Universiteit Leiden

nl en

Paul Vedder

Professor emeritus Youth Care and Behavioural Problems in Youth

Prof.dr. P.H. Vedder
+31 71 527 4081

Short CV

I started my career as a primary school teacher, while studying education and psychology at Groningen University. I hold master degrees in education and in psychology.  Still In Groningen I completed my PhD with a study on cooperative learning during math lessons in primary school. I migrated to the Caribbean to study multilingual education and returned after three years to work as a research assessor and international officer at the National Institute for Educational Research in the Hague. In 1991 I started working as lecturer and researcher of cultural diversity in education at Leiden University, where I eventually was appointed professor in the Institute of Education and Child Studies.


My research group focuses on bullying, problems in foster care (break down) and problems akin to cultural diversity (acculturation conflicts, radicalization). What person characteristics and circumstances facilitate and perpetuate conflicts or problems and what preventive measures can be taken? With respect to prevention and intervention we study contact and cooperation measures.

Inaugural Lecture

2004 – Learning in a multicultural society , Universiteit Leiden.


23 March 1995: Nils-Eric Svensson stipend  for talented young scientists, awarded by the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation, which I used to work one semester in the Institute of International Education at Stockholm University.

PHd candidates

  • D. Hijzen - September 2006
  • M. Oortwijn - June 2007
  • M. van Geel - December 2009
  • J. Tanilon - October 2011
  • V. Ljujic - December 2011
  • R. Pat-El - Oktober 2012
  • B. Coşkun- September 2015
  • J. Fortuin - April 2016
  • R. Bapat - September 2016
  • A. Goeman - June 2017
  • W. Zwaanswijk - September 2017


  • F. el Bouk
  • N. Thakkar
  • Thijs-Jan van Schie

See Paul Vedder's Dutch profile

Professor emeritus Youth Care and Behavioural Problems in Youth

  • Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
  • Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen
  • Forensische gezinsped. en Jeugdhulpverl.


  • Geel M. van, Vedder P.H., Wenink E.G. & Zwaanswijk W. (8 April 2011), Polarisation between Islamic and non-Islamic youth in the Netherlands. Cross-Cultural Psychology Symposium. Tilburg. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Pat-El R.J., Segers M.S.R., Tillema H.H. & Vedder P.H. (2011), Teacher–student perceptions of assessment practices as predictors of student motivation to learn. Paper presented at the 14th biannual conference of the European Association for Learning and Instruction. Exeter, UK. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Geel M. van, Vedder P.H., Wenink E.G. & Zwaanswijk W. (8 April 2011), Polarisation between Islamic and non-Islamic youth in the Netherlands. Cross-Cultural Psychology Symposium. Tilburg. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Pat-El R.J., Segers M.S.R., Tillema H.H. & Vedder P.H. (2011), Teacher–student perceptions of assessment practices as predictors of student motivation to learn. Paper presented at the 14th biannual conference of the European Association for Learning and Instruction. Exeter, UK. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Geel M. van, Vedder P.H., Wenink E.G. & Zwaanswijk W. (8 April 2011), Polarisation between Islamic and non-Islamic youth in the Netherlands. Cross-Cultural Psychology Symposium. Tilburg. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Pat-El R.J., Segers M.S.R., Tillema H.H. & Vedder P.H. (2011), Teacher–student perceptions of assessment practices as predictors of student motivation to learn. Paper presented at the 14th biannual conference of the European Association for Learning and Instruction. Exeter, UK. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Geel M. van, Vedder P.H., Wenink E.G. & Zwaanswijk W. (8 April 2011), Polarisation between Islamic and non-Islamic youth in the Netherlands. Cross-Cultural Psychology Symposium. Tilburg. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Pat-El R.J., Segers M.S.R., Tillema H.H. & Vedder P.H. (2011), Teacher–student perceptions of assessment practices as predictors of student motivation to learn. Paper presented at the 14th biannual conference of the European Association for Learning and Instruction. Exeter, UK. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. & Geel M. van (8 April 2010), Time spending in Children in India and the Netherlands; a research proposal. contribution to workshop. Bangalore, India. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Pat-El R.J., Tillema H.H., Segers M.S.R. & Vedder P.H. (2 September 2011), Explaining mismatching perceptions of assessment for learning practices in lower vocational education. Paper presented at the 5th Biennial EARLI/Northumbria Assessment Conference. Hexham, United Kingdom. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. & Geel M. van (8 April 2010), Time spending in Children in India and the Netherlands; a research proposal. contribution to workshop. Bangalore, India. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Pat-El R.J., Tillema H.H., Segers M.S.R. & Vedder P.H. (2 September 2011), Explaining mismatching perceptions of assessment for learning practices in lower vocational education. Paper presented at the 5th Biennial EARLI/Northumbria Assessment Conference. Hexham, United Kingdom. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. & Geel M. van (8 April 2010), Time spending in Children in India and the Netherlands; a research proposal. contribution to workshop. Bangalore, India. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Pat-El R.J., Tillema H.H., Segers M.S.R. & Vedder P.H. (2 September 2011), Explaining mismatching perceptions of assessment for learning practices in lower vocational education. Paper presented at the 5th Biennial EARLI/Northumbria Assessment Conference. Hexham, United Kingdom. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. & Geel M. van (8 April 2010), Time spending in Children in India and the Netherlands; a research proposal. contribution to workshop. Bangalore, India. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Pat-El R.J., Tillema H.H., Segers M.S.R. & Vedder P.H. (2 September 2011), Explaining mismatching perceptions of assessment for learning practices in lower vocational education. Paper presented at the 5th Biennial EARLI/Northumbria Assessment Conference. Hexham, United Kingdom. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Tanilon J.O., Segers M.S.R., Tillema H.H. & Vedder P.H. (24 September 2009), Sampling of study-related tasks as an admission test in higher education. Paper presented ECER conference EERA Network: 9. Assessment, Evaluation, Testing and Measurement. Vienna. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Tanilon J.O., Segers M.S.R., Tillema H.H. & Vedder P.H. (14 May 2009), Admission testing revisited: Development and validation of a testing framework based on task representation and task execution. Paper presented at the meeting of the European First Year Experience Conference. Groningen, The Netherlands. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Tanilon J.O., Segers M.S.R., Tillema H.H. & Vedder P.H. (24 September 2009), Sampling of study-related tasks as an admission test in higher education. Paper presented ECER conference EERA Network: 9. Assessment, Evaluation, Testing and Measurement. Vienna. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Tanilon J.O., Segers M.S.R., Tillema H.H. & Vedder P.H. (14 May 2009), Admission testing revisited: Development and validation of a testing framework based on task representation and task execution. Paper presented at the meeting of the European First Year Experience Conference. Groningen, The Netherlands. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Tanilon J.O., Segers M.S.R., Tillema H.H. & Vedder P.H. (24 September 2009), Sampling of study-related tasks as an admission test in higher education. Paper presented ECER conference EERA Network: 9. Assessment, Evaluation, Testing and Measurement. Vienna. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Tanilon J.O., Segers M.S.R., Tillema H.H. & Vedder P.H. (14 May 2009), Admission testing revisited: Development and validation of a testing framework based on task representation and task execution. Paper presented at the meeting of the European First Year Experience Conference. Groningen, The Netherlands. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Tanilon J.O., Segers M.S.R., Tillema H.H. & Vedder P.H. (24 September 2009), Sampling of study-related tasks as an admission test in higher education. Paper presented ECER conference EERA Network: 9. Assessment, Evaluation, Testing and Measurement. Vienna. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Tanilon J.O., Segers M.S.R., Tillema H.H. & Vedder P.H. (14 May 2009), Admission testing revisited: Development and validation of a testing framework based on task representation and task execution. Paper presented at the meeting of the European First Year Experience Conference. Groningen, The Netherlands. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Pat-El R.J., Segers M.S.R., Tillema H.H. & Vedder P.H. (28 August 2008), Constructing a new assessment for learning questionnaire. Paper presented at the meeting of the fourth biennial Earli/Northumbria assessment conference. Potsdam, Germany. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Tanilon J.O., Segers M.S.R., Vedder P.H. & Tillema H.H. (8 July 2008), The use of performance-based test as one of the criteria in admission of students. Paper presented at the meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction – Junior Researchers. Leuven, Belgium. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Geel M. van & Vedder P.H. (1 July 2008), The effects of school culture and perceived discrimination on immigrant adolescents' behavioral problems: The mediating role of separation. International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology. Germany, Bremen. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Berry J., Vedder P.H., Sabatier C. & Sam D. (1 July 2008), Cultural transmission of values among immigrant adolescents. International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology. Germany, Bremen. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (8 October 2008), Studying peer networks and learning: Why, what for, how and our challanges. Training seminar of the Scottish Council of Educational Research. Glasgow. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • El Bouk F., Vedder P.H. & Te Poel Y. (24 March 2008), Perspectives of immigrant youth: The role of education in the development of future entrepeneurs. AERA annual meeting. New York. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (29 September 2008), Hoge verwachtingen waarmaken: een klein kunstje. paperpresentatie. Den Haag, Vereniging Haagse Scholen. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (26 November 2008), VVE; de sociaal emotionele ontwikkeling, vroegsignalering, preventie en stimulering. paperpresentatie. Amersfoort, Vverstek (voor SARDES). [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Pat-El R.J. & Vedder P.H. (4 August 2008), Acculturation in multicultural education: Effects on teacher-student relationships. Paper presented at the meeting of the summer school on immigration and development. Syros, Greece. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (1 January 2008), Multicultural Education. Earli Advanced Study Colloquium. South Africa, Stellenbosch University. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Tanilon J.O., Segers M.S.R., Tillema H.H. & Vedder P.H. (8 November 2008), Developing an admission test in higher education for non-traditional students. Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Educational Assessment - Europe. Hissar, Bulgaria. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Geel M. van & Vedder P.H. (1 January 2008), Teaching in a culturally diverse classroom. Earli Advanced Study Colloquium. South Afrika, Stellenbosch University. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (1 August 2008), Student monitoring systems for Curacaoan primary school students. Paperpresentation. Curacao, Roman Catholic Schoolboard. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (1 August 2008), Student monitoring systems for Curacaoan primary school students. Paperpresentation. Curacao, Roman Catholic Schoolboard. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Geel M. van & Vedder P.H. (1 January 2008), Teaching in a culturally diverse classroom. Earli Advanced Study Colloquium. South Afrika, Stellenbosch University. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Tanilon J.O., Segers M.S.R., Tillema H.H. & Vedder P.H. (8 November 2008), Developing an admission test in higher education for non-traditional students. Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Educational Assessment - Europe. Hissar, Bulgaria. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (1 January 2008), Multicultural Education. Earli Advanced Study Colloquium. South Africa, Stellenbosch University. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Pat-El R.J. & Vedder P.H. (4 August 2008), Acculturation in multicultural education: Effects on teacher-student relationships. Paper presented at the meeting of the summer school on immigration and development. Syros, Greece. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Pat-El R.J., Segers M.S.R., Tillema H.H. & Vedder P.H. (28 August 2008), Constructing a new assessment for learning questionnaire. Paper presented at the meeting of the fourth biennial Earli/Northumbria assessment conference. Potsdam, Germany. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Tanilon J.O., Segers M.S.R., Vedder P.H. & Tillema H.H. (8 July 2008), The use of performance-based test as one of the criteria in admission of students. Paper presented at the meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction – Junior Researchers. Leuven, Belgium. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Geel M. van & Vedder P.H. (1 July 2008), The effects of school culture and perceived discrimination on immigrant adolescents' behavioral problems: The mediating role of separation. International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology. Germany, Bremen. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Berry J., Vedder P.H., Sabatier C. & Sam D. (1 July 2008), Cultural transmission of values among immigrant adolescents. International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology. Germany, Bremen. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (8 October 2008), Studying peer networks and learning: Why, what for, how and our challanges. Training seminar of the Scottish Council of Educational Research. Glasgow. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • El Bouk F., Vedder P.H. & Te Poel Y. (24 March 2008), Perspectives of immigrant youth: The role of education in the development of future entrepeneurs. AERA annual meeting. New York. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (29 September 2008), Hoge verwachtingen waarmaken: een klein kunstje. paperpresentatie. Den Haag, Vereniging Haagse Scholen. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (26 November 2008), VVE; de sociaal emotionele ontwikkeling, vroegsignalering, preventie en stimulering. paperpresentatie. Amersfoort, Vverstek (voor SARDES). [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Pat-El R.J. & Vedder P.H. (4 August 2008), Acculturation in multicultural education: Effects on teacher-student relationships. Paper presented at the meeting of the summer school on immigration and development. Syros, Greece. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (1 January 2008), Multicultural Education. Earli Advanced Study Colloquium. South Africa, Stellenbosch University. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Tanilon J.O., Segers M.S.R., Tillema H.H. & Vedder P.H. (8 November 2008), Developing an admission test in higher education for non-traditional students. Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Educational Assessment - Europe. Hissar, Bulgaria. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Geel M. van & Vedder P.H. (1 January 2008), Teaching in a culturally diverse classroom. Earli Advanced Study Colloquium. South Afrika, Stellenbosch University. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (1 August 2008), Student monitoring systems for Curacaoan primary school students. Paperpresentation. Curacao, Roman Catholic Schoolboard. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Pat-El R.J., Segers M.S.R., Tillema H.H. & Vedder P.H. (28 August 2008), Constructing a new assessment for learning questionnaire. Paper presented at the meeting of the fourth biennial Earli/Northumbria assessment conference. Potsdam, Germany. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Tanilon J.O., Segers M.S.R., Vedder P.H. & Tillema H.H. (8 July 2008), The use of performance-based test as one of the criteria in admission of students. Paper presented at the meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction – Junior Researchers. Leuven, Belgium. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Geel M. van & Vedder P.H. (1 July 2008), The effects of school culture and perceived discrimination on immigrant adolescents' behavioral problems: The mediating role of separation. International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology. Germany, Bremen. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Berry J., Vedder P.H., Sabatier C. & Sam D. (1 July 2008), Cultural transmission of values among immigrant adolescents. International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology. Germany, Bremen. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (8 October 2008), Studying peer networks and learning: Why, what for, how and our challanges. Training seminar of the Scottish Council of Educational Research. Glasgow. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • El Bouk F., Vedder P.H. & Te Poel Y. (24 March 2008), Perspectives of immigrant youth: The role of education in the development of future entrepeneurs. AERA annual meeting. New York. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (29 September 2008), Hoge verwachtingen waarmaken: een klein kunstje. paperpresentatie. Den Haag, Vereniging Haagse Scholen. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (26 November 2008), VVE; de sociaal emotionele ontwikkeling, vroegsignalering, preventie en stimulering. paperpresentatie. Amersfoort, Vverstek (voor SARDES). [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Pat-El R.J. & Vedder P.H. (4 August 2008), Acculturation in multicultural education: Effects on teacher-student relationships. Paper presented at the meeting of the summer school on immigration and development. Syros, Greece. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (1 January 2008), Multicultural Education. Earli Advanced Study Colloquium. South Africa, Stellenbosch University. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Tanilon J.O., Segers M.S.R., Tillema H.H. & Vedder P.H. (8 November 2008), Developing an admission test in higher education for non-traditional students. Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Educational Assessment - Europe. Hissar, Bulgaria. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Geel M. van & Vedder P.H. (1 January 2008), Teaching in a culturally diverse classroom. Earli Advanced Study Colloquium. South Afrika, Stellenbosch University. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (1 August 2008), Student monitoring systems for Curacaoan primary school students. Paperpresentation. Curacao, Roman Catholic Schoolboard. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Pat-El R.J., Segers M.S.R., Tillema H.H. & Vedder P.H. (28 August 2008), Constructing a new assessment for learning questionnaire. Paper presented at the meeting of the fourth biennial Earli/Northumbria assessment conference. Potsdam, Germany. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Tanilon J.O., Segers M.S.R., Vedder P.H. & Tillema H.H. (8 July 2008), The use of performance-based test as one of the criteria in admission of students. Paper presented at the meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction – Junior Researchers. Leuven, Belgium. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Geel M. van & Vedder P.H. (1 July 2008), The effects of school culture and perceived discrimination on immigrant adolescents' behavioral problems: The mediating role of separation. International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology. Germany, Bremen. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Berry J., Vedder P.H., Sabatier C. & Sam D. (1 July 2008), Cultural transmission of values among immigrant adolescents. International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology. Germany, Bremen. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (8 October 2008), Studying peer networks and learning: Why, what for, how and our challanges. Training seminar of the Scottish Council of Educational Research. Glasgow. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • El Bouk F., Vedder P.H. & Te Poel Y. (24 March 2008), Perspectives of immigrant youth: The role of education in the development of future entrepeneurs. AERA annual meeting. New York. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (29 September 2008), Hoge verwachtingen waarmaken: een klein kunstje. paperpresentatie. Den Haag, Vereniging Haagse Scholen. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (26 November 2008), VVE; de sociaal emotionele ontwikkeling, vroegsignalering, preventie en stimulering. paperpresentatie. Amersfoort, Vverstek (voor SARDES). [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Pat-El R.J., Segers D., Tillema H.H. & Vedder P.H. (22 November 2007), Perceptions of formative assessment in lower secondary education. paper presented at the meeting of the Institute for the Study of Education and Human Development. Leiden. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Pat-El R.J., Segers D., Tillema H.H. & Vedder P.H. (22 November 2007), Perceptions of formative assessment in lower secondary education. paper presented at the meeting of the Institute for the Study of Education and Human Development. Leiden. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Pat-El R.J., Segers D., Tillema H.H. & Vedder P.H. (22 November 2007), Perceptions of formative assessment in lower secondary education. paper presented at the meeting of the Institute for the Study of Education and Human Development. Leiden. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Pat-El R.J., Segers D., Tillema H.H. & Vedder P.H. (22 November 2007), Perceptions of formative assessment in lower secondary education. paper presented at the meeting of the Institute for the Study of Education and Human Development. Leiden. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (13 July 2006), Adolescents' obligations toward their family; Intergenerational discrepancies, conflicts and adaptation in three cultural groups in the Netherlands. International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology.. Spetses, Greece. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Oortwijn M.B., Boekaerts M. & Vedder P.H. (12 May 2006), De rol van de leerkracht en coöperatief leren. Hoe en hoeveel sturing moet de leerkracht geven aan de leerlingen tijdens coöperatief leren?. Paper gepresenteerd op de Onderwijs Research Dagen (ORD) 2006. Amsterdam. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Horenczyk G. & Vedder P.H. (17 July 2006), Acculturation and the school. International Conference of Applied Psychology. Athens, Greece. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (25 November 2006), Designing youth acculturation research. Seminar, Friedrich Schiller University. Jena, Germany. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (25 November 2006), Designing youth acculturation research. Seminar, Friedrich Schiller University. Jena, Germany. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Horenczyk G. & Vedder P.H. (17 July 2006), Acculturation and the school. International Conference of Applied Psychology. Athens, Greece. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Oortwijn M.B., Boekaerts M. & Vedder P.H. (12 May 2006), De rol van de leerkracht en coöperatief leren. Hoe en hoeveel sturing moet de leerkracht geven aan de leerlingen tijdens coöperatief leren?. Paper gepresenteerd op de Onderwijs Research Dagen (ORD) 2006. Amsterdam. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (13 July 2006), Adolescents' obligations toward their family; Intergenerational discrepancies, conflicts and adaptation in three cultural groups in the Netherlands. International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology.. Spetses, Greece. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (13 July 2006), Adolescents' obligations toward their family; Intergenerational discrepancies, conflicts and adaptation in three cultural groups in the Netherlands. International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology.. Spetses, Greece. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Oortwijn M.B., Boekaerts M. & Vedder P.H. (12 May 2006), De rol van de leerkracht en coöperatief leren. Hoe en hoeveel sturing moet de leerkracht geven aan de leerlingen tijdens coöperatief leren?. Paper gepresenteerd op de Onderwijs Research Dagen (ORD) 2006. Amsterdam. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Horenczyk G. & Vedder P.H. (17 July 2006), Acculturation and the school. International Conference of Applied Psychology. Athens, Greece. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (25 November 2006), Designing youth acculturation research. Seminar, Friedrich Schiller University. Jena, Germany. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (13 July 2006), Adolescents' obligations toward their family; Intergenerational discrepancies, conflicts and adaptation in three cultural groups in the Netherlands. International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology.. Spetses, Greece. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Oortwijn M.B., Boekaerts M. & Vedder P.H. (12 May 2006), De rol van de leerkracht en coöperatief leren. Hoe en hoeveel sturing moet de leerkracht geven aan de leerlingen tijdens coöperatief leren?. Paper gepresenteerd op de Onderwijs Research Dagen (ORD) 2006. Amsterdam. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Horenczyk G. & Vedder P.H. (17 July 2006), Acculturation and the school. International Conference of Applied Psychology. Athens, Greece. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (25 November 2006), Designing youth acculturation research. Seminar, Friedrich Schiller University. Jena, Germany. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Fortuin J., Vedder P.H. & Kouwenhoven C. (26 August 2005), Social networks and goal preferences. Paper presented at the bi-annual meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction. Nicosia. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Fortuin J. & Vedder P.H. (26 August 2005), Social networks: The influence of peers and the development of networks. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Junior Researchers of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction.. Nicosia. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Fortuin J. & Vedder P.H. (26 August 2005), Social networks: The influence of peers and the development of networks. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Junior Researchers of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction.. Nicosia. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Fortuin J., Vedder P.H. & Kouwenhoven C. (26 August 2005), Social networks and goal preferences. Paper presented at the bi-annual meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction. Nicosia. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Fortuin J., Vedder P.H. & Kouwenhoven C. (26 August 2005), Social networks and goal preferences. Paper presented at the bi-annual meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction. Nicosia. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Fortuin J. & Vedder P.H. (26 August 2005), Social networks: The influence of peers and the development of networks. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Junior Researchers of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction.. Nicosia. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Fortuin J., Vedder P.H. & Kouwenhoven C. (26 August 2005), Social networks and goal preferences. Paper presented at the bi-annual meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction. Nicosia. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Fortuin J. & Vedder P.H. (26 August 2005), Social networks: The influence of peers and the development of networks. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Junior Researchers of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction.. Nicosia. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (13 April 2004), Motivation and the quality of cooperative learning processes. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). San Diego, CA. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (17 May 2004), Zwarte scholen. Studiemiddag door SARDES n.a.v. herdenking van "Brown versus Board of Education" in de USA. Utrecht. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (8 October 2004). Leren in de multiculturele samenleving. Leiden. [inaugural address]. Inaugurele rede
  • Vedder P.H. (4 August 2004), International Comparative Study of Ethnocultural Youth: Methodological and Statistical Considerations. 17th IACCP conference. Xi'an, China. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (4 August 2004), International Comparative Study of Ethnocultural Youth: Methodological and Statistical Considerations. 17th IACCP conference. Xi'an, China. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (8 October 2004). Leren in de multiculturele samenleving. Leiden. [inaugural address]. Inaugurele rede
  • Vedder P.H. (17 May 2004), Zwarte scholen. Studiemiddag door SARDES n.a.v. herdenking van "Brown versus Board of Education" in de USA. Utrecht. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (13 April 2004), Motivation and the quality of cooperative learning processes. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). San Diego, CA. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (13 April 2004), Motivation and the quality of cooperative learning processes. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). San Diego, CA. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (17 May 2004), Zwarte scholen. Studiemiddag door SARDES n.a.v. herdenking van "Brown versus Board of Education" in de USA. Utrecht. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (8 October 2004). Leren in de multiculturele samenleving. Leiden. [inaugural address]. Inaugurele rede
  • Vedder P.H. (4 August 2004), International Comparative Study of Ethnocultural Youth: Methodological and Statistical Considerations. 17th IACCP conference. Xi'an, China. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (13 April 2004), Motivation and the quality of cooperative learning processes. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). San Diego, CA. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (17 May 2004), Zwarte scholen. Studiemiddag door SARDES n.a.v. herdenking van "Brown versus Board of Education" in de USA. Utrecht. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (8 October 2004). Leren in de multiculturele samenleving. Leiden. [inaugural address]. Inaugurele rede
  • Vedder P.H. (4 August 2004), International Comparative Study of Ethnocultural Youth: Methodological and Statistical Considerations. 17th IACCP conference. Xi'an, China. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Hijzen D., Vedder P.H. & Boekaerts M. (26 August 2003), Cooperative learning and goal coordination. EARLI conference. Padova. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. & Boekaerts M. (26 August 2003), Motivation in senior secondary vocational education: a cross-cultural comparison. EARLI conference. Padova. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Hijzen D., Boekaerts M. & Vedder P.H. (26 August 2003), Students' goal preferences and the quality of cooperative learning processes. EARLI conference. Padova. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Hijzen D., Boekaerts M. & Vedder P.H. (26 August 2003), Students' goal preferences and the quality of cooperative learning processes. EARLI conference. Padova. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Hijzen D., Vedder P.H. & Boekaerts M. (26 August 2003), Cooperative learning and goal coordination. EARLI conference. Padova. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. & Boekaerts M. (26 August 2003), Motivation in senior secondary vocational education: a cross-cultural comparison. EARLI conference. Padova. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Hijzen D., Vedder P.H. & Boekaerts M. (26 August 2003), Cooperative learning and goal coordination. EARLI conference. Padova. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. & Boekaerts M. (26 August 2003), Motivation in senior secondary vocational education: a cross-cultural comparison. EARLI conference. Padova. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Hijzen D., Boekaerts M. & Vedder P.H. (26 August 2003), Students' goal preferences and the quality of cooperative learning processes. EARLI conference. Padova. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Hijzen D., Vedder P.H. & Boekaerts M. (26 August 2003), Cooperative learning and goal coordination. EARLI conference. Padova. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. & Boekaerts M. (26 August 2003), Motivation in senior secondary vocational education: a cross-cultural comparison. EARLI conference. Padova. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Hijzen D., Boekaerts M. & Vedder P.H. (26 August 2003), Students' goal preferences and the quality of cooperative learning processes. EARLI conference. Padova. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (1 September 2000), Acculturation and school adjustment of Turkish adolescents in the Netherlands. Conference of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. Pultusk, Poland. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vijver F. van de, Vedder P.H. & Liebkind K. (1 September 2000), Evaluation of the ICSEY-framework. Conference of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. Pultusk, Poland. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vijver F. van de, Vedder P.H. & Liebkind K. (1 September 2000), Evaluation of the ICSEY-framework. Conference of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. Pultusk, Poland. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (1 September 2000), Acculturation and school adjustment of Turkish adolescents in the Netherlands. Conference of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. Pultusk, Poland. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (1 September 2000), Acculturation and school adjustment of Turkish adolescents in the Netherlands. Conference of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. Pultusk, Poland. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vijver F. van de, Vedder P.H. & Liebkind K. (1 September 2000), Evaluation of the ICSEY-framework. Conference of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. Pultusk, Poland. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vedder P.H. (1 September 2000), Acculturation and school adjustment of Turkish adolescents in the Netherlands. Conference of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. Pultusk, Poland. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Vijver F. van de, Vedder P.H. & Liebkind K. (1 September 2000), Evaluation of the ICSEY-framework. Conference of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. Pultusk, Poland. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
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