Marco Streng
Universitair hoofddocent
- Naam
- Dr. T.C. Streng
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 7093
- 0000-0001-9954-948X

Marco Streng is universitair hoofddocent en PhD director bij het Mathematisch Instituut.
Persoonlijke webpagina
Universitair hoofddocent
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Mathematisch Instituut
- Mathematisch Instituut
- Streng T.C. (2023), Generators of the group of modular units for Gamma1(N) over the rationals, Annales Henri Lebesgue 6: 95-116.
- Kılıçer P. & Streng T.C. (2023), The CM class number one problem for curves of genus 2, Research in Number Theory 9: 15.
- Houben M.R. & Streng T.C. (2022), Generalized class polynomials, Research in Number Theory 8: 103.
- Naskrecki B. & Streng T.C. (2020), Primitive divisors of elliptic divisibility sequences over function fields with constant j-invariant, Journal of Number Theory 213: 152-186.
- Kilicer P., Lauter K., Garcia E.L., Newton R., Ozman E. & Streng T.C. (2020), A bound on the primes of bad reduction for CM curves of genus 3, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 148(7): 2843-2861.
- Kilicer P., Lorenzo García E. & Streng T.C. (2019), Primes dividing invariants of CM Picard curves, Canadian Journal of Mathematics 72(2): 480-504.
- Kılıçer P., Labrande H., Lercier R., Ritzenthaler C., Sijsling J. & Streng T.C. (2018), Plane quartics over Q with complex multiplication, Acta Arithmetica 185(2): 127-156.
- Bisson G. & Streng T.C. (2017), On polarised class groups of orders in quartic {CM}-fields, Mathematical Research Letters 24(2): 247-270.
- Bouyer F. & Streng T.C. (2015), Examples of {CM} curves of genus two defined over the reflex field, LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics 18(1): 507--538.
- Streng T.C. (2014), Computing Igusa class polynomials, Mathematics of Computation 83(285): 275--309.
- Castryck W., Streng M. & Testa D. (2014), Curves in characteristic 2 with non-trivial 2-torsion, Advances in Mathematics of Communications 8(4): 479-495.
- Bröker R.M., Lauter K. & Streng T.C. (2013), Abelian surfaces admitting an (l,l)-endomorphism, Journal of Algebra 394: 374--396.
- Ingram P., Mahé V., Silverman J.H., Stange K.E. & Streng T.C. (2012), Algebraic divisibility sequences over function fields, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 92(1): 99-126.
- Hitt O'Connor L., McGuire G., Naehrig M. & Streng T.C. (2011), A CM construction for curves of genus 2 with p-rank 1, Journal of Number Theory 131(5): 920-935.
- Streng T.C. (2008), Divisibility sequences for elliptic curves with complex multiplication, Algebra & Number Theory 2(2): 183-208.
- Freeman D., Stevenhagen P. & Streng T.C. (2008), Abelian varieties with prescribed embedding degree. In: Poorten A.J. van der & Stein A. (red.), Algorithmic number theory. Lecture Notes in Computer Science nr. 5011. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer. 60-73.