Jed Wentz
"Universitair docent Uitvoeringspraktijk Muziek voor 1900; Historisch Toneel en Declamatie"
- Naam
- Dr. J.A. Wentz
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 5036
- 0000-0002-1933-0195

Jed Wentz is universitair docent aan de Academie der Kunsten.
Meer informatie over Jed Wentz
"Universitair docent Uitvoeringspraktijk Muziek voor 1900; Historisch Toneel en Declamatie"
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Academie der Kunsten
- Wentz J.A. (2024), Renewing Historical Performance through an Embodiment of Historical Acting Techniques. In: Mimi M. (red.), Early Music in the 21st Century. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 32-42.
- Wentz J.A. (2022), 'And the wing’d muscles, into meanings fly': practice-based research into historical acting through the writings of Aaron Hill', European Drama and Performance Studies (19): 243-304.
- Craenen P.C.A., Toksöz Fairbairn K., Scott A.M., Tunca S.A. & Wentz J.A. (2022), Roundtable: the artist-researcher inside out: Strategies, methodologies, refractions, European Drama and Performance Studies 2(19): 97-108 (10).
- Wentz J.A. (2022), Arnold Schoenberg’s Pierrot lunaire (1912) as romantic melodrama: a proposed methodology, Leidschrift 37(3): 95-112.
- Wentz J.A. (2022), I was just saying the lines, European Drama and Performance Studies (19): 10-54 (2).
- Wentz J.A. (2022), A roundtable on embodiment in research, European Drama and Performance Studies (19): 47-56.
- Wentz J.A. (2022), “And the wing’d muscles into meanings fly”: practice-based research into historical acting through the writings of Aaron Hill, European Drama and Performance Studies (19): 157-196.
- Wentz J.A. & Vandamme X. (2022), Seven propositions towards the establishment of a new kind of theatre festival, European Drama and Performance Studies (19): 253-255.
- Wentz J.A. & Belogurov A. (2021), The Pied Piper of Hamelin and Other Melodramas. CD. [audio].
- Wentz J.A. (2018), On the protestant roots of Gustav Leonhardt’s performance style, BACH: Journal of the Riemenschneider Bach Institute 49(1): .
- Wentz J.A.., Luckhardt C., Haar J. ter & Borgstede M. (2017), Boismortier: Sonatas Opp. 44 & 91. Suites Op.35 : Musica ad Rhenum. CD. [audio].
- Wentz J.A. (2017), Embodied affect in Aaron Hill’s The art of acting (1753) [Worlding the Brain 2017: affect, care, engagement, Amsterdam, The Netherlands]. .
- Wentz J.A. & Haas A. de (2015), Les Enfants du Sr. Frederic: the identities and performances of a theatre family active in the United Provinces, 1758-1763, European Drama and Performance Studies 4: 95-144.
- Wentz J.A. (2015), ‘Mechanical rules’ versus ‘abnormis gratia’: revaluing Gilbert Austin’s Chironomia as a source for historical acting techniques. In: Forment B. & Stalpaert C. (red.), Theatrical heritage: challenges and opportunities. Leuven: Leuven University Press. 41-57.
- Wentz J.A. (2014), Gustav Leonhardt, the Naarden Circle and Early Music’s Reformation, Early Music 42(1): 3-12.
- Wentz J.A. (2014), Lallemant, Rameau and the harmony of the passions [2014 Conference of the Society for Music Theory (VvM ) and Royal Society for Dutch Music History (KVNM), Den Haag, The Netherlands]. .
- Wentz J.A. & Paxão J.L. (2014), Learning from Lully ['Curriculum matters: teaching early music in the 21st century', Utrecht, The Netherlands]. .
- Wentz J.A. (2014), Rhetorical action [Symposium of the 29th International Handel-Academy Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany]. .
- Wentz J.A. (2014), Dutch music criticism and the formation of an Early Music aesthetic in The Netherlands, 1916-1921 [Conference 'Roots of revival', Horniman Museum, London, UK]. .
- Wentz J.A. (2014), Performing Gilbert Austin’s Chironomia [Conference American Society for Eigtheenth-Century Studies, Williamsburg, USA]. .
- Wentz J.A. (2014), Traces of 17th-century actio in films by Paul Wegener and F. W. Murnau [Conference 'Film and the other arts, 1894-1945', University of Oxford, UK]. .
- Wentz J.A. & Paixão J. (2014), A reconstruction of spoken declamation based on Lully’s Roland [Séminaire 'international déclamation, chant et danse en France aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles', Tours, France]. .
- Wentz J.A. (2014), The subjective in authenticity: a performer's perspective [Symposium of the 31st International Handel-Academy Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany]. .
- Wentz J.A. (2013), An annotated livret of Lully’s Roland as a source for seventeenth-century declamation, Cambridge Opera Journal 25(1): 1-36.
- Wentz J.A. (2013), With waving arms and wavering voice: three theatrical reconstructions from Austin notation: 1806-1875 ['Revaluing theatrical heritage', Kortrijk, Belgium]. .
- Wentz J.A. (2013), Traces of 18th-century actio in historical recordings: a proposed praxis for today’s conservatory classroom [Training ‘Early’ Musicians in the age of historical recordings, Tel Aviv, Israel]. .
- Wentz J.A. (2012), Joshua Steele’s Prosodia Rationalis [Conference of the British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, St. Hugh’s College, Oxford, UK]. .
- Wentz J.A. (2012), An annotated livret of Lully’s Roland as a source for 17th-century declamation [15th Biennial International Conference on Baroque Music, Southampton, UK]. .
- Wentz J.A. (2012), David Garrick’s declamation notated [Conference of the American Musicological Society, New Orleans, USA]. .
- Wentz J.A. (2012), Fairytales by candle light: images of Leonhardt from the Dutch national television archive ['‘Much of what we do is pure hypothesis’: Gustav Leonhardt and his Early Music', Utrecht, The Netherlands]. .
- Wentz J.A. (2011), Deformity, delight and Dutch dancing dwarfs: an 18th-century suite of prints from the United Provinces, Music in Art XXXVI(1/2): 161-200.
- Smith A. & Wentz J.A. (2010), Gustav Maria Leonhardt in Basel: portrait of a young harpsichordist. In: Memelsdorff P. & Drescher T. (red.), Basler Jahrbuch für Historische Musikpraxis XXXI. Basel: Amadeus Verslag. 229-244.