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Volume 4 (2009)

Issue 1: The Diplomacy of WTO Accession

Special issue edited by Donna Lee and Heidi Ullrich

Issue 1 at Brill.com


Preface: The Diplomacy of WTO Accession Acceding to the Norm: The Accession of LDCs to the WTO Bilateralism and Multilateralism: Taiwan's Trade Liberalization Trajectory Non-Market Economies' Accessions to the WTO: Evolution of the Approach and Implications for the Organization Will Russia Ever Join the WTO? PRACTITIONER'S PERSPECTIVE | WTO Accessions: The Story So Far
Publication date: 1 January 2009


Issue 2: Diplomacy and the European Union

Special issue edited by Brian Hocking and Jozef Bátora

Issue 2 at Brill.com


Introduction: Diplomacy and the European Union Late Sovereign Diplomacy Reappraising Diplomacy: Structural Diplomacy and the Case of the European Union The EU and the Diplomacy of Complex Interregionalism The European Union in Multilateral Diplomacy Providing for European-Level Diplomacy after Lisbon: The Case of the European External Action Service Taking Stock: 50 Years of European Diplomacy
Publication date: 1 January 2009



Clashing Taboos: Danish Cartoons, the Life of Brian and Public Diplomacy Using 'Pace' in Diplomatic Analysis Alberico Gentili on Diplomacy 'The Summit is Dead. Long Live the European Council': Britain and the Question of Regular Leaders' Meetings in the European Community, 1973-1975 Portrait of an Institution: The US Embassy in London, 1945-53 PRACTITIONER'S PERSPECTIVE | India's Diaspora Diplomacy
Publication date: 1 January 2009


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