Universiteit Leiden

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Marit Schubad

PhD candidate

M.J. Schubad
+31 70 800 9500

Marit Joline Schubad is PhD-candidate at the Institute of Public Administration at Leiden University. Her research focusses on customisation, leadership and psychological safety in public organisations, with a specific focus on the domains of health and social care. As this PhD project is funded by the municipality of The Hague, it aims to narrow the bridge between practice and science.

More information about Marit Schubad

Marit Joline Schubad is PhD-candidate at the Institute of Public Administration at Leiden University. Her research focusses on customisation, leadership and psychological safety in public organisations, with a specific focus on the domains of health and social care. Marit teaches in 'Organisatietheorie' and 'BBO Integrative Project' to first-year Public Administration students. 

Marit works for The Institute Public Administration since September 2022. First, as a junior-researcher working on research in collaboration with the municipality of The Hague. A year after, in September 2023, she started her PhD project. Her PhD project is funded by the municipality of The Hague. Therefore, it aims to narrow the bridge between practice and science.

Marit holds a bachelor Public Administration (2021) and a master International and European Governance in Public Administration (2022). During her bachelor and master, Marit worked for the HRM Department of Leiden University, mostly focusing on Recognition and Rewards.

PhD candidate

  • Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
  • Instituut Bestuurskunde

Work address

Turfmarkt 99
2511 DP The Hague


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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