Judi Mesman
Professor The interdisciplinary study of societal challenges/Distinguished Professor
- Name
- Prof.dr. J. Mesman
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 3482
- j.mesman@fgga.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0001-7506-9094

Judi Mesman (1974) has been a professor at Leiden University since 2009 and focuses on the study of social (in)justice with special attention to intergenerational issues at individual and institutional levels. Since 2024, she has also been appointed Distinguished Professor of Social Responsibility and Impact.
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Judi Mesman (1974) has been a professor at Leiden University since 2009 and focuses on the study of social (in)justice with special attention to intergenerational issues at individual and institutional levels. Since 2024, she has also been University Professor of Social Responsibility and Impact. Mesman is an elected member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (since 2018), winner of the Stevin Prize (2021) for the social impact of her research programme and recipient of competitive research grants including NWO Veni, Vidi, Vici, ERC Starting and Consolidator Grants. From 2012-2016, Mesman was scientific director of the Institute of Pedagogical Sciences at Leiden University From 2016-2022, she was Dean of Leiden University College in The Hague. She is co-founder of Athena's Angels and of the NWA route jeugd. She has supervised 26 PhD students to a PhD degree so far, teaches the subject Intercultural Pedagogyin the Education and Child Studies bachelor, and has won three teaching awards, most recently for the podcast series for students on working with youth in the multicultural society. Together with her team, she developed the minor De (on)rechtvaardige samenleving. In 2021, Mesman published Opgroeien in kleur, a book for parents on anti-racist parenting. More information on Judi Mesman's work can be found at www.judimesman.com.
Professor The interdisciplinary study of societal challenges/Distinguished Professor
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Faculteitsbestuur
- FGGA Algemeen
Professor The interdisciplinary study of societal challenges
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen
- Opvoeding en Ontwikkeling
- Liefaard T., Mesman J., Griffith-Lendering M., Salsbach T. & Kruip J. (2024), Family relationships, domestic violence and child maltreatment in the Caribbean Netherlands - Bonaire = Familierelaties, huiselijk geweld en kindermishandeling in Caribisch Nederland - Bonaire = Relashonnan familiar, violensia doméstiko i maltrato di mucha den Karibe Ulandes - Boneiru: (Report in English, Dutch and Papiamentu). Bonaire: Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports - Zorg en Jeugd Caribisch Nederland.
- Liefaard T., Mesman J., Griffith-Lendering M., Salsbach T. & Kruip J. (2024), Family relationships, domestic violence and child maltreatment in the Caribbean Netherlands - Saba = Familierelaties, huiselijk geweld en kindermishandeling in Caribisch Nederland - Saba: (Report in English and Dutch). Bonaire: Minstry of Health, Welfare and Sports (Zorg en Jeugd Caribisch Nederland).
- Liefaard T., Mesman J., Griffith-Lendering M., Salsbach T. & Kruip J. (2024), Family relationships, domestic violence and child maltreatment in the Caribbean Netherlands - Sint Eustatius = Familierelaties, huiselijk geweld en kindermishandeling in Caribisch Nederland - Sint Eustatius: (Report in English and Dutch). Bonaire: Minstry of Health, Welfare and Sports, Zorg en Jeugd Caribisch Nederland.
- Liefaard T., Mesman J., Griffith-Lendering M., Salsbach T. & Kruip J. (2024), Family relationships, domestic violence and child maltreatment in the Caribbean Netherlands - Bonaire - Saba - Sint Eustatius = Familierelaties, huiselijk geweld en kindermishandeling in Caribisch Nederland = Relashonnan familiar, violensia doméstiko i maltrato di mucha den Karibe Ulandes - Boneiru - Saba - Sint Eustatius: Summary = Samenvatting = Rekapitulashon. Bonaire: Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports - Zorg en Jeugd Caribisch Nederland.
- Mesman J. & Liefaard T. (20 November 2024), 35 jaar kinderrechten: tijd voor intergenerationele rechtvaardigheid en internationale solidariteit. Leiden Pedagogiek Blog (Universiteit Leiden). [blog entry].
- Fourment K., Nóblega M. & Mesman J. (2024), Evaluating Maternal Sensitivity in Rural Andean Peru: Situations and Measures Matter, Journal of Family Psychology advance online: .
- Veen D. van, Emmen R.A.G. & Mesman J (2024), Who’s to blame?: How subtle negative messages about outgroups contribute to ethnic prejudice development in middle to late childhood, Applied Developmental Science : .
- Gao D., Geel M. van, Liu J. & Mesman J. (2024), Chinese mothers’ profiles of color-conscious socialization and social dominance orientation: relations to Children’s racial attitudes, Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology : .
- Bruijn Y. de, Yang Y. & Mesman J. (2024), ‘Dutch’ according to children and mothers: nationality stereotypes and citizenship representation, European Journal of Social Psychology 54: 813-828.
- Bruijn Y. de, Emmen R.A.G. & Mesman J. (2024), Color-Evasiveness and white normativity: examples set by parents in parent–child interactions in the Netherlands, Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology : .
- Doornkamp L., Doornkamp F., Pol L. van der, Groeneveld S.M., Mesman J. & Groeneveld M.G. (2024), Student–teacher gender congruence and student performance: The role of context, Social Psychology of Education 27: 299–3328.
- Rozenberg T.M. van de, Pol L.D. van der, Esveld S. van, Groeneveld M.G., Kroes A.D.A. & Mesman J. (2024), The role of parents in predicting gender-stereotypic attitudes towards HEED occupations and gender-stereotypic interest in these careers, European Journal of Social Psychology 54(2): 478-494.
- Jehle A.M.C., Groeneveld M.G., Rozenberg T. van den & Mesman J. (2024), The hidden lessons in textbooks: gender representation and stereotypes in European mathematics and language books, European Journal of Education 59(4): .
- Rozenberg T. van den, Kroes A.D.A., Pol L.D. van der, Groeneveld M.G. & Mesman J. (2024), Same-sex kissing and having a gay or lesbian child: a bridge too far? Parent-child similarities in homophobic attitudes and observed parental discomfort, Journal of Homosexuality 71: 2341–2365.
- Titisari A.S., Mesman J. & Dewi K.H. (2024), Cultural norms and Adolescents’ sexual and reproductive health in Bali, Indonesia: a narrative review, Journal of Applied Youth Studies : .
- Liefaard T. & Mesman J. (20 November 2023), Familierelaties in Caribisch Nederland: over lokale indrukken en het belang van de lokale context. Een korte reflectie ter gelegenheid van 34 jaar VN-Kinderrechtenverdrag. Leiden Pedagogiek Blog: Leiden University. [blog entry].
- Gao D., Geel M. van, Liu J. & Mesman J. (2023), Chinese children show racial and skin‐tone salience but little color evasion, Social Development : .
- Li W., Nefs H.T., Emmen R.A.G., Woudstra M.J., Branger M.C.E., Wang L., Alink L.R.A. & Mesman J. (2023), Does parental autonomy support mediate the relation between parent and infant executive function? : A study of mothers and fathers in the Netherlands and China, Infant Behavior & Development 71: 101833.
- Doornkamp L. Groeneveld S. Groeneveld M.G. Pol L.D. van der Mesman J. (2023), Understanding the Symbolic Effects of Gender Representation: A Multi-Source Study in Education, International Public Management Journal 26: 829-851.
- Rozenberg Tessa van den Groeneveld M.G Veen Daudi van Pol Lotte van der Mesman J. (2023), Hidden in Plain Sight: Gender Bias and Heteronormativity in Dutch Textbooks, Educational Studies : 299-317.
- Flameling L.J. & Mesman J. (2022), Using video observation in the family context: the association between camera-related behaviors and parental sensitivity, Infancy 27(1): 115-134.
- De Bruijn Y., Emmen R.A.G. & Mesman J. (2022), Maternal attitudes toward child interethnic relations in the Netherlands: facilitating intergroup contact effects?, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships : .
- Mesman J., Bruijn Y. de, Veen P.D. van, Pektas F. & Emmen R.A.G. (2022), Maternal color‐consciousness is related to more positive and less negative attitudes toward ethnic‐racial outgroups in children in White Dutch families, Child Development 93(3): 668-680.
- Bruijn Y. de & Mesman J. (2022), Diversiteit en collectievorming bij de bibliotheek op school. Amsterdam: Stichting Lezen.
- Bruijn Y. de, Emmen R.A.G., Veen P.D. van & Mesman J. (2022), Priming attachment and diversity ideologies: effects on ethnic bias in children's altruistic sharing in a dictator game, Acta Psychologica 230: 103746.
- Gao D., Liu J, Xu L., Mesman J. & Geel M. van (2022), Early adolescent social anxiety: differential associations for fathers’ and mothers’ psychologically controlling and autonomy-supportive parenting, Journal of Youth and Adolescence 51: 1858-1871.
- Li W., Emmen R.A., Woudstra M.L.J., Branger M.C.E., Wang L., Alink L.R.A. & Mesman J. (2022), The role of grandparental sensitivity and parental sensitivity in infant cognitive development in China: a pilot study, Journal of Child and Family Studies 31: 2986-2996.
- Li W., Devine R.T., Ribner A., Emmen R.A.G., Woudstra M.L.J., Branger M.C.E., Wang L., Ginkel J. van, Alink L.R.A. & Mesman J. (2022), The role of infant attention and parental sensitivity in infant cognitive development in the Netherlands and China, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 215: 105324.
- Van Berkel S.R., Groeneveld M.G., Van der Pol L.D., Linting M. & Mesman J. (2022), Growing up together: differences between siblings in the development of compliance separating within-family and between-family effects, Developmental Psychology : .
- Vliet M.S. de, Mesman J., Schultink J.M., Vereijken C.M.J.L., Martens V.E.G. & Veek S.M.C. (2022), Maternal sensitivity during mealtime and free play: differences and explanatory factors, Infancy : the official journal of the International Society on Infant Studies 27(3): 630-644.
- Vliet M.S. van, Schultink J.M., Jager G. de, Vries J.H.M, Mesman J., Graaf C. de , Vereijken C.M.J.L., Weenen H., Wild V.W.T. de, Martens V.E.G., Houniet H. & Veek S.M.C. van der (2022), The baby’s first bites RCT: evaluating a vegetable-exposure and a sensitive-feeding intervention in terms of child health outcomes and maternal feeding behavior during toddlerhood, Journal of Nutrition 152(2): 386-398.
- Rahma R., Alsarhi K., Prevoo M.J.L., Alink L.R.A. & Mesman J. (2021), Sensitive parenting in urban slums in Makassar, Indonesia: the roles of experienced child maltreatment and sociodemographic risk, Attachment & Human Development 23(2): 199-211.
- Amerongen B. van, Booij A., Hanssen I., Liefaard T. & Mesman J. (2021), #CovidUnder19. Hoe ervaren kinderen en jongeren in Nederland de coronacrisis en wat zouden zij adviseren aan beleidsmakers? Een onderzoek vanuit kinderrechtenperspectief. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden.
- Booij A., Hanssen I., Amerongen B. van, Mesman J. & Liefaard T. (23 April 2021), #COVIDUnder19: Kinderrechten in tijden van corona. Leiden Pedagogiek Blog. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden. [blog entry].
- Bruijn Y. de, Emmen R.A.G. & Mesman J. (2021), What do we read to our children? : Messages concerning ethnic diversity in popular children’s books in the Netherlands, SN Social Sciences 1(8): 206.
- Bruijn Y. de, Emmen R.A.G. & Mesman J. (2021), Maternal attitudes toward child interethnic relations in the Netherlands: Facilitating intergroup contact effects?. International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology 2020+, Online. 27 July 2021 - 31 July 2021. [conference poster].
- Vliet M.S. van, Mesman J., Schultink J.M., Vries J.H.M. de, Vereijken C.M.J.L., Rippe R.C.A. & Veek S.M.C. van der (2021), Baby's first bites: association between observed maternal feeding behavior and infant vegetable intake and liking, Appetite 165: 105316.
- Vries E.E. de, Pol L.D. van der, Toshkov D.D., Groeneveld M.G. & Mesman J. (2021), Fathers, faith, and family gender messages: are religiosity and gender talk related to children’s gender attitudes and preferences? , Early Childhood Research Quarterly 59: 21-31.
- Liefaard T. & Mesman J. (18 November 2021), Kinderrechten in Nederland anno 2021. Leiden Pedagogiek Blog. Leiden: Leiden University. [blog entry].
- Liefaard T. & Mesman J. (20 November 2021), VN-Kinderrechtendag 2021: wat brengt de toekomst?. Leiden Pedagogiek Blog. Leiden: Leiden University. [blog entry].
- Bruijn Y. de, Emmen R.A.G. & Mesman J. (2021), Navigating diversity: maternal ideologies and associations with child interethnic prejudice in the Netherlands, Social Development : .
- Woudstra M.J., Emmen R.A.G., Alink L.R.A., Wang L., Branger M.C.E. & Mesman J. (2021), Attitudes about child maltreatment in China and the Netherlands, Child Abuse & Neglect 112: 104900.
- Antunes Toscano C., Soares I., Baptista J., Moutinho V., Rippe R.C.A. & Mesman J. (2021), Maternal and paternal overprotection of children born preterm: relations to child and parental factors, Journal of Family Psychology : .
- Vliet M.S. van, Schultink J.M., Jager G., de Vries J.H.M., Mesman J., de Graaf C., Vereijken C.M.J.L., Weenen H., de Wild V.W.T., Martens V.E.G., Houniet H. & Veek S.M.C. van der (2021), The baby's first bites RCT: evaluating a vegetable-exposure and a sensitive-feeding intervention in terms of child health outcomes and maternal feeding behavior during toddlerhood, Journal of Nutrition : nxab387.
- Kitagawa M., Iwamoto S., Umemura T., Kudo S., Kazui M., Matsuura H. & Mesman J. (2021), Attachment-based intervention improves Japanese parent-child relationship quality: a pilot study, Current Psychology : .
- Pitillas C., Berastegui A., Halty A, Rodriguez P., Kamara M. & Mesman J. (2021), Enhancing maternal sensitivity in contexts of urban extreme poverty in Sierra Leone: a pilot study, Infant Mental Health Journal 42(6): 812-822.
- Lohndorf R.T., Vermeer H.J., Harpe C. de la & Mesman J. (2021), Socioeconomic status, parental beliefs, and parenting practices as predictors of preschoolers' school readiness and executive functions in Chile, Early Childhood Research Quarterly 57: 61-74.
- Groeneveld M.G., Pol L.D. van der, Vries E.E. de & Mesman J. (2021), Triadic family conversations about gender: children as driving forces and messiness in messages they recei, Journal of Family Psychology : 1-11.
- Kroes A.D.A., Pol L.D. van der, Groeneveld M.G. & Mesman J. (2021), Big news stories and longitudinal data collection: a prominent child sexual abuse case negatively affects parents' attitudes toward male caregivers, International Journal of Behavioral Development 45(6): 561-568.
- Mesman J. & Emmen R.A.G. (2021), Cultural perspectives on parenting. In: Weekes-Shackelford V.A. & Shackelford T.K. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology and Parenting. New York: Oxford University Press. 97-114.
- Mesman J. (2021), Attachment theory’s university claims: asking different questions. In: Thompson R.A., Simpson J.A. & Berlin L.J. (Eds.), Attachment: the fundamental questions. New York: Guilford Press. 245-251.
- Dawson N., Bain K. & Mesman J. (2021), Observing maternal sensitivity in a South African township: an exploratory study into behavioral features using different measures, Attachment & Human Development 23(2): 150-163.
- Alsarhi K.M.H., Rahma Prevoo M.J.L., Alink L.R.A. & Mesman J. (2021), Observing sensitivity in slums in Yemen: the veiled challenge, Attachment & Human Development 23(2): 176-187.
- Mesman J. (2021), Video observations of sensitive caregiving ‘off the beaten track’: introduction to the special issue, Attachment & Human Development 23(2): 115-123.
- Mesman J., Basweti N. & Misati J. (2021), Sensitive infant caregiving among the rural Gusii in Kenya, Attachment & Human Development 23(2): 124-133.
- Fourment Sifuentes K.G., Nóblega M., Conde G., Nuñez del Prado J. & Mesman J. (2021), Maternal sensitivity in rural Andean and Amazonian Peru, 23(2): 134-149.
- Asanjarani F., Davoud Abadi F., Ghomi M. & Mesman J. (2021), Video observations of maternal sensitivity in urban and rural Iran, Attachment & Human Development 23(2): 164-175.
- Ribeiro-Accioly A.C.L., Seidl-de-Moura M.L., Fernandes Mendes D.M.L. & Mesman J. (2021), Maternal sensitivity in mother-infant interactions in Rio de Janeiro – Brazil, Attachment & Human Development 23(2): 188-198.
- Mesman J. (2021), Video observations of sensitivity in context: integrating insights from seven cultural communities, Attachment & Human Development 23(2): 212-221.
- Beckerman M., Van Berkel S.R., Mesman J., Huffmeijer R. & Alink L.R.A. (2020), Are negative parental attributions predicted by situational stress? From a theoretical assumption toward an experimental answer, Child Maltreatment 25(3): 352-362.
- Wang L., Emmen R.A.G. & Mesman J. (2020), Beliefs About Sensitive Parenting Among Chinese Cross-Generational Caregivers: The Mediating Role of Education. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, International Journal of Aging and Human Development 90(4): 385-402.
- Mesman J., Branger M., Woudstra M., Emmen R., Asanjarani F., Carcamo R., Hsiao C., Mels C., Selcuk B., Soares I., Van Ginkel J.R., Wang L., Yavuz M., Alink L.R.A. & (2020), Crossing boundaries: A pilot study of maternal attitudes about child maltreatment in nine countries, Child Abuse & Neglect 99: e104257.
- Bruijn Y. de, Emmen R.A.G. & Mesman J. (2020), Interethnic Prejudice Against Muslims Among White Dutch Children, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 51(3-4): 203-221.
- Bruijn Y. de, Emmen R.A.G. & Mesman J. (2020), Ethnic Diversity in Children’s Books in the Netherlands, Early Childhood Education Journal : .
- Woudstra M.J., Ginkel J. van, Branger M.C.E., Emmen R.A.G., Alink L.R.A., Asanjarani F., Carcamo R., Hsiao C., Mels C., Selcuk B., Soares I., Wang L.M., Yavuz M. & Mesman J. (2020), Dataset on maternal attitudes about child maltreatment in nine countries using a Q-sort methodology, Data in Brief 30: 105396.
- Woudstra M.L., Ginkel J. van, Branger M., Emmen R., Alink L., Asanjarani F., Carcamo R., Hsiao C., Mels C., Selcuk B., Soares I., Wang L.M., Yavuz M. & Mesman J. (2020), Dataset on maternal attitudes about child maltreatment in nine countries using a Q-sort methodology, Data in Brief 30: 105396.
- Toscano Carolina Soares Isabel Mesman Judi (2020), Controlling Parenting Behaviors in Parents of Children Born Preterm: A Meta-Analysis, Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 41(3): 230-241.
- Geeraerts S.B., Endendijk J.J., Deković M., Huijding J., Deater-Deckard K. & Mesman J. (2020), Inhibitory control across the preschool years: developmental changes and associations with parenting, Child Development 92(1): 335-350.
- Camfferman R., Van der Veek S.M.C., Rippe R.C.A. & Mesman J. (2019), Maternal feeding practices, health cognitions, and children's eating styles and weight status, Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 40(2): 122-130.
- Liefaard T. & Mesman J. (30 November 2019), Novemberactie - KROOST (Kind: Recht, Onderwijs, en Opvoeding voor de Samenleving van nu en de Toekomst): Kinderrechten in het onderwijs. Leiden Pedagogiek Blog. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden. [blog entry].
- Li W., Woudstra M.J., Branger M.C.E., Wang L., Alink L.R.A., Mesman J. & Emmen R.A.G. (2019), The effect of still-face paradigm on infant behavior: a cross-cultural comparison between mothers and fathers, Infancy 24(6): 893-910.
- Veek S.M.C. van der, Graaf C. de, Vries J.H.M. de, Jager G., Vereijken C.M.J.L., Weenen H., Winden N. van, Vliet M.S. van, Schultink J.M., Wild V.W.T. de, Janssen S. & Mesman J. (2019), Baby's First Bites: A randomized controlled trial to assess the effects of vegetable-exposure and sensitive feeding on vegetable acceptance, eating behavior and weight gain in infants and toddlers, BMC Pediatrics 19: e266.
- Branger M.C.E., Emmen R.A.G., Woudstra M.J., Alink L.R.A. & Mesman J. (2019), Context matters: Maternal and paternal sensitivity to infants in four settings. Journal of Family Psychology, Journal of Family Psychology 33(7): 851-856.
- Van der Pol L.D., Groeneveld M.G., Van Berkel S.R., Endendijk J.J., Hallers-Haalboorn E.T. & Mesman J. (2019), Fathers: The interplay between testosterone levels and self-control in relation to parenting quality, Hormones and Behavior 112: 100-106.
- Alsarhi K., Rahma Prevoo M.J.L., Alink L.R.A. & Mesman J. (2019), Maternal Harsh Physical Parenting and Behavioral Problems in Children in Religious Families in Yemen, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16(9): e1485.
- Lohndorf R.T., Vermeer H.J., Carcamo R.A., De la Harper C. & Mesman J. (2019), Preschoolers' problem behavior, prosocial behavior, and language ability in a Latin-American context: The roles of child executive functions and socialization environments, Early Childhood Research Quarterly 48(3): 36-49.
- De Vries E.E., Van der Pol L.D., Vermeer H.J., Groeneveld M.G., Fiers T. & Mesman J. (2019), Testosterone and Fathers' Parenting Unraveled: Links with the Quantity and Quality of Father-Child Interactions, Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology 5: 297–316.
- Bruijn Y. de, Emmen R.A.G. & Mesman J (2019), Ethnic diversity in Dutch children’s books. VNOP-CAS Research Days, Utrecht. 21 November 2019 - 22 November 2019. [conference poster].
- Loehndorf R.T., Vermeer H.J., Cárcamo Leiva D.R.A. & Mesman J. (2018), Preschoolers' vocabulary acquisition in Chile: The roles of socioeconomic status and quality of home environment, Journal of Child Language 45(3): 559-580.
- Mesman J. & Groeneveld M.G. (2018), Gendered parenting in early childhood: Subtle but unmistakable when you know where to look, Child Development Perspectives 12(1): 22-27.
- Groeneveld M.G. & Mesman J. (2018), Attachment and disruptive disorders. In: Lochman J.E. & Matthys W. (Eds.), The Wiley handbook of disruptive and impulse-control disorders. New York: Wiley.
- Beckerman M., Berkel S.R. van, Mesman J. & Alink L.R.A. (2018), Negative parental attributions mediate associations between risk factors and dysfunctional parenting: a replication and extension, Child Abuse & Neglect 81: 249-258.
- Van Veen P.D., Emmen R.A.G., Amoureus C. & Mesman J. (2018), Guess Who? Interethnic Colorblindness Among White Dutch Adults. IACCP 2018, Guelph. 1 July 2018 - 5 July 2018. [conference poster].
- Bruijn Y. de, Emmen R.A.G., Amoureus C. & Mesman J. (2018), Ingroup Favoritism and Outgroup Rejection in White Dutch Children. IACCP 2018, Guelph. IACCP 2018 1 July 2018 - 5 July 2018.
- Pektas F., Emmen R.A.G. & Mesman J. (2018), Ethnic and National Identity Development of Turkish-Dutch Preadolescents. IACCP 2018, Guelph. 1 July 2018 - 5 July 2018. [conference poster].
- Endendijk J.J., Groeneveld M.G. & Mesman J. (2018), The Gendered Family Process Model: An Integrative Framework of Gender in the Family, Archives of Sexual Behavior 47(4): 877-904.
- Mesman J., Minter T., Angnged A., Cissé I.A.H., Salali G.D. & Bamberg Migliano A. (2018), Universality Without Uniformity: A Culturally Inclusive Approach to Sensitive Responsiveness in Infant Caregiving, Child Development Research 89(3): 837-850.
- Endendijk J.J., Derks B. & Mesman J. (2018), Does Parenthood Change Implicit Gender-Role Stereotypes and Behaviors?, Journal of Marriage and the Family 80(1): 61-79.
- Mesman J. (2018), Sense and Sensitivity: A Response to the Commentary by Keller etal. (2018). Commentary, Child Development 89(5): 1929-1931.
- Spinelli M. & Mesman J. (2018), The Regulation of Infant Negative Emotions: The Role of Maternal Sensitivity and Infant-Directed Speech Prosody, Infancy 23(4): 502-518.
- Endendijk J.J., Derks B. & Mesman J. (2018), Welke gevolgen heeft het ouderschap voor de genderrolstereotypen en rolpatronen van ouders?, Mens en Maatschappij 93(2): 165-168.
- Endendijk J.J., Groeneveld M.G., Pol L.D. van der, Berkel S.R. van, Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. & Mesman J. (2017), Gender Differences in Child Aggression: Relations With Gender-Differentiated Parenting and Parents’ Gender-Role Stereotypes, Child Development 88(1): 299-316.
- Bruning M.R., Rap S.E., Klep K.F.M., Bouterse M., Verkroost D.S., Mesman J., Yesilkagit A.K., Castermans A.G., Liefaard T., leeuwen C.M.M. van, Pattyn V.E. & Amoureus C.M. (2017), Evaluatie Wet Kinderombudsman. Reeks evaluatie regelgeving no. 41. Den Haag: ZonMw.
- Beckerman M., Van Berkel S., Mesman J. & Alink L.R.A. (2017), The role of negative parental attributions in the associations between daily stressors, maltreatment history, and harsh and abusive discipline, Child Abuse & Neglect 64: 109-116.
- Berkel S.R. van, Groeneveld M.G., Pol L.D. van der, Endendijk J.J., Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. & Mesman J. (2017), No! Don’t touch the toys: Preschoolers’ discipline towards their younger siblings, Infant and Child Development 26(6): e2031.
- Van der Veek S.M.C., Camfferman R. & Mesman J. (2017), No dessert until you’ve finished your plate! Lack of received sensitivity during mealtime is related to overweight in early childhood. International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA) in Victoria, Canada. International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA) 7 June 2017 - 10 June 2017.
- Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Groeneveld M.G., Van Berkel S.R., Endendijk J.J., Pol L.D. van der, Linting M., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. & Mesman J. (2017), Mothers' and fathers' sensitivity with their two children: A longitudinal study from infancy to early childhood, Developmental Psychology 53(5): 860-872.
- Prevoo M.J.L., Malda M., Emmen R.A.G., Yeniad N. & Mesman J. (2017), The importance of maternal language input for children's bilingualism. Biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Austin. 6 April 2017 - 8 April 2017. [conference poster].
- Spinelli M., Fasolo M. & Mesman J. (2017), Does prosody make the difference? A meta-analysis on relations between prosodic aspects of infant-directed speech and infant outcomes, Developmental Review 44: 1-18.
- Malda M. & Mesman J. (2017), Parental Sensitivity and Attachment in Ethnic Minority Families. In: Cabrera N.J. & Leyendecker B. (Eds.), Handbook on Positive Development of Minority Children and Youth: Springer. 71-88.
- Groeneveld M.G. & Mesman J. (2017), Attachment and disruptive disorders. In: Lochman J.E. & Matthys W. (Eds.), The Wiley Handbook of Disruptive and Impulse-Control Disorders 205-220.
- Camfferman R., Van der Veek S.M.C., Rippe R.C.A. & Mesman J. (2016), Eating styles and adiposity in 4-6 year-olds: Do maternal feeding practices and health cognitions matter?. 26th European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG) Congress 6 October 2016 - 8 October 2016.
- Mesman J., Van IJzendoorn M.H. & Sagi-Schwartz A. (2016), Cross-cultural patterns of attachment: Universal and contextual dimensions. In: Cassidy J. & Shaver P.R. (Eds.), Handbook of Attachment. Third Edition. Theory, Research, and Clinical Applications. New York, USA: Guilford Press. 852-877.
- Smaling H.J.A., Huijbregts S.C.J., Suurland J., Heijden K.B. van der, Mesman J., Goozen S.H.M. van & Swaab J.T. (2016), Prenatal reflective functioning and maternal interactive behavior during free play, the Still-Face Paradigm, and two teaching tasks, Infancy 21(6): 766-784.
- Endendijk J.J., Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Groeneveld M.G., Van Berkel S.R., Van der Pol L.D., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. & Mesman J. (2016), Diurnal testosterone variability is differentially associated with parenting quality in mothers and fathers, Hormones and Behavior 80: 68-75.
- Mesman J., Janssen S. & Van Rosmalen L. (2016), Black Pete through the eyes of Dutch children, PLoS ONE 11(6): e0157511.
- Prevoo M.J.L., Malda M., Mesman J., Tamis-LeMonda C., Emmen R.A.G. & Yeniad N. (2016), It’s not just how you parent, it’s also what you say: Quality of maternal language input as a mediator of the relation between maternal sensitivity and child language outcomes. 24th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development. 24th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development 10 July 2016 - 14 July 2016.
- Garfield C.F. & Mesman J. (2016), Time and money: Extending fathers' role in economically challenging contexts, Pediatrics 138(4): e20162456.
- Negrao M., Pereira M., Soares I. & Mesman J. (2016), Maternal attachment representations in relation to emotional availability and discipline behaviour, European Journal of Developmental Psychology 13(1): 121-137.
- Van der Pol L.D., Groeneveld M.G., Endendijk J.J., Van Berkel S.R., Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. & Mesman J. (2016), Associations between fathers' and mothers' psychopathology symptoms, parental emotion socialization, and preschoolers' social-emotional development, Journal of Child and Family Studies 25(11): 3367-3380.
- Mesman J., Minter T. & Angnged A. (2016), Received Sensitivity: Adapting Ainsworth's Scale to Capture Sensitivity in a Multiple-Caregiver Context, Attachment & Human Development 18(2): 101-114.
- Ekmekci H., Malda M., Yagmur S., Van IJzendoorn M.H., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. & Mesman J. (2016), The discrepancy between sensitivity beliefs and sensitive parenting behaviors of ethnic majority and ethnic minority mothers, Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science 48(1): 60-67.
- Endendijk J.J., Groeneveld M.G., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. & Mesman J. (2016), Gender-differentiated parenting revisited: Meta-analysis reveals very few differences in parental control of boys and girls, PLoS ONE 11(7): e0159193.
- Van der Pol L.D., Mesman J., Groeneveld M.G., Endendijk J.J., Van Berkel S.R., Hallers-Haalboom E.T. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2016), Sibling gender configuration and family processes, Journal of Family Issues 37(15): 2095-2117.
- Camfferman R., Jansen P.W., Rippe R.C.A., Mesman J., Derks I.P.M., Tiemeier H., Jaddoe V. & Van der Veek S.M.C. (2016), The association between overweight and internalizing and externalizing behavior in early childhood, Social Science & Medicine 168: 35-42.
- Mesman J., IJzendoorn M.H. van, Behrens K., Carbonell A.O., Cárcamo R., Cohen-Paraira I., Harpe C. de la, Ekmekci H., Emmen R.A.G., Heidar J.Y.A., Kondo-Ikemura K., Mels C., Mooya H., Murtisari S., Noblega M., Ortiz J.A., Sagi-Schwartz A., Sichimba F., Soares I., Steele H., Steele M., Pape M., Ginkel J.R. van, Veer R. van der., Wang L., Selcuk B., Yavuz M. & Zreik G. (2016), Is the ideal mother a sensitive mother? Beliefs about early childhood parenting in mothers across the globe, International Journal of Behavioral Development 40(5): 385-397.
- Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Groeneveld M.G., Van Berkel S.R., Endendijk J.J., Van der Pol L.D., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. & Mesman J. (2016), Wait until your mother gets home! Mothers' and fathers' discipline strategies, Social Development 25(1): 82-98.
- Prevoo M.J.L., Malda M., Mesman J. & Van IJzendoorn M.H. (2016), Within- and cross-language relations between oral language proficiency and school outcomes in bilingual children with an immigrant background: A meta-analytical study, Review of Educational Research 86(1): 237-276.
- Prevoo M.J.L., Malda M., Emmen R.A.G., Yeniad N. & Mesman J. (2015), A context-dependent view on the linguistic interdependence hypothesis: Language use and SES as potential moderators, Language Learning 65(2): 449-469.
- Van Berkel S.R., Groeneveld M.G., Mesman J., Endendijk J.J., Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Van der Pol L.D. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2015), Parental sensitivity towards toddlers and infant siblings predicting toddler sharing and compliance, Journal of Child and Family Studies 24(8): 2270-2279.
- Pereira M., Negrao M., Soares I. & Mesman J. (2015), Predicting harsh discipline in at-risk mothers: The moderating effect of socioeconomic deprivation severity, Journal of Child and Family Studies 24(3): 725-733.
- Yavuz M.E., Van IJzendoorn M.H., Mesman J. & Van der Veek S. (2015), Interventions aimed at reducing obesity in early childhood: A meta-analysis of programs that involve parents, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 56(6): 677-692.
- Van Berkel S.R., Van der Pol L.D., Groeneveld M.G., Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Endendijk J.J., Mesman J. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2015), To share or not to share: Parental, sibling, and situational influences on sharing with a younger sibling, Environments 39(3): 235-241.
- Van der Pol L.D., Groeneveld M.G., Van Berkel S.R., Endendijk J.J., Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. & Mesman J. (2015), Fathers' and mothers' emotion talk with their girls and boys from toddlerhood to preschool age, Emotion 15(6): 854-864.
- Prevoo M.J.L., Malda M., Mesman J., Tamis-LeMonda C., Emmen R.A.G. & Yeniad N. (2015), It's not just how you parent, it's also what you say: Quality of maternal language input as a mediator of the relation between maternal sensitivity and child language outcomes. European Conference on Developmental Psychology. 17th European Conference. on Developmental Psychology 8 September 2015 - 12 September 2015. Braga, Portugal.
- Mesman J. (2015), Father's hormonal responses to different types of interactions with infants. European Conference on Developmental Psychology. 17th European Conference. on Developmental Psychology 8 September 2015 - 12 September 2015. Braga, Portugal.
- Wang L. & Mesman J. (2015), Child development in the face of rural-to-urban migration in China: A meta-analytic review, Perspectives on Psychological Science 10(6): 813-831.
- Mesman J. (2015), Organisatie NIAS workshop. [other].
- Ekmekci H., Yavuz H.M., Emmen R.A.G., Mesman J., Van IJzendoorn M.H., Yagmurlu B. & Malda M. (2015), Professionals' and mothers' beliefs about maternal sensitivity across cultures: Toward effective interventions in multicultural societies, Journal of Child and Family Studies 24(5): 1295-1306.
- Mesman J. (2015), Fathers and mothers of young children: Differences and similarities in multiple domains of observed parenting. ECDP, Braga, Portugal. [lecture].
- Mesman J. (2015), Mothers' and fathers' sensitivity in cultural context. IAC, New York, USA. [lecture].
- Yagmur S., Mesman J., Malda M., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. & Ekmekci H. (2014), Video-feedback intervention increases sensitive parenting in ethnic minority mothers: A randomized control trial, Attachment & Human Development 16(4): 371-386.
- Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Mesman J., Groeneveld M.G., Endendijk J.J., Van Berkel S.R., Van der Pol L.D. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2014), Mothers, fathers, sons and daughters: Parental sensitivity in families with two children, Journal of Family Psychology 28(2): 138-147.
- Negrao M., Pereira M., Soares I. & Mesman J. (2014), Enhancing positive parent-child interactions and family functioning in a poverty sample: A randomized control trial, Attachment & Human Development 16(4): 315-328.
- Van der Pol L.D., Van Berkel S.R., Endendijk J.J., Groeneveld M.G., Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Mesman J. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2014), Sibling gender configuration: Differences in child behavior and parenting. IRD Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. . Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Mesman J., Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Van Berkel S.R., Endendijk J.J., Van der Pol L.D., Groeneveld M.G. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2014), Fathers' and mothers' psychopathology differentially predict their discipline strategies towards their 12-month-old children. Paper presented at 14th World WAIMH Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland. . Edinburgh, Scotland.
- Prevoo M.J.L., Malda M., Mesman J., Yeniad N. & Emmen R.A.G. (2014), A context-dependent view on the linguistic interdependence hypothesis: SES and language use as potential moderators. ISED Research Days. . Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Mesman J., Groeneveld M.G., Van Berkel S.R., Endendijk J.J., Van der Pol L.D. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2014), Wait until your mother gets home! Mothers' and fathers' discipline strategies. Paper presented at XIX Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies Berlin, Germany (ISIS). . Berlin, Germany.
- Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Mesman J., Groeneveld M.G., Van Berkel S.R., Endendijk J.J., Van der Pol L.D., Linting M. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2014), Mothers' and fathers' sensitivity towards their two children: A longitudinal study from infancy to early childhood. ISED Research Days, Amsterdam. . Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Mesman J., Van der Pol L.D., Groeneveld M.G., Van Berkel S.R., Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Endendijk J.J. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2014), Mothers and fathers talking about emotions with their sons and daughters: Boys are angry and girls are sad. WAIMH Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland. . Edinburgh, Scotland.
- Yavuz M.H., Van IJzendoorn M.H., Mesman J. & Van der Veek S.M.C. (2014), Reducing overweight and obesity in early childhood: A meta-analysis of intervention programs that involve parents. ECOG Conference, Salzburg, Austria. . Salzburg, Austria.
- Mesman J., Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Groeneveld M.G., Endendijk J.J., Van der Pol L.D., Van Berkel S.R. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2014), Parental differential sensitivity towards their two children: Birth order effects or child age effects? Conference paper ICIS, Berlin. . Berlin, Germany.
- Bakermans M.J., Hallers E.T., Van der Pol L.D., Van Berkel S.R., Mesman J., Groeneveld M.G. & Endendijk J.J. (2014), The testosterone trade-off: High diurnal variation of testosterone as a predictor of optimal fathering. Gender Development Conference, San Francisco, USA. The Seventh Gender Development Research Conference, San Francisco. 27 October 2014 - 28 October 2014. [conference poster].
- Endendijk J.J., Groeneveld M.G., Mesman J., Van der Pol L.D., Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Van Berkel S.R. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2014), Switching sides: Fathers' traditional and nontraditional gender views predict opposite gender-differentiated parenting and child outcomes. Gender Development Conference, San Francisco, USA. [conference poster].
- Van Berkel S.R., Bakermans M.J., Van der Pol L.D., Endendijk J.J., Mesman J., Hallers E.T. & Groeneveld M.G. (2014), Mothers' and fathers' differential use of physical discipline with boys and girls and the role of parental gender stereotypes. XIX Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies ICIS, Berlin. 3 July 2014 - 5 July 2014. [conference poster].
- Mesman J., Van der Pol L.D., Van Berkel S.R., Hallers E.T., Endendijk J.J., Groeneveld M.G. & Bakermans M.J. (2014), Wait until your mother gets home! Mothers' and fathers' discipline strategies. XIX Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies ICIS, Berlin. 3 July 2014 - 5 July 2014. [conference poster].
- Bakermans M.J., Van Berkel S.R., Van der Pol L.D., Hallers E.T., Endendijk J.J., Mesman J. & Groeneveld M.G. (2014), It's all about the combination: The effects of sibling gender configuration on child behavior and parenting. XIX Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies ICIS, Berlin. 3 July 2014 - 5 July 2014. [conference poster].
- Hallers E.T., Van Berkel S.R., Endendijk J.J., Mesman J., Groeneveld M.G., Bakermans M.J. & Van der Pol L.D. (2014), Behavioral development in toddlers with siblings: Relations with fathers' and mothers' treatment of both children. XIX Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies ICIS, Berlin. 3 July 2014 - 5 July 2014. [conference poster].
- Mesman J. (2014), Spelend leren, Lerend spelen. Sardes boekpresentatie, Utrecht, The Netherlands. [lecture].
- Endendijk J.J., Groeneveld M.G., Van der Pol L.D., Van Berkel S.R., Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Mesman J. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2014), Boys don't play with dolls: Mothers' and fathers' gender talk during picture book reading, Parenting: Science and Practice 14(3-4): 141-161.
- Yeniad N., Malda M., Mesman J., Van IJzendoorn M.H., Emmen R.A.G. & Prevoo M.J.L. (2014), Cognitive flexibility in children across the transition to school: A longitudinal study, Cognitive Development 31: 35-47.
- Pereira M., Negrao M., Soares I. & Mesman J. (2014), Decreasing harsh discipline in mothers at risk for maltreatment: A randomized control trial, Infant Mental Health Journal 35(6): 604-613.
- Prevoo M.J.L., Malda M., Mesman J., Emmen R.A.G., Yeniad N., Van IJzendoorn M.H. & Linting M. (2014), Predicting ethnic minority children's vocabulary from socioeconomic status, maternal language and home reading input: Different pathways for host and ethnic language, Journal of Child Language 41(5): 963-984.
- Joosen K.J., Mesman J., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. & Van IJzendoorn M.H. (2013), Maternal overreactive sympathetic nervous system responses to repeated infant crying predicts risk for impulsive harsh discipline of infants, Child Maltreatment 18(4): 252-263.
- Joosen K., Mesman J., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Pieper S., Zeskind P.S. & Van IJzendoorn M.H. (2013), Physiological reactivity to infant crying and observed maternal sensitivity, Infancy 18(3): 414-431.
- Mesman J., Linting M., Joosen K.J., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. & Van IJzendoorn M.H. (2013), Robust patterns and individual variations: Stability and predictors of infant behavior in the still-face paradigm, Infant Behavior & Development 36(4): 587-598.
- Yeniad N., Malda M., Mesman J., Van IJzendoorn M.H. & Pieper S. (2013), Shifting ability predicts math and reading performance in children: A meta-analytical study, Learning and Individual Differences 23: 1-9.
- Mesman J., Hallers-Haalboom E., Endendijk J., Van Berkel S., Van der Pol L., Groeneveld M. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2013), Paternal and maternal responses to child noncompliance: Effects of parent and child gender on family discipline interactions. Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Seattle. Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) 17 April 2013 - 20 April 2013. Seattle, Washington.
- Van Berkel S.R., Van der Pol L.D., Groeneveld M.G., Endendijk J.J., Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Mesman J. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2013), If you keep screaming, i'll take them all!' Parental and siblings' sharing. Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Seattle, USA (April) . Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Seattle. 17 April 2013 - 20 April 2013. [conference poster].
- Endendijk J.J., Groeneveld M.G., Van Berkel S.R., Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Mesman J. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2013), Gender stereotypes in the family context: Mothers, fathers, and siblings, Sex Roles 68: 577-590.
- Mesman J. & Emmen R.A.G. (2013), Mary Ainsworth's legacy: a systematic review of observational instruments measuring parental sensitivity, Attachment & Human Development 15(5-6): 485-506.
- Emmen R.A.G., Malda M., Mesman J., Van IJzendoorn M.H., Prevoo M.J.L. & Yeniad N. (2013), Socioeconomic status and parenting in ethnic minority families: Testing a minority family stress model, Journal of Family Psychology 27(6): 896-904.
- Mesman J., IJzendoorn M.H. van & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2012), Unequal in opportunity, equal in process: Parental sensitivity promotes positive child development in ethnic minority families, Child Development Perspectives 6(3): 239-250.
- Endendijk J.J., Groeneveld M.G., Berkel S.R. van, Hallers-Haalboom E.T., Mesman J. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2012), Measuring Parental Messages About Gender Stereotypes to Young Children: The Gender Stereotypes Picture Book. .
- Mesman J., Van IJzendoorn M.H. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2012), Maternal sensitivity beliefs across cultures. [other].
- Mesman J., Van IJzendoorn M.H. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2012), Parental sensitivity in ethnic minority families. [other].
- Mesman J., Groeneveld M.G., Endendijk J.J., Berkel S.R. van, Hallers-Haalboom E.T. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2012), Fathers and mothers: Sensitivity towards boys and girls. [other].
- Mesman J., Oster H. & Camras L. (2012), Parental sensitivity to infant distress: What to discrete negative emotions have to do with it?, Attachment & Human Development 14: 337-348.
- Emmen R.A.G., Malda M., Mesman J., Ekmekci H. & Van IJzendoorn M.H. (2012), Sensitive parenting as a cross-cultural ideal: Sensitivity beliefs of Dutch, Moroccan, and Turkish mothers in the Netherlands, Attachment & Human Development 14: 601-619.
- Joosen K.J., Mesman J., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. & Van IJzendoorn M.H. (2012), Maternal sensitivity to infants in various settings predicts harsh discipline in toddlerhood, Attachment & Human Development 14: 101-117.
- Emmen R.A.G., Malda M., Mesman J., Ekmekci H. & Van IJzendoorn M.H. (2012), Sensitive parenting as a cross-cultural ideal: Sensitivity beliefs of Dutch, Moroccan, and Turkish mothers in the Netherlands, Attachment & Human Development 14(6): 601-619.
- Prevoo M.J.L., Mesman J., Van IJzendoorn M.H. & Pieper S. (2011), Bilingual toddlers reap the language they sow: ethnic minority toddlers' childcare attendance increases maternal host language use, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 32: 561-576.
- Mesman J., Joosen K.J., Van IJzendoorn M.H. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2011), Situational aspects of maternal sensitivity towards infants. [other].
- Mesman J., Joosen K.J., Van IJzendoorn M.H., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. & Alink L.R.A. (2011), Maternal sensitivity and discipline toward young siblings. [other].
- Mesman J. (2011), Infant negative emotion expression and parental sensitivity. [other].
- Yaman A., Mesman J., Van IJzendoorn M.H. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2010), Perceived family stress, parenting efficacy, and child externalizing behaviors in second-generation immigrant mothers, Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 45: 505-512.
- Yaman A., Mesman J., Van IJzendoorn M.H. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2010), Parenting and toddler aggression in second-generation immigrant families: The moderating role of child temperament, Journal of Family Psychology 24: 208-211.
- Mesman J. & Yaman A. (2010), Opvoeden in twee culturen. In: Jong J. de & Colijn S. (Eds.), Handboek transculturele psychotherapie en psychiatrie.. Utrecht: De Tijdstroom Uitgeverij. 151-164.
- Kroonenberg P.M., Stoltenborgh M. & Mesman J. (2010), The World of Attachment seen through the eyes of the Handbooks of Attachment. Leiden: Institute of Education and Child Studies.
- Kroonenberg P.M., Stoltenborgh M. & Mesman J. (2010), The changing World of Attachment: A quantitative analysis of the Handbooks of Attachment. Leiden, The Netherlands: Education and Child Studies, Leiden University.
- Mesman J., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Van IJzendoorn M.H. & Alink L.R.A. (2010), Maternal sensitivity and discipline towards young siblings. [other].
- Mesman J. (2010), Maternal responsiveness to infants: Comparing micro-level and macro-level measures, Attachment & Human Development 12: 143-149.
- Yaman A., Mesman J., Van IJzendoorn M.H., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. & Linting M. (2010), Parenting in an Individualistic Culture with a Collectivistic Cultural Background: The Case of Turkish Immigrant Families with Toddlers in the Netherlands, Journal of Child and Family Studies 19: 617-628.
- Mesman J., Stoel R., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Van IJzendoorn M.H., Juffer F., Koot H.M. & Alink L.R.A. (2009), Predicting growth curves of early childhood externalizing problems: Differential susceptibility of children with difficult temperaments, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 37: 625-636.
- Mesman J. (2009), Managing toddler behavior problems: A video-feedback intervention. [other].
- Mesman J. (2009), A meta-analysis of the still-face paradigm and early childhood parenting intervention. [other].
- Mesman J., Van IJzendoorn M.H. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2009), The many faces of the still-face paradigm: A meta-analysis. [other].
- Alink L.R.A., Mesman J., Zeijl J. van, Stolk M.N., Juffer F., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Van IJzendoorn M.H. & Koot H.M. (2009), Maternal sensitivity moderates the relation between negative discipline and aggression in early childhood, Social Development 18: 99-120.
- Mesman J., Van IJzendoorn M.H. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2009), The many faces of the still-face paradigm: A review and meta-analysis, Developmental Review 29: 120-162.
- Mesman J., Alink L.R.A., Zeijl J. van, Stolk M.N., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Van IJzendoorn M.H., Juffer F. & Koot H.M. (2008), The observation of early childhood physical aggression: A psychometric study of the system for coding early physical aggression (SCEPA), Aggressive Behavior 34: 539-552.
- Stolk M.N., Mesman J., Zeijl J. van, Alink L.R.A., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Van IJzendoorn M.H., Juffer F. & Koot H.M. (2008), Early parenting intervention: Family risk and first-time parenting related to intervention effectiveness, Journal of Child and Family Studies 17: 55-83.
- Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Van IJzendoorn M.H., Pijlman F.T.A., Mesman J. & Juffer F. (2008), Experimental evidence for differential susceptibiblity: Dopamine D4 receptor polymorphism (DRD4 VNTR) moderates intervention effects on toddlers' externalizing behaviour in a randomized control trial, Developmental Psychology 44: 293-300.
- Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Van IJzendoorn M.H., Mesman J., Alink L.R.A. & Juffer F. (2008), Effects of a attachment-based intervention on daily cortisol moderated by DRD4: A randomized control trial of 1-3-year-olds screened for externalizing behavior, Development and Psychopathology 20: 805-820.
- Mesman J., Stolk M.N., Zeijl J. van, Alink L.R.A., Juffer F., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Van IJzendoorn M.H. & Koot H.M. (2008), Extending the video-feedback intervention to sensitive discipline: The early prevention of antisocial behavior. In: Juffer F., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. & IJzendoorn M.H. van (Eds.), Promoting Positive Parenting: An attachment-based intervention. New York, U.S.A.: Lawrence Erlbaum/Taylor & Francis. 171-191.
- Kroonenberg P.M., Büyükkurt K.B. & Mesman J. (2008), Longitudinal assessment of child behaviour based on three-way binary data. [other].
- Mesman J., Yaman A., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. & Van IJzendoorn M.H. (2008), Parenting and toddler externalizing problems in Dutch and Turkish families in The Netherlands: The roles of mothers and fathers. [other].
- Yaman A., Mesman J., Van IJzendoorn M.H. & Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. (2008), Parenting practices of Dutch and Turkish mothers and toddler externalizing problems in The Netherlands: An observation study. [other].
- Stolk M.N., Mesman J., Zeijl J. van, Alink L.R.A., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Van IJzendoorn M.H., Juffer F. & Koot H.M. (2008), Early parenting intervention aimed at maternal sensitivity and discipline: A process evaluation, Journal of Community Psychology 36: 781-797.
- Alink L.R.A., Van IJzendoorn M.H., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Mesman J., Juffer F. & Koot H.M. (2008), Cortisol and externalizing behavior in children and adolescents: Mixed meta-analytic evidence for the inverse relation of basal cortisol and cortisol reactivity with externalizing behavior, Developmental Psychobiology 50: 427-450.
- Van IJzendoorn M.H., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. & Mesman J. (2008), Dopamine system genes associated with parenting in the context of daily hassles, Genes Brain and Behavior 7: 403-410.
- Alink L.R.A., Van IJzendoorn M.H., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Mesman J. & Juffer F. (2008), Testing the underarousal hypothesis for antisocial bahavior: The ANS and HPA axis. [other].
- Van IJzendoorn M.H., Prinzie P.J., Euser E.M., Groeneveld M.G., Brilleslijper-Kater S.N., Noort-Van der Linden A.M.T. van, Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Juffer F., Mesman J., Klein Velderman M. & San Martin Beuk M. (2007), Kindermishandeling in Nederland anno 2005: De nationale prevalentiestudie mishandeling van kinderen en jeugdigen (NPM-2005). Leiden: Casimir Publishers.
- Van IJzendoorn M.H., Zeijl J. van, Mesman J., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Juffer F., Stolk M.N., Koot H.M. & Alink L.R.A. (2007), Enhancing sensitive discipline: Videofeedback intervention to promote positive parenting in a Dutch randomized trial. [other].
- Mesman J., Alink L.R.A., Zeijl J. van, Stolk M.N., Juffer F., Koot H.M., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. & Van IJzendoorn M.H. (2007), Maternal sensitivity moderates the relation between negative discipline and aggression in early childhood. [other].
- Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Van IJzendoorn M.H., Zeijl J. van, Gilissen R., Mesman J., Juffer F., Veer R. van der, Stolk M.N., Alink L.R.A. & Koot H.M. (2007), Differential susceptibility to parental sensitivity and discipline: Temperament and gene - environment interaction. [other].
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