Madeleine Hosli
Professor International Relations
- Name
- Prof.dr. M.O. Hosli
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 9581
- 0000-0001-9569-1841

Madeleine O. Hosli is Professor of International Relations at Leiden University (PhD 1992). Her main research interests are in international political economy, international organisations and European integration.
More information about Madeleine Hosli
Research Output
The European Union in the annual United Nations General Assembly Debates
Explaining Contestation: Votes in the Council of the European Union
Historical institutionalism and policy coordination: origins of the European Semester
Turnout in European parliament elections 1979–2019
The Future of Multilateralism: Global Cooperation and International Organizations
The African Union in the United Nations
The Changing Global Order: Challenges and Prospects
PhD Candidates
Madeleine O. Hosli is Professor of International Relations at Leiden University (PhD 1992). She studied at the Universities of Zürich and St. Gallen (Switzerland), was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, senior lecturer at the European Institute of Public Administration (Maastricht), assistant professor at the Free University Amsterdam and joined Leiden University as an associate professor in 2003 (full professor since 2007).
Between 2017 and 2019, she combined her function at Leiden University with the directorship of the United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS) in Bruges, Belgium (D1-level, UN).
Madeleine O. Hosli has held visiting teaching positions at the University of Zürich, the Graduate Institute of International Studies and Development (Geneva), Utrecht University College (UCU) and the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
She is author of The Euro: A Concise Introduction to European Monetary Integration (Lynne Rienner, 2004) and of The European Union and the United Nations in Global Governance (Bristol University Press, 2022). Moreover, she is co-editor of Institutional Challenges in the European Union (London and New York: Routledge), Decision-Making in the EU before and after the Lisbon Treaty (London and New York: Routledge), The Changing Global Order (Springer, 2020), The Future of Multilateralism: International Organizations and Cooperation (Rowman and Littlefield, 2021) and The Global, Regional and Local Politics of Institutional Responses to COVID-19: Implications for Women and Children (Palgrave MacMillan and Springer Nature). She has published widely in peer-reviewed journals, including International Organization, International Studies Quarterly, the Review of International Organizations, the Journal of Common Market Studies, European Union Politics, the European Journal of Political Research, Political Studies, the Journal of International Relations and Development and European Politics and Society. She holds a Jean Monnet Chair Ad Personam (since 2013) and has been director of the MSc International Relations and Diplomacy programme since 2003.
From 2010-2012, she coordinated the Multilateral Research Group ‘Decision-Making in the European Union Before and After Lisbon’ (DEUBAL; Jean Monnet Programme, 2010-2012). In 2014-2015 she was the convener of the theme group ‘Explaining Decision-Making in the European Union: Insights from the Natural and the Social Sciences’ (EUDINS) at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies (NIAS). In 2019, she was awarded a Jean Monnet project on the EU and the UN in Global Governance (Summer School).
Her main research interests are in international political economy, international organisations and European integration.
CV Hosli (2023)
Professor International Relations
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Institute of Security and Global Affairs
- Hosli M.O. & Kantorowicz J.J. (2024), The European Union in the annual United Nations General Assembly Debates, Contemporary Politics : .
- Hosli M.O., Zamparini C. & Santos L.M. (2024), European Union voting and the Dutch ‘double no’: the 2005 and 2016 referendums, European Integration: Realities and Perspectives Proceedings 19(1): 45-62.
- Pourebrahimi A., Hosli M.O. & Roozendaal P. van (2023), Explaining contestation: votes in the Council of the European Union. In: Kurz S., Maaser N. & Mayer A. (Eds.), Advances in collective decision making: interdisciplinary perspectives for the 21st century. Cham: Springer. 301-319.
- Pan W., Hosli M.O. & Lantmeeters M. (2023), Historical institutionalism and policy coordination: origins of the European semester, Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review 20: 141–167.
- Hosli M.O. (2022), The European Union and the United Nations in global governance. Bristol: Bristol University Press.
- Hosli M.O., Kantorowicz J.J., Nagtzaam M.A.M. & Haas M.I. (2022), Turnout in European parliament elections 1979-2019, European Politics and Society : .
- Hosli M.O, Blessing A. & Iacovidou I. (2022), The global, regional and local politics of institutional responses to COVID-19: implications for women and children. Cham: Palgrave MacMillan.
- Hosli M.O. (2022), Women and children: international institutions and responses to COVID-19. In: Hosli M.O., Blessing A. & Iacovidou I. (Eds.), The global, regional and local politics of institutional responses to COVID-19: implications for women and children. Cham: Palgrave MacMillan/Springer Nature. 27-43.
- Hosli M.O., Garrett T., Niedecken S. & Verbeek N. (2021), The Future of Multilateralism: Global Cooperation and International Organizations. London/Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
- Hosli M.O. (2021), Introduction. In: Hosli M.O., Garrett T., Niedecken S. & Verbeek N. (Eds.), The future of multilateralism: global cooperation and international organizations. London/Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. xiii-xxii.
- Hosli M.O. (2021), The United Nations and challenges to multilateralism. In: Hosli M.O., Garrett T., Niedecken S. & Verbeek N. (Eds.) The future of multilateralism: global cooperation and international organizations. London/Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. 3-17.
- Hosli M.O. & Selleslaghs J.M.H.M.R. (2020), The Changing Global Order: Challenges and Prospects: Springer.
- Buck & Hosli M.O. (2020), Traditional Theories of International Relations. In: Hosli M.O. & Selleslaghs J. (Eds.), The Changing Global Order. Cham: Springer. 3-21.
- Hosli M.O. & Dörfler T. (2020), The United Nations Security Council: History, Current Composition and Reform Proposals. In: Hosli M.O. & Selleslaghs J. (Eds.), The Changing Global Order. Cham: Springer. 299-320.
- Bonenkamp T.B., Middelburg L.M., Hosli M.O. & Wolffenbuttel R.F. (2020), From Bioethanol Containing Fuels towards a Fuel Economy that includes Methanol Derived from Renewable Sources and the Impact on European Union Decision-Making on Transition Pathways, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 120: .
- Makubalo N., Hosli M.O. & Lantmeeters M. (2020), The African Union in the United Nations. In: Laatikainen K.V. & Smith K.E. (Eds.), Group Politics in UN Multilateralism. Leiden: Brill. 76-96.
- Hosli M.O., Campioni-Noack I., Johnson R. & Wu L. (2019), A New Order or No Order? The EU-China-US Relationship and its Impact on Global Order. In: Men J., Schunz S. & Freeman D. (Eds.), The Evolving Relationship between China, the EU and the USA: A New Global Order?. Oxon and New York: Routledge. 13-29.
- Plechanovová Běla, Hosli Madeleine O. & Plechanov Anatolij (2019), Choosing Voting Rules in the European Union. In: Congleton Roger, Grofman Bernard & Voigt Stefan (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Public Choice, Vol. 2. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 219-236.
- Hosli M.O., Plechanovová B. & Kaniovski S. (2018), Vote Probabilities, Thresholds and Actor Preferences: Decision Capacity and the Council of the European Union, Homo Oeconomicus 35(1-2): 31-52.
- Hosli M.O. & Dörfler T. (2017), Why Is Change so Slow? Assessing Prospects for United Nations Security Council Reform, Journal of Economic Policy Reform 22(1): 35-50.
- Hosli Madeleine O., Selleslaghs Joren & Mortel Bob van de (2017), The European Union in the United Nations: Coordination on Peacekeeping Missions. In: Blavoukos Spyros & Bourantonis Dimitrios (Eds.), The EU in UN Politics: Actors, Processes and Performance. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan. 83–107.
- Kamphof Ries, Bonenkamp Thijs, Selleslaghs Joren & Hosli Madeleine (2017), External Competences in Energy and Climate Change. In: Leal-Arcas Rafael & Wouters Jan (Eds.), Research Handbook on EU Energy Law and Policy. Chaltenham: Edward Elgar. 30–47.
- Parízek M., Plechanovová B. & Hosli M.O. (2015), Byrokratizace rozhodování v Evropské unii po východním rozsírení (“The Bureaucratisation of Decision-Making in the European Union after Eastern Enlargement”), Journal of European Integration 51(1): 41-63.
- Parizek M., Hosli M. & Plechanovová B. (2015), Avoiding Paralysis: The Eastern Enlargement and the Council of the European Union, Journal of European Integration 37(6): 649-665.
- Hosli M.O., Kreppel A., Plechanovova B. & Verdun A. (2015), Decision-Making in the European Union Before and After the Lisbon Treaty. Oxon and New York: Routledge.
- Hosli M., Kreppel A., Plechanavová B. & Verdun A.C. (Eds.) (2015), Decision-Making in the EU before and after the Lisbon Treaty. West European Politics. London: Routledge.
- Hosli M., Kreppel A., Plechanavová B. & Verdun A.C. (2015), Introduction: Decision-Making in the European Union before and after the Lisbon Treaty. In: Hosli M., Kreppel A., Plechanavová B. & Verdun A.C. (Eds.), Decision-Making in the EU before and after the Lisbon Tretay. London: Routledge. 1-7.
- Hosli M.O. & Dörfler T. (2015), The United Nations Security Council: The Challenge of Reform. In: Lesage D. & Graaf T. van de (Eds.), Rising Powers and Multilateral Institutions: Palgrave MacMillan. 377-390.
- Dörfler T. & Hosli M.O. (2013), Reforming the United Nations Security Council: Proposals, strategies and preferences. In: Reinalda B. (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of International Organizations. Abingdon, Oxon and New York, NY: Routledge. 377-390.
- Hosli M.O. (2013), The creation of European economic and monetary union. In: Holler M.J. & Nurmi H. (Eds.), Power, voting, and voting power: 30 Years after. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer. 521-539.
- Hosli M.O. & Hoekstra A. (2013), What fosters enduring peace? An analysis of factors influencing Civil War Resolution, Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy 19(2): 123-155.
- Jin X. & Hosli M.O. (2013), Pre- and post-Lisbon: European Union voting in the United Nations General Assembly, West European Politics 36(6): 1274-1291.
- Hosli M., Kreppel A., Plechanavova B. & Verdun A.C. (2013), Introduction: Decision-Making in the European Union before and after the Lisbon Treaty, West European Politics 36(6): 1121-1127.
- Hosli M., Kreppel A., Plechanavová B. & Verdun A.C. (Eds.) (2013), Decision-Making in the EU before and after the Lisbon Treaty. West European Politics.
- Roozendaal P. van, Hosli M.O. & Heetman C. (2012), Coalition Formation on Major Policy Dimensions: The Council of the European Union 1998 to 2004, Public Choice 153(3-4): 447-467.
- Hosli M.O. (2012), Negotiating the European Constitution: Government Preferences for Council Decision Rules, AUCO Czech Economic Review 6(3): 177-198.
- Hosli M.O., Shi J., Li Z. & Pan W. (2011), The Euro: A Concise Introduction to European Monetary Integration (authorized translation and update). Chongqing: Chongqing University Press.
- Hosli M.O. (2011), European Monetary Integration and the Euro. In: Yi O. (Ed.), Mapping Meanings of Europe. Seoul, Korea: Seoul National University Press. 159-189.
- Hosli M.O., Moody R., O'Donovan B., Kaniovski S. & Little A.C.H. (2011), Squaring the Circle? Distributive and Collective Effects of Security Council Reform, Review of International Organizations 6(2): 163-187.
- Hosli M.O. & Uriot M.C.J. (2011), Dimensions of Political Contestation: Voting in the Council of the European Union Before the 2004 Enlargement, AUCO Czech Economic Review 5(3): 231-249.
- Hosli M.O., Mattila M. & Uriot M.C.J. (2011), Voting in the Council of the European Union after the 2004 Enlargement: A Comparison of Old and New Member States, Journal of Common Market Studies 49(6): 1249-1270.
- Hosli M.O. & Valk T. van der (2010), Politics, Economics and Public Opinion: Government Preferences for the Creation of European Economic and Monetary Union. In: Sødal S. (Ed.), Økonomi og Tid (Economics and Time). Agder, Norway: Agder University College. 31-49.
- Hosli M.O. (2010), Decision Rules and Intergovernmentalism in the European Union. In: Cichocki M.A. & Zyczkowski K. (Eds.), Institutional Design and Voting Power in the European Union. Aldershot: Ashgate. 151-170.
- Hosli M.O. (2010), Voting Weights, Thresholds and Population Size: Member State Representation in the Council of the European Union. In: Deemen A.M.A. van & Rusinowska A. (Eds.), Collective Decision Making: Views from Social Choice and Game Theory. Berlin: Springer. 151-168.
- Hosli M.O., Van Kampen E., Meijerink F. & Tennis K. (2010), Voting Cohesion in the United Nations General Assembly: The Case of the European Union. [other].
- Hosli M.O., Shi Jian, Li Zhuya & Pan Wen (2010), The Greek Sovereign Debt Crisis and the Euro: Challenges and Opportunities. Sichuan University, China: European Studies Forum, European Studies Center. [other].
- Hosli M.O. & Arnold C. (2010), The Importance of Actor Cleavages in Negotiating the European Constitution, International Studies Quarterly 54(3): 615-632.
- Hosli M.O. (2008), Negotiating the European constitution: Actor cleavages and bargaining outcomes. In: Tichỳ Luboš (Ed.), Euopean integration at the crossroads. Beroun: Univerzita Karlova. 127-144.
- Hosli M.O. (2008), Council decision rules and European Union constitutional design, AUCO Czech Economic Review 2(1): 76-96.
- Hosli M.O. (2008), Negotiating European economic and monetary union, Homo Oeconomicus 25(2): .
- Taagepera R. & Hosli M.O. (2006), National representation in international organizations: The seat distribution formula implicit in the European Union council and parliament, Political Studies 54(2): 370-398.
- Boekhoorn V., Deemen A.M.A. van & Hosli M.O. (2006), A cooperative approach to decision-making in the European Union. In: Thomson R., Stokman F.N., Achen M.A. & König T. (Eds.), The European Union decides. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 178-210.
- Thomson R. & Hosli M.O. (2006), Introduction: Explaning legislative decision making in the European Union. In: Thomson R., Stokman F.N., Achen C.H. van & König T. (Eds.), The European Union decides. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 1-24.
- Arnold C., Hosli M.O. & Pennings P. (2006), The Netherlands: Domestic preference-formation on the European constitution. In: König T. & Hug S. (Eds.), Preference formation and European constitution-building: A comparative study in member states and accession countries. New York and Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. 176-182.
- Thomson R. & Hosli M.O. (2006), Who has power in the EU? The Commission, council and parliament in legislative decision-making, Journal of Common Market Studies 44(1): 391-417.
- Hosli M.O., Benoit K. & et al (2005), Measuring national delegate positions at the convention on the future of Europe using computerized wordscoring, European Union Politics 6(3): 291-313.
- Hosli M.O. (2005), The Euro: A Concise Introduction to European Monetary Integration. Boulder, Colorado and London: Lynne Rienner.
- Hosli M.O. (2004), The Flexibility of Constitutional Design: Enlargement and the Council of the European Union. Institut fuer Hoehere Studien. Reihe Politikwissenschaft. Vienna: Institute for Advanced Studies.
- Hosli M.O., Nölke A. & Beyers J.C.M. (2004), Contending Political-Economy Perspectives on European Interest Group Activity. In: Warntjen A. & Wonka A. (Eds.), Governance in Europe: The Role of Interest Groups. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. 42-56.
- Hosli M.O. & Machover M. (2004), The Nice Treaty and Voting Rules in the Council: A Reply to Moberg (2002), Journal of Common Market Studies 42(3): 497-521.
- Hosli M.O. & Börzel T.A. (2003), Brussels between Bern and Berlin: Comparative federalism meets the European Union, Governance 16(2): 179-202.
- Hosli M.O. & Nurmi H. (2003), Which decision rule for the future council?, European Union Politics 1(4): 37-50.
- Member External Advisory Committee MSc in International Negotiations