: Velupillai V. (2012), An Introduction to Linguistic Typology. Lingua 53: 21-23.
- Fedden S., Brown D., Corbett G., Holton G., Klamer Marian, Robinson L. & Schapper A.C. (2013), Conditions on pronominal marking in the Alor-Pantar languages, Linguistics: an Interdisciplinary Journal of the Language Sciences 51(1): 33-74.
- Klamer Marian (2012), Tours of the past through the present of eastern Indonesia, Language Documentation & Conservation (Special Publication Nr. 3): 54-63.
- Klamer Marian & Schapper A.C. (2012), The development of ‘give’ constructions in the Papuan languages of Timor-Alor-Pantar, Linguistic Discovery 10(3): 174-207.
- Klamer Marian (2012), Papuan-Austronesian language contact: Alorese from an areal perspective, Language Documentation & Conservation (Special Issue 5): 72-108.
- Evans N. & Klamer Marian (2012), Melanesian Languages on the Edge of Asia: Challenges for the 21st Century. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
- Evans N. & Klamer Marian (2012), Introduction: Linguistic challenges of the Papuan region, Language Documentation & Conservation (Special Issue 5): 1-12.
- Holton G., Klamer Marian, Kratochvil F., Robinson L. & Schapper A.C. (2012), The Historical Relations of the Papuan Languages of Alor and Pantar, Oceanic Linguistics 51(1): 86-122.
- Klamer Marian, Zijn er talen zonder letters?. Taalcanon. Amsterdam: Meulenhof. [blog].
- Klamer Marian & Schapper A. (2012), ‘Give’ constructions in the Papuan languages of Timor-Alor-Pantar, Linguistic Discovery 10(3): 174-207.
- Klamer Marian (2011), Reality Status in Teiwa (Papuan), Language Sciences : .
- Klamer Marian (2011), Kosa kata Bahasa Teiwa-Indonesia-Inggris [Teiwa-Indonesian-English glossary]. Kupang: Language and Culture Unit UBB..
- Klamer Marian (2011), A Short Grammar of Alorese (Austronesian). Munich: LINCOM.
- Klamer Marian & Ewing M. (2010), Typological and Areal Analyses: Contributions from East Nusantara. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.
- Klamer Marian (2010), A grammar of Teiwa. Berlin New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Klamer Marian (2010), Ditransitives in Teiwa. In: Malchukov Andrej, Haspelmath Martin & Comrie Bernard (red.), Studies in Ditransitive Constructions. Berlin New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Klamer Marian (2010), One item, many faces: ‘Come’ in Teiwa and Kaera. In: Ewing Michael & Klamer Marian (red.), Typological and Areal Analysis: Contributions from East Nusantara. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. 205-227.
- Klamer Marian & Ewing Michael (2010), The languages of East Nusantara: An introduction. In: Ewing Michael & Klamer Marian (red.), Typological and Areal Analyses: Contributions from East Nusantara. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.
- Klamer Marian & Kratochvil F. (2010), Abui Tripartite Verbs: Exploring the limits of compositionality. In: Wohlgemuth Jan & Cysouw Michael (red.), Rara and Rarissima: Documenting the fringes of linguistic diversity. Berlin New York: Mouton de Gruyter. 209-233.
- Klamer Marian (2009), The Use of Language Data in Comparative Research: A Note on Blust (2008) and Onvlee (1984), Oceanic Linguistics 48(1): 250-263.
- Klamer Marian (2008), The Semantics of Semantic Alignment in eastern Indonesia. In: Donohue Mark & Wichmann Søren (red.), Typology of Active-Stative Languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 221-251.
- Klamer Marian, Reesink G.P. & Staden M. van (2008), Eastern Indonesia as a linguistic area. In: Muysken P. (red.), From linguistic areas to areal linguistics. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 95-149.
- Klamer Marian (2008), Differential marking of intransitive subjects in Kambera (Austronesian). In: Hoop Helen de & Swart Peter de (red.), Differential Subject Marking. Dordrecht/Boston/New York: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 281-299.
- Klamer Marian (2008) Review of Rebecca Sue Jenkins, Language Contact and Composite Structures in New Ireland. Bespreking van: (2006), Rebecca Sue Jenkins, Language Contact and Composite Structures in New Ireland nr. 2/3. Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 164: 320-325.
- Klamer Marian (2008), Split S in the Indonesian Area: Forms, Semantics, Geography, Studies in Phillipine Languages and Cultures 17: 98-120.
- Klamer Marian (2007), De Teiwa-kalender en waarom die verdwijnt, Indigo : 24-25.
- Klamer Marian (2006), Complement clause type and complementation strategy in Kambera. In: Dixon R.M.W. & Aikhenvald Alexandra (red.), Complementation - A Cross-linguistic Typology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. xxx-xxx.
- Klamer Marian (2006), Multicategorial items as underspecified lexical entries. In: Fisher Olga, Norde Muriel & Perridon Harry (red.), Up and down the cline: The nature of grammaticalization. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 299-323.
- Baird L. & Klamer Marian (2006), Persoalan ortografi dalam bahasa daerah di Alor dan Pantar [Orthographical issues in the local languages of Alor and Pantar], Linguistik Indonesia 24(1): 36-57.
- Klamer Marian (2005), Kambera. In: Adelaar Alexander & Himmelmann Nikolaus P. (red.), The Austronesian languages of Asia and Madagascar. London/New York: Routledge. 709-734.
- Klamer Marian (2005), Explaining structural and semantic asymmetries in morphological typology. In: Booij Geert, Guevara Emiliano, Ralli Angela, Sgroi Salvatore & Scalise Sergio (red.), Morphology and Linguistic Typology. Morphological Variation: Synchrony and Diachrony. Bologna: Università degli Studi di Bologna. 127-142.
- Klamer Marian (2004), Multi-categorial items as underspecified lexical entries: The case of Kambera wà ngu. In: Fisher Olga, Norde Muriel & Perridon Harry (red.), Up and Down the cline: The Nature of Grammaticalization. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 299-323.
- Klamer Marian (2004), Squib: 'East Nusantara: Genetic, areal and typological approaches', Oceanic Linguistics 43(1): 240-244.
- Klamer Marian (2002), 'Report' constructions in Kambera (Austronesian). In: Güldemann Tom & Rucador Manfred von (red.), Reported discourse. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 323-340.
- Klamer Marian (2002) Review of John H. McWorther, The power of Babel: A natural history of language. Bespreking van: , John H. McWorther, The power of Babel: A natural history of language. Radix 28.
- Klamer Marian (2002), Globalisering en het Grote Sterven van de talen, Radix 28(3): .
- Klamer Marian (2002) 4. Book notice of Joel C. Kuipers, Language Identity and Marginality in Eastern Indonesia. Bespreking van: , Joel C. Kuipers, Language Identity and Marginality in Eastern Indonesia. Language 76.
- Klamer Marian (2002), Typical features of Austronesian languages in Central/Eastern Indonesia, Oceanic Linguistics 41(2): .
- Klamer Marian (2002), Ten years of synchronic Austronesian linguistics (1991-2001), Lingua 112(2): 933-965.
- Klamer Marian (2002), Semantically motivated lexical patterns: a study of Dutch and Kambera expressives, Language 78(2): 258-286.
- Klamer Marian (2001), Phrasal emotion predicates in three languages of Eastern Indonesia. In: Booij Geert & Marle Jaap van (red.), Yearbook of Morphology 2000. Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 97-122.
- Klamer Marian (2001), Expressives and iconicity in the lexicon. In: Voeltz Erhard & Kilian-Hatz Christa (red.), Ideophones. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 165-181.
- Klamer Marian (red.) (2000), Proceedings of AFLA 7 [7th conference of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association]. Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
- Klamer Marian (red.) (2000), Proceedings of the 7th Conference of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (Afla 7). Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit, Faculteit Letteren.
- Klamer Marian (2000) Review of Thomas E. Payne: Describing Morpho-syntax – A guide for field linguists. Bespreking van: , Thomas E. Payne: Describing Morpho-syntax – A guide for field linguists. Lingua 110: 131-135.
- Klamer Marian (2000), Onvermoede klanksymboliek in Nederlandse woorden, Radix 26(2): 68-79.
- Klamer Marian (2000), How report verbs become quote markers and complementisers, Lingua 110: 69-98.
- Klamer Marian (1999) Book notice of Arthur Holmer, A parametric grammar of Seediq. Bespreking van: , Arthur Holmer, A parametric grammar of Seediq nr. 1. Language 75: 198-199.
- Klamer Marian (1998), Kambera intrasitive argument linking, Studia Linguistica 52(2): 77-111.
- Klamer Marian (1998), A grammar of Kambera. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Hulst H.G. van der & Klamer Marian (1998), Reduplication in Leti. In: Pearson M. (red.), Recent papers in Austronesian linguistics. Los Angeles: UCLA. 147-158.
- Klamer Marian (10 oktober 1998), Slakken, katten, varkens, rolmops: De vele namen en oorsprongen van de apenstaart. NRC Handelsblad.
- Hulst H.G. van der & Klamer Marian (1996), Reduplication in Leti. In: Cremers C. & Dikken M. den (red.), Linguistics in the Netherlands 1996. Amsterdam: NN. 109-120.
- Klamer Marian (red.) (1996), Voice in Austronesian. Jakarta: Universitas Atma Jaya.
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