Joseph Callingham
Gast docent / senior onderzoeker
- Naam
- Dr. J.R. Callingham
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 5737
- 0000-0002-7167-1819

Gast docent / senior onderzoeker
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Sterrewacht
- Sterrewacht
- Groeneveld C., Weeren R.J. van, Osinga E., Williams W.L., Callingham R.R., Gaspering F. de, Botteon A., Shimwell T., Sweijen F., Jong J.M.G.H.J. de, Jansen L.F., Miley G.K., Brunetti G. & Brüggen Röttgering H.J.A. (2024), Characterization of the decametre sky at subarcminute resolution, Nature Astronomy 8: 786-795.
- Callingham J.R., Pope B.J.S., Kavanagh R.D., Bellotti S., Daley-Yates S., Damasso M., Grießmeier J.-M., Güdel M., Günther M., Kao M.M., Klein B., Mahadevan S., Morin J., Nichols J.D., Osten R.A., Pérez-Torres M., Pineda J.S., Rigney J., Saur J., Stefánsson G., Turner J.D., Vedantham H., Vidotto A.A., Villadsen J. & Zarka P. (2024), Radio signatures of star-planet interactions, exoplanets and space weather, Nature Astronomy 8: 1359-1372.
- Nair D.G., Morganti R., Brienza M., Mingo B., Croston J.H., Jurlin N., Shimwell T.W., Callingham J.R. & Hardcastle M.J. (2024), Core prominence as a signature of restarted jet activity in the LOFAR radio-galaxy population, Astronomy and Astrophysics 691: A287.
- Fitzmaurice E., Stefánsson G., Kavanagh R.D., Mahadevan S., Cañas C.I., Winn J.N., Robertson P., Ninan J.P., Albrecht S., Callingham J.R., Cochran W.D., Delamer M., Ford E.B., Kanodia S., Lin A.S.J., Marcussen M.L., Pope B.J.S., Ramsey L.W., Roy A., Vedantham H. & Wright J.T. (2024), Astrometry and precise radial velocities yield a complete orbital solution for the nearby eccentric brown dwarf LHS 1610 b, Astronomical Journal 168(3): 140.
- Yiu T.W.H., Vedantham H.K., Callingham J.R. & Günther M.N. (2024), Radio emission as a stellar activity indicator, Astronomy and Astrophysics 684: A3.
- Bloot S., Callingham J.R., Vedantham H.K., Kavanagh R.D., Pope B.J.S., Climent J.B., Guirado J.C., Peña-Moñino L. & Pérez-Torres M. (2024), Phenomenology and periodicity of radio emission from the stellar system AU Microscopii, Astronomy and Astrophysics 682: A170.
- Osinga E., Weeren R.J. van, Brunetti G., Adam R., Rajpurohit K., Botteon A., Callingham J.R., Cuciti V., de Gasperin F., Miley G.K., Röttgering H.J.A. & Shimwell T.W. (2024), Probing particle acceleration in Abell 2256: From 16 MHz to gamma rays, Astronomy & Astrophysics 688: A175.
- Ballieux F.J., Callingham J.R., Rottgering H.J.A. & Slob M.M. (2024), Comparing extragalactic megahertz-peaked spectrum and gigahertz-peaked spectrum sources, Astronomy & Astrophysics 689: A264.
- Vedantham H.K., Dupuy T.J., Evans E.L., Sanghi A., Callingham J.R., Shimwell T.W., Best W.M.J., Liu M.C. & Zarka P. (2023), Polarised radio pulsations from a new T-dwarf binary, Astronomy and Astrophysics 675: L6.
- Ross K., Reynolds C., Seymour N., Callingham J.R., Hurley-Walker N. & Bignall H. (2023), Milliarcsecond structures of variable-peaked spectrum sources, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 40: e005.
- Callingham J.R., Shimwell T.W., Vedantham H.K., Bassa C.G., O'Sullivan S.P., Yiu T.W.H., Bloot S., Best P.N., Hardcastle M.J., Haverkorn M., Kavanagh R.D., Lamy L., Pope B.J.S., Röttgering H.J.A., Schwarz D.J., Tasse C., Weeren R.J. van, White G.J., Zarka P., Bomans D.J., Bonafede A., Bonato M., Botteon A., Bruggen M., Chyży K.T., Drabent A., Emig K.L., Gloudemans A.J., Gürkan G., Hajduk M., Hoang D.N., Hoeft M., Iacobelli M., Kadler M., Kunert-Bajraszewska M., Mingo B., Morabito L.K., Nair D.G., Pérez-Torres M., Ray T.P., Riseley C.J., Rowlinson A., Shulevski A., Sweijen F., Timmerman R., Vaccari M. & Zheng J. (2023), V-LoTSS: The circularly polarised LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey, Astronomy and Astrophysics 670: A124.
- Gloudemans A.J., Callingham J.R., Duncan K.J., Saxena A., Harikane Y., Hill G.J., Zeimann G.R., Röttgering H.J.A., Hardcastle M.J., Pineda J.S., Shimwell T.W., Smith D.J.B. & Wagenveld J.D. (2023), Plausible association of distant late M dwarfs with low-frequency radio emission, Astronomy and Astrophysics 678: A161.
- Gloudemans A.J., Saxena A., Intema H., Callingham J.R., Duncan K.J., Röttgering H.J.A., Belladitta S., Hardcastle M.J., Harikane Y. & Spingola C. (2023), No strong radio absorption detected in the low-frequency spectra of radio-loud quasars at z > 5.6, Astronomy and Astrophysics 678: A128.
- Gasperin F. de, Edler H.W., Williams W.L., Callingham J.R., Asabere B., Brüggen M., Brunetti G., Dijkema T.J., Hardcastle M.J., Iacobelli M., Offringa A., Norden M.J., Röttgering H.J.A., Shimwell T.W., Weeren R.J. van, Tasse C., Bomans D.J., Bonafede A., Botteon A., Cassano R., Chyży K.T., Cuciti V., Emig K.L., Kadler M., Miley G.K., Mingo B., Oei M.S.S.L., Prandoni I., Schwarz D.J. & Zarka P. (2023), The LOFAR LBA sky survey: II. First data release, Astronomy and Astrophysics 673: A165.
- Boven E.P., Vedantham H.K., Callingham J.R. & Langevelde H.J. van (2023), VLBI multiview astrometry of radio stars. 15th European VLBI Network Mini-Symposium and Users' Meeting 11 juli 2022 - 15 juli 2022. Proceedings of Science. Trieste: Sissa Medialab. 50.
- Bloot S., Callingham J.R. & Marcote B. (2022), Radio modelling of the brightest and most luminous non-thermal colliding-wind binary Apep, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 509(1): 475-488.
- Ross K., Hurley-Walker N., Seymour N., Callingham J.R., Galvin T.J. & Johnston-Hollitt M. (2022), Wide-band spectral variability of peaked spectrum sources, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 512(4): 5358-5373.
- Callingham J.R., Vedantham H., Pope B. & Shimwell T.W. (2022), Radio stars and exoplanets at low-frequencies: first detections. In: Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society nr. 54 Washington: AAS Publishing.
- Sobey C., Bassa C.G., O'Sullivan S.P., Callingham J.R., Tan C.M., Hessels J.W.T., Kondratiev V.I., Stappers B.W., Tiburzi C., Heald G., Shimwell T.W., Breton R.P., Kirwan M., Vedantham H.K., Carretti E., Grießmeier J.-M., Haverkorn M. & Karastergiou A. (2022), Searching for pulsars associated with polarised point sources using LOFAR: initial discoveries from the TULIPP project, Astronomy and Astrophysics 661: A87.
- Nascimento R.S., Rodríguez-Ardila A., Dahmer-Hahn L., Fonseca-Faria M.A., Riffel R., Marinello M., Beuchert T. & Callingham J.R. (2022), Optical properties of peaked spectrum radio sources, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 511(1): 214-230.
- Callingham J.R (2022), Science at Low Frequencies VIII : how low can we go?, Nature Astronomy 6: 185-186.
- Vedantham H.K., Callingham J.R., Shimwell T.W., Benz A.O., Hajduk M., Ray T.P., Tasse C. & Drabent A. (2022), Peculiar radio-X-ray relationship in active stars, Astrophysical Journal Letters 926(2): L30.
- Kavanagh R.D., De Almeida Vidotto A., Vedantham H.K., Jardine M.M., Callingham J.R. & Morin J. (2022), Radio masers on WX UMa: hints of a Neptune-sized planet, or magnetospheric reconnection?, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 514(1): 675-688.
- Hajduk M., Leto P., Vedantham H., Trigilio C., Haverkorn Van Rijsewijk M., Shimwell T.W., Callingham J.R. & White G.J. (2022), Radio detection of chemically peculiar stars with LOFAR, Astronomy and Astrophysics 665: A152.
- Shimwell T.W., Hardcastle M.J., Tasse C., Best P.N., Röttgering H.J.A., Williams W.L., Botteon A., Drabent A., Mechev A., Shulevski A., Weeren R.J. van, Bester L., Brüggen M., Brunetti G., Callingham J.R., Chyży K.T., Conway J.E., Dijkema T.J., Duncan K., de Gasperin F., Hale C.L., Haverkorn M., Hugo B., Jackson N., Mevius M., Miley G.K., Morabito L.K., Morganti R., Offringa A., Oonk J.B.R., Rafferty D., Sabater J., Smith D.J.B., Schwarz D.J., Smirnov O., O'Sullivan S.P., Vedantham H., White G.J., Albert J.G., Alegre L., Asabere B., Bacon D.J., Bonafede A., Bonnassieux E., Brienza M., Bilicki M., Bonato M., Calistro Rivera G., Cassano R., Cochrane R., Croston J.H., Cuciti V., Dallacasa D., Danezi A., Dettmar R.J., Di Gennaro G., Edler H.W., Enßlin T.A., Emig K.L., Franzen T.M.O., García-Vergara C., Grange Y.G., Gürkan G., Hajduk M., Heald G., Heesen V., Hoang D.N., Hoeft M., Horellou C., Iacobelli M., Jamrozy M., Jelić V., Kondapally R., Kukreti P., Kunert-Bajraszewska M., Magliocchetti M., Mahatma V., Małek K., Mandal S., Massaro F., Meyer-Zhao Z., Mingo B., Mostert R.I.J., Nair D.G., Nakoneczny S.J., Nikiel-Wroczyński B., Orrú E., Pajdosz-Śmierciak U., Pasini T., Prandoni I., van Piggelen H.E., Rajpurohit K., Retana-Montenegro E., Riseley C.J., Rowlinson A., Saxena A., Schrijvers C., Sweijen F., Siewert T.M., Timmerman R., Vaccari M., Vink J., West J.L., Wołowska A., Zhang X. & Zheng J. (2022), The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey : V. Second data release, Astronomy and Astrophysics 659: A1.
- Kavanagh R.D., Vidotto A., Vedantham H., Jardine M., Klein B., Callingham J.R. & Morin J. (2022), Signatures of star-planet interactions across the electromagnetic spectrum, EPSC Abstracts. 16th Europlanet Science Congress 2022 18 september 2022 - 23 september 2022 nr. 16: Europlanet Society. EPSC2022-1173.
- Sweijen F., Morabito L.K., Harwood J., Weeren R.J. van, Röttgering H.J.A., Callingham J.R., Jackson N., Miley G. & Moldon J. (2022), High-resolution international LOFAR observations of 4C 43.15: spectral ages and injection indices in a high-z radio galaxy, Astronomy and Astrophysics 658: A3.
- Jackson N., Badole S., Morgan J., Chhetri R., Prūsis K., Nikolajevs A., Morabito L., Brentjens M., Sweijen F., Iacobelli M., Orrù E., Sluman J., Blaauw R., Mulder H., van Dijk P., Mooney S., Deller A., Moldon J., Callingham J.R., Harwood J., Hardcastle M., Heald G., Drabent A., McKean J.P., Asgekar A., Avruch I.M., Bentum M.J., Bonafede A., Brouw W.N., Brüggen M., Butcher H.R., Ciardi B., Coolen A., Corstanje A., Damstra S., Duscha S., Eislöffel J., Falcke H., Garrett M., de Gasperin F., Griessmeier J.-M., Gunst A.W., Haarlem M.P. van, Hoeft M., Horst A.J. van der, Jütte E., Koopmans L.V.E., Krankowski A., Maat P., Mann G., Miley G.K., Nelles A., Norden M., Paas M., Pandey V.N., Pandey-Pommier M., Pizzo R.F., Reich W., Rothkaehl H., Rowlinson A., Ruiter M., Shulevski A., Schwarz D.J., Smirnov O., Tagger M., Vocks C., Weeren R.J. van, Wijers R., Wucknitz O., Zarka P., Zensus J.A. & Zucca P. (2022), Sub-arcsecond imaging with the International LOFAR Telescope: II. Completion of the LOFAR Long-Baseline Calibrator Survey, Astronomy and Astrophysics 658: A2.
- Morabito L.K., Jackson N.J., Mooney S., Sweijen F., Badole S., Kukreti P., Venkattu D., Groeneveld C., Kappes A., Bonnassieux E., Drabent A., Iacobelli M., Croston J.H., Best P.N., Bondi M., Callingham J.R., Conway J.E., Deller A.T., Hardcastle M.J., McKean J.P., Miley G.K., Moldon J., Röttgering H.J.A., Tasse C., Shimwell T.W., Weeren R.J. van, Anderson J.M., Asgekar A., Avruch I.M., van Bemmel I.M., Bentum M.J., Bonafede A., Brouw W.N., Butcher H.R., Ciardi B., Corstanje A., Coolen A., Damstra S., de Gasperin F., Duscha S., Eislöffel J., Engels D., Falcke H., Garrett M.A., Griessmeier J., Gunst A.W., Haarlem M.P. van, Hoeft M., Horst A.J. van der, Jütte E., Kadler M., Koopmans L.V.E., Krankowski A., Mann G., Nelles A., Oonk J.B.R., Orru E., Paas H., Pandey V.N., Pizzo R.F., Pandey-Pommier M., Reich W., Rothkaehl H., Ruiter M., Schwarz D.J., Shulevski A., Soida M., Tagger M., Vocks C., Wijers R.A.M.J., Wijnholds S.J., Wucknitz O., Zarka P. & Zucca P. (2022), Sub-arcsecond imaging with the International LOFAR Telescope. I. : Foundational calibration strategy and pipeline, Astronomy and Astrophysics 658: A1.
- Timmerman R., Weeren R.J. van, Callingham J.R., Cotton W.D., Perley R., Morabito L.K., Gizani N.A.B., Bridle A.H., O'Dea C.P., Baum S.A., Tremblay G.R., Kharb P., Kassim N.E., Röttgering H.J.A., Botteon A., Sweijen F., Tasse C., Brüggen M., Moldon J., Shimwell T. & Brunetti G. (2022), Origin of the ring structures in Hercules A. : Sub-arcsecond 144 MHz to 7 GHz observations , Astronomy and Astrophysics 658: A5.
- Hajduk M., Haverkorn M., Shimwell T.W., Olech M., Callingham J.R., Vedantham. H.K., White G.J., Iacobelli M. & Drabent A. (2021), Evidence for cold plasma in planetary nebulae from radio observations with the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR), The Astrophysical Journal 919(2): 121.
- Callingham J.R., Vedantham H.K., Shimwell T.W., Pope B.J.S., Davis I.E., Best P.N., Hardcastle M.J., Rottgering H.J.A., Sabater J., Tasse C., Weeren R.J. van, Williams W.L., Zarka P., Gasperin F. de & Drabent A. (2021), The population of M dwarfs observed at low radio frequencies, Nature Astronomy 5: 1233-1239.
- Franzen T.M.O., Seymour N., Sadler E.M., Mauch T., White S.V., Jackson C.A., Chhetri R., Quici B., Bell M.E., Callingham J.R., Dwarakanath K.S., For B., Gaensler B.M., Hancock P.J., Hindson L., Hurley-Walker N., Johnston-Hollitt M., Kapińska A.D., Lenc E., McKinley B., Morgan J., Offringa A.R., Procopio P., Staveley-Smith L., Wayth R.B., Wu C. & Zheng Q. (2021), The GLEAM 200-MHz local radio luminosity function for AGN and star-forming galaxies, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 38: e041.
- Pope B.J.S., Callingham J.R., Feinstein A.D., Günther M.N., Vedantham H.K., Ansdell M. & Shimwell T.W. (2021), The TESS view of LOFAR radio-emitting stars, Astrophysical Journal Letters 919(1): L10.
- Feeney-Johansson A., Purser S.J.D., Ray T.P., Vidotto A.A., Eislöffel J., Callingham J.R., Shimwell T.W., Vedantham H.K., Hallinan G. & Tasse C. (2021), Detection of coherent low-frequency radio bursts from weak-line T Tauri stars, Astronomy and Astrophysics 653: A101.
- Davis I., Vedantham H.K., Callingham J.R., Shimwell T.W., Vidotto A.A., Zarka P., Ray T.P. & Drabent A. (2021), Large closed-field corona of WX Ursae Majoris evidenced from radio observations, Astronomy and Astrophysics 650: L20.
- Callingham J.R., Pope B.J.S., Feinstein A.D., Vedantham H.K., Shimwell T.W., Zarka P., Tasse C., Lamy L., Veken K., Toet S., Sabater J., Best P.N., Weeren R.J. van, Rottgering H.J.A. & Ray T.P. (2021), Low-frequency monitoring of flare star binary CR Draconis: long-term electron-cyclotron maser emission, Astronomy and Astrophysics 648: A13.
- Sabater J., Best P.N., Tasse C., Hardcastle M.J., Shimwell T.W., Nisbet D., Jelic V., Callingham J.R., Rottgering H.J.A., Bonato M., Bondi M., Ciardi B., Cochrane R.K., Jarvis M.J., Kondapally R., Koopmans L.V.E., O'Sullivan S.P., Prandoni I., Schwarz D.J., Smith D.J.B., Wang L., Williams W.L. & Zaroubi S. (2021), The LOFAR two-meter sky survey: deep fields data release 1: II. the ELAIS-N1 LOFAR deep field, Astronomy and Astrophysics 648: A2.
- Ross K., Callingham J.R., Hurley-Walker N., Seymour N., Hancock P., Franzen T.M.O., Morgan J., White S.V., Bell M.E. & Patil P. (2021), Spectral variability of radio sources at low frequencies, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 501(4): 6139-6155.
- Marcote B., Callingham J.R., Becker M. de, Edwards P.G., Han Y., Schulz R., Stevens J. & Tuthill P.G. (2021), AU-scale radio imaging of the wind collision region in the brightest and most luminous non-thermal colliding wind binary Apep, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 501(2): 2478-2486.
- Toet S.E.B., Vedantham H.K., Callingham J.R., Veken K.C., Shimwell T.W., Zarka P., Rottgering H.J.A. & Drabent A. (2021), Coherent radio emission from a population of RS Canum Venaticorum systems, Astronomy and Astrophysics 654: A21.
- de Gasperin F., Williams W.L., Best P., Brüggen M., Brunetti G., Cuciti V., Dijkema T.J., Hardcastle M.J., Norden M.J., Offringa A., Shimwell T., Weeren R. van, Bomans D., Bonafede A., Botteon A., Callingham J.R., Cassano R., Chyży K.T., Emig K.L., Edler H., Haverkorn M., Heald G., Heesen V., Iacobelli M., Intema H.T., Kadler M., Małek K., Mevius M., Miley G., Mingo B., Morabito L.K., Sabater J., Morganti R., Orrú E., Pizzo R., Prandoni I., Shulevski A., Tasse C., Vaccari M., Zarka P. & Rottgering H.J.A. (2021), The LOFAR LBA sky survey: I. Survey description and preliminary data release, Astronomy and Astrophysics 648: 1-18 (A104).
- Pope B.J.S., Bedell M., Callingham J.R., Vedantham H.K., Snellen I.A.G., Price-Whelan A.M. & Shimwell T.W. (2020), No massive companion to the coherent radio-emitting M dwarf GJ 1151, Astrophysical Journal Letters 890(2): L19.
- Vedantham H.K., Callingham J.R., Shimwell T.W., Dupuy T., Best W.M.J., Liu M.C., Zhang Z., De K., Lamy L., Zarka P., Rottgering H.J.A. & Shulevski A. (2020), Direct radio discovery of a cold brown dwarf, Astrophysical Journal Letters 903(2): L33.
- Cantwell T.M., Bray J.D., Croston J.H., Scaife A.M.M., Mulcahy D.D., Best P.N., Brüggen M., Brunetti G., Callingham J.R., Clarke A.O., Hardcastle M.J., Harwood J.J., Heald G., Heesen V., Iacobelli M., Jamrozy M., Morganti R., Orrú E., O'Sullivan S.P., Riseley C.J., Rottgering H.J.A., Shulevski A., Sridhar S.S., Tasse C. & Eck C.L. van (2020), Low-frequency observations of the giant radio galaxy NGC 6251, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 495(1): 143-159.
- Callingham J.R., Crowther P.A., Williams P.M., Tuthill P.G., Han Y., Pope B.J.S. & Marcote B. (2020), Two Wolf-Rayet stars at the heart of colliding-wind binary Apep, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 495(3): 3323-3331.
- Han Y., Tuthill P.G., Lau R.M., Soulain A., Callingham J.R., Williams P.M., Crowther P.A., Pope B.J.S. & Marcote B. (2020), The extreme colliding-wind system Apep: resolved imagery of the central binary and dust plume in the infrared, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 498(4): 5604-5619.
- Ross K., Callingham J.R., Hurley-Walker N., Seymour N., Hancock P., Franzen T.M.O., Morgan J., White S.V., Bell M.E. & Patil P. (2020), Spectral variability of radio sources at low frequencies, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 501(4): 6139–6155.
- Marcote B., Callingham J.R., Becker M. de, Edwards P.G., Han Y., Schulz R., Stevens J. & Tuthill P.G. (2020), AU-scale radio imaging of the wind collision region in the brightest and most luminous non-thermal colliding wind binary Apep, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 501(2): 2478–2486.
- Quiroga Nunez L.H., Intema H.T., Callingham J.R., Villadsen J., Langevelde H.J. van, Jagannathan P., Shimwell T.W. & Boven E.P. (2020), Differences in radio emission from similar M dwarfs in the binary system Ross 867-8, Astronomy and Astrophysics 633: A130.
- White S.V., Franzen T.M.O., Riseley C.J., Wong O.I., Kapińska A.D., Hurley-Walker N., Callingham J.R., Thorat K., Wu C., Hancock P., Hunstead R.W., Seymour N., Swan J., Wayth R., Morgan J., Chhetri R., Jackson C., Weston S., Bell M., For B.-Q., Gaensler B.M., Johnston-Hollitt M., Offringa A. & Staveley-Smith L. (2020), The GLEAM 4-Jy (G4Jy) Sample: I. Definition and the catalogue, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 37: e018.
- White S.V., Franzen T.M.O., Riseley C.J., Wong O.I., Kapińska A.D., Hurley-Walker N., Callingham J.R., Thorat K., Wu C., Hancock P., Hunstead R.W., Seymour N., Swan J., Wayth R., Morgan J., Chhetri R., Jackson C., Weston S., Bell M., Gaensler B.M., Johnston-Hollitt M., Offringa A. & Staveley-Smith L. (2020), The GLEAM 4-Jy (G4Jy) Sample: II. Host galaxy identification for individual sources, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 37: e017.
- Drouart G., Seymour N., Galvin T.J., Afonso J., Callingham J.R., De Breuck C., Johnston-Hollitt M., Kapińska A.D., Lehnert M.D. & Vernet J. (2020), The GLEAMing of the first supermassive black holes, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 37: e026.
- Beardsley P.A., Johnston-Hillitt M., Trott M.C., Prober C.J., Morgan J., Oberoi D., Kaplan L.D., Lynch R.C., Anderson E.G., McCauley I.P., Croft S., James W.C., Wong I.O., Tremblay D.C., Norris P.R., Cairns H.I., Lonsdale J.C., Hancock J.P., Gaensler M.B., Bhat R.D.N., Li W., Hurley-Walker N., Callingham R.J., Seymour N., Yoshiura S., Joseph C.R., Takahashi K., Sokolowski M., Miller-Jones A.C.J., Chauhan V.J., Bojicic I., Filipovic D.M., Leahy D., Su H., Tian W.W., McSweeney J.S., Meyers W.B., Kitaeff S., Vernstrom T., Gürkan G., Heald G., Xue M., Riseley J.C., Duchesne W.S. Bowman D.J. Jacobs C.D. Crosse B., Emrich D., Franzen O.M.T., Horsley L., Kenney D., Morales F.M., Pallot D., Steele K., Tingay J.S., Walker M., Wayth B.R., Williams A. & Wu C. (2019), Science with the Murchison Widefield Array: Phase I results and Phase II opportunities, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 36: e050.