New ISGA Research Group: Physical Violence and Public Order
On January 1, the research group Physical Violence and Public Order was launched. Previously part of the group Terrorism and Political Violence, the new group focuses on violence ranging from mass shootings such as Columbine and Virginia Tech, to domestic violence, alcohol-related violence, violent robberies, violence and mental health, gun violence, and violence associated with organized crime.
Researchers study the scope, patterns and explanations for these events, and the impact such violence and their perpetrators have on public order.
In close collaboration with the Faculty of Social Sciences, they adopt an interdisciplinary perspective, in which they use and adapt concepts from sociology, public health and public policy, criminology, victimology, forensic psychology and pedagogy.
In their data-driven research, researchers seek to help design evidence-based, tailored interventions and to aid efforts to reduce the violence burden on society.