Henrik Barmentlo
Assistant professor
- Name
- Dr. S.H. Barmentlo
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 7479
- s.h.barmentlo@cml.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0001-5279-3047

Henrik is an ecologist and ecotoxicologist focusing on identifying how pollution moves through and impacts ecosystems.
More information about Henrik Barmentlo
Professional experience
Since late 2022, Henrik is an Assistant Professor at CML – Environmental Biology. Henrik explores the spread and effects of pollution in and on ecosystems. His work does not entail one specific ecosystem, but there is a profound interest in the freshwater ecosystem. Similarly, his work also does not necessarily focus on specific species or organism groups, but he specializes in macroinvertebrates such as insects. For example, in the Horizon project Terrachem he researches what impacts chemicals can have on functional diversity and ecosystem services.
Henrik is also lead of the Water Program that focusses on researching water quality and developing methods of investigating water quality. If you have inquiries about the CML Water Program or want come in contact with its researchers, you can contact him directly or via the CML office management.
Henrik received his BSc degree in Biology in 2013 and MSc degree in Biological Sciences (Cum Laude) in 2015 at the University of Amsterdam. He performed internships on 1) PFAS ecotoxicity in daphnids, 2) Genomics in endangered Primroses and 3) effects of climate change on metal(loid) toxicity to soil dwelling enchytraeids. During this time, Henrik specialized in Ecology, Evolution and Ecotoxicology.
Henrik completed his PhD research at the Environmental Biology department of CML in 2020. During this time, he and CML colleagues worked in the outdoor research facility the Living Lab where he researched the effects that pesticides can have on natural invertebrate communities and their roles in ecosystem functionality.
From 202o to 2022, Henrik was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Amsterdam working on nitrogen deposition originating from dairy farms using various techniques such biomonitoring, flux chamber techniques and stable isotopes.
Research topic
Henrik’s research is focused on describing, quantifying the influence of environmental pollution in the environment. He has a keen interest in chemicals coming from agriculture, but also work on other forms of environmental stress such nitrogen and light pollution.
His overall aim is to distinguish the effects of chemical stressors from all other abiotic and biotic factors that occur in the field so that the risks of chemical to natural ecosystems can be identified. For this he uses a combination of both field and statistical techniques.
Henrik teaches in several courses of both the Biology programs and the MSc program Governance of Sustainability. He coordinates the courses Veldonderzoek Milieubiologie and Water and Toxicity. He is also a member of the Governance of Sustainability program committee.
Assistant professor
- Science
- Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen Leiden
- CML/Environmental Biology
- Tulp T., Tietema A., Loon E.E. van, Ebben B., Hall R.L. van, Son Mm. van & Barmentlo S.H. (2024), Biomonitoring of dairy farm emitted ammonia in surface waters using phytoplankton and periphyton, Science of the Total Environment 908: 168259.
- Rasmussen A.S.B., Bosker T., Barmentlo S.H., Berglund O. & Vijver M.G. (2024), Non-conventional endpoints show higher sulfoxaflor toxicity to Chironomus riparius than conventional endpoints in a multistress environment, Aquatic Toxicology 275: 107074.
- Visser M.D., Zelfde M. van 't, Hallman C. & Barmentlo S.H. (2023), Analyse aanwezigheid, normoverschrijdingen en toxische druk van bestrijdingsmiddelen in geselecteerde meetpunten binnen het Nederlands oppervlaktewater. Leiden: Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen.
- Beentjes K.K, Barmentlo S.H., Cieraad E., Schilthuizen M., Hoorn B.B. van der, Speksnijder A.G.C.L & Trimbos K.B. (2022), Environmental DNA metabarcoding reveals comparable responses to agricultural stressors on different trophic levels of a freshwater community, Molecular Ecology 31(5): 1430-1443.
- Barmentlo S.H., Schrama M.J.J., Snoo G.R. de, Bodegom P.M. van, Nieuwenhuijzen A. van & Vijver M.G. (2021), Experimental evidence for neonicotinoid driven decline in aquatic emerging insects, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118(44): e2105692118.
- Ochoa-Hueso R., Delgado-Baquerizo M., Risch A.C., Schrama M.J.J., Morriën E., Barmentlo S.H., Geisen S., Hannula S.E., Resch M.C., Snoek Basten L. & Putten W.H. van der (2021), Ecosystem coupling: a unifying framework to understand the functioning and recovery of ecosystems, One Earth 4(7): 951-966.
- Barmentlo S.H. (3 November 2020), Neonicotinoids in nature: The effects on aquatic invertebrates and their role in ecosystems (Dissertatie. Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) , Faculty of Science, Leiden University). Supervisor(s): Vijver M.G., Bodegom P.M. van & Snoo G.R. de.
- Barmentlo S.H., Vijver M.G. & (18 November 2020), Onderzoek uit ’Levend Lab’: Bijengif verandert het waterleven in de sloot, maar het gaat niet per se achteruit. Leidsch Dagblad, Regio's: 11.
- Bosker T., Olthof G., Vijver M.G., Baas J. & Barmentlo S.H. (2019), Significant decline of Daphnia magna population biomass due to microplastic exposure, Environmental Pollution 250: 669-675.
- Barmentlo S.H., Vriend L.M., Grunsven R.H.A. van & Vijver M.G. (2019), Environmental levels of neonicotinoids reduce prey consumption, mobility and emergence of the damselfly Ischnura elegans, Journal of Applied Ecology 56(8): 2034-2044.
- Barmentlo S.H., Schrama M.J.J., Bodegom P.M. van, Snoo G.R. de, Musters C.J.M. & Vijver M.G. (2019), Neonicotinoids and fertilizers jointly structure naturally assembled freshwater macroinvertebrate communities, Science of the Total Environment 691: 36-44.
- Musters C.J.M., Hunting E.R., Schrama M.J.J., Cieraad E., Barmentlo S.H., Ieromina O., Vijver M.G. & Bodegom P.M. van (2019), Spatial and temporal homogenisation of freshwater macrofaunal communities in ditches, Freshwater Biology 64(12): 2260-2268.
- Musters C.J.M., Ieromina O., Barmentlo S.H., Hunting E.R., Schrama M.J.J., Cieraad E., Vijver M.G. & Bodegom P.M. van (2019), Partitioning the impact of environmental drivers and species interactions in dynamic aquatic communities, Ecosphere 10(11): e02910.
- Barmentlo S.H. & Grunsven R. van (3 July 2019), Effect insecticide op waterjuffers in sloten groter dan gedacht: De Vlinderstichting. [web article].
- Barmentlo S.H., Meirmans P.G., Luijten S.H., Triest L. & Oostermeijer G.B. (2018), Outbreeding depression and breeding system evolution in small,remnant populations of Primula vulgaris: consequences for genetic rescue, Conservation Genetics 19(3): 545-554.
- Barmentlo S.H., Schrama M., Hunting E.R., Heutink R., Bodegom P.M. van, Snoo G.R. de & Vijver M.G. (2018), Assessing combined impacts of agrochemicals: Aquatic macroinvertebrate population responses in outdoor mesocosms, Science of the Total Environment 631-632: 341-347.
- Barmentlo S.H., Parmentier E.M., Snoo G.R. de & Vijver M.G. (2018), Thiacloprid-Induced Toxicity Influenced by Nutrients: Evidence from In Situ Bioassays in Experimental Ditches, Environmental Toxicology 37(7): 1907–1915.
- Schrama M.J.J., Gorsich E.E., Hunting E.R., Barmentlo S.H., Beechler B. & Bodegom P.M. van (2018), Eutrophication and predator presence overrule the effects of temperature on mosquito survival and development, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 12(3): e0006354.
- Barmentlo S.H., Gestel C.A.M. van, Alvarez-Rogel J. & Gonzales-Alcaraz M.N. (2017), Influence of climate change on the multi-generation toxicity to Enchytraeus crypticus of soils polluted by metal/metalloid mining wastes, Environmental Pollution 222: 101-108.
- Schrama M.J.J., Barmentlo S.H., Hunting E.R., Logtestijn R.S.P. van, Vijver M.G. & Bodegom P.M. van (2017), Pressure-Induced Shifts in Trophic Linkages in a Simplified Aquatic Food Web, Frontiers in Environmental Science 5(75): 1-10.
- Hunting E.R., Barmentlo S.H., Schrama M., Bodegom P.M. van, Zhai Y. & Vijver M.G. (2017), Agricultural constraints on microbial resource use and niche breadth in drainage ditches, PeerJ 41(75): e4175.
- Barmentlo S.H. (2016), De Toxafette, TCDD 3(oktober 2016): 10-11.