Universiteit Leiden

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The Changing Global Order: Challenges and Prospects

This edited volume evaluates the concept of global order, with a particular emphasis on the role of regional organisations within global governance institutions such as the United Nations. Several researchers at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) have contributed to this volume in the United Nations University Series on Regionalism.

Madeleine O. Hosli, Joren Selleslaghs (eds.)
10 December 2019
More information at Springer.com

This volume offers a comprehensive evaluation of the concept of global order, with a particular emphasis on the role of regional organisations within global governance institutions such as the United Nations. Building from a solid theoretical base it draws upon the expertise of numerous leading international scholars offering a broad array of timely and relevant case studies. These all take into consideration the historical setting, before analysing the contemporary situation and offering suggestions for potential realignments and readjustments that may be witnessed in the future. The volume adopts an interdisciplinary approach when addressing some of the most pressing issues of global governance which our global community must tackle. This presents the readers an opportunity to understand related topics such as political economy, international law, institutions of global governance, in conjunction with the academic field of International Relations (IR). It further helps students and interested readers understand the theoretical and practical foundations to the changing nature of global affairs.

In addition to the contributions by Madeleine Hosli and Joren Selleslaghs, Rob de Wijk contributed a chapter on power politics, former tutor and lecturer in Global Affairs at ISGA Amy Kaspar wrote about "Global Governance 2.0", Jaroslaw Kantorowicz wrote about the role and effectiveness of the G20, while Siniša Vuković contributed the chapter "Debunking the Myths of International Mediation: Conceptualizing Bias, Power and Success", and Carina van de Wetering wrote about "India as an Emerging Power: Understanding its Meaning".

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