Gijsbert Rutten
Professor By Special Appointment Historical sociolinguistics of Dutch
- Name
- Prof.dr. G.J. Rutten
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2112
- 0000-0002-6105-8949

Gijsbert Rutten is Professor by special appointment of Historical Sociolinguistics of Dutch at the Centre for Linguistics (Stichting Merweborgh). His research focusses on language variation and change with a focus on topics such as language contact, multilingualism, standardisation and language ideologies.
My research focusses on language variation and change with a focus on topics such as language contact, multilingualism, standardisation and language ideologies. My work is corpus-based, and through this I have developed an interest in research infrastructures.
Fields of interest
- History of Dutch
- Historical linguistics
- Language variation and change
- Historical and contemporary sociolinguistics
- Language contact and multilingualism
Grants and awards
- Social Science and Humanies Open Cloud for the Netherlands: SSHOC-NL (NWO Large-scale Research Infrastructure, 2024-2028)
- Pardon my French? Dutch-French Language Contact in the Netherlands, 1500-1900 (NWO Free Competition, 2018-2024).
- Going Dutch. The Construction of Dutch in Policy, Practice and Discourse, 1750-1850 (NWO VIDI-Grant, 2013-2018)
- Language Use, Language Norms and Linguistic Identities in the United Kingdom of the Netherlands. A Historical Sociolinguistic Perspective on Southern Dutch in the Early Nineteenth Century (Visiting Postdoctoral Research Fellow, FWO-Vlaanderen; Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 2009)
- Historische Sociolinguïstiek van het Nederlands (Grant from the Niels Stensen Stichting; Vrije Universiteit Brussel & University of Helsinki, 2008)
- Historical Linguistics “from below” (NWO Rubicon Grant; Universiteit Leiden, 2007)
Curriculum Vitae
2020-present Professor by special appointment
2019-present Associate professor
2012-2019 Assistant professor
2007-2012 Postdoc in Leiden, Brussels and Helsinki
2006 PhD Humanities (Nijmegen)
2004 MA Philosophy (Nijmegen)
2000 MA Dutch Language and Culture (Nijmegen)
Research projects
- Pardon my French? Dutch-French Language Contact in the Netherlands, 1500-1900 (NWO Free Competition, 2018-2024).
- Pluricentricity in language history. Building blocks for an integrated history of Dutch, 1550-1850 (FWO, 2017-2022).
- Going Dutch. The Construction of Dutch in Policy, Practice and Discourse, 1750-1850 (NWO VIDI-Grant, 2013-2018)
- Letters as Loot. Towards a Non-Standard View on the History of Dutch (Universiteit Leiden, 2009-2013)
- Language Use, Language Norms and Linguistic Identities in the United Kingdom of the Netherlands. A Historical Sociolinguistic Perspective on Southern Dutch in the Early Nineteenth Century (Visiting Postdoctoral Research Fellow, FWO-Vlaanderen; Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 2009)
- Historische Sociolinguïstiek van het Nederlands (Grant from the Niels Stensen Stichting; Vrije Universiteit Brussel & University of Helsinki, 2008)
- Historical Linguistics “from below” (NWO Rubicon Grant; Universiteit Leiden, 2007)
PhD students (co-)supervised
Lorenzo Nespoli (Dutch grammar in Japanese words. Reception and representation of European theory of grammar in the manuscripts of Shizuki Tadao (1760-1806), 2023, with Ca’ Foscari Venice) |
Brenda Assendelft (Verfransing onder de loep. Nederlands-Frans taalcontact (1500-1900) vanuit historisch-sociolinguïstisch perspectief, 2023) |
Iris Van de Voorde (Pluricentriciteit in de taalgeschiedenis. Bouwstenen voor een geïntegreerde geschiedenis van het Nederlands (16de-19de eeuw), 2022, with Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
Andreas Krogull (Policy versus practice: Language variation and change in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Dutch, 2018)
Bob Schoemaker (Gewijd der jeugd voor taal en deugd. Het onderwijs in de Nederlandse taal op de lagere school, 1750-1850, 2018) |
Tanja Simons (Ongekend 18e-eeuws Nederlands: Taalvariatie in persoonlijke brieven, 2013) |
Judith Nobels ((Extra)ordinary letters: a view from below on seventeenth-century Dutch, 2013) |
Ongoing PhD projects
Elise Alberts (Anglophone churches in the Netherlands, with PThU Amsterdam) |
Kefan Bao (Language policy and planning of Amazigh languages in Morocco) |
Hester Groot (Eighteenth- to twentieth-century Scottish English) |
Eline Lismont (Norms and usage in Dutch, 1500-1900, with Vrije Universiteit Brussel) |
André Looijenga (The re-invention of written Frisian in the 16th and 17th centuries, with UvA and Fryske Akademy) |
Hadis Tamleh (Family language planning of Iranian migrants in the Netherlands) |
Aleksandra Uttenweiler (Positioning in online abortion discourse in German-Polish comparison, with Universität Leipzig) |
Professor By Special Appointment Historical sociolinguistics of Dutch
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- LUCL Nederlands
Associate professor
- Faculty of Humanities
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- LUCL Nederlands
- Breed A., De Clercq K., Colleman T., Rutten G.J., De Sutter G. & Pinget A.F. (2024), Member of editorial staff.
- Auer A., Havinga A., Rutten G.J., Sanz-Sanchez I. & Vosters R. (2024), Member of editorial staff.
- Auer A., Havinga A., Rutten G.J., Sanz-Sanchez I. & Vosters R. (2023), Member of editorial staff Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics.
- De Clercq K., Colleman T., Rutten G.J., De Sutter G. & Pinget A.F. (2023), Member of editorial staff Nederlandse Taalkunde.
- Colleman T., Pinget A.-F., De Clercq K., Rutten G.J. & De Sutter G. (2023), Member of editorial staff.
- Auer A., Rutten G.J., Sanz-Sanchez I. & Vosters R. (2023), Member of editorial staff.
- De Clercq K., Colleman T., Rutten G.J., De Sutter G. & Pinget A.F. (2023), Member of editorial staff.
- Auer A., Havinga A., Rutten G.J., Sanz-Sanchez I. & Vosters R. (2023), Member of editorial staff Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics.
- Rutten G.J.. Knooppunt dagboek: Meertaligheid, discourstradities en de geschiedenis van het Nederlands. Leiden University. [inaugural address].
- National coordinator
- Lid Raad voor de Nederlandse Taal en Letteren