Bob van de Water
Hoogleraar Medicijnveiligheidswetenschappen
- Naam
- Prof.dr. B. van de Water
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 6223
- 0000-0002-5839-2380

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Serkan Aslan
Sibel Bahtiri
Linda van den Berk
Imke Bruns
Gerhard Burger
Tamara Danilyuk
Britt Duijndam
Tessa Hagens
Hugo van Kessel
Hanneke Leegwater
Elpida Lymperi
Roshni Nair
Mick van Schaick
Johannes Schimming
Kirsten Snijders
Natasha Tahir
Matthijs Vlasveld
Nanette Vrijenhoek
Lynn Wester
Linglu Xu
Fengjiao Zhang
Muriel Heldring
Marije Niemeijer
Lukas Wijaya
Luc Bischoff
Richard Beck
Jichao He
Ronan McLaughlin
Thijmen Booij
Suzanna Huppelschoten
Michiel Fokkelman
Zuzanna Baranski Madrigal
Steven Hiemstra
Hayri Balcıoğlu
Steven Wink
Sebastiaan ter Braak
Sreenivasa Ramaiahgari
Marja Driessen
Zi Di
Veerander Ghotra
Louise von Stechow
Giulia Benedetti
Whilhelmina van Roosmalen
Lisa Frederiksson
Yu Qin
Sarah Verkoeijen
Jordi Carreras Puigvert
Hoa Truong
Sylvia Le Dévédec
Martine van Miltenburg
Maria ban Nimwegen
Yafeng Ma
Marjo de Graauw
Hoogleraar Medicijnveiligheidswetenschappen
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
- LACDR/Toxicology
- Blum J., Brüll M., Hengstler J.G., Dietrich D.R., Gruber A.J., Dipalo M., Kraushaar U., Mangas I., Terron A., Fritsche E., Marx-Stoelting P., Hardy B., Schepky A., Escher S., Hartung T., Landsiedel R., Odermatt A., Sachana M., Koch K., Dönmez A., Masjosthusmann S., Bothe K., Schildknecht S., Beilmann M., Beltman J.B., Fitzpatrick S., Mangerich A., Rehm M., Tangianu S., Zickgraf F.M., Kamp H., Burger G., Water B. van de, Kleinstreuer N., White A. & Leist M. (2025), The long way from raw data to NAM-based information: overview on data layers and processing steps, ALTEX - Alternatives to Animal Experimentation 42(1): 167-180.
- Colbourne J.K., Escher S.E., Lee G.R., Vinken M., Water B. van de & Freedman J.H (2025), Animal-free safety assessment of chemicals: project cluster for implementation of novel strategies (ASPIS) definition of new approach methodologies, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry : .
- Bergonzini C., Gregori A., Hagens T.M.S., Noord V.E. van der, Water B. van de, Zweemer A.J.M., Coban B., Capula M., Mantini G., Botto A., Finamore F., Garajova I., McDonnell L.A., Schmidt T., Giovannetti E. & Danen E.H.J. (2024), ABCB1 overexpression through locus amplification represents an actionable target to combat paclitaxel resistance in pancreatic cancer cells, Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research 43: 4.
- Wijaya L.S., Gabor A., Pot I.E., Have L. van de, Saez-Rodriguez J., Stevens J.L., Le Dévédec S.E., Callegaro G. & Water B. van de (2024), A network-based transcriptomic landscape of HepG2 cells uncovering causal gene-cytotoxicity interactions underlying drug-induced liver injury, Toxicological Sciences 198(1): 14-30.
- Vlasveld M.P., Callegaro G., Fisher C., Eakins J., Walker P., Lok S., Oost S. van, Jong B. de, Pellegrino Coppola D., Burger G.A., Wink S. & Water B. van de (2024), The integrated stress response-related expression of CHOP due to mitochondrial toxicity is a warning sign for DILI liability, Liver International 44(3): 760-775.
- Niemeijer M.C., Więcek W., Fu S., Huppelschoten S., Bouwman R.J.P., Baze A., Parmentier C., Richert L., Paules R.S., Bois F.Y. & Water B. van de (2024), Mapping interindividual variability of toxicodynamics using high-throughput transcriptomics and primary human hepatocytes from fifty donors, Environmental Health Perspectives 132(3): 37005.
- Zobl W., Bitsch A., Blum J., Boei J.J.W.A., Capinha L., Carta G., Castell J., Davoli E., Drake C., Fisher C.P., Heldring M.M., Islam B., Jennings P., Leist M., Pellegrino-Coppola D., Schimming J.P., Snijders K.E., Tolosa L., Water B. van de, Vugt-Lussenburg B.M.A. van, Walker P., Wehr M.M., Wijaya L.S. & Escher S.E. (2024), Protectiveness of NAM-based hazard assessment: which testing scope is required?, ALTEX - Alternatives to Animal Experimentation 41(2): 302-319.
- Kunnen S.J., Arnesdotter E., Willenbockel C.T., Vinken M. & Water B. van de (2024), Qualitative and quantitative concentration-response modelling of gene co-expression networks to unlock hepatotoxic mechanisms for next generation chemical safety assessment, ALTEX - Alternatives to Animal Experimentation 41(2): 213-232.
- Vadde R., Wijaya L.S., Beztsinna N., Griend C.J. van de, Water B. van de, Bonnet S.A. & Le Dévédec S.E. (2024), Cell viability imaging in tumor spheroids via DNA binding of a ruthenium(ii) light-switch complex, Chemical Communications 60(49): 6308-6311.
- Heldring M.M., Duijndam B.H.A., Kyriakidou A., Meer O.M. van der, Tedeschi M., Laan J.W. van der, Water B. van de & Beltman J.B. (2024), Interdependency of estradiol-mediated ERα activation and subsequent PR and GREB1 induction to control cell cycle progression, Heliyon 10(21): e38406.
- Veltman C.H.J., Pennings J.L.A., Water B. van de & Luijten M. (2023), An adverse outcome pathway network for chemically induced oxidative stress leading to (non)genotoxic carcinogenesis, Chemical Research in Toxicology 36(6): 805-817.
- Noord V.E. van der, Stel W. van der, Louwerens G., Verhoeven D., Kuiken H.J., Lieftink C., Grandits M., Ecker G.F., Beijersbergen R.L., Bouwman R.J.P., Le Dévédec S.E. & Water B. van de (2023), Systematic screening identifies ABCG2 as critical factor underlying synergy of kinase inhibitors with transcriptional CDK inhibitors, Breast Cancer Research 25(1): 51.
- Sanz F., Pognan F., Steger-Hartmann T., Díaz C., Asakura S., Amberg A., Bécourt-Lhote N., Blomberg N., Bosc N., Briggs K., Bringezu F., Brulle-Wohlhueter C., Brunak S., Bueters R., Callegaro G., Capella-Gutierrez S., Centeno E., Corvi J., Cronin M.T.D., Drew P., Duchateau-Nguyen G., Ecker G.F., Escher S., Felix E., Ferreiro M., Frericks M., Furlong L.I., Geiger R., George C., Grandits M., Ivanov-Draganov D., Kilgour-Christie J., Kiziloren T., Kors J.A., Koyama N., Kreuchwig A., Leach A.R., Mayer M.A., Monecke P., Muster W., Nakazawa C.M., Nicholson G., Parry R., Pastor M., Piñero J., Oberhauser N., Ramírez-Anguita J.M., Rodrigo A., Smajic A., Schaefer M., Schieferdecker S., Soininen I., Terricabras E., Trairatphisan P., Turner S.C., Valencia A., Water B. van de, Lei J.L. van de, Mulligen E.M. van, Vock E. & Wilkinson D. (2023), eTRANSAFE: data science to empower translational safety assessment, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery : .
- Audebert M., Assmann A.S., Azqueta A., Babica P., Benfenati E., Bortoli S., Bouwman R.J.P., Braeuning A., Burgdorf T., Coumoul X., Debizet K., Dusinska M., Ertych N., Fahrer J., Fetz V., Le Hégarat L., López de Cerain A., Heusinkveld H.J., Hogeveen K., Jacobs M.N., Luijten M., Raitano G., Recoules C., Rundén-Pran E., Saleh M., Sovadinová I., Stampar M., Thibol L., Tomkiewicz C., Vettorazzi A., Water B. van de, El Yamani N., Zegura B. & Oelgeschläger M. (2023), New approach methodologies to facilitate and improve the hazard assessment of non-genotoxic carcinogens-a PARC project, Frontiers in Toxicology 5: 1220998.
- Hosseini R., Vlasveld M.P., Willemse J.J., Water B. van de, Le Dévédec S.E. & Wolstencroft K.J. (2023), FAIR high content screening in bioimaging, Scientific Data 10(1): 462.
- Béquignon O.J.M., Gómez-Tamayo J.C., Lenselink E.B., Wink S., Hiemstra S.W., Lam C.C., Gadaleta D., Roncaglioni A., Norinder U., Water B. van de, Pastor M. & Westen G.J.P. van (2023), Collaborative SAR modeling and prospective in vitro validation of oxidative stress activation in human HepG2 cells, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 63(17): 5433-5445.
- Schmeisser S., Miccoli A., Bergen M. von, Berggren E., Braeuning A., Busch W., Desaintes C., Gourmelon A., Grafström R., Harrill J., Hartung T., Herzler M., Kass G.E.N., Kleinstreuer N., Leist M., Luijten M., Marx-Stoelting P., Poetz O., Ravenzwaay B. van, Roggeband R., Rogiers V., Roth A., Sanders P., Thomas R.S., Marie Vinggaard A., Vinken M., Water B. van de, Luch A. & Tralau T. (2023), New approach methodologies in human regulatory toxicology - Not if, but how and when!, Environment International 178: 108082.
- Holzer A.K., Dreser N., Pallocca G., Mangerich A., Stacey G., Dipalo M., Water B. van de, Rovida C., Wirtz P.H., Vugt B., Panzarella G., Hartung T., Terron A., Mangas I., Herzler M., Marx-Stoelting P., Coecke S. & Leist M. (2023), Acceptance criteria for new approach methods in toxicology and human health-relevant life science research - part I, ALTEX - Alternatives to Animal Experimentation 40(4): 706-712.
- Carta G., Stel W. van der, Scuric E.W.J., Capinha L., Delp J., Bennekou S.H., Forsby A., Walker P., Leist M., Water B. van de & Jennings P. (2023), Transcriptional landscape of mitochondrial electron transport chain inhibition in renal cells, Cell Biology and Toxicology 39: 3031-3059.
- Bergonzini C., Gregori A., Hagen T.M.S., Noord V.E. van der, Water B. van der, Zweemer A.J.M., Capula M., Mantini G., Botta A., Finamore F., Garajova I., McDonnell L.A., Schmidt T, Giovannetti E. & Danen E.H.J. (2023), ABCB1 overexpression through locus amplification represents an actionable target to combat paclitaxel resistance in pancreatic cancer cells. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research. [working paper].
- Danilyuk T.Y., Niemeijer M.C., Wijaya L.S., Snijders K., Berk L. van der, Braak S.J. ter, Callegaro G., Bouwman R.J.P., Le Dévédec S.E. & Water B. van de (2023), Human-induced pluripotent stem cell reporters for high-content screening of stress response activation identifying target organ-specific toxicities, Toxicology Letters 384: S192.
- Burgers E.J., Sharma R.P., Schildknecht S., Danilyuk T.Y., Wijaya L.S., Hincapie S., Ramirez Zickgraf F.M., Water B. van de & Beltman J.B. (2023), P06-09: Computational modelling of integrated stress response and oxidative stress response for cellular adversity predictions, Toxicology Letters 384: s108.
- Stel W. van der, Yang H., Le Dévédec S.E., Water B. van de, Beltman J.B. & Danen E.H.J. (2023), High-content high-throughput imaging reveals distinct connections between mitochondrial morphology and functionality for oxphos complex I, III, and V inhibitors, Cell Biology and Toxicology 39: 415-433.
- Béquignon O.J.M., Bongers B.J., Jespers W., IJzerman A.P., Water B. van de & Westen G.J.P. van (2023), Papyrus: a large-scale curated dataset aimed at bioactivity predictions, Journal of Cheminformatics 15(1): 3.
- Liu Q., Liu N.S., Noord V.E. van der, Stel W. van der, Water B. van de, Danen E.H.J. & Le Dévédec S.E. (2023), Differential response of luminal and basal breast cancer cells to acute and chronic hypoxia, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 198: 583-596.
- Callegaro G., Schimming J.P., Piñero González J., Kunnen S.J., Wijaya L.S., Trairatphisan P., Berk L. van den, Beetsma K., Furlong L.I., Sutherland J.J., Mollon J., Stevens J.L. & Water B. van de (2023), Identifying multiscale translational safety biomarkers using a network-based systems approach, iScience 26(3): 106094.
- Braak S.J. ter, Niemeijer M.C., Wolters L., Le Dévédec S.E., Bouwman R.J.P. & Water B. van de (2022), Towards an advanced testing strategy for genotoxicity using image-based 2D and 3D HepG2 DNA damage response fluorescent protein reporters, Mutagenesis 37(2): 130-142.
- Stel W. van der, Yang H., Vrijenhoek N.G., Schimming J.P., Callegaro G., Carta G., Darici S., Delp J., Forsby A., White A., Le Dévédec S.E., Leist M., Jennings P., Beltman J.B., Water B. van de & Danen E.H.J. (2022), Mapping the cellular response to electron transport chain inhibitors reveals selective signaling networks triggered by mitochondrial perturbation, Archives of Toxicology 96: 259-285.
- Vrijenhoek N.G., Wehr M.M., Kunnen S.J., Wijaya L.S., Callegaro G., Moné M.J., Escher S.E. & Water B. van de (2022), Application of high-throughput transcriptomics for mechanism-based biological read-across of short-chain carboxylic acid analogues of valproic acid, ALTEX - Alternatives to Animal Experimentation : .
- Grinberg M., Stöber R.M., Edlund K., Rempel E., Godoy P., Reif R., Widera A., Madjar K., Schmidt-Heck W., Marchan R., Sachinidis A., Spitkovsky D., Hescheler J., Carmo H., Arbo M.D., Water B. van de, Wink S., Vinken M., Rogiers V., Escher S., Hardy B., Mitic D., Apic G., Myatt G., Waldmann T., Mardinoglu A, Damm G., Seehofer D., Nüssler A., Weiss T.S., Oberemm A., Lampen A., Schaap M.M., Luijten M., Steeg H. van, Thasler W.E., Kleinjans J.C.S., Stierum R.H., Leist M., Rahnenführer J. & Hengstler J.G. (2022), Correction to: Toxicogenomics directory of chemically exposed human hepatocytes, Archives of Toxicology 96(3): 945-946.
- Burger G.A., Water B. van de, Le Dévédec S.E. & Beltman J.B. (2022), Density-dependent migration characteristics of cancer cells driven by pseudopod interaction, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 10: 854721.
- Tebby C., Gao W., Delp J., Carta G., Stel W. van der, Leist M., Jennings P., Water B. van de & Bois F.Y. (2022), A quantitative AOP of mitochondrial toxicity based on data from three cell lines, Toxicology In Vitro 81: 105345.
- Hiemstra S.W., Fehling-Kaschek M., Kuijper I.A., Bischoff L.J.M., Wijaya L.S., Rosenblatt M., Esselink J.J., Egmond A. van, Mos J., Beltman J.B., Timmer J., Water B. van de & Kaschek D. (2022), Dynamic modeling of Nrf2 pathway activation in liver cells after toxicant exposure, Scientific Reports 12(1): 7336.
- Duijndam B.H.A., Tedeschi M., Stel W. van der, Hoorn T. van den, Burg B. van der, Bouwman R.J.P., Laan J.W. van der & Water B. van der (2022), Evaluation of an imaging-based in vitro screening platform for estrogenic activity with OECD reference chemicals, Toxicology In Vitro 81: 105348.
- Braak S.J. ter, Klip J.E., Wink S., Hiemstra S.W., Cooper S.L., Middleton A., White A. & Water B. van de (2022), Mapping the dynamics of Nrf2 antioxidant and NFκB inflammatory responses by soft electrophilic chemicals in human liver cells defines the transition from adaptive to adverse responses, Toxicology In Vitro 84: 105419.
- Pallocca G., Moné M.J., Kamp H., Luijten M., Water B. van de & Leist M. (2022), Next-generation risk assessment of chemicals – rolling out a human-centric testing strategy to drive 3R implementation: the RISK-HUNT3R project perspective, ALTEX - Alternatives to Animal Experimentation 39(3): 419-426.
- Heldring M.M., Wijaya L.S., Niemeijer M.C., Yang H., Lakhal T., Le Dévédec S.E., Water B. van de & Beltman J.B. (2022), Model-based translation of DNA damage signaling dynamics across cell types, PLoS Computational Biology 18(7): e1010264.
- Wester L., Venneker S., Hazenoot M., Pont C.M., Koedoot E., Timmermans A.M., Martens J.W.M., Jansen M.P.H.M., Kockx C.E.M., IJcken W.F.J. van, Meerman J.H.N., Zhang Y. & Water B. van de (2022), A kinase inhibitor screen reveals MEK1/2 as a novel therapeutic target to antagonize IGF1R-mediated antiestrogen resistance in ERα-positive luminal breast cancer, Biochemical Pharmacology 204: 115233.
- Llewellyn S.V., Kermanizadeh A., Ude V., Jacobsen N.R., Conway G.E., Shah U.K., Niemeijer M.C., Moné M.J., Water B. van de, Roy S., Moritz W., Stone V., Jenkins G.J.S. & Doak S.H. (2022), Assessing the transferability and reproducibility of 3D in vitro liver models from primary human multi-cellular microtissues to cell-line based HepG2 spheroids, Toxicology In Vitro 85: 105473.
- Driessen M., Plas-Duijvesteijn S. van der, Kienhuis A.S., Brandhof E.J. van den, Roodbergen M., Water B. van de, Spaink H.P., Palmblad M., Ven L.T.M. van der & Pennings J.L.A. (2022), Identification of proteome markers for drug-induced liver injury in zebrafish embryos, Toxicology 477: 153262.
- Noord V.E. van der, Water B. van de & Le Dévédec S.E. (2022), Targeting the heterogeneous genomic landscape in triple-negative breast cancer through inhibitors of the transcriptional machinery, Cancers 14(18): 4353.
- Capinha L., Zhang Y., Holzer A.K., Ückert A.K., Zana M., Carta G., Murphy C., Baldovini J., Mazidi Z., Grillari J., Dinnyes A., Water B. van de, Leist M., Commandeur J.N.M. & Jennings P. (2022), Transcriptomic-based evaluation of trichloroethylene glutathione and cysteine conjugates demonstrate phenotype-dependent stress responses in a panel of human in vitro models, Archives of Toxicology 97: 523-545.
- Sharma R.P., Wolters L., Braak B.T., Niemeijer M., Sparham C., Nicol B., White A., Water B. van de, Middleton A.M. & Beltman J.B. (2022), Deciphering the quantitative relationship between chemical kinetics and Nrf2 pathway dynamics, Toxicology Letters 368(Supplement 1): S288.
- Gupta R., Schrooders Y., Hauser D., Herwijnen M. van, Albrecht W., Braak B. ter, Brecklinghaus T., Castell J.V., Elenschneider L., Escher S., Guye P., Hengstler J.G., Ghallab A., Hansen T., Leist M., Maclennan R., Moritz W., Tolosa L., Tricot T., Verfaillie C., Walker P., Water B. van de, Kleinjans J. & Caiment F. (2021), Comparing in vitro human liver models to in vivo human liver using RNA-Seq, Archives of Toxicology 95: 573-589.
- Koedoot E., Wolters L., Smid M., Stoilov P., Burger G.A., Herpers B.H.A., Yan K., Price L.S., Martens J.W.M., Le Dévédec S.E. & Water B. van de (2021), Differential reprogramming of breast cancer subtypes in 3D cultures and implications for sensitivity to targeted therapy, Scientific Reports 11: 7529.
- Wijaya L.S., Trairatphisan P., Gabor A., Niemeijer M.C., Keet J., Alcalà Morera A., Snijders K.E., Wink S., Yang H., Schildknecht S., Stevens J.L., Bouwman R.J.P., Kamp H., Hengstler J., Beltman J.B., Leist M., Le Dévédec S.E., Saez-Rodriguez J. & Water B. van de (2021), Integration of temporal single cell cellular stress response activity with logic-ODE modeling reveals activation of ATF4-CHOP axis as a critical predictor of drug-induced liver injury, Biochemical Pharmacology 190: 114591.
- Wijaya L.S., Rau C., Braun T.S., Marangoz S., Spegg V., Vlasveld M., Albrecht W., Brecklinghaus T., Kamp H., Beltman J.B., Hengstler J.G., Water B. van de, Leist M. & Schildknecht S. (2021), Stimulation of de novo glutathione synthesis by nitrofurantoin for enhanced resilience of hepatocytes, Cell Biology and Toxicology : .
- Llewellyn S.V., Niemeijer M., Nymark P., Moné M.J., Water B.van de, Conway G.E., Jenkins G.J.S. & Doak S.H. (2021), In vitro three-dimensional liver models for nanomaterial DNA damage assessment, Small 17(15): e2006055.
- Rovida C., Escher S.E., Herzler M., Bennekou S.H., Kamp H., Kroese D.E., Maslankiewicz L., Moné M.J., Patlewicz G., Sipes N., Aerts L. van, White A., Yamada T. & Water B. van de (2021), NAM-supported read-across: from case studies to regulatory guidance in safety assessment, ALTEX - Alternatives to Animal Experimentation 38(1): 140-150.
- Delp J., Cediel-Ulloa A., Cuciu I., Kranaster P., Vugt-Lussenburg B.M.A. van, Munic Kos V., Stel W. van der, Carta G., Hougaard Bennekou S., Jennings P., Water B. van de, Forsby A. & Leist M. (2021), Neurotoxicity and underlying cellular changes of 21 mitochondrial respiratory chain inhibitors, Archives of Toxicology 95: 591-615.
- Stel W. van der, Carta G., Eakins J., Delp J., Suciu I., Forsby A., Cediel-Ulloa A., Attoff K., Troger F., Kamp H., Gardner I., Zdrazil B., Moné1 M.J., Ecker G.F., Pastor M., Gómez-Tamayo J.C., White A., Danen E.H.J., Leist M., Walker P., Jennings P., Hougaard Bennekou S. & Water B. van de (2021), New approach methods supporting read-across: two neurotoxicity AOP-based IATA case studies, ALTEX - Alternatives to Animal Experimentation 38(4): 615-635.
- Pognan F., Steger-Hartmann T., Díaz C., Blomberg N., Bringezu F., Briggs K., Callegaro G., Capella-Gutierrez S., Centeno E., Corvi J., Drew P., Drewe W.C., Fernández J.M., Furlong L.I., Guney E., Kors J.A.,Mayer M.A., Pastor M., Piñero J., Ramírez-Anguita J.M., Ronzano F., Rowell P., Saüch-Pitarch J., Valencia A., Water B. van de, Lei J. van der, Mulligen E. van & Sanz F. (2021), The eTRANSAFE project on translational safety assessment through Integrative knowledge management: achievements and perspectives, Pharmaceuticals 14(3): 237.
- Koedoot E., Steijn E. van, Vermeer M., González-Prieto R., Vertegaal A.C.O., Martens J.W.M., Le Dévédec S.E. & Water B. van de (2021), Splicing factors control triple-negative breast cancer cell mitosis through SUN2 interaction and sororin intron retention, Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research 40: 82.
- Duijndam B., Goudriaan A., Hoorn T. van den, Stel W. van der, Le Dévédec S.E., Bouwman R.J.P., Laan J.W. van der & Water B. van de (2021), Physiologically relevant estrogen receptor alpha pathway reporters for single-cell imaging-based carcinogenic hazard assessment of estrogenic compounds, Toxicological Sciences 181(2): 187-198.
- Braak B. ter, Niemeijer M., Boon R., Parmentier C., Baze A., Richert. L., Huppelschoten S., Wink S., Verfaillie C. & Water B. van de (2021), Systematic transcriptome-based comparison of cellular adaptive stress response activation networks in hepatic stem cell-derived progeny and primary human hepatocytes, Toxicology In Vitro 73: 105107.
- Liu T., Berk L. van den, Wondergem J.A.J., Tong C., Kwakernaak M.C., Braak B. ter, Heinrich D., Water B. van de & Kieltyka R.E. (2021), Squaramide‐based supramolecular materials Drive hepG2 spheroid differentiation, Advanced Healthcare Materials 10(11): 2001903.
- Tolosa L., Martínez-Sena T., Schimming J.P., Moro E., Escher S.E., Braak S.J. ter, Water B. van de, Miranda M.A., Vugt-Lussenburg B.M.A. van & Castell J.V. (2021), The in vitro assessment of the toxicity of volatile, oxidisable, redox-cycling compounds: phenols as an example, Archives of Toxicology 95(6): 2109-2121.
- Yang H., Stel W. van der, Lee R., Bauch C., Bevan S., Walker P., Water B. van de, Danen E.H.J. & Beltman J.B. (2021), Dynamic modeling of mitochondrial membrane potential upon exposure to mitochondrial inhibitors, Frontiers in Pharmacology 12: 679407.
- Snijders K.E., Fehér A., Táncos Z., Bock I., Téglási A., Berk L. van den, Niemeijer M., Bouwman P., Le Dévédec S.E., Moné M.J., Rossom R. van, Kumar M., Wilmes A., Jennings P., Verfaillie C.M., Kobolák J., Braak B. ter, Dinnyés A. & Water B. van de (2021), Fluorescent tagging of endogenous heme oxygenase-1 in human induced pluripotent stem cells for high content imaging of oxidative stress in various differentiated lineages, Archives of Toxicology 95(10): 3285-3302.
- Escher S.E., Aguayo-Orozco A., Benfenati E., Bitsch A., Braunbeck T., Brotzmann K., Bois F., Burg B. van der, Castel J., Exner T., Gadaleta D., Gardner I., Goldmann D., Hatley O., Golbamaki N., Graepel R., Jennings P., Limonciel A., Long A., Maclennan R., Mombelli E., Norinder U., Jain S., Capinha L.S., Taboureau O.T., Tolosa L., Vrijenhoek N.G., Vugt-Lussenburg B.M.A. van, Walker P., Water B. van de, Wehr M., White A., Zdrazil B. & Fisher C. (2021), Integrate mechanistic evidence from new approach methodologies (NAMs) into a read-across assessment to characterise trends in shared mode of action, Toxicology In Vitro 79: 105269.
- Callegaro G., Kunnen S.J., Trairatphisan P., Grosdidier S., Niemeijer M., Hollander W. den, Guney E., Piñero Gonzalez J., Furlong L., Webster Y.W., Saez-Rodriguez J., Sutherland J.J., Mollon J., Stevens J.L. & Water B. van de (2021), The human hepatocyte TXG-MAPr: gene co-expression network modules to support mechanism-based risk assessment, Archives of Toxicology 95(12): 3745-3775.
- Béquignon O.J.M., Pawara G., Water B. van de, Cronin M.T.D. & Westen G.J.P. van (2021), Computational approaches for drug-induced liver injury (DILI) prediction: state of the art and challenges. In: Wolkenhauer O. (red.), Systems Medicine nr. 2: Elsevier. 308-329.
- Booij T.H., Leonhard W.N., Bange H., Yan K., Fokkelman M., Plugge A.J., Veraar K.A.M., Dauwerse J.G., Westen G.J.P. van, Water B. van de, Price L.S. & Peters D.J.M. (2020), In vitro 3D phenotypic drug screen identifies celastrol as an effective in vivo inhibitor of polycystic kidney disease, Journal of Molecular Cell Biology 12(8): 644-653.
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