Universiteit Leiden

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Marian Klamer

Director PhD programs / Professor Austronesian and Papuan Linguistics

Prof.dr. M.A.F. Klamer
+31 71 527 2783

Marian Klamer is Director PhD programs and Professor of Austronesian and Papuan Linguistics at the Centre for Linguistics. She works on the description and comparison of smaller, under-described Austronesian and Papuan languages in Indonesia, and she studies the history and culture of the populations who speak the languages.

More information about Marian Klamer

Fields of interest

  • Papuan and Austronesian languages and linguistics
  • Malay varieties
  • language description and documentation
  • language contact and change
  • linguistic typology


My publications cover a wide range of linguistic topics including morphology, typology, grammaticalization, historical reconstruction, and the effects of language contact on the lexicon and grammar of languages. I wrote grammars on two Austronesian languages (Kambera, 1998; Alorese, 2011) and three Papuan languages (Teiwa, 2010; Kaera, 2014; Sentani, to appear), and recently edited (with Francesca Moro) the volume Traces of contact in the lexicon: Austronesian and Papuan studies (Brill, 2023). In the interdisciplinary RISE-OCSEAN project I am currently responsible for the collection of linguistic data in Island SE Asia.

Grants and awards

  • 2019 Elected Member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), Amsterdam

Grants (selection, main applicant):

  • 2014-2019 Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) – VICI Grant ‘Reconstructing the past through languages of the present’. € 1,500,000
  • 2014 NWO – Aspasia premium. € 100,000
  • 2012-2014 CLARIN-NL Language Archive of Insular South East Asia and West New Guinea (LAISEANG). € 80,000
  • 2009-2012 European Science Foundation (ESF)-EuroCORES-EuroBABEL Research Project ‘Alor-Pantar languages: Origins and theoretical impact’. € 935,000
  • 2002-2007 NWO Vernieuwingsimpuls (VIDI) ‘Linguistic variation in Eastern Indonesia’. € 650,000

Curriculum vitae

1994 Ph.D. General Linguistics, cum laude, VU University, Amsterdam
1990 M.A. General Linguistics, cum laude, VU University, Amsterdam
2021-present Director of the Graduate School of Humanities, Leiden University
2014-present Full Professor of Austronesian and
Papuan Linguistics, Leiden University Centre for Linguistics & Institute for Area Studies, Leiden U
2014-2019 PI of NWO-VICI project 'Reconstructing the past through languages of the present'
2015 Research Fellow and coordinator of NIAS-Lorentz Theme Group 'Capturing Phylogenetic Algorithms for Linguistics', Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences
2013-2014 Senior lecturer, Leiden University Centre for Linguistics/Leiden Institute for Area Studies, Leiden U
2013-2014 Coordinator of the CLARIN-project
2009-2013 PI of EuroBABEL Collaborative Research Project funded by the European Science Foundation 'Alor-Pantar languages: Origins and theoretical impact'
2002-2007 PI of NWO-VIDI project 'Linguistic Variation in Eastern Indonesia: The Alor and Pantar Project'
1999-2002 Senior Research Fellow & Research Coordinator in the Spinoza research project 'Lexicon and Syntax' headed by Prof. P.C. Muysken, Leiden U  
1996-2000 Research Fellow of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)
1994-1995 Lecturer in General and Applied Linguistics Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, Zwolle

Director PhD programs / Professor Austronesian and Papuan Linguistics

  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
  • LUCL Taalwetenschap

Work address

Reuvensplaats 3-4
2311 BE Leiden
Room number 0.40




  • NWO Voorzitter van twee Panels Open Competitie L en M
  • Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) Member Council for Humanities (Raad voor Geesteswetenschappen)
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