Maarja Beerkens
Interim Vice Dean Education
- Name
- Dr. M. Beerkens
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0002-9069-5402
Maarja Beerkens' research focuses on governance issues, regulation, and empirical policy analysis and evaluation. Her field of interest lies in higher education and science policy in which she has published academically as well as conducted policy advising in different parts of the world (Armenia, Botswana, EU countries).
More information about Maarja Beerkens
Maarja Beerkens is associate professor and educational director at the Institute of Public Administration. Her research focuses on policy instruments, regulation and governance issues in a global context, particularly on information-based and self-regulatory policies. She is an expert in higher education and science policy and she publishes on a wide variety of topics from higher education financing, quality assurance and academic leadership to student experiences and teaching practices. Her interest in policy-relevant research is expressed in her involvement in a number of Dutch and international expert committees, keynote speeches, and various contract and consultancy projects for national and international organisations. She holds a doctoral degree in public policy from the UNC-Chapel Hill in the US.
Maarja Beerkens is a passionate teacher and a proud nominee of the Leiden University students’ best teacher prize. She teaches courses in regulatory theory and practice, state-market relationships and statistics.
Interim Vice Dean Education
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Faculteitsbestuur
Associate professor
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Instituut Bestuurskunde
- Beerkens M. (2023), The ruin of the ‘ivory tower’: the emergence of the stakeholder. In: Amaral A. & Magalhães A. (Eds.), Handbook on higher education management and governance. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. 417-428.
- Beerkens M., Panova A & Vasari P. (2023), International staff and diversity in missions. In: Calikoglu A., Jones G. & Kim Y. (Eds.), Internationalization and the academic profession: comparative perspectives. Dordrecht : Springer . 95-112 .
- Beerkens M. (2022), Enhancing internationalization by labels and certificates: the power of voluntary policy instruments, Journal of Studies in International Education : .
- Beerkens M. & Hoek M.A. van der (2022), Academic leaders and leadership in the changing higher education landscape. In: Sarrico C.S., Rosa M.J. & Carvalho T. (Eds.), Research handbook on academic careers and managing academics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 121-136.
- Beerkens M. & Groeneweg S.L. (2022), Kwaliteit en verantwoording in het hoger onderwijs: indicatoren, processen en beleidsalternatieven : eindrapport. Den Haag: NRO.
- Hoek M.A. van der, Beerkens M. & Groeneveld S.M. (2021), Matching leadership to circumstances? A vignette study of leadership behavior adaptation in an ambiguous context, International Public Management Journal 24(3): 394-417.
- Beerkens M. (2021), An evolution of performance data in higher education governance: a path towards a ‘big data’ era?, Quality in Higher Education ( ): 1-21.
- Mägi E., Kindsiko E. & Beerkens M. (2021), Academic profession for knowledge society in Estonia. In: Aarrevaara T., Finkelstein M., Jones G.A. & Jung J. (Eds.), Universities in the Knowledge Society: The Nexus of National Systems of Innovation and Higher Education. The changing academy - the changing academic profession in international comparative perspective no. 22. Cham: Springer. 221-236.
- Hoek M.A. van der, Groeneveld S.M. & Beerkens M. (2021), Leadership behavior repertoire: an exploratory study of the concept and its potential for understanding leadership in public organizations, Perspectives on Public Management and Governance 4(4): 363-378.
- Beerkens M. (2020), Student employment in Europe: an economic, financial and cultural phenomenon , Higher Education in Russia and Beyond 2020(3(24)): 6-8.
- Beerkens M. (2019), Evidence-based policy and higher education quality assurance: progress, promise and pitfalls". In: Leibner T. (Ed.), Impact Evaluation of Quality Management in Higher Education [Reprint]. New York: Routledge.
- Beerkens M. (2018), The European Research Council and the academic profession: insights from studying starting grant holders, European Political Science 18(2): 267-274.
- Beerkens M. (2018), Evidence-based policy and higher education quality assurance: progress, pitfalls and promise, European Journal of Higher Education 8(3): 272-287.
- Beerkens M. (2018), Knowledge commons and global governance of academic publishing. In: Cogolati S. & Wouters J. (Eds.), The commons and a new global governance. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. 186-210.
- Beerkens M. (2017), Stakeholders in Higher Education Quality Assurance: Richness in Diversity?, Higher Education Policy 30(3): 341-359.
- Beerkens M. (2017), Information issues, higher education markets (Political economy). In: Cheol Shing J. & Teixeira P. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of higher education systems and institutions. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Beerkens M. (2016), Cooperation between private and public regulators in higher education: Complementarity or managed rivalry? Presentation at the annual CHER (Consortium for Higher Education Researchers) conference, 5-7 September 2016, Cambridge. .
- Beerkens M. (2016), Global commons, transnational oligopolies, and national regulatory cultures: A potential for collaborative ownership in the academic publishing industry? Global Public Goods, Global Commons and Democracy: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 22-23 February 2016, in Leuven. .
- Mägi E. & Beerkens M. (2016), Linking research and teaching: Are research active staff members different teachers?, Higher Education 72(2): 241-258.
- Beerkens M., Suoto Otero M., Wit H. de & Huisman J. (2016), Similar students and different countries? The barriers to international student mobility in seven countries, Journal of Studies in International Education 20(2): 184-200.
- Beerkens M. (2016), Cooperation between public regulators and transnational initiatives: Complementarity and rivalry in higher education quality assurance, ECPR Regulatory Governance standing group conference, 6-8 July 2016, Tilburg. .
- Beerkens M. (2016), International student exchange: a calculated decision or going with a flow, University World News (27 May 2016), Issue no: 415.
- Beerkens M. (2015), Agencification problems in higher education quality assurance. In: Reale E. (Ed.), Universities in transition: shifting institutional and organizational boundaries. Rotterdam: Sage Publisher. 43-62.
- Beerkens M. (2015), Quality assurance in the political context: In the midst of different expectations and conflicting goals, Quality in Higher Education 21(3): 231-250.
- Beerkens M. (2014), The top talent mobility within Europe: Evidence from the ERC starting grant holders. ECPR general conference. Glasgow. .
- Beerkens M. (2014), Agencification problems in higher education quality assurance. CHER (Consortium for Higher Education Researchers) annual conference. Rome. .
- Souto Otero M., Huisman J., Beerkens M. & De Wit H. (2013), Barriers to international student mobility: evidence from the ERASMUS program, Educational Researcher 42(2): 70-77.
- Beerkens M. (2013), Facts and fads in academic research management: The effect of management practices on research productivity in Australia, 42(9): 1679–1693.
- Dill D.D. & Beerkens M. (2013), Academic quality, league tables and public policy: A cross-national analysis of university ranking systems [reprint from 2005]. In: King R., Marginson S. & Naidoo R. (Eds.), The Globalisation of Higher Education: A Companion. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Beerkens M. & Matthys J. (2013), Contracting for ideas: Creativity in the midst of procurement procedures, contract law and competitive incentives”. [other].
- Beerkens M. (2013), Coping with fragmentation in crowded policy domains: From acceptance to recovery in different theoretical perspectives. [other].
- Beerkens M. (2013), Market competition and concentration in the academic research industry: Evidence from Australia 1992-2008, Science and Public Policy 40(2): 157-170.
- Dill D.D. & Beerkens M. (2013), Designing the Framework Conditions for Assuring Academic Standards: Lessons Learned about Professional, Market, and Government Regulation of Academic Quality, Higher Education 65(3): 341-357.
- Steunenberg B., Beerkens M., Berg C.F. van den, Ruiter R. de & Voermans W.J.M. (2012), 'Wir machen das so': Studie zu den Grenzeffecten der europäischen Politik. Den Haag: Universiteit Leiden.
- Steunenberg B., Beerkens M., Berg C.F. van den, Hartmann J.M.R., Ruiter A. de, Ruiter R. de & Voermans W.J.M. (2012), 'Wij doen dat zo': Onderzoek naar de grenseffecten van Europees beleid. Den Haag: Univeristeit Leiden.
- Westerheijden D., Federkeil G., Cremonini L., Kaiser F. & Beerkens M. (2011), Ranking goes International: Piloting the CHE Ranking of Study Programmes in Flanders and the Netherlands. In: Rostan M. & Vaira M. (Eds.), Questioning Excellence in Higher Education: Policies, Experiences and Challenges in National and Comparative Perspective. Higher Education Research in the 21st Century no. 3. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. 175-193.
- Beerkens M. & Vossensteyn H. (2011), The effect of the ERASMUS programme on European higher education: The visible hand of Europe. In: Enders J., Boer H. de & Westerheijden D. (Eds.), Reform of Higher Education in Europe. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. 45-62.
- Beerkens M., Mägi E. & Lill L. (2011), University studies as a side job: the causes and consequences of massive student employment in Estonia, Higher Education 61(6): 679-692.
- Mora J.-G., Detmer A., Vieira M.-J., Beerkens M., Boffo S., Jongbloed B., Kwiek M., Schneijderberg C., Shattock M. & Temple P. (2010), Good Practices in University-Enterprise Partnerships. Valencia: Valencia University of Technology.
- Beerkens M. & Dill D.D. (2010), The CHE University Ranking in Germany. In: Beerkens M. & Dill D.D. (Eds.), Public Policies for Academic Quality: Analyses of Innovative Policy Instruments. Dordrecht: Springer Publishers. 61-82.
- Dill D.D. & Beerkens M. (2010), Reflections and conclusions. In: Dill D.D. & Beerkens M. (Eds.), Public Policies for Academic Quality: Analyses of Innovative Policy Instruments. Dordrecht: Springer Publishers. 313-336.
- Dill D.D. & Beerkens M. (Eds.) (2010), Public Policy for Academic Quality: Analyses of Innovative Policy Instruments. Dordrecht: Springer Publishers.
- Vossensteyn H., Beerkens M., Cremonini L., Niekerk W. van & Weert E. de (2010), Background Reports Veerman Committee. Enschede: CHEPS.
- Beerkens M., Dassen A., Leysite L., Vossensteyn H. & Weert E. de (2010), Professional Masters: An international comparative study. Report for the Dutch Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. Enschede: CHEPS.
- Vossenteyn H., Beerkens M., Cremonini L., Besançon B., Foken N., Leurs B., McCoshan A., Mozuraityte N., Huisman J., Souto Otero M. & Wit H. de (2010), Improving the participation in the ERASMUS programme. Brussels: European Parliament.
- Beerkens M., Benneworth p., Boer H. de, Cremonini L., Jongbloed B. & Vossensteyn H. (2010), Profiling and Funding: An international comparative study. Report for the Dutch Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. Enschede: CHEPS.