Interdisciplinary Network Event
On March 7, Judi Mesman (dean of Leiden University College) has organized a networking event for postdocs and assistant/associate professors across disciplines and faculties within Leiden University, focusing on connections around four major societal challenges (Diversity, Prosperity, Peace & Justice, and Sustainability).
Societal Challenges of Our Time
The event was organized in response to several interrelated ongoing discussions in academia about the need for more interdisciplinary research connections and opportunities (e.g., in a report by the KNAW and the KNAW Young Academy) to address the societal challenges of our time (see for example the EU research agenda and the National Science Agenda), not just for senior scholars, but also for young researchers (see for example an article in Scienceguide). The invitation for this networking event clearly landed in fertile soil, because no less than 81 young scholars from all seven faculties and 19 out of 26 scientific institutes registered for the event. The participants will be part of interactive sessions focusing on two societal challenges of their choice. Mesman expects lively discussions that can result in fruitful new connections which in turn can lead to innovative research ideas and collaborations.
12.30 – 13.00: Arrival with tea and coffee
13.00 – 13.20: Plenary Introduction by Judi Mesman (auditorium)
13.30 – 14.30: Round 1 networking session (breakout rooms)
14.30 – 14.45: Break with tea and coffee
15.00 – 16.00: Round 2 networking session (breakout rooms)
16.00 – 17.00: Plenary session: interdisciplinarity in action – LUC’s Africa Field Course
17.00 – 18.00: Drinks at Coaster’s (LUC bar on floor 1)