Marieke Liem
Professor Security and Interventions
- Name
- Prof.dr. M.C.A. Liem
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 9935
- 0000-0002-2653-4356

Marieke Liem is professor of Security and Interventions at Leiden University, where she and her team coordinate the European Homicide Monitor. A graduate of University of Cambridge in the U.K., Marieke Liem completed her PhD in Forensic Psychology from Utrecht University, the Netherlands. Before joining the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, she was a Marie Curie fellow at Harvard University. Her research interests involve interpersonal violence, with specific research projects on domestic homicide (including intimate partner homicide), homicide by the mentally ill, homicide followed by suicide, the effects of confinement on violent offenders, and international comparative research on lethal violence.
More information about Marieke Liem
News and Media
Revisiting Goldstein’s Drugs‑Violence Nexus: Expandingthe Framework for the Globalised Era
Missing the Mark? A Typology of Lethal and Non-Lethal Firearm Violence in the Netherlands
Firearm Homicides in Europe: A comparison with non-firearm homicides in five European countries
The intergenerational transmission of an extreme belief systems: Theoretical exploration of a new field of study
Targeting gun violence & trafficking in Europe
Unravelling the Homicide Drop: Disaggregating a 25-Year Homicide Trend in the Netherlands
A family affair? Exploratory insights into the role of family members of those who joined jihadist groups
From detection to sentencing: a homicide case flow analysis of the Dutch criminal justice system
Firearms and violence in Europe–A systematic review
From Murder to Imprisonment: Mapping the Flow of Homicide Cases
European Lone Actor Terrorists Versus “Common” Homicide Offenders: An Empirical Analysis
The interface between homicide and the Internet. A classification
Does Terrorism Dominate Citizens’ Hearts or Minds?
Terror and the Legitimation of Violence: A Cross-National Analysis on the Relationship between Terrorism and Homicide Rates
Terrorist threat in the Netherlands. The risk perception and possibilities for risk communication
Research projects
PhD candidates
A graduate of University of Cambridge in the U.K., Marieke Liem completed her PhD in Forensic Psychology from Utrecht University , the Netherlands. She has conducted research on homicide in various countries, and is currently chairing the European Homicide Research Group. Her research interests involve interpersonal violence, with specific research projects on domestic homicide, homicide by the mentally ill, homicide followed by suicide, the effects confinement on violent offenders, and international comparative research in lethal violence.
Together with William Pridemore , Liem has brought together scholars working in the field of homicide research. This collaboration has resulted in the Handbook of European Homicide Research, and a recent Special Issue of the European Journal of Crimonology devoted to homicide in Europe.
Her recent research focuses on the effects of long-term imprisonment of homicide offenders. Recent publications on this topic include Post-Release Success Among Paroled Lifers in Laws, The Role of Transformation Narratives in Desistance Among Released Lifers in Criminal Justice and Behavior and Criminal Recidivism Among Homicide Offenders in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Her article on Recidivism of Homicide Offenders was featured in Aggression and Violent Behavior; and she was quoted in feature on the Prison Problem.
For a complete overview of scholarly publications, please click here.
You can download her CV here.
Professor Security and Interventions
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Institute of Security and Global Affairs
- Physical violence and public order
- Breen J.A. van, Voorde J.M. ten & Liem M.C.A. (2025), Understanding ethnic disparities in lethal police incidents in the Netherlands between 2016 and 2020, Homicide Studies : .
- Liem M. & Moeller K. (2025), Revisiting Goldstein’s Drugs‑Violence Nexus: Expanding the Framework for the Globalized Era, International Criminology : .
- Krüsselmann K., Aarten P.G.M. & Liem M.C.A. (2024), Missing the mark?: A typology of lethal and non-lethal firearm violence in the Netherlands, Crime & Delinquency : .
- Kivivuori J., Markwalder N. & Liem M.C.A. (2024), European homicide monitor: research, new developments, and future, Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 40(3): 431-445.
- Comiskey C., Bergeron H., Clausen T., Colman C., Ferrer- Wreder L., Fischer G., Gaspar de Matos M., Ivers J., Jauffret- Roustide M., Liem M.C.A., Lintonen T., Moeller K., Ojanperaa I., Rodríguez Fonseca F. de & Torrens Melich M. (2024), The importance of co-produced, multi-method, independent scientific evidence in times of alternative truths and global policy debates, International Journal of Drug Policy 129: .
- Liem M.C.A., Aarten P., Granath S., Kivivuori J., Langlade A., Larchet K., Markwalder N., Suonpää K., Thomsen A. & Walser S. (2024), Patterns of female homicide victimization in Western Europe, International Criminology : .
- Wieringen L. van, Weggemans D.J. & Liem M.C.A. (2024), De intergenerationele overdracht van extremisme: Een empirisch onderzoek naar de overdracht van rechts-extremistische en jihadistische denkbeelden binnen de gezinscontext [The intergenerational transmission of extremism: an empirical study on the transmission of right-wing extremism and jihadism within the family context]. Den Haag: Nationaal Coördinator Terrorismebestrijding en Veiligheid (NCTV).
- Krüsselmann K., Aarten P.G.M., Granath S., Kivivuori J., Markwalder N., Suonpää K., Thomsen A.H., Walser S. & Liem M.C.A. (2023), Firearm homicides in Europe: a comparison with non-firearm homicides in five European countries, Global Crime : 1-23.
- Breen J.A. van & Liem M.C.A. (2023), When it rains it pours? : A time-series approach to the relationship between homicide and other adverse health phenomena, Journal of Public Health : .
- Liem M. (2023), Filicide and Familicide. In: Shackelford T. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of domestic violence: Springer. 1-14.
- Leistra G. & Liem M. (2023), Moorden door Pubers, Elsevier Weekblad : 32-35.
- Rabolini A., Breen J.A. van & Liem M.C.A. (2023), Old habits die hard: assessing the validity of using homicide as an indicator of other violent crimes, European Journal of Criminology : .
- Breen J.A. van, Devarakonda S.K. & Liem M. (2023), Can homicide serve as an indicator of non-lethal crime? : A systematic literature review, International Criminology : .
- Rabolini A., Breen J. van & Liem M. (2022), Drug Related Homicides . In: Parker K.F., Mancik A.M. & Stansfield R. (Eds.), Taking Stock of Homicide: Trends, Emerging Themes, and the Challenges. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
- Kantorowicz J.J., Kuipers S.L., Liem M.C.A. & Boin R.A. (2022), Divergent shifts in fear of terrorism, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management : .
- Breen J.A. van & Liem M.C.A. (2022), Clustering of homicide with other adverse health outcomes in the Netherlands, Preventive Medicine Reports 30: 101988.
- Liem M.C.A. (2022), Granaat is een krachtige boodschap. BN DeStem, Stad en streek.
- Liem M.C.A. (1 October 2022), 9 Partnerdrab i 2022 er mange. Og året er endnu ikke forbi – ny database skal gøre en forskel.
- Breen J.A. van & Liem M.C.A. (2022), Clustering of homicide with other adverse health outcomes in the Netherlands, Preventive Medicine Reports 30: 101988.
- Liem M.C.A. (2022), Hoogleraar Marieke Liem: ‘zorgelijk dat het strafrecht wordt gebruikt om geweld te beteugelen’.
- Liem M. (2022), Violent encounters. Den Haag: Boom.
- Liem M.C.A. (2022), Gewelddadige taferelen. Den Haag: Boom.
- Liem M.C.A. & Krüsselmann K. (2022), The way of the gun: firearm trafficking and its impact on violence in the Netherlands. Brussels: Flemish Peace Institute.
- Wieringen L. van, Weggemans D.J. & Liem M.C.A. (2022), De intergenerationele overdracht van extreme gedachtensystemen: theoretische verkenning van een nieuw onderzoeksdomein, Mens en Maatschappij 97: 437-451.
- Groshkova T., Liem M.C.A., Cunningham A., Sedefov R. & Griffiths P.N. (2021), Drug-related violence: will COVID-19 drive better data for safer and more secure EU?, International Journal of Drug Policy 93: 103143.
- Krüsselmann K., Aarten P. & Liem M. (2021), Firearms and violence in Europe – a systematic review , PLoS ONE 16(4): e0248955.
- Liem M., Aarten P. & Vullers J. (2021), From detection to sentencing: a homicide case flow analysis of the Dutch criminal justice system, Policing and Society : .
- Aarten P. & Liem M. (2021), Unravelling the homicide drop: disaggregating a 25-year homicide trend in the Netherlands , European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research : .
- Krüsselmann K., Rabolini A. & Liem M. (2021), The illegal use of hand grenades in the Netherlands: 2008-2021 (. Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, Leiden University), . The Hague: Leiden University.
- Liem M.C.A. (2021), Femicide: een kritische reflectie op het gebruik van de term, Strafblad 5: 164-166.
- Wieringen L. van, Krüsselmann K., Weggemans D.J. & Liem M.C.A. (2021), Van ouder op kind: een verkennende studie naar de intergenerationele overdracht van jihadistisch gedachtegoed binnen de gezinscontext (. Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA), Leiden University), . Den Haag: Wetenschappelijk Onderzoeks- en Documentatiecentrum (WODC).
- Liem M.C.A. (2021), Balkanisation in European homicide research. In: Getos Kalac A.M. (Ed.) Violence in the Balkans: First findings from the Balkan Homicide Study. New York: Springer.
- Weggemans D., Liem M.C.A. & Zwan M. van der (2021), A family affair? : Exploratory insights into the role of family members of those who joined jihadist groups, Security Journal 35: 849-862.
- Rabolini A.S., Krüsselmann K. & Liem M.C.A. (2021), Birds of feather, flock together? : Examining spatial clustering in drug-related homicides and gun violence. .
- Liem M., Krüsselmann K. & Eisner M. (2020), From Murder to Imprisonment: Mapping the Flow of Homicide Cases-A Systematic Review, Homicide Studies 24(3): 220-241.
- Liem M. Eisner M. (2020), From Homicide to Imprisonment: Mapping and Understanding the Flow of Homicide Cases, Homicide Studies 24(3): 207-219.
- Maruna S. & Liem M. (2020), Where Is This Story Going? A Critical Analysis of the Emerging Field of Narrative Criminology, Annual Review of Criminology : .
- Kamprad A. & Liem M.C.A. (2019), Terrorism and the Legitimation of Violence: A Cross-National Analysis on the Relationship between Terrorism and Homicide Rates, Terrorism and Political Violence : .
- Liem M. & Bakker E. (2019), De toegevoegde waarde van criminologie in terrorismeonderzoek, Tijdschrift voor Criminologie 61(1): 91-102.
- Does R. van der, Kantorowicz J., Kuipers S. & Liem M. (2019), Does Terrorism Dominate Citizens' Hearts or Minds? The Relationship Between Fear of Terrorism and Trust in Government, Terrorism and Political Violence : .
- Liem M. (2019), Nooit alleen maar een moordenaar, Leidraad : .
- Liem M.C.A. & Geelen M.E.F. (2019), The interface between homicide and the Internet. A classification, Aggression and Violent Behavior : .
- Liem M.C.A. & Krüsselmann K. (2019), Explosief geweld, Het tijdschrift voor de politie 81(5): 20-23.
- Aarten P., Schönberger H. & Liem M. (2019), 25 jaar moord in Nederland: Een trendanalyse van geslacht en leeftijd van slachtoffers van moord, Tijdschrift voor Criminologie 61(3): 260-270.
- Liem M. (10 May 2018), Zomaar een vreemde doden, wie doet zoiets?. Trouw.
- Kamprad A. & Liem M. (2018), Terror and the Legitimation of Violence: A cross-national analysis on the relationship between terrorism and homicide rates, Terrorism and Political Violence : .
- Bont R. de., Groshkova T., Cunningham A. & Liem M. (2018), Drug-related homicide in Europe - first review of data and sources, International Journal of Drug Policy 56: 137-143.
- Liem M.C.A., Suonpää K., Lethi M., Kivivuori J., Granath S., Walser S. & Killias M. (2018), Homicide Clearance in Western Europe, European Journal of Criminology : 1-21.
- Liem M. & Koenraadt F. (2018), Domestic Homicide: Patterns and Dynamics: Routledge.
- Bont R. de, Groshkova T., Cunningham A. & Liem M. (2018), Drug-related homicide in Europe: a first review of the data and literature: EMCDDA.
- Weggemans D.J., Zwan M.M.A. van der & Liem M.C.A. (2018), Families van Uitreizigers : Een onderzoek naar de rol van familieleden bij processen van uitreizen naar en terugkeren uit buitenlandse jihadistische strijdgroepen. Journal of Security and Global Affairs: WODC.
- Liem M.C.A., Buuren G.M. van & Schönberger H.J.M. (2018), Cut from the Same Cloth? Lone Actor Terrorists versus Common Homicide Offenders, ICCT Research Papers 9: 1-22.
- Liem M. & Bakker E. (2018), De toegevoegde waarde van criminologie in terrorisme onderzoek, Tijdschrift voor Criminologie : .
- Liem M.C.A., Kuipers S.L. & Sciarone J. (2018), Terroristische dreiging in Nederland: De risicoperceptie en de mogelijkheden voor risicocommunicatie. Journal of Security and Global Affairs. Den Haag: WODC.
- Liem M.C.A. (2018), Samen leven, samen sterven, Relevant : Uitgave van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Vrijwillige Euthanasie 2018(mei): 16-17.
- Weggemans D., Zwan M. van der & Liem M. (30 July 2018), Syriëgangers lieten hun families meestal in verbijstering achter. Trouw.
- Jong F. de, Liem M. & Mulbregt J. van (Eds.) (2018), Daad, dader en deskundige: Liber amicorum prof. dr. Frans Koenraadt. Pompe reeks no. 93.
- Liem M.C.A. (2018), Digitale dood: De rol van het internet in moord en doodslag. In: Jong F. de, Liem M. & Mulbregt J. van (Eds.), Daad, dader en deskundige Liber amicorum prof. dr. Frans Koenraadt. Pompe reeks no. 93. Den Haag: Boom juridisch. 49-60.
- Liem M.C.A., Jong I. de & Maanen J. van (2018), Partnerdoding in Nederland, Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid 17(4): 34-53.
- Liem M. (2017), Desistance after Life Imprisonment. In: Hart E. & Ginneken E. van (Eds.), New Perspectives on Desistance. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Farnham N.T. & Liem M.C.A. (2017), Can a Copycat Effect be Observed in Terrorist Suicide Attacks?, ICCT Research Papers (March 2017): 1-34.
- Liem M.C.A. (2017), American Homicide, Policing and Society : .
- Rossi E. & Liem M.C.A. (2017), Review of: Fitz-Gibbon K. & Walklate S. (2016), Homicide, gender and responsibility: an international perspective. London, New York: Routledge. Rutgers Criminal Law and Criminal Justice Books .
- Liem M.C.A. & Schuyt P.M. (2017), Tussentijdse toetsing bij levenslange gevangenisstraf: Amerikaanse ‘lessons to be learned’, NJCM-Bulletin: Nederlands tijdschrift voor de mensenrechten 42(2): 235-246 (NTM/NJCM-bull. 2017/19).
- Liem M.C.A., Buuren G.M. van, Roy van Zuijdewijn J.H. de, Schönberger H.J.M. & Bakker E. (2017), European Lone Actor Terrorists Versus “Common” Homicide Offenders: An Empirical Analysis, Homicide Studies 22(1): 45-69.
- Bont R. de & Liem M.C.A. (2017), Drug-related Homicide in Europe.
- Liem M.C.A. (2017), Na een (levens)lange gevangenisstraf, De Criminoloog: Nieuwsbrief van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Criminologie 9(18): 3-4.
- Liem M. (29 September 2017), Oudermoorden komen relatief weinig voor.
- Liem M. (29 September 2017), Jongen (14) in Katlijk bekent dat hij zijn ouders met mes heeft gedood.
- Liem M. (8 June 2017), Moordende jongeren, dat is niet uitzonderlijk. NRC Handelsblad.
- Liem M. (18 August 2017), Weer minder moorden in Nederland: hoe is dat te verklaren?
- Koekkoek H. & Liem M. (2017), Domestic Homicide in the Context of Strict Gun Control: A Case Study from the Netherlands, Domestic Violence Report 23(1): 1-6.
- Liem M.C.A., Kivivuori J.K.A., Lethi M., Granath S. & Schönberger H. (2017), Les homicides conjugaux en Europe: résultats provenant du European Homicide Monitor [Intimate Partner Homicide in Europe: Findings from the European Homicide Monitor], Cahiers de la Sécurité et de la Justice 41(3e trimestre): 134-146.
- Favril L. & Liem M. (2017), Suïcide in Penitentiaire Inrichtingen. In: Heeringen C. van, Kerkhof A., Portzky G. & Beurs D. de (Eds.), Handboek Suïcidaal Gedrag. Utrecht: De Tijdstroom.
- Liem M. (2017), Homicide in Europe. In: Brookman F., Maguire M. & Maguire E.R. (Eds.), The Handbook of Homicide. Wiley handbooks in criminology and criminal justice. Chichester: Wiley and Sons. 289-307.
- Liem M.C.A. & Weggemans D. (2016), Op Vrije Voeten: Een exploratieve studie naar de rol van publieke aandacht in de re-integratie van ex-gedetineerden. Den Haag: Universiteit Leiden Campus Den Haag.
- Liem M. (10 July 2016), Zware misdadiger kan wél veranderen.
- Liem M. & Leissner N. (2016), Fataal geweld. In: Liem M. & Muller E. (Eds.), Geweld : geweld en geweldsbeheersing in Nederland. Handboeken Veiligheid. Deventer: Wolters Kluwer. 339-364.
- Liem M. (2016) American Homicide. Review of: Hough R.M. & McCorlke K.D. (2016), American Homicide. 2016: Sage .
- Liem M. (2016), After Life Imprisonment: Reentry in the Era of Mass Incarceration. New York: NYU Press.
- Spangenberg E. & Liem M. (2016), Seksuele doding in Nederland: een voorlopig overzicht, Het Tijdschrift voor de Politie 78(5): 16-19.
- Liem M.C.A. & Keeken N. van (2016), Doding gevolgd door zelfdoding in Nederland, Mens en Maatschappij 91(2): 133-151.
- Liem M. & Haarhuis S. (2016), De epidemiologie van kinderdoding in Nederland, 2009-2014, Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid 14: 56-77.
- Liem M.C.A. & Elbers J.M. (2016), The Role of Human Rights in Long-Term Sentencing, Security and Human Rights 26 [2015](2-4): 281-293.
- Liem M.C.A., Kuijck Y.A.J.M. van & Raes B.C.M. (2016), Detentiebeleving van (levens)langgestraften. Een empirische pilotstudie, Delikt en delinkwent 46(1): 10-29 (DD 2016/2).
- Liem M.C.A. (2016) Understanding sexual homicide offenders. Review of: Chan H.C. (2015), Understanding sexual homicide offenders: An integrated approach. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Homicide Studies 20(4): 335-338.
- Liem M.C.A. & Muller E.R. (Eds.) (2016), Geweld: geweld en geweldsbeheersing in Nederland. Handboeken Veiligheid. Deventer: Wolters Kluwer.
- Liem M.C.A. & Muller E.R. (2016), Geweld en geweldsbeheersing in perspectief. In: Liem M. & Muller E.R. (Eds.), Geweld: geweld en geweldsbeheersing in Nederland. Handboeken Veiligheid. Deventer: Wolters Kluwer. 445-453.
- Liem M. (12 March 2016), Een moord is nooit gemiddeld. NRC Handelsblad.
- Elbers J.M., Weggemans D.J. & Liem M.C.A. (2016), Op Vrije Voeten: Herintreding van Maatschappelijk Gevoelige Ex-Gedetineerden.
- Liem M. & Muller E. (2016), Inleiding. In: Liem M. & Muller E. (Eds.), Geweld: geweld en geweldsbeheersing in Nederland. Handboeken Veiligheid. Deventer: Kluwer. 13-15.
- Liem M.C.A. & Muller E.R. (2016), Geweld en Geweldspreventie. Deventer: Kluwer.
- Liem M. (2016), Desistance among Homicide Offenders. In: Hart E. & Ginneken E. van (Eds.), New Perspectives on Desistance. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Liem M.C.A. & Elbers J.M. (18 March 2015), Long-term prisoners left to dangle. Leiden Law Blog. [blog entry].
- Dalhuisen L., Koenraadt F. & Liem M.C.A. (2015), Psychotic versus non-psychotic firesetters: similarities and differences in characteristics, The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology 26(4): 439-460.
- Liem M.C.A., Liem A.L., Dongen E.P.A. van, Carels I.C., Egmond M. van & Kerkhof A.J.F.M. (2015), Suicide Mortality, Suicidal Ideation and Psychological Problems in Dutch Anaesthesiologists, Suicidology Online 6(2): 21-26.
- Elbers J.M. & Liem M.C.A. (2015), Review of: Munn M. & Bruckert C. (2013), On the outside: From lengthy imprisonment to lasting freedom: UBC Press. International Criminal Justice Review 25(3): 281-282.
- Liem M.C.A. (2015) Criminal Recidivism. Explanation, prediction and prevention. Review of: Zara G. & Farrington D.P., Criminal Recidivism. Explanation, prediction and prevention: Routledge. British Journal of Criminology .
- Liem M.C.A. & Richardson N.J. (2014), The Role of Transformation Narratives in Desistance among Released Lifers, Criminal Justice and Behavior 41(6): 692-712.
- Liem M.C.A. & Pridemore W.A. (2014), Homicide in Europe. Introduction to the Special Issue, European Journal of Criminology 11(5): 527-529.
- Ganpat S.M., Liem M.C.A., Leun J.P. van der & Nieuwbeerta P. (2014), The influence of criminal history on the likelihood of committing lethal vs. non-lethal violence, Homicide Studies 18(2): 221-240.
- Liem M.C.A. & Garcin J. (2014), Post-Release Success among Paroled Lifers, Laws 2014(3): 798–823.
- Liem M. & Campbell M. (2014), Punishment for Homicide in Europe: Research Challenges and a Roadmap for Progress, International Criminal Justice Review 24(3): 285-297.
- Liem M.C.A. & Garcin J. (2014), Post-Release Success among Paroled Lifers, Laws 3(4): 798-823.
- Liem M.C.A. & Campbell M. (2014), Punishment for Homicide in Europe: Research Challenges and a Roadmap for Progress, International Criminal Justice Review 24(3): 285-297.
- Liem M.C.A., Zahn M.A. & Tichavsky L. (2014), Criminal Recidivism Among Homicide Offenders, Journal of Interpersonal Violence 29(14): 2630-2651.
- Liem M.C.A. (2014), Review of: Lankford Adam (2013), The Myth of Martyrdom. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. The Howard journal of Criminal Justice 52(3): 342-343.
- Liem M.C.A. (2013), A Brief History of the Future of European Homicide. In: Kuhn A., Margot P., Aebi M., Schwarzenegger C., Donatsch A. & Jositsch D. (Eds.), Criminology, Criminal Policy and Criminal Law in an International Perspective. Bern: Stampfli Verlag. 279-286.
- Liem M. (2013), A Brief History of the Future of European Homicide. In: Kuhn A. & Killias M. (Eds.), Criminology, criminal policy and criminal law in an international perspective: essays in honour of Martin Killias on the occasion of his 65th birthday.. Bern: Stämpfli Publishers.
- Liem M.C.A., Ganpat S.M., Granath S., Hagstedt J., Kivivuori J., Lehti M. & Nieuwbeerta P. (2013), Homicide in Finland, the Netherlands and Sweden. First findings from the European Homicide Monitor, Homicide Studies 17(1): 75-95.
- Liem M.C.A. (2013), Among Murderers: Life After Prison, Homicide Studies 17(3): 329-330.
- Liem M. & Reichelmann A. (2013), Patterns of Multiple Family Homicide, Homicide Studies 18(1): 44-58.
- Liem M. (2013), The Myth of Martyrdom: What Really Drives Suicide Bombers, Rampage Shooters, and Other Self-destructive Killers by A. Lankford, The Howard journal of Criminal Justice 52(3): 342-343.
- Liem M.C.A. & Kunst M.J.J. (2013), Is there a recognizable post-incarceration syndrome among released "lifers"?, International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 36(3-4): 333-337.
- Liem M.C.A., Levin Jack, Holland Curtis & Fox James A. (2013), The Nature and Prevalence of Familicide in the United States, 2000-2009, Journal of Family Violence 28(4): 351-358.
- Liem M. (2013), A Brief History of the Future of European Homicide. In: Schwarzenegger C. & Kuhn A. (Eds.), Criminology - Criminal Policy - Criminal Law. Evidence Based Crime Control. Zurich: St"ampfli Publishers.
- Bouvy P.F. & Liem M.C.A. (2012), Antidepressants and lethal violence in the Netherlands 1994-2008, 222(3): 499-506.
- Ganpat S.M. & Liem M.C.A. (2012), Homicide in the Netherlands. In: Liem M.C.A & Pridemore W.A. (Eds.), Handbook of European Homicide Research: Patterns, Explanations, and Country Studies. New York: Springer.
- Baaij P., Liem M.C.A. & Nieuwbeerta P. (2012), Ex-imprisoned homicide offenders: Once bitten, twice shy?, Homicide Studies 16(3): 259-279.
- Liem M.C.A., Wilsem J.A. van, Smit P. & Nieuwbeerta P. (2012), De daling van moord en doodslag in Nederland, Tijdschrift voor Criminologie 54(1): 18-34.
- Liem M.C.A. & Oberwittler D. (2012), Homicide followed by Suicide in Europe. In: Liem M.C.A. & Pridemore W. (Eds.), Handbook of European Homicide Research. New York: Springer.
- Liem M.C.A. (2012), Homicide Offender Recidivism: A Review of the Literature, Aggression and Violent Behavior : .
- Bouvy P. & Liem M.C.A. (2012), In response to “Antidepressants and lethal violence in the Netherlands” by D. Healy and T. Dehue, : .
- Liem M.C.A., Fox J.A., Holland C. & Levin J. (2012), Nature and Prevalence of Familicide in the United States, 2000-2009, Journal of Family Violence : .
- Liem M.C.A. & Vinkers D.J. (2012), Levensdelicten door verdachten met een psychotische stoornis in Nederland, Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie 54(6): 509-516.
- Bouvy P. & Liem M.C.A. (2012), Association between antidepressants and lethal violence? An epidemiological approach, : .
- Liem M. (2012), Familial Homicide-Suicide. In: Shackelford T. & Weekes-Shackelford V. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Perspectives on Violence, Homicide and War.
- Liem M.C.A. & Pridemore W. (2011), Handbook of European Homicide Research. New York: Springer.
- Liem M.C.A. (2011), Familial Homicide-Suicide. In: Shackelford T. (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Perspectives on Violence, Homicide, and War. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Ganpat S.M., Granath S., Kivivuori J., Lehti M., Liem M.C.A. & Nieuwbeerta P. (2011), Homicide in Finland, the Netherlands and Sweden: A first study on the European Homicide Monitor Data. Sweden: Brottsförebyggande rådet/The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention.
- Liem M.C.A. & Vinkers D.J. (2011), Homicide by People with a Psychotic Illness, Psychiatric Services : .
- Vries A. de & Liem M.C.A. (2011), Recidivism of Juvenile Homicide Offenders, Behavioral Sciences and the Law 29: 483-498.
- Liem M.C.A., Barber C., Markwalder N., Killias M. & Nieuwbeerta P. (2011), Homicide–suicide and other violent deaths: An international comparison, Forensic Science International 207(1-3): 70-76.
- Vries A. de, Liem M.C.A. & Nieuwbeerta P. (2010), Recidive van jongeren betrokken bij moord en doodslag, Mens en Maatschappij 85(3): 213-240.
- Liem M.C.A. (2010), Homicide followed by Suicide: a unique type of lethal violence, AIC Reports Research and Public Policy Series. .
- Liem M.C.A., Barber C., Markwalder N., Killias M. & Nieuwbeerta P. (2010), Homicide–suicide and other violent deaths: An international comparison, Forensic Science International 207(1-3): 70-76.
- Koenraadt F. & Liem M.C.A. (2010), Fataal huiselijk geweld: Doding van eigen kind, partner of ouder, Justitiële Verkenningen 8: .
- Liem M.C.A. (2010), Homicide-Parasuicide: A Qualitative Comparison with Homicide and Parasuicide, Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology 21: 247-263.
- Liem M.C.A., De Vet R. & Koenraadt F. (2010), Filicide followed by Parasuicide: A Comparison of Suicidal and Non-Suicidal Child Homicide, Child Abuse & Neglect 34(8): 558-562.
- Liem M.C.A. (2010), Homicide followed by suicide: A review, Aggression and Violent Behavior 15: 247-161.
- Liem M.C.A. & Nieuwbeerta P. (2010), Homicide followed by suicide. A comparison with homicide and suicide, Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior 40(2): 133-145.
- Liem M.C.A. (19 February 2010), Homicide followed by Suicide. An empirical analysis (Dissertatie, Leiden University). Supervisor(s): Koenraadt F.
- Liem M.C.A., Postulart M. & Nieuwbeerta P. (2009), Homicide-Suicide in the Netherlands: An Epidemiology, Homicide Studies 13(2): 99-123.
- Liem M., Hengeveld M. & Koenraadt F. (2009), Kinderdoding gevolgd door een ernstige poging tot zelfdoding: Drie modaliteiten van geweld, Tijdschrift voor Criminologie 51(3): 262-276.
- Liem M.C.A., Nielssen O., Bourget D., Laajasalo T., Labelle A., Hakkanen-Nyholm H., Koenraadt F. & Large M. (2009), Homicide of Strangers during Psychotic Illness, Schizoph Bull : .
- Liem M.C.A., Hengeveld M. & Koenraadt F. (2009), Domestic Homicide Followed by Parasuicide: A Comparison with Homicide and Parasuicide, International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 53: 497-516.
- Liem M.C.A. & Roberts D. (2009), Intimate Partner Homicide by Presence or Absence of a Self-Destructive Act, Homicide Studies 13: 339-354.
- Liem M.C.A. & Koenraadt F. (2008), Het kind als slachtoffer. Amsterdam: Dutch University Press.
- Liem M.C.A. (2008), Dader- en slachtofferschap in het suïcidepact. Franken A., Langen M. de & Moerings M. (Eds.), Constante Waarden: liber amicorum C. Kelk. . Den Haag: Boom Juridische Uitgevers.
- Liem M.C.A. & Koenraadt F. (2008), Filicide – A Comparative Study of Maternal versus Paternal Child Homicide, Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health 18: 166-176.
- Liem M.C.A. & Koenraadt F. (2008), Familicide: A Comparison with Spousal and Child Homicide, Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health 18: 306-318.
- Liem M.C.A., Geene K. & Koenraadt F. (2007), Intimate Partner Homicide by Ethnic Minorities. Amsterdam: Dutch University Press.
- Liem M.C.A. & Koenraadt F. (2007), Homicide-Suicide in the Netherlands: A Newspaper Surveillance Study, Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology 18: .
- Liem M.C.A., Postulart M. & Nieuwbeerta P. (2007), Moord-zelfdoding in Nederland: een epidemiologisch overzicht, Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid 6(2): 16-36.
- Liem M.C.A. & Koenraadt F. (2005), Domestic Homicide at the End of a Violent Continuum. Westendorp I. & Wolleswinkel R. (Eds.), Violence in the Domestic Sphere. . Antwerpen: Intersentia.
- Koenraadt F. & Liem M. (2005), Domestic Homicide at the End of a Violent Continuum. In: Westendorp I. & Wolleswinkel R. (Eds.), Violence in the Domestic Sphere. Antwerp: Intersentia.
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