Dineke Tigelaar
Universitair hoofddocent
- Naam
- Dr. E.H. Tigelaar
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 6552
- dtigelaar@iclon.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0003-0335-2370

Dineke Tigelaar is als universitair hoofddocent verbonden aan het ICLON van de Universiteit Leiden.
Dineke Tigelaar is als universitair hoofddocent verbonden aan het ICLON van de Universiteit Leiden. Zij is onderwijsonderzoeker en in 2005 ontving zij bij de Universiteit Maastricht haar PhD voor haar proefschrift The Design and Evaluation of a Teaching Portfolio. Dineke is coördinator van de ICO-themagroep ‘Teaching and Teacher Education’. Ook is zij associate editor van het tijdschrift Teachers and Teaching, Theory and Practice. Tevens is zij als secretaris lid van de redactie van Pedagogische Studiën.
De onderzoeksactiviteiten van Dineke richten zich op het formele en informele leren van docenten en andere professionals en de rol van (formatieve) assessment daarbij. Zij begeleidt tevens diverse promovendi uit verschillende nationale en internationale onderwijscontexten.
Dineke is docent onderzoeksvaardigheden en supervisor. Zij is verantwoordelijk voor de ICO PhD course ‘Teaching and Teacher Education’. Ook is zij promovendibegeleider bij het Dual PhD Centre.
Universitair hoofddocent
- Onderzoek
- Schoots-Snijder A.J.M. Tigelaar E.H. & Admiraal W.F. (2025), Curriculum guidelines for the development of student agency in secondary education: A systematic review [Curriculum guidelines for the development of student agency in secondary education: A systematic review, Curriculumrichtlijnen voor de ontwikkeling van leerling-agency in het voortgezet onderwijs: Een systematische review] (vertaling Schoots‐Snijder A. J. M. Tigelaar E. H. Admiraal W. F.), The Curriculum Journal : .
- Smit B.H.J., Tigelaar D.E.H., Berry A.K. & Admiraal W.F. (2024), Teacher educators’ views on educating pre-service teachers for participatory action research in secondary schools, Teaching and Teacher Education 141: 104460.
- Fokkens-Bruinsma M., Tigelaar E.H., Rijswijk M.M. van & Jansen E.P.W.A. (2023), Preservice teachers’ resilience during times of COVID-19, Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice : 1-14.
- Zweeris K., Tigelaar E.H. & Janssen F.J.J.M. (2023), Studying curriculum orientations in teachers’ everyday practices: a goal systems approach, Teaching and Teacher Education 122: 103969.
- Schoots-Snijder A.J.M., Tigelaar E.H. & Admiraal W.F. (2023), Leerlingperceptie van agency in het VO: een exploratief onderzoek naar het ontwerp en de kwaliteit van de Student Agency Scale (SAS), Pedagogische Studien 100(4): 448-485.
- Wang J., Tigelaar E.H., Luo J. & Admiraal W.F. (2022), Teacher beliefs, classroom process quality, and student engagement in the smart classroom learning environment: a multilevel analysis, Computers & Education 183: 104501.
- Wang J., Tigelaar Dineke E.H. & Admiraal W.F. (2022), From policy to practice: integrating ICT in Chinese rural schools, Technology, Pedagogy and Education 31(4): 509-524.
- Wang J., Tigelaar D.E.H., Zhou T. & Admiraal W. (2022), The effects of mobile technology usage on cognitive, affective, and behavioural learning outcomes in primary and secondary education: A systematic review with meta‐analysis, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 39: 301-328.
- Zhou N., Tigelaar D. & Admiraal W. (2022), The relationship between vocational teachers’ motivational beliefs and their engagement in work placement, Journal of Vocational Education and Training : 1-20.
- Zhou N., Tigelaar Dineke E.H. & Admiraal W.F (2022), Factors influencing the impact of work placement on vocational teachers’ school practice, Educational Studies : 1-20.
- Zhou N., Tigelaar D.E.H. & Admiraal W.F. (2022), Vocational teachers' professional learning: a systematic literature review of the past decade, Teaching and Teacher Education 119: 103856.
- Jin X., Tigelaar D., Want A.van der & Admiraal W. (2022), Novice teachers' appraisal of expert feedback in a teacher professional development programme in Chinese vocational education, Teaching and Teacher Education 112: 103652.
- Jin X., Tigelaar D., Want A. van der & Admiraal W. (2022), The effects of a teacher development programme in chinese vocational education on the efficacy and professional engagement of novice teachers, Journal of Education for Teaching 49: 252-265.
- Wurth J.G.R., Tigelaar E.H., Hulshof H.,Jong J. de & Admiraal W.F. (2022), Teacher and student perceptions of L1-oral language lessons in Dutch secondary education, L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature 22: 1-27.
- Smit B.H.J., Meirink J.A., Tigelaar E.H., Berry A.K. & Admiraal W.F. (2022), Principles for school student participation in pre-service teacher action research: a practice architecture’s perspective, Educational Action Research : 1-21.
- Zhou N., Tigelaar D.E.H. & Admiraal W. (2021), Understanding vocational teachers’ professional development in work placement: learning goals, activities, and outcomes, Studies in Continuing Education 45: 18-36.
- Le T.T.T., Tigelaar E.H. & Admiraal W.F. (2021), Thế nào là một trường học dân chủ? Khái niệm và sự thực thi các giá trị: tôn trọng, công bằng và tự chủ trong trường học từ quan điểm so sánh = What is a democratic school?: The concept and implementation of respect, equity, and autonomy in Vietnamese high schools from a comparative perspective . In: Duong B.H., Hoang A-D. & Bu H.T.M. (red.), Giáo dục Phổ thông Việt Nam: chuyển biến và sáng tạo = General education in Vietnam: challenges, innovation, and change. Hanoi: Dan Tri Publishing House. 154-174.
- Wang J., Tigelaar E.H. & Admiraal W.F. (2021), Rural teachers’ sharing of digital educational resources: from motivation to behavior, Computers & Education 161: 1-17 (104055).
- Tigelaar E.H. & Sins P. (2021), Effects of formative assessment programmes on teachers’ knowledge about supporting students’ reflection, Journal of Vocational Education and Training 73(3): 413-435.
- Zhou N., Tigelaar E.H. & Admiraal W.F. (2021), Understanding vocational teachers’ professional development in work placement: learning goals, activities, and outcomes, Studies in Continuing Education : 1-19.
- Le T.T.T., Tigelaar E.H. & Admiraal W.F. (2021), A typology of educational democratic values: perspectives from teachers and students in Vietnamese secondary schools, Asia Pacific Journal of Education : 1-16.
- Wang J., Tigelaar D. E. & Admiraal W. (2020), Rural teachers’ sharing of digital educational resources: From motivation to behavior, Computers & Education 161: .
- Vossen T.E., Tigelaar E.H., Henze I., Vries M.J. de & Driel J.H. van (2020), Student and teacher perceptions of the functions of research in the context of a design-oriented STEM module, International Journal of Technology and Design Education 30(4): 657-686.
- Wang J., Tigelaar E.H. & Admiraal W.F. (2019), Connecting Rural Schools to Quality Education: Rural Teachers’ Use of Digital Educational Resources, Computers in Human Behavior 101: 68-76.
- Wurth J.G.R., Tigelaar E.H., Hulshof H., Jong J.C. de & Admiraal W.F. (2019), Key elements of L1-oral language teaching and learning in secondary education. A literature review, L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature 19: 1-23.
- Tigelaar D., Sins P. & Driel J. van (2017), Fostering students’ reflection: examining relations between elements of teachers’ knowledge, Research Papers in Education 32(3): 353-375.
- Wurth J.G.R., Admiraal W.F., Jong J.C. de, Hulshof H. & Tigelaar E.H. (2017), Ontwerpcriteria voor effectief spreekvaardigheidsonderwijs: de rol van feedback. Mottart A. & Vanhooren S. (red.), 31ste conferentie onderwijs Nederlands. HSN-Conferentie Onderwijs Nederlands 18 november 2016 - 19 november 2016 nr. 31. Gent: HSN. 83-87.
- Wurth J.G.R., Jong J.C. de, Hulshof H., Tigelaar E.H. & Admiraal W.F. (2016), Naar een betere mondelinge taalvaardigheid, het belang van feedback!, Bundel HSN. HSN-Conferentie Onderwijs Nederlands 18 november 2016 - 19 november 2016 nr. 30. Den Haag: Taalunie.
- Tigelaar D.E.H. & Schaaf M.F. van der (2016), Beoordeling van bekwaamheid. In: Beijaard D. (red.), Weten wat werkt. Onderwijsonderzoek vertaald voor lerarenopleiders. Meppel: Ten Brink Uitgevers. 94-103.
- Dadi Chen, Tigelaar E.H. & Verloop N. (2016), The intercultural identities of nonnative English teachers: An overview of research worldwide, Asian Education Studies 1(2): 9-25.
- Admiraal W.F., Kruiter J., Lockhors D., Schenke W., Sligte H., Smit B., Tigelaar D. & Wit W. de (2016), Affordances of teacher professional learning in secondary schools, Studies in Continuing Education 38(3): 281-298.
- Verberg C.P.M., Tigelaar E.H., Veen K. van & Verloop N. (2016), Teacher agency within the context of formative teacher assessment: an in-depth analysis, Educational Studies 42(5): 534-552.
- Verberg C.P.M., Tigelaar D.E.H. & Verloop N. (2015), Negotiated assessment and teacher learning: an in-depth exploration, Teaching and Teacher Education 49: 138-148.
- Verberg C.P.M., Tigelaar E.H. & Verloop N. (2013), Teacher learning through participation in a negotiated assessment procedure, Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice 19(2): .
- Dadi Chen, Tigelaar D.E.H. & Verloop N. (2011), Theorizing non-native ESP/EGP teacher intercultural identity: A way out of confusion. International Conference on English for Specific Purposes in Asia 21 oktober 2011 - 23 oktober 2011. Xi’an.
- Bakker M.E.J., Roelofs E.C., Beijaard D., Sanders P.F., Tigelaar D.E.H. & Verloop N. (2011), Video portfolios: the development and usefulness of a teacher assessment procedure, Studies in Educational Evaluation 37(2-3): 123-133.