Dirk Bouwmeester
Hoogleraar Kwantumoptica en kwantuminformatie
- Naam
- Prof.dr. D. Bouwmeester
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 5892
- bouwmeester@physics.leidenuniv.nl

Dirk Bouwmeester werkt met temperaturen vlak boven het absolute nulpunt. Met experimenten onderzoekt hij of er werkelijk een grens is tussen de kwantummechanische en de ‘klassieke’ wereld. Een van die experimenten is de ontwikkeling van een nano-spiegeltje dat letterlijk in 2 standen tegelijk moet kunnen staan.
Meer informatie over Dirk Bouwmeester
In de media
Hoogleraar Kwantumoptica en kwantuminformatie
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Leiden Instituut Onderzoek Natuurkunde
- LION - Quantum Matter & Optics
- Neven H., Zalcman A., Read P., Kosi K.S., Molen T. van der, Bouwmeester D., Bodnia E., Turin L. & Koch C. (2024), Testing the conjecture that quantum processes create conscious experience, Entropy 26(6): 460.
- Wang Z.H. & Bouwmeester D. (2024), Correspondence between quasiparticle dissipation and quantum information decay in open quantum systems, Physical Review A 110(3): 032407.
- Bodnia E., Isenbaev V., Colburn K., Swearngin J. & Bouwmeester D. (2024), The quest for CMB signatures of conformal cyclic cosmology, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2024: 009.
- Steindl P., Frey J.A., Norman J., Bowers J.E., Bouwmeester D. & Löffler W. (2023), Cross-polarization-extinction enhancement and spin-orbit coupling of light for quantum-dot cavity quantum electrodynamics spectroscopy, Physical Review Applied 19(6): 064082.
- Steindl P., Ent T. van der, Meer H. van der, Frey J.A., Norman J., Bowers J.E., Bouwmeester D. & Löffler W. (2023), Resonant two-laser spin-state spectroscopy of a negatively charged quantum-dot–microcavity system with a cold permanent magnet, Physical Review Applied 20(1): 014026.
- Morrison C.L., Pousa R.G., Graffitti F., Koong Z.X., Barrow P., Stoltz N.G., Bouwmeester D., Jeffers J., Oi D.K.L., Gerardot B.D. & Fedrizzi A. (2023), Single-emitter quantum key distribution over 175 km of fiber with optimised finite key rates, Nature Communications 14(1): 3573.
- Smits F.M.A., Man L. de, Groen P.W.C., Disselhorst J.A.J.M., Visser E.J., Wiegers E.L., Deursen C.F.M.A. van, Bouwmeester D., Sanden M.C.M. van de & Bongers W.A. (2023), Flow and microwave design of the Topological Reactor, ICPIG XXXV Egmond aan zee 2023. International conference on phenomena in ionized gases (ICPIG XXXV) 9 juli 2023 - 14 juli 2023 P1-12.
- Fedoseev V., Fisicaro M., Meer H. van der, Löffler W. & Bouwmeester D. (2022), Realignment-free cryogenic macroscopic optical cavity coupled to an optical fiber , Review of Scientific Instruments 93: 013103.
- Fedoseev V., Luna F., Hedgepeth I., Loeffler W. & Bouwmeester D. (2021), Stimulated Raman adiabatic passage in optomechanics, Physical Review Letters 126(11): 113601.
- Steindl P., Snijders H., Westra G., Hissink E., Iakovlev K., Polla S., Frey J.A., Norman J., Gossard A.C., Bowers J.E., Bouwmeester D. & Löffler W. (2021), Artificial coherent states of light by multiphoton interference in a single-photon stream, Physical Review Letters 126(14): 143601.
- Morrison C.L., Rambach M., Koong Z.X., Graffiti F., Thorburn F., Kar A.K., Ma Y., Park S.-I., Song J.D., Stoltz N.G., Bouwmeester D., Fedrizzi A. & Gerardot B.D. (2021), A bright source of telecom single photons based on quantum frequency conversion, Applied Physics Letters 118(17): 174003.
- Newsom D.C., Luna F., Fedoseev V., Löffler W. & Bouwmeester D. (2020), Optimal optomechanical coupling strength in multimembrane systems, Physical Review A 101(3): 033829 .
- Ding D., Driel D. van, Pereira L.M.C., Bauters J.F., Heck M.J.R., Welker G., Dood M.J.A. de, Vantomme A., Bowers J.E., Löffler W & Bouwmeester D. (2020), Probing interacting two-level systems with rare-earth ions, Physical Review B 101(1): 014209.
- Snijders H.J., Kok D.N.L., Stolpe M.F. van de, Frey J.A., Norman J., Gossard A.C., Bowers J.E., Exter M.P. van, Bouwmeester D. & Löffler W. (2020), Extended polarized semiclassical model for quantum-dot cavity QED and its application to single-photon sources, Physical Review A 101(5): 053811.
- Wit M. de, Welker G., Heeck K., Buters F.M., Eerkens H.J., Koning G., Meer H. van der, Bouwmeester D. & Oosterkamp T.H. (2019), Vibration isolation with high thermal conductance for a cryogen-free dilution refrigerator, Review of Scientific Instruments 90: 015112.
- Smiet C.B., Blank H.J., Jong T.A. de, Kok D.N.L. & Bouwmeester D. (2019), Resistive evolution of toroidal field distributions and their relation to magnetic clouds, Journal of Plasma Physics 85(1): 905850107.
- Sonar S.A., Fedoseev V., Weaver M.J., Luna F., Vlieg E., Meer H. van der, Bouwmeester D. & Löffler W. (2018), Strong thermomechanical squeezing in a far-detuned membrane-in-the-middle system, Physical Review A 98(1): 013804.
- Weaver M.J., Newsom D., Luna F., Löffler W. & Bouwmeester D. (2018), Phonon interferometry for measuring quantum decoherence, Physical Review A 97(6): 063832.
- Snijders H.J., Frey J.A., Norman J., Post V.P., Gossard A.C., Bowers J.E., Exter M.P. van, Löffler W. & Bouwmeester D. (2018), Fiber-Coupled Cavity-QED Source of Identical Single Photons, Physical Review Applied 9(3): 031002.
- Bruin D. de, Bossert N., Aartsma-Rus A. & Bouwmeester D. (2018), Measuring DNA hybridization using fluorescent DNA-stabilized silver clusters to investigate mismatch effects on therapeutic oligonucleotides, Journal of Nanobiotechnology 16: 37.
- Snijders H.J., Frey J.A., Norman J., Flayac H., Savona V., Gossard A.C., Bowers J.E., Exter M.P. van, Bouwmeester D. & Löffler W. (2018), Observation of the Unconventional Photon Blockade, Physical Review Letters 121(4): 043601.
- Frey J.A., Snijders H.J., Norman J., Gossard A.C., Bowers J.E., Löffler W. & Bouwmeester D. (2018), Electro-optic polarization tuning of microcavities with a single quantum dot, Optics Letters 43(17): 4280-4283.
- Weaver M.J., Buters F.M., Luna F., Eerkens H.J., Heeck K., Man S.P.J. de & Bouwmeester D. (2017), Coherent optomechanical state transfer between disparate mechanical resonators, Nature Communications 8: 824.
- Smiet C.B., Candaleresi S. & Bouwmeester D. (2017), Ideal relaxation of the Hopf fibration, Physics of Plasmas 24(7): 072110.
- Buters F.M., Luna F., Weaver M.J., Eerkens H.J., Heeck K., Man S.P.J. de & Bouwmeester D. (2017), Straightforward method to measure optomechanically induced transparency, Optics Express 25(11): 12935-12943.
- Klerk A.J.J.M. de, Veen R.I. van der, Dalhuisen J.W. & Bouwmeester D. (2017), Knotted optical vortices in exact solutions to Maxwell's equations, Physical Review A 95(5): 053820.
- Bossert N., Bruin D. de, Götz M., Bouwmeester D. & Heinrich D.M. (2017), Corrigendum: Fluorescence-tunable Ag-DNA biosensor with tailored cytotoxicity for live-cell applications, Scientific Reports 7: 45882.
- Buters F.M., Heeck K., Eerkens H.J., Weaver M.J., Luna F., Man S.P.J. de & Bouwmeester D. (2017), High-Q nested resonator in an actively stabilized optomechanical cavity, Applied Physics Letters 110(10): 104104.
- Smiet C.B., Thompson A., Bouwmeester P. & Bouwmeester D. (2017), Magnetic surface topology in decaying plasma knots, New Journal of Physics 19: 023046.
- Arrayas M., Bouwmeester D. & Trueba J.L. (2017), Knots in electromagnetism, Physics Reports 667: 1-61.
- Weaver M.J., Pepper B., Luna Rios J.F., Buters F.M., Eerkens H.J., Welker G., Perock B., Heeck K., Man S.P.J. de & Bouwmeester D. (2016), Nested trampoline resonators for optomechanics, Applied Physics Letters 108(3): 033501.
- Ding D., Pereira L.M.C., Bauters J.F., Heck M.J.R., Welker G., Vantomme A., Bowers J.E., Dood M.J.A. de & Bouwmeester D. (2016), Multidimensional Purcell effect in an ytterbium-doped ring resonator, Nature Photonics 10(6): 385.
- Snijders H.J., Frey J.A., Norman J., Bakker M.P., Langman E.C., Gossard A., Bowers J.E., Exter M.P. van, Bouwmeester D. & Löffler W. (2016), Purification of a single-photon nonlinguarity, Nature Communications 8(7): 12578.
- Buters F.M., Weaver M.J., Eerkens H.J., Heeck K., Man S.P.J. de & Bouwmeester D. (2016), Optomechanics with a polarization nondegenerate cavity, Physical Review A 12(94): 063813.
- Bossert N., Bruin D. de, Götz M., Bouwmeester D. & Heinrich D.M. (2016), Fluorescence-tunable Ag-DNA biosensor with tailored cytotoxicity for live-cell applications, Scientific Reports 6: 37867.
- Bakker M.P., Ruytenberg T., Löffler W., Barve A., Coldren L., Exter M.P. van & Bouwmeester D. (2015), Quantum dot nonlinearity through cavity-enhanced feedback with a charge memory, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 91(24): 241305.
- Smiet C.B., Candelaresi S., Thompson A., Swearngin J., Dalhuisen J.W. & Bouwmeester D. (2015), Self-Organizing Knotted Magnetic Structures in Plasma, Physical Review Letters 115(9): 095001.
- Bakker M.P., Barve A.V., Ruytenberg T., Löffler W., Coldren L.A., Bouwmeester D. & Exter M.P. van (2015), Polarization degenerate solid-state cavity quantum electrodynamics, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 91(11): 115319.
- Buters F.M., Eerkens H.J., Heeck K., Weaver M.J., Pepper B., Sonin P., Man S. de & Bouwmeester D. (2015), Large parametric amplification in an optomechanical system, Physica Scripta 2015(T165): 014003.
- Buters F.M., Eerkens H.J., Heeck K., Weaver M.J., Pepper B., Man S. de & Bouwmeester D. (2015), Experimental exploration of the optomechanical attractor diagram and its dynamics, Physical Review A 92: 013811.
- Bakker M.P., Snijders H., Löffler W., Barve A.V., Coldren L.A., Bouwmeester D. & Exter M.P. van (2015), Homodyne detection of coherence and phase shift of a quantum dot in a cavity, Optics Letters 40: 3173-3176.
- Eerkens H.J., Buters F.M., Weaver M.J., Pepper B., Welker G., Heeck K., Sonin P., Man S. de & Bouwmeester D. (2015), Optical side-band cooling of a low frequency optomechanical system, Optics Express 23: 8014-8020.
- Thompson A., Swearngin J. & Bouwmeester D. (2015), Classification of electromagnetic and gravitational Hopfions by Algebraic type, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 48: 205202.
- Ghobadi R., Kumar P., Pepper B., Bouwmeester D., Lvovsky A.I. & Simon C. (2014), Optomechanical micro-macro entanglement, Physical Review Letters 112(8): 080503.
- Markesevic N., Oemrawsingh S.S.R., Schultz D., Gwinn E.G. & Bouwmeester D. (2014), Polarization resolved measurements of individual DNA-stabilized silver clusters, Advanced optical materials 2 (8): 765-770.
- Bouwmeester D. (2014), The quantum nondemolition derby, Science 344(1224): .
- Pepper B., Sonin P., Eerkens H.J., Man S.P.J. de & Bouwmeester D. (2014), Towards macroscopic superpositions via single-photon optomechanics. In: Andersson E. & Öhberg P. (red.), Quantum Information and Coherence: Springer.
- Hammerer K., Genes C., Vitali D., Tombesi P., Milburn G., Simon C. & Bouwmeester D. (2014), Nonclassical states of light and mechanics. In: Aspelmeyer M., Kippenberg T.J. & Marquardt F. (red.), Cavity Optomechanics: Nano- and Micromechanical Resonators Interacting with Light: Springer Verlag. 25-56.
- Thompson A., Swearngin J.M. & Bouwmeester D. (2014), Linked and knotted gravitational radiation, Journal of Physics A : Mathematical and General 47(355295): .
- Thompson A., Swearngin J.M., Wickes A. & Bouwmeester D. (2014), Constructing a class of topological solitons in magnetohydrodynamics, Physical Review E 89(4): 043104.
- Ding D., Dood M.J.A. de, Bauters J.F., Heck M.J., Bowers J.E. & Bouwmeester D. (2014), Fano resonances in a multimode waveguide coupled to a high-Q silicon nitride ring resonator, Optics Express 22 (6): 6778-6790.
- Bakker M.P., Brave A.V., Zhan A., Coldren L.A., Exter M.P. van & Bouwmeester D. (2014), Polarization degenerate micropillars fabricated by designed elliptical oxide apertures, Applied Physics Letters 104(151109): .
- Schultz D., Gardner K., Oemrawsingh S.S.R., Markesevic N., Olsson K., Debord M., Bouwmeester D. & Gwinn E. (2013), Evidence for rod-shaped DNA-stabilized silver nanocluster emitters, Advanced Materials 25(20): 2797-2803.
- Schultz D., Copp S.M., Markesevic N., Gardner K., Oemrawsingh S.S.R., Bouwmeester D. & Gwinn E. (2013), Dual-color nanoscale assemblies of structurally stable, few-atom silver clusters, as reported by fluorescence resonance energy transfer, ACS Nano 7(11): 9798-9807.
- Bakker M.P., Suntrup D.J., Snijders H., Truong T.A., Petroff P.M., Bouwmeester D. & Exter M.P. van (2013), Fine tuning of micropillar cavity modes through repetitive oxidations, Optics Letters 38(17): 3308-3311.
- Bonato C., Hagemeier J., Gerace D., Thon S.M., Kim H., Andreani L.C., Petroff P.M., Exter M.P. van & Bouwmeester D. (2013), Far-field emission profiles from L3 photonic crystal cavity modes, Photonics and nanostructures-Fundamentals and applications 11(1): 37-47.
- Bakker M.P., Suntrup D.J., Snijders H., Truong T.A., Petroff P.M., Exter M.P. van & Bouwmeester D. (2013), Monitoring the formation of oxide apertures in micropillar cavities, Applied Physics Letters 102(10): 101109.
- Bonato C., Gudat J., Vries K. de, Thon S.M., Kim H., Petroff P.M., Exter M.P. van & Bouwmeester D. (2012), Optical modes in oxide-apertured micropillar cavities, Optical Letters 37(22): 4678-4680.
- Dalhuisen J.W. & Bouwmeester D. (2012), Twistors and electromagnetic knots, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 45: 135201.
- Sar T. van der, Hagemeier J., Pfaff W., Heeres E.C., Thon S.M., Kim H., Petroff P.M., Oosterkamp T.H., Bouwmeester D. & Hanson R. (2012), Effect of a nanoparticle on the optical properties of a photonic crystal cavity: theory and experiment, Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics 29(4): 698-703.
- Pepper B., Ghobadi R., Jeffrey E.R., Simon C. & Bouwmeester D. (2012), Optomechanical superpositions via nested interferometry, Physical Review Letters 109(2): 023601.
- Bonato C., Gudat J., Nieuwenburg E. van, Bakker M., Beirne G.J., Thon S.M., Kim H., Truong T.-A., Suntrup T., Petroff P., Exter M.P. van & Bouwmeester D. (2012), Cavity-QED with quantum dots in oxide-apertured micropillars. Hasan Z.U., Hemmer P.R., Lee H. & Santori C.M. (red.), Proceedings of SPIE. Advances in Photonics of Quantum Computing, Memory, and Communication V, 827212.
- Hagemeier J., Bonato C., Truong T.-A., Kim H., Beirne G.J., Bakker M., Exter M.P. van, Luo Y., Petroff P. & Bouwmeester D. (2012), H1 photonic crystal cavities for hybrid quantum information protocols, Optics Express 20(22): 24714-24726.
- Pepper B., Jeffrey E.R., Ghobadi R., Simon C. & Bouwmeester D. (2012), Macroscopic superpositions via nested interferometry: finite temperature and decoherence considerations, New Journal of Physics 14: 115025.
- Vinante A., Kirste A., Haan A.M.J. den, Usenko O., Wijts G.H.C.J., Jeffrey E.R., Sonin P., Bouwmeester D. & Oosterkamp T.H. (2012), High sensitivity SQUID-detection and feedback-cooling of an ultrasoft microcantilever, Applied Physics Letters 101(12): 123101.
- Oemrawsingh S.S.R., Markesevic N., Gwinn E.G., Eliel E.R. & Bouwmeester D. (2012), Spectral Properties of Individual DNA-Hosted Silver Nanoclusters at Low Temperatures, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C 116(48): 25568-25575.
- Fuhrmann D.A., Thon S.M., Kim H., Bouwmeester D., Petroff P.M., Wixforth A. & Krenner H.J. (2011), Dynamic modulation of photonic crystal nanocavities using gigahertz acoustic phonons, Nature Photonics 5: 605-609.
- Kleckner D., Pepper B., Jeffrey E.R., Sonin E.B., Thon S.M. & Bouwmeester D. (2011), Optomechanical trampoline resonators, Optics Express 19(20): 19708-19716.
- Gudat J., Bonato C., Nieuwenburg E. van, Thon S.M., Kim H., Petroff P.M., Exter M.P. van & Bouwmeester D. (2011), Permanent tuning of quantum dot transitions to degenerate microcavity resonances, Applied Physics Letters 98(12): 121111.
- Thon S.M., Kim H., Bonato C., Gudat J., Hagemeier J., Petroff P.M. & Bouwmeester D. (2011), Independent electric tuning of separated quantum dots in coupled photonic crystal cavities, Applied Physics Letters 99: 161102.
- Sar T. van der, Hagemeier J., Pfaff W., Heeres E.C., Thon S.M., Kim H., Petroff P.M., Oosterkamp T.H., Bouwmeester D. & Hanson R. (2011), Deterministic nanoassembly of a coupled quantum emitter-photonic crystal cavity system, Applied Physics Letters 98(19): 193103.
- Bonato C., Nieuwenburg E. van, Gudat J., Thon S.M., Kim H.K., Exter M.P. van & Bouwmeester D. (2011), Strain tuning of quantum dot optical transitions via laser-induced surface defects, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 84: 075306.
- Haupt F., Oemrawsingh S.S.R., Thon S.M., Kim H., Kleckner D., Ding D., Suntrup D.J., Petroff P.M. & Bouwmeester D. (2010), Fiber-connectorized micropillar cavities, Applied Physics Letters 97: 131113.
- Thon S.M., Irvine W.T.M., Kleckner D. & Bouwmeester D. (2010), Polychromatic photonic quasicrystal cavities, Physical Review Letters 104(24): 243901.
- Bonato C., Haupt F., Oemrawsingh S.S.R., Gudat J., Ding D., Exter M.P. van & Bouwmeester D. (2010), CNOT and Bell-state analysis in the weak-coupling cavity QED regime, Physical Review Letters 104(16): 160503.
- Kleckner D., Irvine W.T.M., Oemrawsingh S.S.R. & Bouwmeester D. (2010), Diffraction-limited high-finesse optical cavities, Physical Review A 81: 043814.
- Rakher M.T., Stoltz N.G., Coldren L.A., Petroff P.M. & Bouwmeester D. (2009), Externally mode-matched cavity quantum electrodynamics with charge-tunable quantum dots, Physical Review Letters 102(9): 097403.
- Exter M.P. van, Gudat J., Nienhuis G. & Bouwmeester D. (2009), Spin quantum jumps in a singly charged quantum dot, Physical Review A 80: 023812.
- Kim H., Thon S.M., Petroff P.M. & Bouwmeester D. (2009), Independent tuning of quantum dots in a photonic crystal cavity, Applied Physics Letters 95: 243107.
- Bonato C., Ding D., Gudat J., Thon S.M., Kim H., Petroff P.M., Exter M.P. van & Bouwmeester D. (2009), Tuning micropillar cavity birefringence by laser induces surface defects, Applied Physics Letters 95(25): 251104.
- Thon S.M., Rakher M.T., Kim H., Gudat J., Irvine W.T.M., Petroff P.M. & Bouwmeester D. (2009), Strong coupling through optical positioning of a quantum dot in a photonic crystal cavity, Applied Physics Letters 94(11): 111115.
- Kim H., Rakher M.T., Bouwmeester D. & Petroff P.M. (2009), Electrically pumped quantum post vertical cavity surface emitting lasers, Applied Physics Letters 94: 131104.
- Kleckner D., Pikovski I., Jeffrey E.R., Ament L.J.P., Eliel E.R., Brink J. van den & Bouwmeester D. (2008), Creating and verifying a quantum superposition in a micro-optomechanical system, New Journal of Physics 10: 095020.
- Rakher M.T., Stoltz N.G., Coldren L.A., Petroff P.M. & Bouwmeester D. (2008), Polarization-switchable single photon source using the Stark effect, Applied Physics Letters 93(9): 091118.
- Irvine W.T.M. & Bouwmeester D. (2008), Linked and knotted beams of light, Nature Physics 4: 716-720.
- Pezze L., Smerzi A., Khoury M.J., Hodelin J.F. & Bouwmeester D. (2007), Phase detection at the quantum limit with multiphoton Mach-Zehnder Interferometry, Physical Review Letters 99(22): 223602.
- Strauf S., Stoltz N.G., Rakher M.T., Coldren L.A., Petroff P.M. & Bouwmeester D. (2007), High-frequency single-photon source with polarization control, Nature Photonics 1: 704-708.
- Strauf S., Rakher M.T., Carmeli I., Hennessy K.T., Meier C., Badolato A., Dood M.J.A. de, Petroff P.M., Hu E.L., Gwynn B. & Bouwmeester D. (2006), Frequency control of photonic crystal membrane resonators by mono-layer deposition, Applied Physics Letters 88: 043116.
- Kleckner D., Marshall W., Dood M.J.A. de, Dinyari K.N., Pors J.B., Irvine W.T.M. & Bouwmeester D. (2006), High finesse opto-mechanical cavity with a movable thirty-micron-size mirror, Physical Review Letters 96(17): 173901.
- Hastings S.P., Dood M.J.A. de, Marshall W., Eisenberg H.S. & Bouwmeester D. (2005), Ultrafast Optical Response of a High Reflectivity GaAs/AlAs Bragg Mirror, Applied Physics Letters 86(3): 031109.
- Irvine W.T.M., Dood M.J.A. de & Bouwmeester D. (2005), Bloch theory of entangled photon generation in non-linear photonic crystals, Physical Review A 72(4): 043815.
- Gerardot B.D., Strauf S., Dood M.J.A. de, Bychkov A., Badolato A., Hennessy K.T., Hu E.L., Bouwmeester D. & Petroff P.M. (2005), Photon statistics from coupled quantum dots, Physical Review Letters 95(13): 137403.
- Bouwmeester D., Marzoli L., Karman G.P., Schleich W. & Woerdman J.P. (1999), Optical Galton board, Physical Review A 61(1): 013410.
- Karman G.P., Beijersbergen M.W., Duijl A. van, Bouwmeester D. & Woerdman J.P. (1998), Airy pattern reorganization and subwavelength structure in a focus, Journal of the Optical Society of America A : Optics Image Science and Vision 15(4): 884-899.
- Hoogleraar